HomeMy WebLinkAbout509 /' retur. anddeelare the resUlt. 2 SECTI<m V. AmfY' qualified voter may Tote at said election 3 in faTor of any proposed amendment by stamping a cross (X) on 4 his ballot in the square at the right of the word "Yes" following t 1 the pro-pos1-' '!!"'~~~-"!!i_~.'~~!~!..!!:!#!.~".d'!l. H , 6' yote at said eleetioJlJ agailUlt any',o,l"/..a;I Q~ said proposed amend- 7 mente by stamping a eross (X) in the square at the right of the 8 word "No" following the proposition to be voted upon. 9 The City Clerk ie hereby authorized and directed to '1 "" ,. ~, 1'0 prepare and eaus e to be prin'ted, upon the proper D kind of 11 paper, a sufficient number of ballots for the use of the voters 12 at said special election. The number ofsai~ ballots to be so 13 prepared shall not be less than s'eririty..::t1W' ''tifreaell f'i:fty- 14 .~ ".' " , qualified voters for each electio~ precinct, ~nd'a iike propor- 15 tion for each :fraction of fifty Toters in each of said pre- cincts. 16 17 SE~IOlf VI. This Ordinanoe and the publication thereof, 18 as herein provided, shall const! tute the notice of said e1eetio1'Ji. 19 This Ordinance shall be published once a day for Three days in 20 the E?ening Index, a newspaper printed and pub1ished at least six daY'B a week in said City of San Bernardino, and the City Clerk shall cause this Ordinance to be sOlpublished and no other 21 22 23 notice of said election need be giYen. 24 SE~IONl VII. This oniinance is urgently required for the 25 immediate preservat,iol'li of the public peace, health and safety, and the City Clerk shall .ertify to its passage by a two-thirds 26 Tote of the Common Council and cause it to be pUblished three 27 days ia the EYening Index and thereupon and thereafter it shall. 28 29 take effect and be in force. 30 I hereby certify that the whole number of Common Council of the city of San Bernardino is five, and that the 31 . foregoing Ordinance was adopted by said Common Council. at its 32 car) - . , 7 construction or eomp1.etloft'of' anymttniei'pal. improvement, the cost of' which wi11 be too great to be paid out of the ordinary annual income and rayeriue of the City, 'but not to incur anY' in- debtediu~.s: fOrl'public improTeme,nU which- aha1l.it!' the aggregate' exceed, Fltt'een per cent of the' assessed. Ta1ue' of a1.1 the real and persona! propertyo'f eueh eit-y' "ormun'.1'Clpal corporation, such election to be ealle4"and held in accordance wlththe-general laws of the State ot California and proTidinlffor theissuanee and disposal of bonds in e'tl'dence ofeueh :ind.bte4ne.s'~ At the rlP1;'.(~_...4>I~l~'t.,r,_!~": -" ~, _.' _ _ _ ,< ,'><. -':; .,:;;:", _ ->-.' '.::L".!f!}?~.~~,~,;:;>1, ~..'~~t:~:~+l~<f b1 tJK!tt.1ip_';'..!Idf!t"~.___'~">' and "jlto", and' to 'the r'1ghlt ot antf t,oll()W1h'g'sa'fCtw'rdllJ,-\jlill. be 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 \1 17 18 19 printed apprGpriate Toting squares. , ;;;.t'~t 20 SECTION I I. The manner of holding such special. e1.ec,tion 21 and the Toting thereat .hall. be as proTided in this Ordinance, and in particulars l't'Ot reei ted herein,_U9'helectio1'1 shall: be held as provided-- by law for' the h()ldingof' such e1eetionS.i. ,,1';' , S:lCfIoJli III.Sai4 Election a hall 'be eondu:et.ed. b~!.boards of eleetiol'l', eonsist'iftgof O:M'iM,eetor, oae! ju4ge, ,. antf';It.o -ftii"ks t tor' ea'eh"a**F...rtl.1Ytl.,ftWln*' "~1~",.,_~~, ~t1I':' _ .,,', ,: _' .,',' ,', -,. ",,' ' ,':'<~,'it:>,>:;,,,,,_t\:'>j m.)'ht ~__...'k_~..tl_'ftl'.Je"" ,k "-, ',".:,.'1 , ,..., . t. 22 23 24 25 26 27 be ,and the eameie' herebYd1T1ded:hlto".]:Ught (8) Consollclate4 28 1ftm!e1 pa~": :rn.e\tt.? Pfti'l_'t.