HomeMy WebLinkAbout599 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 <.:l ,$ Z ~ E 15 !o<Ot.~c2 ~...:; <Ilfo<U "I . 16 . 0 l>lP! =:zl! ~ ~ ~ 17 ...~~ < < " l>l .. en 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 1-:> .. . y...,....,.,.,..., "(, .~q 1.. .,\......../.. ,./.~. j\~-:- O}..J'" r."r~,'\.'.. i'-'~' ~ .d. ,.-, ~~L', T......C ()1~~ "T~!"..\~"r 'to,',' '-c. 3~2:_. ,""'"r" r;'lT"'\ C.~:T'\' (JI--' .[,~J\.-" ~.:<~'lr' -,JD'''I~T(), IT'L..:::l~, u/~~,: ()I{I:I~TI\.Trc~-,~ IT~(1~lII~I~,rG }lIO){ 11J,-~t:l -",I{yr"',.r;.~~"1TG 011 '-,~nT( (i~:~, ~~~-IC)'HS, -~<.: 1= I'l' IO~':~'] ./i."'~J~, G.~1. '4-~:' C(':~T}.~'UC'li.rl~- Crl CJJ-{r~IT~l~ C~ r Dr 'l'HB CITY O}' ~~,A"f I'{''':R''TIuU) Em A.ND l' LZ rTG THE H.\Tl", 01<' l~IC'F'J'r~:TI: T}IJi:REJ!'OR A.:'']) PHo~frIJ pm FOR 'l'lm COLL"!:'C'l'rmr THTm}'OF." 'I'he tiayor and COr:1rnon Council of the City of San Bernardino, do ordrrin as follows: Section 1. Ordin"nce 1To. 322 of the City. of f~an Bernardino, entitled, "An ordiw1nce )roviding for tue Jiceusing of business, shows, exhibitions and g'.m,::;s conducted or carried on in trIe City of San Bern~rdino and fixing the rate of license therefor and providing for the collection thereof, If ~tS ~".dopted and ap- proved the 5th day of JHnw3.ry, 1906, as heretofo re amended, is hereby amended as follows: A new sectioh is hereby added to s~id ordin~nce to be known as Section 69a aud to read as follows: ~)ection 69a. :E'or every person, firm or corpor',tion conduct- .a ing or carrying onAtheatrical show or entert~inment of any kind, where an admission fee is charic~ed, in a tr-'Jlt or at bi, temporary pI ce Ux.K within the City of San Bernardino, not otherwise pro- vided for, shall pay a license of "5.00 per day. Section 2. This Ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after thirty days after its adoptidn and approval. Section 3. The City Clerk shall certify to the adoption of the foregoing Ordinance and cause the same to be published for thrpe consecutive d',ys in the C>:w Bernardino News. I h1ereby certify E:~ theat the forego ing Ordin8nce YvUS '3,dopt ed by the H:i,yor and Common Counc il of the City of ~:;Fi,n Bernardino 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 " " z ~ 's 15 >-t<~ ~...l:g CJl .. () <I . 16 . 0 ltl~~ II: ~ :; Q, 0 .. 17 .. ... ...l"~ ~..: " ~ " CJl 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 ,~ .\.-\- -I) \. ~ . ,--.~~. .,'~ [~ , at its meet ing held on the ..s2..- QU.y of ./cpr il, 1915, by the fol- lowing vote, to-wit: Ayes ~/ J-~I ~/ 4!~1 ~ Noee_~ . ~-,.---_._---------- -----~ City Clerk. I hereby 8.pprove the foregoing Ordinance this Jd.ay of Apri I, 1915. , ';:m dfor--- tli e ._-,- rW.rdino. ~