HomeMy WebLinkAbout596 ~ we" .. * , -- n () friIn Th1' ff~ ~V 6 :}jhu ___SL .,_~ ORt}IBAlIC1t 1fo.~l~ " ',2 '-:';~'i11Ll_""/~;J~:~fI';;"~ "-.' ',' " . . ",,".' "', I All ORDINANCE ~E5TA:BLISBXNG TRI' GftAD'B O:rSlICOND STREIT I .3 I, FRO>> lfHE neT L'ID OF E S'l'RBE'l' TO THE EAST LID OF F 6!R1ET. 4 '5 6 7 "8 ::g 10 11 12 13 i14 1,6 ,1:6 i,'r 17 ~8 19 20 21 '22 .23 :,14 25 ,26 27 :28 :'29 30 31 l;~ 32 . .... .. . ~.' lla1b'Y' and' cd_on c~uncll',' '6ti'\;h.,i ftl't'7bf' '8an Bernat'dlno doot"da1nas follows: ,.;-, .f, !hat the grade of Second' ,strWet tro'Dl the w.st line of ]I Street to theS.st line 'of'f"S'trlt'et')18he'reoy r_.'stabl'ieh.d ..--:-- as follo"": At the /top ot the 'ourb'I'ln. .,"itheinorthwe.t 'cornerot !tli. 1nter.eo'tion ot SeoondStre.t and E street. the grade shall be 10".'. aa no"..iab11.th.4. ,:J: At th. 'to'p 'of' theout'b 'ltne .t'tlii...outhns't corn.r of the 1rite'r.eot10n ot 5eol;t\'t{'s'tr..t and E Street. the grade shall be i03d.3" a.s 'nowi..tab11e1iea. ,', At"th.:;-t_, of the ourb line at .. M1nt in the nort)1 lin. ot sedond';8'tri.1:'fi~re.t ...tot the (".~t' 1,111.. of .. ISt...tc' the ;'grade .'h..i::f ~.i037 .$2, a.now ..tab~ij'b~;~' 'At th'.t~,;bt the olU:'b lin.'at a: pobtt in tb.e,aouth:'llne 01.' 6eo01fd street a.ll fe.t ...,..t ot the .e.t 11ne of E Street. the gra.de 8hall b.'10~'7 .42, .e nri'..t.1)1.'i.h"d~V At the top of the ourb 11rte'at a ',o'1nt in "the riorth 11M of' Seoondstreet &09.4 teet we'st'ot;'tb.."..t 11ne of E street. '. the grad..hall " 1041.8. At the to, ot tl'lfil> ourb 11ri.at a. p~ftlt "1ntht 80\lth 11.'. of Seoond stieet. 464.. 'teet .e.t'ot tbeitillt 111'1" tit'j str.it, ",:,:':'" ,::,':" t,., ,.,,' 'the grade shall be ~041.~O. At the 'to, ot theburbf I1n.it tti....d1t~utotJrn.r}'of."lth. 1nters.otiohOf seoondstr..t andy':'str..t. the!grade1!ib:all!' be 1041.2., as now ..tabllehe<<h ' A' i),ie ie, of the eurb line at the northea." oornt"r of the 1nterseotlon of S.oond street and 1041.6, as nowe'. ta.bliehea. the~~a.d.:,8_~,~, ~.:,; .\,......',;': ,,;"..A: .-.!i..." \ ,..-:~_,;i, ..(: ~._______,____-C>"'. .,,' " '.<..". ".. , .- ','~~~. ':x .... ,:'~~-"<\ ". "~.>. .' -' .... ...w~_....._~._,. .... iJ1 0 i\ ] (HU'4' \r"t..__....._._- . 1 I ! \( 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 14 25 26 27 28 29 30 .,,- ' -, - - - ""'-- _.,~._..-.,...-,.....p- 1 At all pOints a.t right angljll!. with the ourb line, the grade a.t the propEtrty line sha.ll bf' l>l inch.. higher than the gr a.d e at the ourb lin.. At the curb lin., the grade of the sutter line shall be 2 3 4 5 10 inch~8 below the top of the ourb exc.ptin& at a point in the north curb line to feet east of the east line off Stt..t. anrl a.t a. point in the south curb line 135 f.et flIlast of the eaetline of i' Street. the grade of the sutter line shall be at these points 2 inCh.. below the top of the curb line run- nlng thence west to a point 10 lnch.. below the top of the ourb llne at the ea8t line of F Street. At all polnts the grade of the center line of t.he .tre.t shall be three. tenths of a. toot above a .~an between the top ot the curb taken at risht &IlS1@8. The grade of the street between described point. ehallbe a straight line. All elevations r~!~r to the to, of tb- ourb are in f~.t and above a plane which 18 1045.28 te.t 'below the 01 ty benah mark as established by Ord1nano9 No. 383 of thfl' City of San 6 7 8 Bernardino. ---- The San ~.rnardlno Ne.. 1. hereby designated as the daily new.paper published and oiroulated in the oity of San Bernardino in which this Ordinance shall be published, The City Cler~ Ihall certify to the pal.". of thi. Ordin- ance and shall cau.. the same to be publ1lhe. in the said San ~.rnardlno New. by insertion. thereot in the~e con.eoutive 1.- eu.. of the said San Bernard1no Ne"s. 31 I hereby certlfy ~the for.gaine Or41nance was adopted by the Mayor and Common Council of the Clty ot San Bernardino at ita m..tins held on theLJ:da7 of 'fL&7' 19~"o7 the tollowiXJ&-,Tote to-wi t.: ~. ~ p 6: . A7..:r~, /.J~' 7J~, ~ NO.1: ~. '. h'i ' . - ~,:;?j /). - .,t? LfJ r- w"" ~~ Cit Clez-k Approved this / J~ day of 19 · Xayor ot the City ot R.", u.............-.. 32