~, t'i ....i. l6ttni.t, AS "'''0''. 011:.,,-,,2""';)i'; 29 '" . '. ' . ,. , ',/..' ", ltfuni cipal E1....~ti.t~... ""'" i..~t,..f:!~.r ~."'.f1'" ."I:.:~~~ -C"'!"' Amr D..... 'VJI., .s'S.. Ele eti on' Pfti'lnc'\! If..r.,,,,.'it'"~.j!.oi.tt!.it''~ M'*1', i.. ' Precinct Num'ber Th.loee", itc.tlIBo~taat-~cI' MU1ti'cipai'-,...t!'bD Pre- 30 31 32 ,(2) 1 ci.nct. N....er. i'our" , "Comot.1dated Municipal Election Precinct. lIlUmber Fi'Ye", .C'onsolidated Municipal Eleetibrr Precinct Number Six" t "C'o.olidated Mu.nici'pal Elec:t1ol! Precinct Numb'er SeTen", "Consolidated :rttm1ciPal, Ele.t'1oD P.recin.t :N'Umbe'r:E1ght". C:c_ c:t.ida 'te4'.~~~~c'*,p~1]U...'t;:1.Jlt rr.cin~~ "",~....~. 2 3 4 , 6 ,; COlr8.~:A.!'J:J') JmJlIC!IPI.!.l)-~ara.etWM.'t, ImlIBmtr' on. 7 C;onsolidated Municipal. Eleatioft Pree1net N'tmtl,,'er One' .hal19o~iBt of'a11 that portion o't sai<l'Cityknown as "El...iiOftPrecinet. NumberO-n.e;.. f "JQectiQ1'! Precinct Numb:er;eT'W'O ; and "Ele'I:'tiOn Pncinct Nmnber 9'~f as heretofore designated by the Supervisors of the COU1'lty of". San Bernardino. 8 ~ 10 u 1~ 13 CONSOLIDATED. JJtlJNICIPAL ELEC'TION PRECINCT NUlmER TWO. 14 CO_olidated Mun~ ~ipal Ele.~io. Pree1nel, B'_:er Two shall consist of all that4portiorr of sa1d ,Cl~,.known as "Eie.tion ........ . 15 Preeinet N'~er ~" t -111..I.i ftft P"v1a'l" t 1l~ :I JiI'~.... and "Electio~ Precinct Nutnberk'" asheretof'oi"e designated by the Supenaore o1'.ths .e.uty::of. San Be.rnardino. CONSOLIDATE]) MUNICIPAL ELEnION PRECINCT NUDJilR THRER. \6 17 18 19 C'o_olidated Muni~ipalEleet1oJll' Precinct Number Three shall cQns1at 'of all that"portion of s&.id,.Ci ty known as ' "Election! PreeinC't Number~ 1ft "Elect!o1ll PrecfnctNumber ", and "Election Precinct NUmbe~~, as heretofore designated by the Supervisors of the County of San'Bernardino. 20 21 2 23 24 OQNSOLIDATDJrUN'IC.IEA:L '~IOlf PRECINCT :N11.MBER FOUR. .Co.,o11cl..t.. 'M'1uJi91.pal. qEleet1 Oft Precinct NumberIPour 25 shall 'consietof ,a1l:dUa:t~,po~t1cm of flaid City known as 26 "Elect.t'o. ;,p,r"I'1J1'&'t1 ....t~,,.i'..~meitif.itt~.fili.ftit~JINUilltf.' A _" t and "El:..tl01'1 Precinct Number~t(:u heretofore 28 29 designated bYl,:tlle .,~\1F~~:l..80'" O:f.;;..~,.,P~~t~. ~r~an;Bernahlino. ccmSOLrp.\.~..~ICIP~~,~~~,~~mpT N'tlMBER FIVE. 30 31 C01'JlJ~lidat.cl.Munieipal E:I...t~l;).~PJ,"!Jci~ct Number Fi'Ye shall consist of all that p6':rtion of ,8ai4 Cttykpown as 32 ( 3) .5 / 1 "El.ee:tioft prf"c1netlfUmber~ ..,. ~1.c1foD Precinct NUmber III t and<"El.ectio.n Pre~inct Numbe~" t as p,eretofore 3 designatetlby t.he~uperT~8orsof ~he County of San Bernardino. 4 CONSOLIDA'l'ED:MUNICIPAL ~~'rION PRECINCT NUMBER SIX. ~_~~~"'~_fl..!.!.Rt! Nwu,ber Six shall cons:D1ff iatt: tl:rl;~~~,g,._9t'~'"'t.';>~j,~t~1tti'o'!lii'>'a8' j "Election Prec inct Number~ .I!