HomeMy WebLinkAbout515 '. tit 1 ORi')!~TAJ\TCE NO .2!.f~__ _"_,_ I-~--'-- AlT ORDINANCE CALLING AN ELEC''1'ION TO BE !ffiLn nr THE CITY OJ? 2 SAN BERNARDINO, ON MONDAY THE 14TH DAY OF APRIL, 1913, FOR TBJ~ 3 PURPOSE OF ELEG'TING OFFICERS OF THE CITY OF SAN RERNART)INO. ........................ ...... 4 5 The}{ayor 'and Odmmal"l COUitcil of the City of' San Ber- nardino doordairf as''f"\)1.1owS: ' SE~ION I. A General ~~unicipal Election of the Ci ty of San Bernardino will be held, and the same is hereby called to be held in the City ot Sanl3'ernardino, State of Cali1'0 rrlia., on Monday, the 14th dayo-f Ap'ril, 1913, at whiohs Mayor, a City Attorney, and thr.4t( 3) 'Memben '""of the Board .0fEducat,iorrofthe City of San BernardfnowilI beelectecl at largeny the qualified eleetors of saId City; and '"one (1) Tlember of the Common Council wi1.1 be elected by the qualified electors of the Firat Ward of said City, 'and one (1) Member of the COMmon':Council will be elected by the qua.lified eleetors Of the Second Ward of said Oi ty ~ and one fl);lIiniber ot"'heC'omBon Council will be elected by the quali:fied electQr8oftheFourth 'Ward of said City. SE~I()N II. The manner of hOldingsueh General J!unieipal. Election and the voting thereat sha11 be as provided in this Ordinanee, and' in particulars not recited herein,sucl\ election shall be held as provided by law for the holding Of:aueh elec- tions. ,'., 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 SECTION III. 'Said Election sha11 b.' conduG:.te4 b7:Boards 25 of Election, eoneleting of two Inspe.ton, t,wo .rUdges, and two Clerke for each and every precinct hereinafter set forth; that for thepurp0f56'of''lifaitl' election, . .aHt,Cltt"iheLn:-lte antlLthe same is hereby 4itf4.4 Into .I.....ft~~".'...-eo...\lidated 'MUnicipal EleetioJiiHP,r..incte, to be kno\tfr: u"Cb_ol:ldate, Muai.ipal"1D.ect:ion Ph.ln., ~.:r.(i)ne", "C'on. Gl1date4r'MunlelpleZlett16m;ftee,lnct,. Jum'he!":'lJ.'\t'o", C'oMiol1dated"M'tinieipal Elettion""Preclnett'Number- ,m~e., "Consolidated ){unicipal Election Precinct Number Four"', 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 ( 1) ,~,,".. ,..-. .-..".,.:";...-' ""~"'--."",""_--""",*-"",,,,~~-","'''''''"''''''''''''''"'' ., Consolidated Municipal Election Precinct Number Fi",.e","C'onsoli- 2 da"t,ed Municipal Election Precinct N\Dl'ber Six", "Consolidated 3 Municipal Elecotion Precinct >Number Seyen", "Cons 0114ated Municipal 4 Election Precinct Number Eight"~ "Consolidated Municipal Election ~ Prec~n.t Rumber Ni:ne.~ t ~C'O_olidat,e. lltmieipalEleetion Precinct 6 .:zramlterre.ll", j',."'oJlSo114ated lfunicipal Election Precinct Number 7 EleTen" . 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 C:ON80LIDA'BD ,1ltJN!ICIPAL ELEC!I01I PRECINC~ NUl!BER ONE~ Consolidated Mtmicipal ElelrtionPreci:rtct Number One shall consist ot all that portion of 'saidei ty known &as -Election PrecinetNumber One", and "Election Precinct Number Two", as heretotClre'deslgnat,ed by the ,S,UptlrVisors of the County-of San Bernardino. CQlTSOLIDAm:> MUNICIPAL ELEftIOlf PRECINC! NtIMBER TWO. . C01'J801idated.Municipal ElectiOD Pree1nct <Number !..,o shall'eo_lst of"~'1 thatport1:on, of 8aid01 ty khown as. -Election Precinct Numb.er Three", and "Election Precinct Number Thi rtee:n" , as heretofOr. designated by the SUperT1soreofthe County of San Berna.rdino. CON80LIDADDJmNICIP~lILEC~IOlT PRECINe!,NUHBER TH.REE. C'o_olidated MunieipalE~ectlo1'1' Prec1:nct NUJlberThree shall consist of al~ that portlonof 8aid city known aa "Election PrecinetBUmber Four", and "Election Precinct }Tumber Sixteen", as heretofore designated by theSupervisorlof the county Of.San Bernardino. ; '"..