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Ii i'1' i' I: e II 1 I I 2 ! i :3 I do 4 I It ,.",," 2Q ~.~. 22 23. ... ~ 2$; 27' 28 2~ 30 31 32 ORDIN~~CE NO.~)'~ AN ORDIN~~CE ESTABLISHED THE GRADE OF HIGHLMrD AVENUE FROM THE WEST LINE OF A STREET TO THE EAST LINE OF G STREET * .. * * * The Mayor and Common Council of the city of San Bernardino, orrlain ~s:f'ollows$ The gradf!of Highland Av~nue from thftwest line, of A Street ,0 to tile east line of G Street is hereby ftstabliahed as follows: ,E;) At the top of the curb, line at the southwest 'oorner of JUl. 7 intersection of Highland Avenue and A Street the grade shall be 8 1171.8 ; 9' At the top of th~, curb line at th~ northwest corner of the 10 intersection of Highland Avttnue and A Street th~ grade shall be 11 1172.2; 12 At the top of the curb line at the northeast corner of the l~ intersection of Highland Avenue and Mountain View Avenu. the 14 I grade shall be 1173.05;" 1l$ At the top of the curb line at' .the, northwest corner of the 16 intersection of Highland Avenue and Mountain View Avenue the grade shall be 1173.18; At the top of the curb line at a point in the south line of Highland Avenue 1000 feet west of the west line of A. Street the grade shall be 1173.3; At the top of the curb line at a point in the north line of Highland Avenue 1000 fee~ west of the west line of A Street the grade shall be 1173.7; At the top of the curb line at the southeast corner of the int~rsection of Highland Avenue and Arrowhead Avenue the grade shall be 1172.07; A~ the top of the curb line at the southwest corner ot the inters4!lction of, Highland Avenufll and ArrowhAad Avenue the grade shall be 1171.69; 17 18 19 At the top of th~ curb line at the northwest corner of the intersection of Highland Avenue and Arrowhead Avenue the grade shall be 1172.09; lo>..;;~~ :".,i.,.... ...t"- ; I r . ..,......,.. \,~" "t.i ,.,',!, i:.. J~ :-.." .. , ~ ",,~ ,,,,':'.1 .'.r: ','1,r,' .. .Z"':~-;::;:, .;.: ;'.'-::'_f~"/~: '.. ..,"..~-~~~"",~....""..'."'~\"---''''''''''- -.....,--. .--.- [- I I I i --i[-- I -,- .__._~._.- . "",..'--'. il.t tll'" top of tJ,,-;, curb line at th~ nnrtt,r.",st CO:',l"'r:)r t:r:L~ intt'lrsI"ction of 1Tir}Jl,:mr1 l\.vt.>nul' and .~..rrow'n'''~;0 ."c'lPYl'lll''' thp Cr8"1~ shall b~ 1172.17; At thp top of thp curb lin~ at the southl"':cst cornpr of the intpl'fill"ctJon of Eighlan'fl. Av~nup PLnil D S trppt th0 gr~ldf':\ shn.ll be 1168.9, ptB now established. At tho top of the. curt lin~ at the southWPst corn!'>r of th", intprspction of High1and:.v"'nUe and D Str",pt t:hP grad'" 8ha11 bll" l168.e~ a8 now ~sta,liBhpd. At thp top of th'" cur'o 1in€' at a point in thp north line of Highland ,t\Yl:"nu€', opposi tp thtl southwl"'st corn"'r of Highland Avenue [:mo D S'trf""'t tlH'" gr;:l..rl~ shall 01"> 1169.1; At tXlI'" top of tJl'" curb 1inl"> at a point irt thr:> north 1inp of Hig'Yi1.-:U1.0 Avpnue oppo8it~ th"" southpast corn"'r of Highland AvenuE' and D str~~t the ~rade shall bel169~4; At th€' top or'th'" curb line at thp eouthp~,st corn~r of the intprfl~ction of IIighland A,Yl:"nue and E Str"''''t th.-:> gr~;;v1.~ t';}1.'l,11 be 1166.4 ~A noW pstablished. At f'(iP top of th'" curb line at th(.> flouthwl"8t corn"'r of tiv", iniprs""ction of Highla.nd Av"'nu(.