~ A_ t" ft lJ.....eA' ,"r: I. J1'l''''AeT , --=-- .'""and "EleetionPrec irict'NuiBb~~ f/w-I t as heretofore designated bytheSupervisore Of the CQUJl~yof San Bernardino. CONS()'];,mA~ MUNICIPALELE(!::TIQN PRECINCT, NUMBER SEVEN. eotS()11dat~cll!unj.cipalEl..t1on Precinct Number SeTen shall consist of ~ll~hat portio1.1.pf s~id Ci~y known as "Elect i onPre:Cinc-eNumbe'::~"'" ...i"~le~ti ol'lPreo.*netNllDIbe r I ~ __", and "Election Precinct. Numbe~, as heretofore des igna't.ed by the Supervisors oftlieCounty 'of'SanBernardino. CONSOLIDATED]IDN!GIP~ E~~ION PREQINCT NtnffiER EIGHT. "1" 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 15 16 .' -0;: ~ eo.oq.~~i.te. .:M~ic1pal p,}lectio1'll Precinct Number Eight shall conslstof a11that.portion of said City known as "Electiorr precin~~NumbeJ~". . "Electtiorr Precinct; Number 'U If t and .'lElectiolt Precinct N~e91~, as heretofore designated by the Supervisors of the County of San Bernardino. 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 lfh4t 'the' bC)ardof el.ectionfor each Consolidated Municipal Elect;ion Precinct, in said City for. said special election, the iJ?!p~.tora, jud,gefJ and cle+k~t. apd the polling places there:ro;r._:..h"}.l..~..~ .J,toll9We. to~wi t; 24 25 26 cONSOLmA:'fDMUB~:I~():J':m"cllft:~~ 9D... .., Inspector: ~ //? ;()~ .----.-.---.-.- 'I!I\t.~..'..'\ ,.', ,t2."" .' ...... "c."' U "~."" . i1:':: ' ~\!.i'."" :,':1" '" . . ,'" ,',', .... ." ';.'.....f5V'. ~.-i,n-..:- ;,' ,..- ,.:,' ~'}Ao:.,~'""._-...:. ,'-,"'. C1.rk: g~ 4 ..~ Clerk: ~f ~~ ."..... ' POl.lin,8 Pl.~~.~~/ :;;. E~~~~ ~p /~, 27 28 ',.x. 29 30 31 32 (4) 5 CONSOL:Q)AT'ED MUNICIPAL ELEC'TIONPRECINCT NUMBER TWO. IJIlf,Pllctor: %l,.');h:. ~... . Q"'" ~-e-" ,': .Judge: ~ ~_ ~~~ . cgerk:,'>>~ ~ ~~4 LJ,~fr'~~,Y '. 'J-~! " "." p~lin:=;.~~:~?Z; P7L-.1 ~.. 1 2 3 4 6 7 13 CONSOL:Q)ATED MUNICIPAL E~e!ION PRECINCT NUMBER THREE. IDIIP~ctor: ;f~ ~ ~ Judge :~-/i{~ .. _4' .. . ~,,",p;o~ .~ r~ C'1erk:, ~ 9.--' $~ Polling Pla..e:~~'~'~~,//l.r~ , '... .,,, , .:...&.' 8 9 10 11 12 14 17 CONSOLIDATED }UJNICI~AL EI~~ION PRECINCT Ntij!ffiER FOUR. Ine~'C~l~r.:,'.~ /~c. :=;: Z:~-c,-~ C'l~rk: ~,~, ~ j' .... Po:a.~ng Pl'l!lc: ~~.l,+~h.. 15 16 18 19 20 21 27 C()NSOLIDAT.E1>MUNICIPAI, E~CTIO:bTPRECINCT :NtlJlBER FIVE. IJ18pe~tor. , ~ ',.; tZ, ,:,/) ,',,',' '. " ~v-.,;...,... ~....~ ;.Judge:,///~.ff,,~ ,,' ',. C].er~: ~~At6l ~,.'~",r ~.. .,," :::~~~;;Z;~~.~,~: 22 23 24 25 26 28 32 O()NS()~'rE1) ~I~I~4L ~l-ON..~~((~, ~;.p~.~ lnapEr.ito~.,'-P. '." ,~..e,~~.. ., ~.- ~~ ~"_ . t"; .r~ge: ,(3., t(,/~ ~., T' Cl.erk: 7/?~evz4'; _Jt!~ _ ~ ( 5) 29 30 31 / 28 29 30 31 32 2 3 4 5 t:'.lrt ';J 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 C1erk: 9??~ /?;?- ?n~ ,Polling PJ.ace:~_/r: ~, ~r- ~ ~, ,CONSOLIDATED MUNICIPAL ELECTION PRECINCT NUUBER SEV'EN':. Cl.erk: ' ,& } ....,...... ...,....b_.~ 'j " ,., t 1"'.. 'utl'- t:1L"". tU~'_. " ;......~'. "J.\!:l~''''' .',.4> '.~ -~ . CJ..erk:a~~~,_ . Polling Pla;ce:~'~,~,~ ~.~y./;J~ al11'1 eclTO"'4;'N~~' ~'.}~ ........;... :~ ~:,. ~\ CONSOLIDATED :MOlTICIPAL E~ION PB.ECIl1CT~.awamR EIGHT. Inapee-:'tor: ~~"'H a-:~~ J'"udge':@~; .. 15 merk' Clerk: ~ ..