-,''' " "caNSOLIDAnDMtmICIPAf, ELlC'lION PBJCOINCr,NUKB& l'iUR.... ":00...),2;4....4 .'lfuJat.e1pW1 '~Mii_ ,i...cine1t':lumber 'Four .hall 00Dll1.. 01, &11 that port10acot '."14".1 t7 blown,. !Elect10n Precinct lf11mber FiTe, Election Precinct Number Six,. and "Elec- tion Pbeirtct.1nIDber TlteJttylt, asheretOl'orecle.lgnat-ec1Y'bY the Supervisors of' the County of San Bernardino. ( Z) 1 -----------'" --- ~ ---------- ..----- -~,-~>...-...~"'""---. - 1---- 1 CONSOLIDATED 1ruNICIPAL ~ION' PRECINCT NIDffiER FIVE. 2 C'onsolidated Municipal Election Precinct Number Five 3 shall. consist of al.lthat portion of eaid City known as "Election 4 Precinct Number Twelve," and ~lection Precinct Number Twenty- 5 one'" t as heretofore designated by the Supervisors of the C'ounty "". .)~,:;'>; ~., 6 "'""; '-'. ".~ .". ."', \'l " o:f San Be,rftil.i-ltlitb'.' CONSOLIDA!ED lmcrNICIPAL ELECTION PRECINCT Ntn;ffiER SIX. ~.:......'", ',',;.j. ..."..A.. .~, 7 8 9 J , " , CoriSol1dated ~"unicipal Elee~ion Precinct N~~ber Six shall cons 1st of all that portion of said City known as wElei~ion 10 Precinct lfumber SeTenw, and "Electioft Precinct NU1!fuer Fourteen", as heretofore designated by the Supervisors of the County of San 11 12 Bernardino. 13 CONSOLIDATED 1mJNIC!PAt ELEe~ION PRECINCT ]ITijlBER SEVEN. 14 Comsolidated :Hunicipal Election Precinct Number' SeTen shall. consist of ~ll. tha't' portion of said' City known as "Election Preoinc't Number Eight", and "Elec:tiol'J1 Precinct NumberTwenty~two~ .'heretofore Anigna't'ec1 by-the Supervisors Of the County of Sa.n 15 16 , , 17 18 Bernardino. CONSOLIDATED lroNtOIP At ELECT I O}T PREcINCT mnlBER EI GHT . 19 .. 20 CODolidated Municipal Election Precinc:t Number Eight shall comeist of all. that portion of said City known as "Election Pneinct Number Ninew t and "ElectiolJJPrecinct Number Fil'teen" t as he;retoforedesignated. by the Supervisors of the County of 21 22 23 i 24 San :B:ernardino. 25 . . CONSOLIDATED ~t11JNICIPAL ELECTION PRECINCT NID,ffin 'NINE. 26 COrlSolida'ted Municipal Election Precinct Number Nine 27 28 29 30 31 32 Consolidated Municipal Election Precinct Number Ten { ;5} 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 "',:. _.."'....._.~.....,......'.... ......._...... .................'.._ - ,,,.w, ."..,<.,,,,_ 2 8IuU~ cons1s1 of ti~~ that port~10n of s~ d C1 ty known as "E~ection Precinct Number. 'ten-, "Elee:tion Precinc:t Number Eighteen", and -Election Pr.ecinct Number Nineteen", as heretofore designated by the Supervisors of the C'ount,.- of San Bernardino. 3 4 5 6 CONS,OLIDATED MU:N'ICIP~ ELECTION PRECINC'T NUMBER ELEVEN. I" . '." 7 'ij, ',~~~~~,f4..:t.AA ,~UA!.,ci~JitJ,.,.JUa.tioD Precinct Number EleTen shall. consist of a11 that portion of San Bernardino Sc'hoo~ D1s- t;ri.et ly'ing':outside of the boundary lines of the C1 ty of San 8 9 Bernardino. 