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The Mayor and Common Council of the City of San
Bernardino do' ordain as follows:
Section 1.
That the minimum illuminating and heating
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Seo't'ion 2.
Suoh gas shall be oontinuously and
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Q....u....&U.l:Ill ana well governed
press~re in eaohand every servioe pipe through whioh said gas
is reoeived for oons~ption by said City, or its inhabitants;
suoh pressure exerted by said gas in eaoh and every suoh service
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, pipe shall not be 'less than that whi ch 1. requ1redto sustain
a cOlumn of water two inches in height against the pressure of
the atmosphere, or shall not be more than that required to
sustain a column of water nine inches in height against the
pressur~ of the atmosphere, while any or all appliance. connected
with such service pipe are1n operation.
Section 3.
It is hereby made the duty of every person,
firm, or corporation supplying gas in or to the City of San
. .
Bernardino, or to its inhabitants, within forty (40) days after
the passage of this Ordinance, to file with the City Engineer, a
set of maps, each drawn to a scale of not less than 200 feet to
the inch; which said set of maps shall show in detail the exact
location, size, description, and date, if known, of installation
of all gas mains, lateral and service pip,s, and of all valves,
pressure regulators, drips or other appliances installed beneath
the surface of the streets, alleys, or other public places, or
elsewhere, in the City of San Bernardino, belonging to or under
the control of such person, firm, or corporation, or in which
such person, firm, or oorporation has any interest; and it shall
be the duty of every suoh person, firm, or corporation to file,
within fifteen days after the expiration'of each and every month
after the filing of such maps, with the City Engineer, a statement
containing a complete report of all new work of the character
herein mentioned, instfalled during the preceding month.
such map shall be accompanied by an affidavit endorsed thereon,
subscribed and sworn to by suoh person, or by a member of suoh
f1rm, or by the president or seoretary of such corporation, to
the effeot that the same correotlyexhibits the details herein
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required to be shown thereon; and each such monthly statement
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It shall be the duty of any person, firm, or corpora-
tion supplying or delivering aas in or to the City of San
Bernardino, or to its inhabitants, to permit said City Engineer
at any time to examine or infWect any or all of his or its
plants, pipe lines or other equipment used in manufacturing,
conducting, furnishing, supplying, or distributing gas, and also
to furnish to said City Engineer any information or data he may
require in regard to the generating, storage and distributing
capacity of such plant, pipe lines, or other eq~ipment.
Section 4.
It shall be the duty of the city Engineer
to make an examination and test the accuracy and condition of any
gas meter in the City of San Bernardino installed and used, or to
be installed aDfi used for the purpose of measuring gas furnished
to the City of San Bernardino or to any person, firm, or corpora-
tion therein.
Such examination and test shall be made upon the
written request of the person, firm, or corporation proposing to
install such meter, or of the person, firm, or corporation,
delivering, receiving, or using gas through and measured by the
meter to be tested.
After making such examination and test the
City Engineer shall give a certificate in writing, showing the
result thereof, to the person, firm, or corporation at whose
request the examination and test is made; and if such meter is in
use, he shall deliver to the person, firm, or ct~poration furnish-
ingthe gas measured by said meter a duplicate of such certificate.
Such certificate shall show the time and place of the examination,
the number and make of the meter examined, and the percentage and
character ,of error, if any, in the measurement made thereby.
The City Engineer shall use in the examination and test-
ing of all meters a standard meter prover which shall accurately
test and measure the quantity of gas passing through such meters
under standard conditions 'and precautions regarding temperature.
No meter shall be approved and sealed as correct by the City
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~~~_er~ha~_c~i_~dicates orregister~or!l2~_:~9-,per centum'
more gas than actuaiIj-p8sse-.- through tAft same nor more than
three per centum less gas than actually passes-through the same
when such meter is delivering gas under a pressure sufficient to
raise a column,Qf water not less than two (2) inches nor more
than nine (9) inches against the pressu:te Sr the stmosphere.
Whenever a test ot . meter that is in use shall be made
by the City Engineer, upon request as hereinbefore provided, and
such meter shall be found to be faster or slower than prescribed
by this Ordinance, the person, firm, or corporation owning or
controlling, or delivering gas through the same, shall within two
(2) days after written notice by the city Engineer, remove said
meter and shall install in place thereof another meter that shall
be tested, apprmved and sealed by the City Engineer.
