HomeMy WebLinkAbout495 ". .. ORDINANCE NO.~ .....>.. 'l'he Mayor' and Comm:onCoUncil of the City of San Bernardino, do :ordain as follows: SECTION 1.- It shall be unlawful for any person to lower, raise, molest, injure, or in any manner impair the efficiency of, or interfere with, the working or oper- ation of any gate, bar, rail, or device, erected o~ 6bnstruct- ed, or t~at may be hereafter erected or constructed, at any a.tr,eet I)r -gr::tde .Cll'OSS ing of any r ;o-lilro;~,d track in the City of San Bernardino, erected or :rr'c).intained at such street cross'ing, or grade crossing, to warn persons travelling along and over suh street, 01' t:e approach 01 engines, cars or trains, upon such railroad track. SECTION 2.- Any person violating the provisions of this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction the~eof shall be punished by a fine of not less than five($5.00) nor more than fifty($50) dollars, or by imprisonment in the City Jail 'for a period of not~to exceed fifty(50) days, or by both such fine and imprisonment, in the discretion or the court. SEf"jTION 3.- This ordinance shall take effect from and after thirty days aftpr its passage and approval. I I ') :. ,.- i:- _; ) ~; . :J:"'r' ~...:, SECTION 4.- The City Clerk shall certify to the passage or this ordinance and cause the same to be pub1is"Led for three consecutive days i~ The Evening Index, a newspaper printed, published and circu1~ted in the City of San Bernard- ino. I hereby certify that the-foregoing ordinance was adopted by the :,'ayor and Cornmon Counci 1 of the City of San Bernardino at its meeting held on the ~&day of ~ 1912, by the following vote, to-wit: Ayes:~1 ~ ~ ;h~, No es: ~~ , J city Clerk I hereby approve the foregoing ordinance this~day of .1.......- f!. ;Zi---l ? ' Jr.. ./ -(. t-v. j I 1912. /i, _;or I;J' t ,/ > <_ ,) ,1 /- j/"/) ""L~' ~ ',.;./ ,c/t---i, . / ,,// MaY,6r of the City of San Bernardino. .