10 11 12 13 CONSOLIDATED 1mNICIPAL ELEC'fiO!r PRECINCT :NUMBER TH.REE. Inspa.tor.,:~~T/2t~. and '~4~ '. :=~;;f=~~:~~,... " . Polling p~a.ut.= . .C'i ty P~Ti11olJ)t ~ugo P"rk. . ,., I I 2 3 4 '''-'' 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 ~ 20 ~ 21 'I: 1, if, 22 if 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 '",' ; u.L '}' > .'.. " (. ....; J.... ; .1 " ~ . i , '\ ~ "\ -." ....1 !' , ~.., , . ,;;:' . "a~Dl1lmtlb:wu;. Inspect.ans.: !JMJ../~et-.'. J"udges: ~i IF ~ )/1 . 7 /? ~ L'l ' . _ '. . Clerks: /1~ ~ P.U1 t'lg Jil&c;.~ BrUllO~" :.(la.ra.ge',~"l"-i;":; ";~~~11i.l~~":'" fir 1', "> .' . '. .' In8pe~()rs :M/f? ~ 21.J and ~#;..;;~, - J"udges: ~#-- E ~ ~ and~~j~ &g~/l1. Clerke: ~ j j!t/~ and ~ X F~cw._ Polling Place: ~ent, nr~ ~ o;?~ -~. ~ /(JtJ ~ "l? ~ t/..JL~"'1h-? ~, tf C'ON~OLIDATED :MUNICIPAL ELECIfION PRBCINCT NIDlBER SIX~ Inspectors: /1. ~ and d}:;? ~~, Judges (;~ _~ ~ and t;;;d/~ ~ Clerks?~~~ and Polling place: ~ent, ~ortheast Corner Base Line and" · streets. CGNSOL!DA'fED :Mt1NICIPAL ~IO:N PRECINC'l' N1DJm:Im SEvEN': :~'u.~, 1M"'t;ih:J~'."".~t'iM~~ , ,. ~_, -', . . _,_ Jj 1 ..1 . .'~ ,.,-l.1_-.v;'.~:',:~q----,,---_ ':._ _"~'_>" ,>' _ ___;;-,:,,:,';;.~'_' ;-;.\_>>,''',' :':'1..",:,(,,;,_<_..,,;:';'>:"';-/:::"'< ;::::JdC!~~:::;1:~~:: Polling Place: $JI /",.tA.1;{~6ZT &-h-t.f4r &-fl--f- ;d..-t:U y /), d~~~ C'ONSOLIDA'rED :MUNICIPAL ELECTIO}! PRECINCT NUMBER EIGHT. In8pect()rs:J~# % ti/~ and w: ~" d ~ Judges :~~ ;I:'~ and J;1, ~ tfl-~t--4-t---z:t Clerks: 7"~ ~ )J1~~- ~ and.//~~~t1 ?l >>:/ ~ Polling Place:' ~i" . . ct0-r~ JJ7 :?~/ y. &.J1 CONSOLIDA!:ED ~e1PA.I, EL'I~IO}f PRECI~(:Nt1.MBn :N'rlm.(.., Xhepeet'Or8:~' E .#'~""Iittd '};'(j,~ @.." kf~~ :::tt;;~~~=:t~..~,. P()U1~';;~ . . Inspector.':/;?1'~ A ....2-, I _....._...J.Il 1 2 3 4 \ i 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 1 ! I I I 15 16 t~ ~ r,', t fJ' I Judges : i~_ and J/tu7~ :J ~ /Lk-E--r-rA :.-.------- - ?/ Cler:JJtM-rd~1~~- a.nd@.~ J7l'-::::-4-,-~_ polling Pla...: . ~ ~ '7 %pftc _~'-(_~_d~~. CONSOLIDATED MUNICIPAL ELECC:TION PRECINCT NUVJ31i~R ELEVEN. I""peetQrs;~.~.~and ek &<./r . J\l".A~.,Iiz~'Jb~""~'~ /~ ", Clerks: ~_ !P~ and /~A-4~ ----------- po1.ling Place :f~l-jf~~~r-_Z?'ktf~.;;.----- SE~I ON IV. The said polling places have been found and 17 are hereby de'termined and declared to besuita1:>le and proper Pl8.c-esfor holding such election, and said B.veral persons have been f-ound and are hereby determined ~nd dee1a1'ecl, to be qualified for such respeetiT& positio~,as ~equire4 by law; and they, are hereby appointed such eleetion officers t 0 conduct such election and to constitute said Boards of Elec:tiomj and Baid Boards of Elaet10n ahd such officers shall conduct arid are hereby dirac-ted to conduet sa.id election; as by law and this Ordinance 18 provided, and to canvass the votes given and cas~ at, said election and to make and deliver returns thereof to the City Clerk of said City, and it is further ordered that said Mayor and Common Council shall meet at the City-Ha.ll on the second day after said election, exclusive of holidays, at 7: 30 0 I clock P.M. of said day and proceed to canvaBS the elec:tion 19 20 21 22 23 24 returns and declare the resu1t. 25 The City c;aerk i.hereby authorized and directed to prepare and cause to be printed, upon the proper kind of paper, a P~N& su:t1"icient n.umber of ballots for the use of the Toters at said election. 