HomeMy WebLinkAbout491 1 2 ([>;1 ..? 3 4 ';.' 5 6 ~, ",r 7 a ,)3< --- \ D - ,"" ..' ,'.( O~DnrANCE NO. ML A1~ ORDUrANC::!: ESTABLISHING THE GRADE OF CHESTNUT STREET FRDll I~ THE WFl~)T SIDE O}' MT. VERlT01I AVEl!1.JE TO THE VlEST SIDE OF GRAPE ,,-~. "~. 4.-" ; ~ STREET. .-,+ I' /. j ~ .~j....." , ",:~.'J., ~'. '~. .'c;.... ~~. ~)- '0' f'! F~ r~ it:. f:1 '\';' t:;~:L .V The Mayor and Common Council of the City of' San Bernar- ~.-,-'r~ 'I ,~.. ," dino do ordain as follmws: '1/;-- 'I. -~ . . :""1,~ "",' ~: ~:) t!-:; i The grade of Chestnut Street from the Section 1. : ""l~' t:~. ~~ '~.: 'j'; ":'1 '-1 t(' " west side of Mt. Vernon Avenue to the west side of Grape Street ..~.l 9 ~i? . ,}~:~ ':;" '. '-'! . ~ is hereby established in accordance with the followinE?; eleva- ':}~ fJ " ~. ) ~ 10 tions and grades. 11 12 ,"'1 /~ -, .~-~ ~i' At the northwest corner of Mt. Vernon Avenue }. _.," "j~;:~~T""':""""'" ...>..".;.;,h.;""......k.; , ,~ t Chee'tnut Street 1064.1.' feet;""M the southwest corner f} and 1 '~lP,~ thereof 13 1063.9 fe et ; t~ , L 14 . ),. .,:'+ 15 ~ ~;~ 1.1..... 16 )" f+ ",i" ~ At th,~ nO:r~'h.IJa.at~'orn.et1;: ,9f. Ch,e13tnut a~d Grape St.reets . ,.-'~ , .,. ~.." '- . . .,' 1'.... '/.' ,J,.Qi6.5f"t!et; at the southeast co!,ner thereof 10oot3 feet; at the southwest c orner thereof .1. Ot-? 6 .?;fe;~t '\ a~ ,the northwest cor- ;,.... 17 ner thereof 1066.9 feet. 18 And at all points between said designated points, the ;,'J ,',- 'T" 'ri <'" " f"';' ,} 19 grade shall be and is h'Efrebyes ta bl i shed'ao"'a.at6'cori:f"ormt <> 20 21 ';.' , 22 I".>;? a strai~ht line between said designated points. All elevations refer to' .t1i"7't'();P'()'f'..t'fi'!"~Ut~:,al","~fn7'r'~et, <~;,_;_.;:;,. ',' t";' and are above a plane which is 1045.28 feet below City Bench 23 Mark as established by Ordinance Number 383 of the City of '~,)'3 24 San Bernardino. ~::<i., 25 ~ ":- 26 27 ~...J J ;' 28 ~:~:L~ 29 30 'T ,..... ',./'....' 31 32 -1- 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 ? ~~, J--~ ; J:,:_;-~" ~:.' r}-; c.' .;~" . .:.1 I1..~:.~: ...:i ~ I"~ '.. .. ~ ..,"..., ,.-'-"-",\ ..... (\ . ._....... ~ ",' ... I .... I.,' ~ "'", ,) '\f1' Cj,r:;~,:'; 1-' "/ T - t ~ :-.~'~: ~~J:~ 'r:J >; (j},; G ,!~] ~. _ '.l?~:' 1, H.;. - I. ,p~' OJ. mE :f -\ "-.j "-"''''1,,;,,,,\\,-,-','', .1.11 \, ._.-J,-~ I ~ -'~',"'{"'. l() II :.}t. .\,' f~\ ". .._"'...... ,_ ._,'c__ _._,._~".__..;.,.........__... 1 leot ion ~. Al] ord in:!lrl04U 111" 1;larttll 01 crrdlnan...1n 2 ct'Jrtf11ct 'here"'! t'h are 'her~by !"f!y.le:tl<td. 3 4 $A!'et 1 on ~. '1'\, 1 ~ ord 1 n$J"Ioe shall tak-e effect and be in 'force trom ~.nd 8:rte~ tb.1rty d.ayo af'ter it. p....as. and &1>>,ro..-.1. Gee t ion 4. The 01 tv a1 erk 1I"a1 I eert try to the passage of this ordi~nnoe and cnuse the 8a~e to b8 publiah.. for three Cf01l8ecutiv"" days in 'nte F.vft:dnGJ; Il"ldex. 5 6 7 8 1 hereby oert11'y thAt the for.coine or4inano8 wa. dull "a...d and a.dopted by the Va101" and Oommon Couno11 of' the Oity of B'Lll Bernardi no at n. re<<ullll' meet! rt4I thereof he14 on the _ .2-: ?-... day of ~... _ . .19111, by tho toUow1nc Tote, t,,-Wi t: t7 . ~ " . .. 9 AJ..:4~ , ' ~~~~ ~~ 1ty .' J.erk. ~ 11...* ~~ ' .1. ..'/' 1,/(, l.<.L ':1) · , . f .",/ ., ~ rift. ::,.i. / oro-ltl;.~ir t~(;t :Ban llor- ~d1no. Approved thi8.. ~.\ ,.... day of 1912. . -2- ~._,;"--_~,i.."~._,.::',,~,-__~_,,_ ._..~_..:.......:.~~~~-,-~..;....,...:_-,_._~~--,..".-