HomeMy WebLinkAbout516 .. . * ORDINANCE NO.~~~___ 1_ - --------------- --------------------- AN ORDINANCE CALJJING A SPECIAL ELEC'TIOl\r TO BE }]ET.J) lY T:u:J~ CITY OF SAN BER1~ARDnTO ON :lBlDAY T:t~ 18tl1DAY OF APIUI., 1913,: FOR TEE PURPOSE OF SUB}fITTING TO TEE Q,UALIFIED ElECTORS OF SAID CITY FOR THEIR RATIFICATION OR REJEC'TIOn A CERTAIN PROPOSED AJmm>}~m TO TlB eHAR'l'ER OF THE CITY OF SAN BEIDJARDI}TQ, AJ,fEJI,'lHNG SEC'TION 133 THEREOF BY CHANGING THE L1MI.T OF THE BONDED INDEBTED- NESS OF SAID CITY, SO TF...AT SUCH LIMIT SHALL NOT nTT:r~ AGGREGATE EXCEED FIF'rEEN PER CENT OF THE ASSESSED VALUE OF ALIJ THE REAL AND PERSONAL PROPERTY OF THE C1 TY OF SAH BERNARDINO. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1lHEREAS, the legislati'V!'e branch of the City of San Bernardino did by ResolutionNo..itLofsE\id Oity, adopted and approved on the 1 "Nth clay bf~}lla:rch,;'1O-13, ,PJ:'opOel~, to ~he ,quali- fied elector. of ,.aid city, &,oel'ta1J1.' ;amemtlment to the~rt:..r of the City of San Bernardinoj' and. WHEREAS, it is'noW'nec-ess&rY that a, s.pecial 'f)l~ct~oIa:\. 1'- be' Clal!1Efcl'and1f.Udt'd'J't~tl'!.4' purp<ftla rd.;'B1lbmd,~;ti_ .ftitt,:pp~d amendment t'Othe' qua.1ifi ed ele.torrs o:rsa.id e1ty of San :ael'na;f",,:, dino for their rati1':1.eation or rejection. NOWTHEREFORE,The }layor and Common Council of the City of San Bernardino do ordain as follows: SEC'rION I..t, That a special election, be. and the same is hereby called tooe held in the City of San Bernardino on Friday the 18th clay ot,;April, 19l3~ for the purpose of'su1,lmi.t- ting to the qualitt.ed'.l1..torB: Qf;sa:t.4- city :t:Q,,:,~h.t.l' ...'if~~,. ;)~ eatiol'1! or rej ee-tl.n(:.J.Il'opo.e41..'eha.r..r'.Am.1ll....i:i'N1Ql\eJ"..:19.'~ u proposed and'jubmittecl byrn..olutiea :.OiJ.!;~ct i oot' ~.tdCi~!,~:O.hIH :e'~ rnard i no, whi ch Res olu.tioJr- 1s:>.f!nti tile.', ,~A . Res olutl1,~nl p;rop~,.ing a certa1n amendment, to' th'e ti ty Charter of "the:' C;ity oil'., B~ Ber-' nardino providing for the publication thereof and,4es.rib~ng,~~ setting forth such amendment", which Resolution waslMiopt.4;~M. approved the 17th day of l.,Irarch, 1913. The ba.llot*i \lsed at s.a-fd '( 1) -"-."......._-"'-----~.-'-,..~., ". --'",',-~"'"~..,' ,......~-' ~ 'li'-"~ -......4l~1-~ -' 'V1" -"-'1f-' ~ ---'- 10 11 12 13 14 1~ 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 2 election ehall have printed thereon in addition to other matters required by law or this Ordinance the following ~estlon,to-wit: Shall proposed charter' amendIDent l-Tumber one be ra tifle authoriz:1.ng the };Tayo1" and Connnon C'ounc'il toeall a. special election and submit to the qualified voters of the city any propoBi tion for incurring" an indebtean~58 for' t'he ae:quisi tion, constru.ction or compietion' of anYlnimicipal improvement, the cost of which will'be too great to be paid ou.t of the ordinary 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 annual income a.nd reTenue of the city, but not to incur any. in- debted1'1eS8 :t'or'public improvements