26 27 28 29 This Ordinance and the publication thereof, SJ!:C'l'ION VI. 30 31 as herein provided, shall constitute the notice of said election. This Ordinance shall be published once a day for Three days in 32 ( 6) I ---..~ 2 3 \ 4 5 6 1 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 I I I 15 16 18 '1 r r ~c i:, fs, f JUdges: . I~_ and J/1tUT/'e, J- ~ ~!:.~:-_--_.- - . (/, Cler:lJtk'-;aur ;1AHVV<~. and (~~. m 4-~~_ polling Pla"e :';/_4.ou~ '7 %-pft.._/r >:_~_d.&~ . CONSOLIDATED MUNICIPAL EI.."ECTION PRECINCT NUlllmER ELEVEN. I""pe"~OI'1l;~~ . ~and tlk ,y(/-;4"P-'l Jaclae.. ~~~\h~~'" ,~,'.i/:- ./~ ...... C1erks: ~_jg~ and //o/.A-4.~-_._--'--'-- po1.1ing P1a.ce: ~l.-J!.~~~~r-_21t.:!!-~~--- SEc:'fION IV. Th.said pol.ling places have been found and are hereby de't.rmined and declared to be suitable and proper pl.ae-esfor holding such election, and said several. persons ha.~ebeen f"ound and. a.re hereby.determined. 2'.nddee1ared. t.o be 11 q\1alified for such respective positio~,..E$r,equire4 by law; and they ii,re hereby appointed such election officers t 0 conduct such election and to constitute said Boards of Elec;tion; and said Boa.rds of El.eet10JI and such officers sha11 conduct and are hereby direc.ted to conduct sa.id e1ect1on as by law and this Ordinance 19 provided, and to canvass the votes given and cast. at. said e1ec;tion and to make and deliver returns thereof to -the City C1erk of said City, and it is further ordered that said Mayor and Common COUAc~18hal1 .eet at the City~ll on the second day after eaici e1ection, exc1usive of ho1idays, at '7: 30 0' c10ck P .],Ii. of said day and proceed to canvass the e1ec:tion 20 21 22 23 24 returns and dec1are the resu1t. 25 The C'i ty Qerk ieherebyauthorized and directed to prepare and cause to be printed, u~on the proper kind of paper, a .~&A. 8~icient number of ba1lots for the use of the voters at said e1ect1on. 26 21 28 29 30 31 s:EC'l'ION VI. This Ordinance and the pub1ieation thereof, as herein provided, sha1l constitute the notice of said e1ecti0l'1. This Ordinance sha11 be pub1ished once a day for Three days in 32 ( 6) '(' "., . . . the San Bernardin() Daily S1m, a 1M_paper printe. 2 at least six days a week in said City of San Bernardino, and the 3 Ci ty C'lerk shall cause this Ordinance to be so published and no 4 other notice o'f said electiol'! need be giTen. 5 SEC~ION VII. This O:ld1nance 1s urpntly reQuired 'for the 6 immediate pre..ervat..tDa O'l,,,,~p"lf'e"'J)e..",l1ea1tk'~,.~.'~, 7 and the City Clerk shall e:erti'fy to its passage by a two-thirds 8 Tote of the Common Council and cause it to be published three 9 days in the San Bernardino Daily Sun', and thereupol'! and thereaf- 10 ter it shall take ef:f'eet and be in force. 11 I'hereby certify that the whole number of Co:mm:on 12 Council of the City of San Bernardino is fiTe, and that the 13 foregoing Ordinance was adop,ted by said Common Council at its 14 meeting held on the I 0 day of March, ];l.3, by the fOllowing 15 Tote, to-wit: 17 Ayes~~,L~_~,~~~. Noes : 7t~ 16 18 19 ~~ CJ.ty Clerk. 20 21 23 The foregoing Ordinance is hereby approved this / IT day of M:arch, 19 13. 22 24 L 25 26 San Bernardino. 27 28 29 30 31 32 ( 7)