HomeMy WebLinkAbout513 1 * .. Zf ; J I ORDINANCE NO.~!~~' / I .,/1 I ..____.....n -_.'. -...-...---.--.. -......-.....- - -..---.----.-.'-- ---.. I ORDINANCE OF THE MAYOR AND COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CI TY OF SAN' BERNARDINO, CHANGING AND RE ""ESTAB LI 3 lUNG THE OFFICIAL GRADE OF SIXTH STREET:FROM THRUST BOUNDARY LINE OF ARROW-.HEAD AVENUE TO '1'EE 'WEST,}30IDmARYI,INEOl',rSTBEE'I, IN SAm CITY. 2 3 4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 6 \ ... -I ,!:.._ .' (~, .1 ,~ l _ . ,The>)A:j1"~~'''*l eOJdmcnt...c.wsed:101L<;tU :'<1:1 t.y of San P.er- nardino do ordain as 1'0110:_ ,-t'o-wit.: '~nCTl0N 1. '.the ofl"ie1ali::gl'a.44\of Sixt-h ,Street from the West boundary line of 'Ar:tO'whead"A'fenueto - the West boundary line 01 I Street is hereby ,hanged .'aJt4 r.....tabli..I1.dto the following JIb1 elevat10na aaoord1ng to the .'t-iela1bench1J1ark or.. datum plane of the City' Of San :B.~narclJ.fto. to-wit: At the t"p. of the ourb line at the Northwes t corner of Sixth Stree't and' Arro.~ea4'ATenue, the' grade :sll&ll be 1.055.9; At the top of the curb line at the Southwest corner of Sixth Street and Arrowhead,AvlAue, th*:gradeihall be 1055.5. At the top of the curb line at the Southeast corner of Sixth Street andD Str,et, the grade.jha1.1 lhf'106"1' ~ 8. At tht top of the curb 11ne at the Northeast corner of Sixth and D Streets, the grade shall be 1058.2. At the top of the curb line at the Northwest corner of Sixth;' andD Streets t the' grade shaJ.1. ... 1.058. 5~ At the top of the curb 1ine at the Southweat corner of Sixth and:.]) Streets t the gr~e\"ha;l1;be 1.058.1. . At the top of the curb 11ne at the Southeast corner of Sixth and E Stree,t., .the grade s1'18l11; be 1.G51~'2-., A~ .. the top of the eu.rb 1ine at the":bTo~.t cot1'J1er.:'Of 81:l:tlt ..ME St,...~"th.. ~..hall 'be l.'N1.e. A.t the top of the :.urb 11fte at the North...t corBer of Sixth aJ!1dE: Street., -the gra4e.jha11 b.. ~~1.~":~ ,- ,At the top ot tlM carb llneat theS:outhweat eorner of Sixth and E Streets, tl1e' gra4e:.,iha11 be106l.. 5. ~ ,( l.J r ~. .~.. "...,>iIho,;,,,,..;;.i.iO'.........;,.".."~~j.,,.. I.. .n,.,j~~"'~--" 1 At the top of the curb line at the Southeast corner of Sixth: an9- FStreets, the grade shall be,10OS. 7. , At the t~op of the curb line at ;the Northea~t~.,corner of Sixth and F Street, ,the s~ade shall belOo?l. . At the :1;VJ) of ~Jl. curb line at the Northwest corner of Sixth ~; F,,:S~.:~ t~'&r_..l:1a1.1 b.,~06"..4. ..t ~.hetopof the curb l.ine.~t ;the Southwest corner of. S1Xtlr and ]':streets, the graile &1~lbe:l.o67'. O. At the top of the curb line ~~. the Southeast corner of Sixth and G Streets, the gr-.. .hal~ b~ J.On.2~: At. the top of the curlt lin4!t"tA ,tpe Northeast, corner"of Sixth and G Streitt., th~ gr-u8;:'~lF,be:ilOn.o. At thetopo.t-: ~e'(:~~bline at the Northwest corner Df Sixth and, GSkee1te" ,.the grade shall be 107'1..9. At the topot:the ourb line at the Southwe~t corll~r, of Sixth and G Streets, ;;the g~ad.e shall be 107'l..6. At the top of the curb line at the Southeast corner of Sixth a.lld H5treets, t,he g~ad-e shal,lba,107'7.2. 2 3 4 5 6 1 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 u 16 11 18 19 . , . .;<\.' At the top of the oj,rb' "line'\at .the Northeast corner of 20 Sixth and H Str$ets, the grade s4a,llbe 1.0'7'7.6. At 'tne top of the curb line at the Northwest corner of Sixth and H Streets, the grade shall be 1071.9. At the top of the curb11ne at the Southwest corner of Sixth and H Streets, the grade shall be 1077.5. At the top of the curb line at the Southeast corner of Sixth and I Streets, the grade shall pe ~oa3.0. At ~ the top of the curb line at theNortheaSt corner of 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 S1xt~ ....~<<A~dl"'Vreet..,,~.tlara.cle,,8hall b.. ~oa~." f1J. ~-.,.,' "".._"~i.~,,,,.~... ,,' "~':':""'._. ..; 29 At the top of the curb line at the Northwest corner of Sixth and I Streets, the grade shall. be 1083.'1J. . At the top of thlt '"chlrb line at t11e Southwen corner .. ~ -.'; '" of Sixth and I Streets, th~" grade shall be 1083.3. 30 31 32 ( 2) ~ \-- 2 At the eurb line the grade of the gutter line shall be 10-inehes below the top of the curb at all points. At all points between said described points running East and West, the grade shall conform to a straight line drawrr between said described points. A11 eleTations rerer to top of curb, except where 3 4 5 6 7 otherwise noted, are in :f'eet, and are aboTe a plane which is 1045.28 teet below the City bench mark as established by ordin- 8 9 anoe No.383 of the Ci ty of ~n Bernardino. ~, 0 ~fj~~~~' The llYArd.ng Il1tl~ is hereby designated as published and circulated in the City of San 10 SEC~ION II. 11 the daily newspaper 12 Bernardino" in which this Ordinance shall. be published. The City Clerk shall certify to the passage of this Ordinance and,shall eause the same to be published in the said ," blI-i~.ni:rl~'-~~~~=~~o~. .La, (3) consecutive issues of the said 'Eu:J!lb1i IMax. 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 24 Aye8:~, ~, ,~ Noes: '~, a-e, , 23 25 .~- Clerk. 26 27 ",.....-~fr.~ i. da.y of ~--4~ ApproTed th;J.s " , 19 13 28 29 30 ~ 31 1'.fay of San Bernardino. 32 ( 3)