whi ch shall in -the aggrega1te exe'eed :Fifteerr per cent of the assessed value of all the real and personal property of such city or municipal corporation, such election' to be called and held inaecordance with the general Ian of the State of California.;and prOViding f'or the issuance and disposal of bonds in evidE!ficiJ~:;-o.:t"'8Tleh 1'ncfe'btednes's. At the right of and oppoai te' such que'stion there shall b,e' prihted uIionthe ballot' on separate lines 'the words "Yes" and "No", and to the right of and follo\dng said words shall be pri nted approprfate voting squares. SEC'!"lOl-T II. The manner of holding such special election 27 and the voting thereat shall be as provided in this Ordinance, and in particulars not. recited herein",.Btteh election' shall be held as providea by law for the holding of such elections. SEC~ION III. Said eleetiom shall be conducted by boards of election, consis ting of one infSpec-tor, one judge, and two clerks, for each and eTery election pre<<1nct" here'1nafter set forth. That ror the purpose of'$aid'elee.t1on, said cIty shall .be and the same is hereby di Tided lnt'oE1ght (8') ConSolidated Municipal ElectionPrecinct-s, to be known a:s "Consolidated Municipa:l'El~et1on Precinct Number One", "Cons'olidated Municipal Election Precinct Number ''!'wo" , "Consolidated },filnicipal Election Precinct Number Three" , "Consolidated J.~unicipal Election Pre- 28 29 30 31 32 ( 2) 32 2 cinet Number Four", "Consolidated Municipal Eletti6n Precinct Nutri:ber Fi"f'e" , IIConsolidated Ml1nicipal Election Precinct Number Six", "C'onsolidated Municipal Election Precinct Number SeTen", "Consolidated Municipal 'Election Precinct Number Eight". 3 4 c: ,} nt> 'J11 d f~.t \j,; :',.. l ~~ ~; /-,- ~,~. : t' <;!, \" ~.~ (~~-::' I.'.~ X 6 JC()N8()LElA~iMUN:Ftt!EPA:J!,lmBcn(J}f' mMm1l':;~ m. Cons olida tedJ{unicipal Eleet':f&n'Preerri~~~l)'i1'i"'one shall consist of' all that portion of' said city known as "Election Precinct Number~ _, "Elee-tion Precinct Number~ and "Election Precinct Number~ , as heretof'ore designated by the Supervisors 01' the County of' SanJ3ernardino. 7 8 9 10 11 12 CONSOLIDATED MUNICIPAL ET.;ECTION PRECInGT NIDffiER TWO. 13 Consolidated :Yun,1.c~pal Election Precinct Number Two 14 ~!~'i' cOJlsllltbfld1 tha'tportion ot SliJ.;"g....ity known as "Election P:r-ec''inctiNtunber~. ","1M l'ilL 1h7 "huJr IJ-.u~",,~_--==", and "Election Precinct Number~. _", as heretof'ore des ignated: ;'~"'!~"'WI."'I!J.!IllIl_"",,i'" 1 .). '.t ':'. " '. '. ". ,::.:, --... .. ; ,_'.. - , . :'" ',,:.,~: ' . '. . ,,., ; :cOJfMt8lll-"i.Jll.nj~i~" . 15 16 :;J 18 19 ,. C'oJ'1801idatecl.'Munlcipal Electi'Oh' Pre~ln'Ct\ !ttmlb~~'fJ11ree shall consist of all that portion o-r said city knovm 8,8 IIIEleetion;Precinct N\unber~" "Elec:tlon Precinct Number ----_., 22 ~", and "Election Precinct Numbe~.~, as heretofore designated by the SupeM"isors of the Count3' of San Bernardino. 