HomeMy WebLinkAbout592 1 f ,.' . . ODIltAlfCE NO. or?~ i:;':"'~~,~ AN ORDINANCE GRAlfrINGPEm.q;,S~ION TO PACLH'IC liU~C,!,R~CBAlLWAY COMPANY TO CONSTRUCT' A SINGLE OR DOUBLE BAtLROAD tRACK CURVE IN RIALTO AVElroE, Q~ "Jr" STREET. ,~., . The ,Mayor and Common Council of tne City of San Bernardino - " -'. ~ ,.~ . , , -~",~.,;:, ,~'. do ordain as follows: ... . .{ 1.:' t~~':-.. "" .' -~,., " u.'" >~ 1." f -r f.,J. :'1.) i~-'.~.,": n (~ .L :,'~ ~C'" t ~'l t- ,'~',\: '.:' ~ 1'~J-:A:) That the right and privilege is hereby granted Section 1. '! to the Pacific Electric Railway 'Company, its successors or assigns, to construct and lnalnta1n a single or double track railroad curve in Rialto Avenue near ..,,, Street, and to operate the same with electricity in sa.id city over the route described'a.s follows: Commencing at a poi-At '1nRialto Avenue, distant westerly one hundred fifty (150) feet, more or less, from the southerly prolongation of the east line of "Fit Street; thence e~steriy' , alo~ :Rialt6 .lvttnue ,!ei~ht:r';'five (85) f.~f,';Jio"ri{\' or 1es~", ,7~0'}':"'''potrnt; . 0 ~,.. '". ',i".' " ",", .' ." . .' ".," .'.' t!~hbe" ~a'S"t:eri'Y'and 'ffOU'thrilsterl1'al tJ1Ig '9;l'.~Ot ctirve"'c onoa:ve" '!i::,;:~:,$~';:~"..., ~., .,' . ' ,,;'., :,i.'.,J,i,}r; t,: sou~nwes~erly to a point in the south line of said Rialto Avenue. "0 . ,"..' "', ,. " '~,: . ..",.,,,,'.',,.,,.l'"'''-.... .... '''' i' \" ". {' .,. .)" i ."L '.' .1' ,; '" ' · Pl'ovid4!ld.lio"eve~. -ell.at' 8~{a rai).;roa"d shaf1 b~:eo~"tr\icted' aha lit a!i't1meiJ mainta{ri~d i~ ac~ord~nc~ with and s~~j ~ct t~' ~11 and every of the terms ,aXld oondit10ri.'~o1: this .:rxtAnah18e~e.nd\not o theX'Wie.e . And prov.1.ded, further. that said r.ailr~a&:'40m:Psm.y sha.ll'." w~/~h1t) ten days ~fter the publioati,onoi' tWi., ordinance, file wi;th the CommQ:qCouij.cil of the City of San Bernardino a written accep- tance of thiq ordinance and an agreement to conform to and abide '" ,.~. .' . .. . . by all the provisions of this ordinance. . ~,' . _'_ .' .~.'4.""...'~. ',.' ...,', Section 2. Thl?~t all 'Work done in constructing sa.id railroad c r 0 s s i rig aotr' ma'l'rit1iliilrig"s'ame""i11B.l1"'1Ye" ". aone' lri'aw'o r1Oiian:~""" : like mannEJ'1' and ,to the sat:isfactio'n of the Common Council and ." .' .' .' _.. ' ".",.' ',-, J,,~. ...",,_..-_,-, .".' ",".- ,....". ,.......," - ".-."......,,-. >.' "-,, -,-. '," .", .""~....~,,,.,...~ Superintendent of Streets of said Oi ty, of San Bernardino, and in ,,:,. ." .' p. ,'.' ~..'.' ~",~' -..\ .' . accepting this grant aaid railroad oompany agrees to keep such railroad crosff1ng in complete repair';tirid to the grade of Rial to , / Av-enue a.Ii<f:soae'not to 1.nt'erf~r'e;.;yitlt:.traffic over same on said -I~ ~ "" ,.;,', " ~" ') " \.~ !.'.. '., '1-:'1. ~ \. ,t, ,,,.1 ,~ : CiHD1~,: r'_"'~.-''If'"'.'--''''' ...,. ',",,' ',J; ,-'~. ......................,........ ,.._...,..........~J -~~._---_... __ _.._,""-_~,.,.....,..__....,~,.,_~..N'-~';.,._-_...~. -._... Rialto Avenue. Section 3.. !hat said Pacific Electric Railway Compan~, by accepting this grant, agrees to pay to the City of San Bernardino, all costs occasioned to the City of San Bernardino by the adoption and publication of this ordinance, so that the same may conform to the requirements of law. Section 4. That the failure f)'feaid. grantee, the Pacific Electric Railway Company, its successors and assigns, to conform to and comply with the provisions and conditions hereby imposed by the terms of this ordinance within thirty (30) days after notice served upon said company by said City of San Bernar- dino, shall be deemed sufficient cause for said City of San Bernar- dino to revoke this ordinance. Section 6. !he City Clerk shall certify to the passage , of this o~noe ~hall cause the_ same ~ ~ pUblis~ed .......:. ti... ~~1he ~~.A'~ ~ ' a ~ewspaper of general circulation, /Published and cir- culated in said City, and tAUi...ogf.:.. t~ ~l;~::)~L be in forc~ ~ ~ J cJ I;;J ---.- / . ~. // -- 14:erebY certify that the foregoing\ordinance was duly adopted at a regular..meeting held on the It, day of~, 1914, of ~~~'~ouncil of the City of San Bsrnardino by the affirmative vote of at least two-thirds of all the members of said board, to-wit: Ayes:~, ~~ ~... Noes: ~ c Absebt: ~ ~ ATTEST: ~~ City Clerk. I -2-