HomeMy WebLinkAbout514 2 3 4 ~ 5 ~ 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 U 16 1:7 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 . t.--/ * OPJHNANCE 1m. 0..Li____,. \__n,_" ,,_'.', '''' ,.. , m_,__' ____" ___" ___________., AN OR..T)INAJ~CE DECLARING CF..RTAIN EUILDINGS OR STRUC;TURES DAlf:AGED EY FIRE OR OT~R ELE~,~nTS TO BE A PUBLIC :NUISA'.;rCE, AND PROVIDING FOR Tm~ RIDWVAL OR REPAIR OF THE SA1JJJJ, AND PROVIDING FOR THE PUNISHMENT OF TIm, OWNERS THE.REOF FOR NOT CO]{PLYING WITH THE 'lERMS OF THISOR"DINANCE. " . ........ .'. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Yhe Mayor and Common Counei~ of the City of San Ber- uar.di.o do ordain as follon: SECTIOJf: I. Al~ buUdings or at,ructure$ wi thin the Ci ty of San Bernardino which have been damaged by fire, or by witld or water, or which have been permitted to go to decay to such an extent as to be damaged to the extent of Sixty;"flve per cent of the original value thereof, and which haTe not been either re- mOTed or repaired within Six (6) months after such damage has occurred a.re hereby declared to be a public nuisance. .. SECTION' II. WheneT'er any building or structure wi thin the City of San Bernardino .hal1 haTe been damaged to the extent of Sixty-five per cent of the value thereof by eithert'ire, water or 11oods, or which has been permitted to go to decay so that such building or structure is damaged to the ,. extent of Six~Y'''fi'Ye per cent of the value thereof, the owner of Bueh bui:lding or structure must wi thin Six (5) months after the OCflurl"enCA of such dalnage either remOTe, such building or structure, or ":--i" :repair the same in ace:ordance with the building regulation of the City of San Bernardino. SEC"JION III. Am::!' person violating any provision of this Ordinance sha11 be pil ty of r- misdemeanor, and 'UPOJf c onvic:tiolJi the reof . ehal1 be putt1shed bY" ~ine not ex~eed1ng One Hundred ( $100.00) Dollan, , 0 r by impri s onment in the 01 ty .Tail no t ~x- , ceeding Fifty (50) days, or by both such fine and imprts omnent within the discretion of the Court. SEC~ION IV. This Ordinance shall take effect and be in ( 1) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 I 15 i\ 16 'J ! 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 ......----...--...-...----- :fore-.e ji"rom and after' Thirty (30) days a:rter the due publicatio~ of this Ordinance. SE<<rrION" V. The City C'lerk shall certify to the passage of this Ordinance and eause the same to be published for Three (3) conseeutiTe days ift the San Bernardino Daily SUl'f. . I hereby ee~ify that the foregoing Ordinance was passed and adopted by the Mayor and Common Council. of the City of San Pernardino at its meeting held on the ~ day of m~ ,1913, by the following vote. Ayes:~, ~L ~J 1f'oes: ~_~__ Attest: ~ ~ City Clerk. Appro'l'ed this f day of .~, 1913. ]{ayo r San Bernardino. ( 2)