20 21 23 24 CONS01..IDAn:Di"QICiPAL ELECTION PRECINCT NmmER FOUR. 25 COmlolidatea<M\m.ie1pal' Election Pr.ein~t Nwaber;Four s~..ll';eohst.t" 01\ dl,t;tlat"portfoi\:ef' aaid city known as -Ele ctfoIT;'P.iibi fie'l .Wll'6it~" ~ij!8ctI;O.': '9.'0 Iftcf~J;.u:itii r +~ ", and""Ele.tr~,1i~~r"-C'inc't 'lumblt~ ", aa.heretofore des igna ted by' the_e!Ute~:r:Y:.!~o~r.~L.P.f.~.:thJL~QQ.W1.'t.Y_...Q.f._Sa.n. ..Be~J:!~f9..~pq. CONSOLbATED MUNI,C,~'l?AL ELEC1'ION PBEC:tNCl.'.~. Jf~, 36 27 28 29 30 31 shall cons is'tl of all {wl' (3) \ , ---_._._._-----_..__.._.......~._. ---.-------..-.-.- ....----------.-------...---.- - -- ------------------.-- .--.--...-------- "Elec-tion Precinct n\ll'l1ber k ", "Election Precinct Number 2 ~", and "Election Precinct Ntunbe~~', as heretofore designated by the SupervisoI"6 of the County of San Bernardino. 3 4 CONSOLIDATED }mNICIPAL EJ~C'TION PRECINCT 1TUMBER SIX. "".,-,' .,' ,- . .. ..' "-,' ,"," ,'., ,-, . '.<' . S 6 aOh801l.1.,~~:t.ed.}~un.,.i cipa.l:'_l.l.qe~~,~ on PreQilJc'lt Numb e r Six shall consist ofallthatportilQn'Qt B~id ,city ]ql.Qwi1 a's~' "Election Precinct Number'f~", "ft ---'-18>>- l? [A" I n. · .1T'.l ec __~, and' "Elec:tion Precinct Numbe~1~ as heretofore designated by the Supervisors of the County of San Bernardino. 7 8 9 10 CONSOLIDATED M1JNICIPAL EJ.JilC'TION PRECHTCT 1TUJlfBER SEVEJ\T. 11 Consoli"-a~e.d MuniQipal Election Precinct Number Seven shall consist of all tha~ pOrtion of said city known as 12 "Election Precinet NUl'llb.8l".... ." ,. t "~:t.El~1;~,On ~rec1nct Number 14 t..ttnA~.'" and "Election Precinct Number~", as heretofore designated b!1".tbi~ SuperVisors'ot' the C'ountyofSa.n ~ernardino. 13 15 16 17 CONSOLIDATED MUNICIPAL ET.JilCTION PRECDTCT :NtT.MBER EIGHT. O.~14..'tf"i.~1IYfiItIli1..~l~~~lQ.~.J?f($~in~'t Number Eight shall consist or a.l:1 'jl!f!.~ ~p6fti(11\ dtf3a.i..d. c tty known as "Election Precinct Numb~~.", "Election Precinct Number ~", and "Election Precinct Ntunbe~~", as 'heretofore designated by the Supervisors of the County of San Bernardino. 18 19 20 21 22 23 That the boaft\ of elee,tion for each Consolidated Municipal ElectiorJi.P~eQ1net- insa1d ci ty for sai.d special election, the1P1spe.t:,<lte~~~j,u.d'g~s. and clerks, and the pOlling places there.for,' shal1]',..~u.t.QitQW:S_, to.-w.it; CONSOLI,A'l'EJ). :Mt~C<<P!t~c:It<m:J~RIlQ:t..d1':~R ,'OU;..~tl.. Inspector: alaude R~avidson Judge :~o. Duggin C'le rk : Blanc;tl.e A ~ Re eves Clerk: Fannle. J:.Walker Polling Plaee:Storeroom.N.E.C9r.Fourth & D Streets. 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 (- (4) I-----C-~~SOLIDA~ }'UNICIPAL ET.ECTIOII PRECINCT NllJ!l3ER TWO. 2 Insnector: B. J. }~eCormick .. 3 Judge: W. R. Carter Clerk: Nellie Allison 4 6 '1.C'1.erkt-~!, ;~th. f. ..~,~~:~ p 1;.<,~ '., U .;', ~-' ot+ . .t. ,,' '. , ~\J.' .' .....';""'..."""~~.,..._."-;"'""I~ .~olling Place.;:B'runp. a ~J ,:.~t:;c j, J:! \.,'.1 4j,,/;..~,) ...ij;~ S.E1t3 .. 7 8 cmmOLIDATED HUNICIPAL EI.EC''fIOl~ PRECInCT NuMBF--R THREE. 9 inspector: Ralph:E. Imhoff' Judge: John W. Lee --.--.---.- 10 --~._------------ 11 Clerk: Pear~ L,. Rockoff Clerk: A1ma J. Weir Pqlling,Place: T.en.t ,North side of Rial ~ Avenue, eas t of , ,\ r ,~ : 't' )", . .f.ll.