HomeMy WebLinkAbout597 -r II j! ,I I: ,/0//, I [' il I' L// I: 1 :1 ~ ~ .4 6 6 '., B 9 +.Q 11 ~2 1& 14 15 1< 16 I 17 18 19 . 30 21 3,2 23 ... 2!) ~6 27 28 39 30 ;$J. 32 i :! i 'j 1 1 ;. 1~ ! ~ } I ~ .. i .. ORDINM~CE NO.~ AN ORDINANC}t~ ESTABLISHING THE GRADE OF H STREET FROM THE NOlrTH " LIW OF TENTH STREET TO THE SOUTH LINE OF BASE LI1"E STREET. * * * * * The Ma,yorapd CommQn~Coupcil, of the Ci,ty. ,()f ,San Bernardino do ordain as follows: Seoti,on. 1. That the Gra,~e ofltH" Streetf:~omtl1enor<th ;11:ne of., .T~~;th S:tJ"e.t. to ,the ,89uth li-ne ot ~,fi.Lin. 8tre.et is .;~ereby eetab,l..j.,shed in aeoorr'l anoe wi th the following elevations and grades: At ~ ,top of the our.b line at the :northw_*'Qorner of the inters.ec:tionofH "Stre,et and T.nth Street the grade shall be 1101.2 as;. .now esta.bl.i~shed. At 'the., top, of the curb line at t)1.e 1'1orthea,stcorner of the il1terseo,tion ot :a: Street ,and Tenth str~et the grade shall be 1100.9' as now. e~tabli8hed. ,At the top p.!' the our.b line .at.the$eutb..etcorneref the, 1ntersef'tion !>-f H 6t'reetand. HMeen Strl!'et the grade shall be 1104.2, , At the top!)f the ourb~ine. at th~ nor~tbw.lE'st.,:. .com'J"' ot the intersectionfJf Ii 8tr.ee~ and Han"n Stre,et, '~ .Era..... ehal.l be 1).04.6. ,At ,the. top~:Of. the c~~b iineat~. the southeast corn~r of the interseotioR.of H Street and Eleventh street .the gra.d" sha4.:l/be 110? 0.. At the top of the o~rb liri. at,th,. southwest corner ot the intersection at H street:.$iIld El.t'v.~th. Str.e~t t11. grade eh.~ll be 110? .6 . ,'j , . . ,_c _ _ "_ _ ,I.. _ _ _ _' '~_" . ":' ':,.; ";", _::' , .'-1- ,,At ,'U\~\top of the curb line air the n'orthwest corner of the 1nte-rse atio~notH Street and Eleventh street the grade shall be .110e~O.. ,.' ,,' At the top of the curb line at the northeast corner of the interiJeo,tion of, H Street and Ele,venth stree~.th~ grade shall be 1107.4. At" the, top o~ the. ourb line', at the sou~h.'a8"t.eorner of the ,.~, nter, se, otion ofH Street and Powell Avenue the grade shall be ""'ll\t.O .4. . At the top of the ourb line at the southwest cornerof the intert3eetlon of H Str~et $nd Powell Avenue,thegrad.eshall.be 1110.8. At ,tl1~topot .theourb' lin:eat the: northw,e.s:rt eorner: I_~ ..... ~~"',~.;;' ::)~.-,:.. ..".... .'. ...:.:~ :~..;'(' I~ ,,I,"fi;..:"',: .x. ~ * ,;'. ~,,~, {...., _;~ '.: T " ~ .~ ': ':"'. .,~. f-: ~'1i~ :-) . ':':,' ;;:. t .1>1 '/},.]- /":~~;';?~:":': "\rr:, ~ .L t'J, '.,c;, " ',.'t i. J.. ~:;' i,:'.:, n ~;-r!."~T'" (}/f ; :-":~ i.: :11:_~" ,;':':~. ,~:: . .'; .~':. "'".(Jl;:~ I~J.: J -',-.' ..'~- ---~-~, .,",,-,._-~.... .-".--,.......-..:.."",._~."'-_-.i.. .-"........~...._ "."T d..._.., avv 1 of th... intli!'rseo:tion of.B Stre~t .and Powell ij',f!'~.1$ th~ grade 2 shall be 1111.2. 3 ktthe top of'th4? Q'\.lrb l,in. ,at the North~ast; corne,r ~, 4 of the .int:4lr...ction ofB St,xeet ,and Powell a-"" ......' th~ grade 5 shall be 1110.'&." ,,',.. e At,:'the top. of th~ curb line at the Southeast corn~r 7 of the int~rsflOction of B street and Base LineStr!l!.et th9,grade 8 shall be i114.3 as now established. 9 At the top oft~. curb lil).e at the Southwest corner 10 of the intersection of H Str~et and Base Lin" Strei=>t the .grad, ,;'< 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 14 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 shall be 1114.6 as now establish~'d" "-";/\' j;,;;." .'i ;',. ;l.."~': ~,." _ '~'" ' , At all points at right angles with thflO'curb line the grade at the property line shall be two and one-half inches higher than the grade at the curb line. At the cur'b line. the grade to the gutter lin'!! shall be at all points nin~ (9) inches below th~ top of thp curb. At all'points the grad~.Qf the cent~r line of the street shall be one-tenth of a foot above a mean between the top of the curb taken at r igh t"V-angles. The grade of the strept between described points shall be a straight line. All elevations rpfpr:~o the top of the curb are in feet and above a plane which 18 1045.28 feet below the city ~ .. ac.. 0idt.v(t,LLC( bench mark as established by Ordinance Iro. 383 eo! thA (lit)" e-f ~~CJ Q JJ~ u...-. f21tAJ.AJ. 1m ~ tJ., M. j~u.uaJct.U.u. p~ WAd ~A "C..,.......A.'PA,c.....Q. -f ~ Gto.-tl UA.1- S. fc, og . Suf~ 1w..:. The San Bernardino News is hereby designated as the daily newspaper published and circulated in the city of San E,..rnardino in which this ordinance shall be published. SUJ~~: The City Clerk shall certify to the passage of this ordinance and ahall cause the same to be published in the said San Bernardino Ne~s by insertions thereof in three consecutive issues of the said San Bernarfiino News. -2... 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 .23 14 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 ~\"~""..":. 1 I hA.r~by certify that the for~going ordinance Was 2 adoptf!!d by thll! "~ayor and Common Council of the City of San Bernardino at its meeting h~ld on the I~ Qay of ~~, 19~;- \ by th~ following votes) to-wit: Ayes:~/.,d~~, d~. -7~ 3 4 5 6 7 8 Noea: ~. 7,; ~~ City Clprk Approvflld this ,S- day of ~ 1915. , ~ (p~~ ~r of the City of San Bernardino. ~ r" ,~: ~ ~ lt11 \t"~ f \; J ~J" < 1;.1'. ~.~'~ ; (',t t.j '-........J. ......c..... ~U. M... ,~) ~. \ .., FEn. 1 1915 "'~ d=.a~ ..3- ... "..... -~~_.:-_." "._" ., ...._~:::~i:a.- .....