Uo such
meter that has been tested on request, and found incorrect and
ordered removed by the city Engineer as atoresaiq, shall be
installed or placed in service again until it shall have been
corrected, and shall also have been retested, approved and sealed
by the City Engineer.
It any meter proposed to be installed and pla~ed in
service is, prior to being so installed or placed in service,-
tested by the City Engineer at the request of the person, firm, or
corporation, owning or controlling the same and is found by the
City Engineer to be incorrect, and so certified by him, to such
person, firm, or corporation, it shall be unlawful.for any person,
firm, or corporation to thereafter install or use such meter until
it shall have been corrected and shall also have been retested,
approved and sealed by the City Engineer.
The City Engineer s~ll collect in advance from the
person, firm, or corporation requesting the test of any meter, the
fee therefor at the price hereinafter in this Ordinance prescribed,
together with such additional costs as may be allowed hereby. If
such meter is in use, and the test and examination has been made
at the re~uest of the person, firm, or oorporation receiving gas
measured thereby, and such test shall show that such meter is
oorrect, the person, firm, or corporation at whose request the
inspection was made shall not be entitled to the refunding of the
~ount so advanoed, but the same shall be retained by the city
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Engineer and deposited by him in the City 'l'reaaury of the City of
San Bernardino as hereinafter provided.
If the City Engineer shall find that any such meter is
faster than prescribed by this Ordinanoe, the fee and any other
costs for making such test shall be a oharge against the person,
firm, or oorporation owning or controlling the same, or delivering
the gas measured thereby, and such person, firm, or oorporation
S~ll pay such charge to the City Engineer on demand, who shall
upon suoh payment being made, refund to the person, firm, 0*
corporation paying the same in advance any charge therefor
previously oollected by him.
It shall be the duty of the City Engineer, if he shall
inspect any meter, upon examination and test, as aforesaid, to seal
the same in such manner that the mechanism or operation of such
meter cannot thereafter be altered without breaking such seal.
The unit of measure for the delivery and sale of gas
by meter shall be the cubic foot containing sixty-Two and Three
Hundred Twenty-One Thousandths (62.321) pounds avoirdupois weight
of distilled or rain water 1f~ighed in air of the temperature of
sixty-Two (62) degrees FlI1r;n.llteit scale, the barometer being at
Thirty (30) inches.
Section P. It shall be the duty of the City Engineer
to test and examine at least once during each day the illuminating
power, heating value, and purity of the gas furnished and supplied
in or to the City of San Bernardino, or to the inhabitants thereof.
He shall also exaMine and test the pressure of such
gas and keep a continuous record of the same by the use of a
recording pressure gauge or gauges so stationed as to give an
average of the condi tion of the pressure in the service pipes
connected with the mains of eacA person, firm, or corporation
engaged in the business of so furnishing o~ distributing gas.
It shall be the duty of any person, firm, or corporation
engaged in the business of furnishing and distributing gas,to
install such recording pressure gauge or gauges at the office of
the City Engineer of the City of San Bernardino, and at such
other place or places as may be designated by order or resolution
of the Mayor and Common Council of the City of San Bernardino,
within twenty (20) days after the pa~9age of this Ordinance.
Section 6. It shall be the duty of the city Engineer
to investigate any complaint made to him in regard to pressure
or service-of gas" and to ,ascertain whether such pressure or
service conforms to the provisions of ~his Ordinance; and if, on
examination, said City Engineer shall find that such pressure or
service does not conform to the provisions of this Ordinance,. and
is caused by inadequate, defective or inferior pipes, or other
appliances installed and in use by any such person, firm, or
cprporation for the purpose of so conducting, supplyipg, or dis-
tributing gas, or by any obstruction; the said City Engineer shall
notify such person, firm, ,or corporation 1n writing to vause such
pressure or service to conform to the provisions of this Ordinance;
and such person, firm, or corporation ~hall comply with the terms
of said notice within such reasonable time as shall be prescribed
in said notice, not exceeding five days; provided, however, that
for good cause shown, su~h further extension of time maybe grante(i
therefor by the City Engineer as may be necessary.