\i.' 'V"a'J.l1on he1h1!. -"'''''''',.,. .. .. ...,...., ,". .....-.,... - ....." , .. ...........--....... , 12 13 14 i ~,,' '."Ii' ;->1.1" .,,;':"' ]. . ... ... ,",.. ~ , c:ONSO~IDATED.:MUNI~IPAL E~C'!ION PRECI1TCT NUMBER FOUR. Jeremiah Shea 15 18 " , Polling Place: City Pavilion, Lugo Park. J ..::r 1. ~ ,:--"~a 16 19 20 i/ 21 22 ,_.o~SOLIDATED :MUNICIPAL ;ELEC'TION PRECINCT NUMBER FIVE. .) \ ..", ' r~ \( Inspector: Geo. A. Frua ,,:. ' ,~;, "-',' " ~,i,; .;i:1," ." -,': \ .. ~,'~- '.~, '.. Judge: M. H. Anderson' (.,} (: >.~:'''~~>.- i...~' (':~',~i;.:~.~"~ ],;',''''''- -"'0'" I 23 24 ~~ } 25 . f'.oat1<e f":J~~~!~:,' ~~~r~,~. ~~T~ ,; ,'? I't , '. ...... .C'l.~lc: .eel!.aI. Jori. .C.,il-ect,td tt,).. (:on~ttt Dlti~l 'f!t';::€;'~J L~; L~f.; I!~ he ~> ~:'_'"j(: t~":.l,~;; , ,<....~. .... ~,plJ:l~, ~l~c. :.,fen1t't N. W.C'or .Fourth and G p:r t. .1, '>i.eu...? ~t.ri.U ,.u (~, ~,t ;}"tr.~f:: 8 '- J ~'~',~ "r :.r ~., ~A ~', ~: ~l";;ct' f~ ~:"il-11 n, (~~!':-f' .~: ~'i; \ ., ", V"; _ j ~ ':' ,~; -J; 2fJ ~'~'1' j r. Streetll. 27 !'~: tt :':,(~ i ~~> 28 29 " 30 CONSOLIDATED lmNIC IPAL EI.ECTI01T PREC INCT NID"l3ER SIX. . ...tJr~.. '-":1. li$........H \.i:lc~.,jl.....",.;.."", 116.t4.l.''''~'..Q....."tI_.~, '.... ".J..~_.~~.,,;o,._ec,,~~,r.. .,,:. Louie E,. Hillee ' I' h '1{' "o"r...,<~" <, "..."~,., " ,f, . '. .r~: D. W..:lter ban... If,: ,~~ (~{))1fi d~i-:.:;~ "i~~.-t ,71.- ',\ ,~, ',' ~; s; I .," .,Cl4t~1c: J(argaret Slater \..,;; 1',* ,"'4 ,;".. ,",",", ~:~ I ,~.;; . :jV"'; 31 32 (1") I'h_" 2 C'le rk : ],i~~~ni ~li~l:.~c_harr: _____ _____ __~ Polling Place :2.::.nt , S .}~. Cor :..Se'Voenth~_c:....Street5 . 3 4 CONSOLIDATED },IDNICIPAL :F~DJC'TI01T PRECINCT 1rmr1J3}t~R SEVEN. ~. ptJ.~\,) . .4'~", l" Inspect'6r: , .~~-;,: J'. "R. Alvord 7 .Tudge :' '.:r... B'. F reneh~J C'lerk: Irene Propst :~;"{1-' ;:'. 8 Clerk: Carrie ~Jraddox 9 Polling Place: Tent IS outh s ide of Fiftl~ between K & L Streets .' ----,-- 10 11 CONSOLIDATED MU:HICIPAL ELEC'TION PRECINCT lTUJ,,1BER EIGHT. 12 Inspector: David H. Wixom .Judge: .To'iini. Colwell 13 14 " , C'!erk: "fu.1:' Howland 15 t Clerk: Leanl'Iier ~Oxley 18 19 ar~hei-eby deteini.lned and 20 places for holding such election, and said havebeert found and are hereby determined and declared to be qualified for' s'uch respective pOSitions, as required by l~w; a:hdthey arehireby ;.oa.PPointed~ such elec,tion officers to conduct ".i'.:,"~'l~'r'rc_-i,.: <'\;":; r _ ry~"';";~~' __ ,; . such et'1-.'t'lonand' to eonati tute said Boards of Elee:tion; and said :Bc;..\i.4.l~/YiJcHl:l:dn:'~HA) stich ~:tti.~~~ Bhall cond'uct and are hereby l!\o_..~;~cr l6h~u:~'t~1ta ~1~1lei:olt ~~ 'ty Flaw arid:"thi's ordi~ance .. ~,~~ iitia \t~j~:J{4i~it tjf~ ~b~tJL:t'gi~en :1i.:ri~~~~:t at saidin e1'ithc\'l'6~' a:j,'a td make~nd 'de'I'iT'~'~;~turns thereof to the City ~:" 21 22 23 24 21 . ;:t 28 C1.erk of a&14 Ci toy awiit..,ia,S\AZt....'i'.a_.,h.~., "~ ):~","~;}.,.f .:1tl~'~ ," "'"" 1~', ;:~' : , " _~~rl:"(;.",~~ :~L,;~ t;\";'t ~~J";: ,>;~~~:ti:., ~ 38 '.yor"ancr ~'oJllJllon CO~c11 shall me~t a~the:y.