~. Polling P~ ~-2.td ~. ~~. y .,J d~ 16 17 18 SECTION IV. The said polling plae'eshave heen found, anel, 19 ar.e hereby determined and decl:are4 ~to be suitable a.mI proper ]>1&8..' fo~ hOlcling suchllpectaleleetion, and said seTera1 per- Ilona haTe beelft f'ound and are hereby determine~and declared to bequalifled for auc'lz"respectiTe'poa i tione,' .asrrequired bylaw; and they are"'herebyapPointed: such elec:tion officers to conduct such el:eetion and to cona,nl tute said Board or Eltetlon; and said Board 01: ElectioD and aucho:ffieera _hall.. conduct :&l'1d a.re: hereby di reet ed ~'oconduc,t....al&~ .1..c~1on asbY'''law'afld. this 0 rdinanee Pil"DV\1ded...., atd:nS1l>n .........1 una 1"iO'tea g1 nn U'ld.n *iat:.. :a'!bl s&1d.J (; special elec:tioh and to make and deli yer r.'tur!'>>'f' ttteriro:t'te;" the CltYC1erk :of saitl;Ot:ty and it is further ordered that said aX May-or and COlbrnOtl COtlfie11" .h.il meet.,. tit.,'Ct ty..i.H&ll: Oft the second day ~tet" said. eiect1on,3Iad:'.' ekelUallt.ttr,l ho'11tlays. at '7'-:30 o'clock P.M.' of, eaid.day'and ~proeeed tocanTai..the election 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 ( 6) / returms a.nddeelare the result. 2 SEeTIU V. Amry qualified voter may Tote at said election 3 in faTor of any proposed amendment by stamping a cross (X) on 4 . his ballot in the s quare at the right of the word "Yes" following t ,1;>>.8 pr"'''1''':~~~..II!.!i:';!~'.!921~lt~!f..!!:!!.!.~M~!!f. 6 yote at said eleetioll againat a.ny/;o~<'a.>>:i of said propos.a amend- 7 ments by stamping a eross (X) in the square at the right of the 8 word "No" following the proposition to be voted upon. 9 The City Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to 10 prepare and caus e to be printed, upon the proper D kind of 11 paper, a sufficient number of ballots for the use of the voters 12 at said special election. The number of said' ballots to be so 13 prepared shall not be less than senn'ty...;:rl"le "!',D'i' ea.en. fift;r 14 . : t ~ J, ,. qualified voters for each election precinct, and a like propor- tion for each :fraction of fifty voters in each of said pre- 15 16 cincts. 17 SEftIOlf: VI. This Ordinance and the publication thereOf, 18 as herein provided, shall constitute the notice of said election. 19 This Ordinance shall be published once a day for Three days in 20 the Eyening Index, a newspaper printed and published at least six days a week in said City of San Bernardino, and the City Clerk shall. cause this Ordinance to be so Ipublished and no other 21 22 23 notice of said election need be giyen. 24 SEC'T'ION VI I . This ordinance is urgently required for the 25 immediate preservat.iol'li of the public peace, health and safety, and the City Cle rk shall .ertify to its passage by a two-thirds 26 Tote of the Common Counc1l and eauae 1t to be published three 27 days 1l'l the Evening Index and thereupon and thereafter it shall 28 29 take etfect and be in foree. 30 I hereby certify that the whole number of Common Council of the city of San Bernardino is five, and that the 31 . toregoing Ordinance was adopted by said Common Council at its 32 ( 7) \ 1 _e't,1ng hela"oa:.:;tpe f~Taa,.ot :!'~'5~';t, :1913, 'b".'~e followi.ng yO"., to-wi.t: A7"~~ ~< ~, y~. :.~>:,'ri;, ',. 2 3 ~_"iil'~~- "~,, 4 ",,;:,~~'~;,"" ;:;;: "~"~;>:' '. ;:: 7 City Clerk. 8 9 'fb,e t'oregoing Ordinance is hereby appro'ftd this If; "'7 o~ 7ebruary, 19 13 · 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 <.8)