HomeMy WebLinkAbout600 o 10 11 12 13 ~ 14 Iii ~ ; ~ f 15 t J 5 e ~ J 16 iJi 17 ~ 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 ~, .4 o /::1 ~ \ ~-r-~ ~ 11 lA.--v>-" .h,. bOD ----- ~- - -- - -- ---------------------- AI'::: ORDIJi,r,};CF OFi'FE ]'IAYOR A":"'D cm~,m- C:JU:TCII~ 01!' TEE 2 CI'l'Y OT,' SK: J3EH.=-F..DL~O .2;31'A:in,I81:IITG.. 'J.'~-n O:c'PICIAL GP'/u'}E; O~i' 3 "]3" GTRE:E'r :SE~':~I'=~'J TEE 2:-0 ill':r1 IJDJE 01' :bAS:B~LI:-;-E ST1{-l,:E'l.' xm 'J..'HJD 4 ~ CT 1 .~1 ^'. B"'""'P--A'J) A2JD '.21m :YO.R'l'H LDfE O:!!' 'l'~-iIHrl'E.lE~'l'H f)'l'J{}.:l:T L ~J.'IY OJ:' S.tL1 ..l1;~.....,' [, 5 nDJO. 6 The l:Iayor and Common Council of the City 01' San Bernar- 7 dino do ordain as follows: 8 Section 1. The official grade of B Street be~Heen 9 the north line of Baseline Street and the north line of Thirte';nth street is hereby established as follo'llS, to wi t: At the top of the curb line at the northt: ast corner of Base Lint) and B streets the grade sha.1 be 1095.4 as e.,;tablished. At the top of the curb line. at the northy!' st corner of Base Line and B Streets the grade shall be 1095.6, as estab- , lished. At the top of the curb line at the southwest corner of Iola and. B strets the f!rade shall be 1099.65. At the top of the curb line a.t tIle northvtest co rner of Iola and B Streets the grade . shall be 1100.0Q At the top of the curb line at the SQuthvle at corner of Thirteenth and B streets ahe grade s~all be 1105.0. , At the top of the curb line at the nortllilest co rne r of Thirteenth and B Streets the grade shall be 1105.5. At the top ai' the curb line at the northeast corne r of B and Thirteenth streets: the grade shall be 1105.5. /j At the top of the curb line at the SO,1 thea.st c 117ITner of B a.nd Thirteenth Streets the grade shall be 1105.0. The grade of' B stre-et between described points, -a.-R4 :betw8on Q.8a.eri bpd po info So, shall be straight line s drawn between said points. -"-"---'--.--.. --'-' ..-----------------------..-.--.----.-------.--------. -------_._-~-,._-------------,..- "'.."...... 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 _ ~..~.._.._..."-_~,.._.._....,_.........."'~....._.., ......._". _._ H_ ,,_. . ""'_..."...._..~,._<---"""-....W"......_...."...-.J r -.".". I u_______._____________._________.__ -- -------. --- I All elevations refer to the top of' the curb are in 2 i'eet and above a plan ~~lich is 1045.28 feet below the City 3 bench mark as est.;;blished by Ordin:mce No. 383 of the 4 City of San Be~n~rdino. The San Ber~ardino News is hereby designated as the daily nevTspaper pUblished and circulated in the City of San Bernardino in which this Ordinance shall be l)ublished. The City Clerk shall certify to the passage of this Ordinance and she"ll cause the same to be published in the San BernardiY'o said - :'Je.vJ's by insertions theceof in thre e consecutive issue s of the said _ San BernardiNo l\fews. I hereby certify that the foregoing Ordinance was 13 adopted by the Mayor and Common Council of the City of ~ 14 ~ li1 . ; ~ ~ 15 ~ J = p ~ : i I ~ 16 ~ "l : 17 '" ~ ~ III ! 18 19 30 31 32 20 21 22 23 24 25 261 I 27 28 29 San Berna.rdino, a-c its meeting held 011 the / 9 ~day of April, 1915, by Ayes : ~z...:.;1..--t>-->-? . the following votes, to-wit: ~~~ ,__Af~-!-___3~- Ef(i)iiS: ~ - -..-."-.-- -"--'.-'--"'-'- .--. -~--"-"-" ------..----. - Approved this ~~cC~ City Clerk. /~ day of April, 1915. ~~ Ma~..L-C-itYOf ~~; '~ardino. , ---..-.....-..--.-.-.-----------.-.-....-------..-...----_.._-----._-_._-_.-_..__.._-.._----~_.__.._.- ."---..-..-.----.-----.---...---. ---.---