~ IJ:~~~M\ dii).}t~~t.saia ef~~~ion, ~~l~l, ""J ,",. ',' . '<' l · ,. "'co ". ",~lt,tti'~ f 7':3ti o"clockP.M. 0:fsa1d'day and proceed >> 31 32 ("'J (() '.. It" 14 15 16 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 21 21 28 a9 30 31 32 2 SEC'TIOK V. Any qualified voter may vote at said election 3 in favor of any proposed amendment by starrlping a cross (X) on his ballot in the square at the right of the word "Yes" following 4 6 '. ~ :pt:Opnad. t'1O>D "'0' ibe vatePx'<WP1>ft!,}, and. an..vqWl.~Ui .ed W .te r play vot'ei at sa.id election agains:t..-.. ~r.,f8'Qi'<l~,~ropOi.e~ amend.,. ment by stamping a cross (X) in the square at the" right of the 7 8 9 word "'No" following the proposition to be voted upon. The City Clerk is hereby authori,zed and directed to 10 prepare and cause to be printed, upon the prcper kind of paper, a sufficient humber of ballots for the use of the voters at said sp.ecial election. The number of said ballots to be 50 prepared.hali not be' less than seventy-five for each fi~ty qualified vo~rs, for each election precinct, and a like propor- tion for ea.oh :rrac't.ion o~ fifty, voters in e~oh of saidpre-: 11 12 13 cincts. ".trCll\ ;P"tl.'~t""'~_'~"j.Iii~'1' This Ordinanc.esha11 .be pubaistiiecl'priorto. tb .1#e (Qf W"'4;it~,r election five (5) times in the San Bernardino Da.Uy. .Sun., ~~J." newspaper printied, published and c1 roulated in sa.id e4l'i1i:Y ,a.nd ' the C'i ty C::terk shall caUSe this Ordinance to be s opubl'ishetl 'and JlIO other notice ,of saidelec:tionneed. b.e giTen. 8'KC'.!I():!cYII.,-rhia.Ordinance 18 urgently requ.ired by the 01. Lof"Ian'i:Be :tllaDt1l1o ,~and, ..t he inhab:t"'an ts.th.re>>:t: in or4ertha t ..,~..~..C~ ma~ H.....':_t1:t3'illC 8'U_j~J\dm.ent:t~lJ..t1.;.rf;~r ,.,......0 ''1Iikl:uj OU'I".Ul,", cd>.t_"+p'.eQi1~i: ~L..la 't-ur.e:nQ<<'::La ';'" .'...;1'On. '801;hat ssicl(~endIfel'tt may 'be' Itlbmi, tt.ed '-&..0 tM .Legis... latureof the Sta.teof Ca.lifornia, and it is a180 urgently.re-. qa:Lredt-r.Q'r .thet,lmmed1,a.. :f~..~ti_ .S!::bh haa1tit1 '~nd \s lI'fety in "Q1r~. .tha"lt"~..~ ,< ".',":'h;; ha:ve the power to incur a bonded. ,.1"", . .:: ( '7) 1 t . 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 \ 16 " 17 .1 ! 18 I 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 RaIl, the building nowbeingoceupied asa City Hall being in an unsanitary condition and.unfit for the transaction of public bu~.1ne~s and. dangerous to the health of the c1 ty offie,ers and the '{"public frequenting the sarne, and it ,i..,'alsOi':lre;~ntlY re- ,\~i r.~ ~f gr"t1?:e \..i~e'!1a.'V;.,/:;;pr,e.s ,",:r'tia ~i~O~, ~c~,. ~~\,;bl=\:%_~~'!C,.,.. . " , - ." . .' ..' ~ ll.ea.lth, and s~f~tx ~o a,s toe,na.b1:~ ~~,C~~(ty:,..o:t :.8.