Section 7. In case either the illuminating power or the
heating value or purity of any gas tested as herein provided, shall
be lower than the standards provided in this Ordinance, the City
Engineer shall make two further tests of said qualities ot such
gas, on the same day, at ib.ervala of not less than three hours
apart, and shall asoertain the average of eaoh suoh "quality on
that day.
Prior to making suoh two additional tests, the city
Engineer shall give notioe to the person, firm, or oorporation
oonduoting, supplying, or distributing suoh gas, o~ the t1me~,
making suoh tests, in order that such pereon, firm, or corporation
may be represented thereat.
The test papers of the sulphuretted
hydrogen test, the records of all other tests and the records of
the pressure gauges, shall be certified by the city Engineer, and
filed by him in his office.
If any sUch person, firm, or corporation, after receipt
of notice from the city Engineer, as in this Section provided,
shall not be represented at any test provided for in this Ordinance
such person, firm, or corporation shall be deemed to waive all
objections to such test and records, and to accept the same as
Section 8.
The City Engineer shall report in writing
to the Mayor and Co~~on Council, at its first regular meeting in
each month, the result of all tests and examinations of gas and
gas meters aade by him during the preceding month.
He shall
keep a record of all such tests and examinations showing in detail
the name of the person, firm, or corporation furnishing, conducting
supplying or distributing the gas tested, or owning any meter or
meter. tested, the date of each test, and the candle power, heat
value, purity and pressure of such gas, as shown by such tests,
ac~ording to the standards and in the manner provided by this
Such records shall, during regular office hours, be
open to public inspection.
Section 9. The City Engineer shall charge and collect
in advance, for making any examination or test under the provisions
of this Ordinance, of meters delivered at the office of the City
Engineer, the SUM of fi~;y cents ($.50); if it shall be necessary
that any meter be brought to the City Engineer's office to be
............_.0._ >.~
Engineer shall make two further tests of said qualities of such
gas, on the same day, at intervals of not less than three hours
apart, and shall ascertain the average of each such quality on
that day.
Prior to making such two additional tests, the City
Engineer shall give notice to the person, firm, or corporation
conducting, supplying, or distributing such gas, of the time or
making such tests, in order that such person, firm, or corporation
may be represented thereat.
The test papers of the sulphuretted
hydrogen test, the records of all other tests and the records of
the pressure gauges, shall be certified by the City Engineer, and
filed by him in his office.
If any stich person, firm, or corporation, after receipt
of notice from the City Engineer, as in this Section provided,
shall not be represented at any test provided for in this Ordinance
such person, firm, or corporation shall be deemed to waive all
objections to such test and records, and to accept the same as
Section 8.
The City Engineer shall report in writing
to the Mayor and Co~~on Council, at its first regular meeting in
each month. the result of all tests and examinations of gas and
gas meters made by him during the preceding month.
He shall
keep a record of all such tests and examinations showing in detail
the name of the person, firm, or corporation furnishing, conducting
supplying or distributing the gas tested, or owning any meter or
meter. tested, the date of each test, and the candle power, heat
value, purity and pressure of such gas, as shown by such tests,
aaeording to the standards and in the manner provided by this
Such records shall, during regular office hours, be
open to public inspection.
Section 9. The City Engineer shall charge and collect
in advance, for making any examination or test under the provisions
of this Ordinance, of meters delivered at the office of the City
Engineer, the sum of fi~;y cents <$.50); if it shall be necessary
that any meter be brought to the City Engineer's office to be
teeted. tbe cost of cartage thereof shall be added to the testing
fee and collected at the time of collecting said fee.
J' _~'i :;~
The Ci ty
Engineer shall charge One Dollar ($1.00) in addition to any
expense incurred in such test for every meter tested at the place
whe-re tp.~c ",ame ~is 1petal1.ed.
Section 10. The city Engineer shall, on the first day
of each and every month, deposit all fees collected by him during
,the preceding month for making of said tests, in the city Treasur;
of the city of San Bernardino, and all moneys so paid to the said
city Treasury shall be, by the Treasurer, placed to the credit of
the (;teneral :Fund.
