HomeMy WebLinkAbout591 . l . ----_.,.,,'"..,.,---~-- ..._--~-,--~- .,._-_._._.__.",--._.-~-- - --------- --..--...-------- ORDInANCE NO. S Y I . AN ORDINANCE GRANTING l?ERMISSION.TO PACIFIC ELECTRIC RAILWAY COMPANY TO CONSTRUCT TWO RAILROAD TRACKS AC:ROSS SECOND STREET NEAR''':r''$'I'RBr . - - . --_._------------------~---------~~-~~-~-~----~----'-~~_.~--_.__._------ The .M.li.Yor and .COfDIllon pouncil of tl1e. CitY.: of San Bernardino do .oz.~a1n as fo~+ows: a.ec~9n ,.~,. TAA' t~H~~~;f1~; ,~~..f~,,~;v:~.f~~~;,ii'ep,l~er,~~yi~~~~ed to } ,," ,-' ,,. ~ -~, ',.,.' '.:.; '-'..' ~'c.. ,t the P~cifio ElectZ;;.i: Railway COIIP~y, Jts sucoeesora or as'signs. to oonstJ;:,+ot and.ma.inta~n two railroadt,ra,cks acrOBS Second ,Street near ,"F" ,,~~J.1e~';,;. and tool)~ra.te thes~e. :wi t;h.. electric,Aty in said city over , ,\ ..... ',-' >~ '~:'i,;_ ":'. . ;~ .tl1,e r,Ql.rt;e. desori beq a,~ f"ollows: ", . . .;...,-:. ,'";:. ,;~. ",,' 1~} ~~1~: ::; of,. '~', . '_0'; . ," . ..~: - f.,Begi.r;tni,~ ..at a :point in the northerly line of Sec- ond Street"'Tii"'Baid' 'eft1 d1 $anBe'rnardlridjsaid point being ea.te~~'", one hundred."t.n(llO) teet, more or leas. from'thee~terl" line of "F" Street; thenoe southeasterl,. in a'el1reet "Ii'''\~iuJ,t1 two ~~2) ,:.t'eet. mo:r,e 01', l~,~ I. 109 <apqint .~n ~esou ther1Y line 9f. said S~c()nd>.atr.eetc; said la., st. mentioned'" lSO'tn'. b..ingJ.a.t.rJ~Y.. one h'l1ftd.re4ti~t,..ofte' (J;il) feet. .IDor.e or,less, from ille easterly :l:Lne of said "F" Street. . .'.: t :'"", ~',_ "~h';'; i:_~':,~-"::';:'::'",:~'1;;::';:i,.,,."..,i.':<.,..: .:.j,' (J"<~!-:,"~,,, ,;", ",~1<..tyt ,;. '.. ,', :', "."". . . SECO!ijl:,i" c~e~~u~in~.t:lt. .po,int ill the nor~herly line of Seoond Street fri said' Ci t1 of"S8.i1 B'errlardino eald';pl'int"trISJfg ....t.tc:< .,rly eign tY !3ix (a~) f~et.t mor.e, or le~", from "the .aster).,..'line of: "F" Street; thence trom said"paIn'tot beginning" soutlieastei-1'1 '~:1fi1' . eight (5si;re.t. :~o~.., poi~.,~. Qf,~~g1,tlXling. of a 200 curveoo~c~veto the southwest; thence southeasterly alOng said 200 curve fo~t,., five, (45) f~lett~Ore or le'llB. to a point in, the. southerly liJle of said Seo- oJld.Street', said last mentionedpo1'nt''treing-easte:rl;yone hundred. fifty (150)1'eet, JJu~re 0:1." les., trom the.eaate,rlyline of said ":F" Street. Pr9vided, 110\yever. that said railroads shall b~ construoted and at all times maint.ained in aooo:J;f.@loe wipl and,subj ect to, &).1 and , ., '" .:~.+. -- _" ' '"",, '_'~I"'."" ~.".... .- ".- .- ",'" .-; .- - ,I, every of the terms ,and oonditions of this franchise, and not otherwise. And provided, further, that said railroad oompany shall with- I in ten days after the pu'blicat1oft"'1'~i.s --Grdinance ....file with the Com- mon Counoil of the City.t Sanllernar41no a.wr1.tten acoeptance of th~s ",.or4inanoe and an agreement to conform to and abide by all the provis- ions of tbis ordinance. Seotion 2. 'Diatall work done in construoting said railroad '_, .- _, .- .- ._,:,"',.-"'" ....""" _-f' crossillSS and ma'1l1tair;t,og &ames.lu;.llbe done in a workmanlike manner and to the satisfaction of the Common Council and Superintendent of Streets of said City of San Bernardino. and in accepting this grant said railroad company agrees to keep such railroad orossings in com- plete repair and to the grade of Seoond Street and so as not to inter- " -,'~', .1- ~, - ~ ~ '.'~"'f' ~'-<. "j'" ~'_.'.~ " .; --II: ~'-': . . ..",~~......;:::........-.-,.." .. .,. _.~ " II, i' ! 1 fere with traffic over same on 8aid Second Street. Section 3. That said Pacific Electric Railway Company, by accepting this grant, agrees to p~ to the City of San Bernardino, all costs occasioned to the Ci ty of San Bernardino by the adoption and publication of this ordinance, so that the same ~ conform to the re- qUirements of law. Section 4. That the tailure ot said grantee, the Pacitic ~ Electric Railway Company, its successors and assigns, to conform to and comply with the provisions and conditions hereby imposed by the terms of this ordinance within thirty (30) days after notice served upon said company by said City of San Bernardino, shall be deemed sut- ---. ficient cause for said ot,y ot San Bernardino to revoke this ordinance. Section 5. The City Clerk shall certify to the passage of ,~ '7/~~ the samd to be PUblished/~ft= the , a ~ newspaper of general cir- culation, published and circulated in said City, and ~"'~L.l the samE shall taks sffsct snd be in fcrce.Jd~ ~...t. ~~)~ I hereby certify that the foregoing ordinance was duly adopted j1:t} a re~ meeting held on 1;he / ~ day ot 7~ t 1914, ot ~1IJ11JOn Ccuncil cf the City of! Ssn Bernardino by the affirmative vote of at least two-thirds of all the members ot said board, to-wit: Ayes: L~,~, ~;' lIloes: ~ to "'2-