HomeMy WebLinkAbout511 1 ~ I' \ I i (\ 10 vl/ / 11 12 !J ~ ~, I ~, If 2 ORDINANCE NO.~/ I I u-----------~~~I~~~~~ -~;--;}fE-~~~~~--~}~-Cm~,;01r COUNC;~-~F -;m~ ~-~-;~--';~-------I SAN BEP.NARDINO, ESTAEJ~ISHING Th~ OFFICIAL GRADE OF D STHE~~T, FRm" THE SOUTH BOUNDARY LI1ffi OF SIXTEJ.ilNTH STRRET TO TEE SOUTH BO:JNDARY LINE OF HIGHLAi'm AWl-mE, IN SAID CITY. 3 4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 6 The 'Mayor a.nd COJIqIlOn Couneil 9:( ~he!qi\y ,~01" San Ber- H ~ :~,~"!';':!~' > ~,~ ,j , , i~ .' (; ~~ ~~ ~t: ~ t ,1fl d ,~,: _ r;. ..,~. ,~,j~~<' ' ,', .; ~ } nardino do ordain as 1'91lows, to--wit: 7 .~he offi~ial grade of D Street from the SECT! ON 1. & South Q?~~d~ry1.ine of Sixt,eenth Street ~o the South boundary line of Hig1;UandATenue 1s hereby established and fi~ed to ~he follo~ing eleTat10~lS, ac~ording to the official blench mark or datum pla.ne Qf the C~tYo of San Bernardino, to-\vit: 9 13 At the top of the ourb line at the Southwest corner of D Street and Sixteenth street, the grade shall be~113S.0, as now es tablished. 14 1~ 1,6 "At the top ot the curb"'line at the Sotttheaat corner of 17 D a.nd Sixteenth Streets, the grade shal1.'be ll35.0', as now es" 18 tablished. 19 At tru!'top 01: the curb line at the Northwest corner of D and Sixteenth Stree:ts, the grade shall be 1.135.56. At the top of the curb line at the Northeast eorner of D and Sixteenth s-tre~et,' the grad'e:shall be 11:35.,6. . At the toi{'ot the curb 1ine at the Southwest corner of D and Seyenteenth. Strbetii; the grad'e shall be 1140.13. ' At the'top-' of: the' cu1!b' line' at' t'he5ou'theQ1:eomer 'of 20 21 22 23 24 25 2.6 D . -and SeTenteenth Str~et'S, the grad'e' shall' b~" 114{)'.~; t'~ r,>.',; 27 At the top of the curb line at the Northeast corner of D and SevrenteenthStre'ets, the grade- shall: be' 11.U...-.5/. At the top of the curb l,-ne..t the::; N'ortll"eet e orner of D a.nd' SelYimte:enth stJleets, the graefe' lshal1:"l>~-dll.~Ol..~ !'ci \.:> At'the top of thecurb''1ine at. the Southwest corner of D and E1gp.~eenth Streets" t}l~, g~~.Lshall be 1145.62. . '...; . '~:;--:- ,.,~. 'i!l;. ~ 2~ U) 31 3.2 'ft) 2 3 \ 4 5 , , ) '", tJ 7 8 9 lO H 12 l3 14 Hi 16 I' 17 18 19 20 21 iI', 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 ) . -..."',.."'_.......~'..... ..'.N_H_.....'_,""'..""'-,,~,.a ."."-...~...~'".,.~.....,..-...'"'..T,'~..._....._...,''''__.i1''1~--.,.''1'I..."''''' ~ ~,4 ~'''''''''''~~'''''''',>>.~.. ~. _ ......IM I At the top of the ourb line at the Southeast corner of D and Eight,eenth Streets. the grade sha.ll be 1146.03. At the top of the curb.line at the Northeast corner of ' D and ~1ghteenth S,treets, the grade shall be 114?l. , ""-~, .the ~op 9f, t,he ,uJ;b line at ~he l1ortllwe~t corner of j~;.n4"Jjiaht'.llJ)!il5iiia~~ililiw.UU'~iR~:1f$.<'" At the top of the curb line at a point in the East curb line ofD,Street, 1800-:feet N()rthof the North boun~~ry line ot Six.1Leerrth Stre~t, the grade shall.. be 1157'.Q. At the top of t11:e' curb ).ine at a point in the West '\lrb line of D. f3t.J:'eet, l800-:ree~ ..North of the North boundary line of S1xt..nth Street, the grade sha1l be 1156.6. j.Jt,.&he..>,~p~,O,f .~he "urb :liDe ~t;t:q.e.f Sp1,1thwe.t cprner of ~"":~,-.,, .... ."C'''''_'_~" ".1." 'I. ,'""___,'..'..,_ ~_ 'f<,.... _~'.,~ D Street and Hig~~d ATenue, the grade sha1l:ne llo8.5. Atthe.topoftheeurb- '-:line-at the Sout-h1!8.st-eorner of D Street and Highland Avenue, the gra,de shall 'be 1158.9. --~---" At &1.1 po1nt.. a~ rlgftt ang],.. 1II.th the :,.~~~ ,1.1-~" the grade at the property line shall be 3i-lnehes higher than the grade of the curb line. At the curb line, the grade of the gutter line sha11 be at a11 points 10-inches below the top of the curb. At all points, the gra.cieof. the cen>ter line of the street sha11 be 3-inches aboTe a straight line drawn at right angles to the street from top of the curb to top of the curb. The grade of the street be't,ween said described points running North and South shall be a straight line drawn betweeft said described points. 30 .~ eleTatiol18 rerer to top of Gurb, exeept where otherwise noted, aX'e in :feet, and are aboTe a pl.ane which is 1045.28-1'eet: below the CitY' bench mark &8 ntablished by Ordin- ance No.383 of the City of San lJernardino. ~/L-~ ;J~~. SECTIOlf II. The JC. - I ~ 8 ~ IlIA is hereby designated as 31 32 ( 2) ,.\~. , ~. j:". the da11y newspaper published and circulated in the City of San Bernardino, in which this Ordinance shall be published. The City Clerk shall certify to the passage of this Ordinance an~"~~~ll. cause the same to be published in the said ;~v~~~. ~~~~:eor~ 1':J:~~~ (1(~~~..eeut1v. i.. u.. 0'1' the .aid~ J _g IJ!1&is:. I hereby certify that the foregoing Ordinance was ado})ted by the Mayor and Common Council of the City 9f San :Ber'- nardino at ita meeting he1.d on the 3' 1913, by the fOllowing vote, to~wit: day of 77J ~ ., Ayles: ~/~, ~__ r2r-&-, ]foes: ~, ~_ ___.l J ~ ;1 l: C"i ty C1.erk. ApprOTed this ,;f ,day of r~~< ,191.3. ( of the City of San Bernardino. ( 3)