> 8.no :E Strppt thp gradE' shall be 1166.8 ?S now pstaj1ishpd; i\.t tl1'p top of t}'lP cur 1::, linp at thp northwl"'st carnAl' of thp int"rsection of High1n.nd !r'T"'nup and 'i~~Strpl:"t tl1'" gr'cdE' s}H:t11 be 116'7.2; At thp top of thp curblinO'lt th'" north~a8t corn~r of thp int"'r8Pction of High1anil A.vPl1U'" and E Street th"" f!rade shall be 1166.8; At t}-LP top of tl1'" cur;:) 1il1~ ;J,t tJ~" routl:r',"..ft cr~;CJ1J":'::' of 1.};,r int""rsect1on of Highland Avpnue and F strept the grf'J.c1esha11be. 1167.9; At the top of tIJt"> curb 1in'" at thp Fouthw"'st corn"'!' of the int'''rA''ction of Eigh1~J..nd. A":Tl'>null" and .(.' S trpE't thE' g:r:de 811a11 be 116"1.6; -2- ..__..~,_____,.__c~,'___~'~_'_" '. '-~-'-'''.'-''''-' ~_._..y.".._--'."-'--- 1 :\ttJ1P top of thr> curb lin~ at a point in the north line of 2, Highland Ay~nu~ op-po si t~ t}H1' Southwl">st cornpr of Eighlt:'\.nd i1;;renue :3'. ~md13' Strp~t, thE' gCi,,-l,E' 8D'l11 be 1168.,0; 4. At thp top of thl"> curb line at a point in tll.'" north liD'" of 5. Highland AvenuE"oP'Poai t~ th~ eauthp.8..steorn~r o,f}{lghland'i~i/'i'1>nuf> 6. a'id 3 St.r"'et the.grade shall be 1168.3. ,,' ,If,,:. ' ,. At th'" top of the curb lin~ -at .thf./"~o.uth';;;1iCJ ,,, ., c-orn~r of tho.> 7 8 int"'rsl">ction of T'ig}11::l,i1rJ.\Yl-"'nUl? n.no G Str4'1pt tll"? grade shall be 9 1164.7; +y"" 10' At the top of thE' curb l1n'" at th$ rlortheas'4 </:o;rnpr of thp J!] int""rsl0ction of T'ighl;ll'1r).\Y(.il;jUP and C Stro:;>"'t th'" gc""rlf> sha,ll bl"> 18 1165.1; 13. At :C!ll points at right 8.n[';1"'8 wi t", t:tlO curb linr~ thr> Grad'" :t4: at tha nropcrty lin~ 8h~11 bp throo and onp-half (3~) . 1 11'lC(1"'8 15, ~6 J1igher than th'" gr3./'le at thp CU;,!* 1,1n~. '.. \, ': ..",-,< ,>(>',j .:, At thp curb 11:!}1'3' the grer1.,~;.r:Jf Mlrtr guttpI' lir~P ~l11all be at ., ,/ ~:! ~. ..' ~ all points '~Pl1 (10") inc11r;sp.:.tl.,ch' th;;;"~op of thl:> C'..,lT'b. 1.7 18 At nll points th~~r~~p o~ ~ha cpntpr linR of thA stra@t !2}:::1.1l b~ thra(.'-t~nths (3/10) of afoo't ::::.bovp a maa.n 1Y."tWA"':1 trJ' 1;9. 20,' top of tJ" curbs t ').}::l">n at r i;?;h t a,nglps. 21 22 23 '" Thp gradp of thp street bptwppn r1.a8crib~~ points shall be 8tr~3,ig}!t linp. All Clll"lTatiaJ1s r"'f"'l' to th'" top of curb aI'''' in fpet and 14 8bov"" 8. pl:::nH:I wide"; 12, 1045.28 f"''''t bploYi the, C1 ty :LP;1C}t ?118,rk 'J,A 2:5 PEl t.'),bl i 81-1",ri by Ordinancp No. 383 of the C i t;y of San B.<':'rnarriino. 26 Thp ~)an 3l">rnarti1no IT''''wa iA hl">rec..; rlp8ignQt""~ (,p t~,A tirl.il;:," 2,Z nl">wsp').p"r pu1:,1 i shen an(l circul aterj in the Ci ty of San -"-,ornardino, 28 29 30 31 32 in .':hic1'1~"lifi ordin:li'Cf> f'J-:CJll b"" pu'f',11!",h<'(1. . Tn'" 81 ty Clr:'rk shall cP'rtify to thp pr:tssagp' of this 0 rdin- ana"" and shall causa thp S8np to ~p putli8hp~ in tha said San E~r;lardino R""ws by insertions thprpof in three conspcutivp issuAB of thp Bai1 San BArnarriino 3pws. ...3- ~ ..~.._--_.~- ~l~I I I 11"'r>:, y c0rtify tJo..t t'o" fO:r(:'C~;-i.l-': OrrlinAncp waS [lr10pt(>rl 2 GY t,J~l'"' '''q;,/or add Conrnon ':;ou'ci1 of tll'" City of San ]3!?rn'~rr'l.ino at :5 4 5 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 its ro""...ti ng held on thr> 2:.!...-d:;lY of ~ ~ 1911, by thp follow- ing votps to-wit: A:(~B: ~/ "j~, ~, ~, 6 l~o~s: '~, -~ T __ 7 8 C i t;'i :~ 1 r, rk . ~ 9 j',,:)prO~Ter'l. t}1i~/ r'tay of 1914. J::.th~- City of San Bprnardino. \tU n Q ff.5l tm j? u ~ ~ D u DEe 7 1914 ~-:J- 4~ Lty :.rr"gt,lRD' ,. 23 !4 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 -4- '-if.;.