Section 11. It shall be unlawful for any person, fir~,
or corporation conducting, supplying or distributing gas in or to
the city of San Bernardino. or to any of its inhabitants, or for
any agent of any such person, firm, or corpora~Jon, knowingly to
,. "'<I r:-_:~ t ~
charge or collect from any person, firm, or corporation for a
greater quantity.of gas than has actually been furnished to such
person, firm, or corporation.
Section 12. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm,
or corporation sup~lying or distributing gas to the city of San
Bernardino, or to the inhabitants thereof, to fail, neglect or
refuse to serve, furnish or supply any person, firm. or corporation
owning, leasing, or occupying any dwelling or building within the
city of San Bernardino and distant not more than One Hundred and
Fifty (150) feet from any gas main owned or controlled by said
person, firm, or corporation supplying or distributing gas to the
city of San Bernardino, or to the inhabitants thereof, within ten
days after demand in writing is served by said person, firm, or
corporation owning, leasing, or occupying any dwelling or building
upon said person, firm or corporation supp,ing or distributing gas
to the City of San Bernardino, or to the inlabitants thereat, or
upon any agent or employee ther~of.
Section 1:3. AnY person, firm, or corporation violating
any of the provisions of thia ordinancs shall be deemsd guilty of
a misdemeanor, and upon convi.ction thereof, shall be pun1shaole
by a fine not less ,than tlO.OO, nor more than .100.00, or by
imprisonment in the City Jail for a period of not less than five
days nor more than 30 days, or by both such fine and imprisonment;
and every such person, firm, or corporation shall be deemed gUilty
of a separate offense for each day during whiCh, or any portion of
which, any violation of arty provision of this Ordinance 1s done or
permi tted.
Section 14. All Ordinance and parts of Ordinances in
conflict herewi~h are hereby repealed.
Section 15. It i~ hereby found and declared that this'
Ordinance is urgently required for the immediate preservation of
the public pease, health, and safety of the City of San Bernardino
and the City Clerk shall certify to its passage by a two-thirds
(2/3) vote of the Common council, and cause the same to be published
for three consecutive days in the Evening Index, a newspaper
printed, published, and circulated in the City of San Bernardino
and thereupon and thereafter it shall take effect and be in force.
I hereby certify that the whole number of members of the
C~on Council of the City of San Berna.dino is Five (5) and that
the foregoing Ordinance was passed and adopted by a two-thirds
(2/3) vote of the Common Council at its meeting held on the .2/~
day of October, 1912, by the following vote, to-wit:
Ayes: ~/ ~J ~ ,~".
Noes: 7(~.
Ci ty Clerk.
I hereby approve the foregoing .~PnBnce this ~I day of October,
a misdemeanor, and upon convi.ction thereof. shall be punisha01e
by a fine not less ,than .10.00, nor more than $100.00, or by
imprisonment in the City Jail for a period of not less than five
days nor more than 30 days, or by both such fine and imprisonment;
and every such person, firm, or corporation shall be deemed guilty
of a separate offense for each day during whiCh, or any portion of
which, any violation of arty provision of this Ordinance is done or
permi tted.
Section 14. All Ordinance and parts of Ordinances in
conflict herewith are hereby repealed.
Section 15. It i~ hereby found and declared that this'
Ordinance is urgently required for the immediate preservation of
the public pease, health, and safety of the city of San Bernardino
and the City Clerk shall certify to ita passage by a two-thirds
(2/3) vote of the Common council, and cause the same to be published
for three consecutive days in the Evening Index, a newspaper
printed, published, and circulated in the City of San Bernardino
and thereupon and thereafter it shall take effect and be in force.
I hereby certify that the whole number of members of the
c~on council of the City of San Berna_dino is Five (5) and that
the foregoing Ordinance was passed and adopted by a two-thirds
(2/3) vote of the Common Council at its meeting held on the .2/ ~
day of October, 1912, by the following vote, to-wit:
Ayes: ~/ ~:- ~ ,~~.
Noes: ?l~.
Ci ty Clerk.
I hereby approve the foregoing '''~nance this ~ day of October,