HomeMy WebLinkAbout595 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 c " z~e 15 .... .2 ~ .1;; fIl..U , . ~ 0 16 fr.l ~.s =: :z; 'E ",~e 17 ~~dl <<II ~ JJ 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 '30 31 32 '. ''-, . 11 , ORDINANCE NO. 51;...... AN ORDINANCE :F;Ui}CT ING TO AVAIL THE CITY 01"~ SAN" B}~RHARr;IHO OF TH~ PR rrILFGES OF A~~ ACT ::~JT ITIED "AN ACTT0 PROVIDE :POR THE LEVY AND COLLECTION 01!~ TAXES BY AND FOR TIm USE OF ImNICIPAL CORPORATIONS A...lID CITIE5INCORPORATJj'.}}UNDER THF.UWSO]\THE STATF OF CALIFORNIA, EXCEPT }I."U1TICIPAL CORPORA- <,,'1.' IONS OF THE FIRST CLASS~ .A1IID TO PROVIDE FOR THE CONSOLIDATION ~~ ABOLITION OF CERTAIN MUN- ICIPAL OFFICES, !MID TO:FJmVIDE fIHATTHEIR~ !m~ TIES ;~Y BE PERFORlmD BY CERTAIN OFFICERS OF THE COUNT1{'~ AND FIXlI:NG'THE COMPENSATION TO BE ALLOW- ED FOR SUCH COUNTY OFFICFRS FOR THE SERVICES SO R~NDERED TO StrCH MUNICIPAL COtu>ORATIONS,' APPROVED :MARCH 27TH, 1895, A.tTD ALL AMENDMENTS THEREOF. The Mayor and Common Council of the City of San Bernardino, do orda'in'. as fo~llo,ws': ~ Section 1. The City of San Bernardino hereby elects to a- irail itself of the" pr.ivilegt!'!s of an act entitled "An Act to pl'o- vide for the levy and collection of taxes by and for' the use, of muni.cipal corporation and cities incorporated. under,thelaWflor the state of Ca.lifornia, except'munlcipa.l corporat1bh of the First . class, a.nd to provide for the consolidation and abolition of.cer- 'ta.tn municipal ZaxlUtZJ[xxlllx offices, and to pi-ovide ~xtiUlXJl:lDUU[ that ehe1r duties may be perforr'led by cert",,111 officers of the County, and fiXing the cOmpensation to be allowed for;such County officers for such service$ so pelldered to such'nrurticipal corpo-ra- tions, ~,'approved :March 27th, 1895, and all amendments thereof; and urit:il fU1."ther order the".a.se~$:dlent of taxable property WIthin" said City, and the le"O'y and collection o~ taxes for revelllte for carr.ying on the various departnents of $~tid City, and to "pa.y the bonded and 'oJ~jjf~:r,~~ebte"&;\U.i:..",Sha.1'1)beasae8sed, lev-i'ed' slid col- lected as it1"8a\itt:',aet;::pr~:V'1:dedl"',.:i1n:,"eo <:fara.e t3'B.ld~ct:: 4'5:ibay.u;~ia'" tent wi th the 'proviBion$"of":the'<Ch!'!'Tt"eT"'ef,.~th~-~.a:id"C1ty;.- Sect ion I!. ',".,.....', '.."" ' ,." ", That the County Audltor be and he is hereby re- quested, when transmitting to the Mayor and Common Council the .,' ~ sta\;'ement pro.vided for in Section III of the aforesaid Act, tp set forth in said sta.tement the total value of alllproperty, within 1 .,,1\...' .; /"1 L.' .,'-"<;-'''."'~' . . .,,) \'-".' '.... "~:: "-../ 1 that portion of said City, now termed and called the '10ld City" 2 being the City of San Bermtrdino, as it existed :prior to the en.. 3 largement thereof, by the annexation of additional territory, ae 4 said City was enlarged at the election for that purpose, held 5 July 20th, 1909, separate and apart from the total value of all 6 property within the corporate limJ::ts of said City of San Eerna::tt:.- 7 dino as said City nO'll exists. 8 Section III. Upon the adoption of this ordinance, the City 9 Clerk shall inllnediately file a certified copy thereof with the 10 following officers of the Cou~ty of San Bernardino, to-wit: 11 One with the Assessor, one with the Tax Collecgor, and one 12 with the Auditor. 13 Section IV. It is hereby found and declared that this is an 14 ordinance for the immediate preservation of the public peace, ~ .;!l ~ ~ ~ 15, ~j;::: rni'3 · . ~ g 16 p;j rol .~ z'!! ~ ~ E 17 ..l!<~ <<" ~ ~ 18 health and safety and that this is an urgency measure, it being an ord inance provided by and adopted pursuant to Section l30..of the Charter of the City of San Bernardino, and the same shall ~XRXK take effect i~nediately upon its adoption and approval. 19 Section V. The City Clerk shall certify to the passage of 20 this ordinance by a two-thirds vote of the Comrnon Council and sha 21 cause the same to be published for three consecutive days in the 22 San Bernardino News. 23 I hereby certify that the whole number of members of the COmM 24 mon Council of the City of San Bernardino is five and that the for 27 28 29 30 31 32 25 said Common Council at 26 held Noell: '--1A A ~ ~~h~;k:?~'--- Ordinance this 1il- day of - I hereby approve the foregoing 19~ - , /-:J ..~ " ~ ayor of and for the City of San Bernardino.