&.1\ ~;~~4i~(h.to purchase two ;or mor~ park sites and maintain pUblic parks for the health and safety of the people of San Bernar(lino, a suf- ficient number of parks for such purpose not now being in ex- istence, and the cost of s~ch proposed parks and City Hall being t,oo great to be pa.id ~ut of the annual ,income and revenue of ~a:id c.i tYt said Q;rdinance is also urgently requir~d by the Ci ty of ,sarn,:aerrnard.lno an~ theinhabitc:lJ1t~::thereOfbeca.use of the f oll QY(ing facts: ' The ,S~a~e t~~gi8lature qf. C~lifornia of the year 1913 is now in session and is about to adopt a jointresolutiol1i pro- ~iding ;fort~.~.}o,u.rrU,llent ,ofi t~ regular session on April 26, 1913; th~t said Legislature will not:regularly meet again until .January 1915; that if the amendrlent to the charter of the City of San Bernardino herein proposed be not approved at the present session of said Legislature by both hOllses thereof, such ,amend- ment eannot ip. the regular course of events.be approved by it and become a law until January, 1915; that the maxim~ limit of bonded indebtedness which the City of San Bernardino, under the terms of ite charter as the charter now rea.ds, is able to incur, does not exceed the sum of Eighty-five Thousand ($85000.00) ..~~ Dollars; that in the eve:J:l.'t. gf "a.n unW5cual and extraor- dinary storm, or flood, or freshet, or fire, or earthquake, or other unusual occurrence of nature the said city 'because of its inability to issue bonds in excess of said $85,000.00 might therebY,and does t~ereby,imperi1 the peace, health and sarety of the inhabitants and of the municipality; that it is therefore ( 8) to 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 2 l'1'ecessary for the preservat.ion of the aforesaid public peac" health and safety of said city and its inhabitants that..aaid amendment to said chart,er be presented for the appro.....ior.a.$. Legislature now in sessioft prior to said 26th day. of April. and to that end,and as a r....~.;~l'l8'. "'1~~~W< thereof it is essential that this Ordinan.~'.hall talce e:f:f'..t 3 4 5 6 7' immediately upon its publ'ication as herein providedj that the cost of said parks and of said City Hall would more than consume the limit of the power of said city to incur a bond debt and would leave nothing whatever with which to provide for such dangers and emergencies which might arise, and for each and all of the reasons hereinbefore stated it is hereby declared by the Mayor and Common C'ounei1 that this Ordinance is for the immediate preseI'Tation of the public peace, health and safety, and its 8 9 passage and taking effe~t is of great urgency. the The City C'lerk shall c'ertify to :i.l)(IXpassage SEC'TION VIII. of this Ordinance ^bya two-thirds Tote o~ the Common Council and cause it to be published fi Te'( 5) times in the San Bernar"dino Daily Sun, and thereupon and thereafter it shall take efrect and be in force. I hereby certify that the whole number of Common C'ounci! of the City of San Bernardino is five, and tha.t the foregoing Ordinance was adopted by said Common Council at its meeting held on the 17th day of March, 1913, by the following 'Vote, to-wit: AYes:~,~(~,~~. Noes: ~, :~ . ~.I ~C' erk. The foregoing Ordinance 1s hereby approved this /7 day of March, 10 13. . ra < . ../ ,,' //(Z' /- '-' a: .l'''4rt4i( .---. ~K: "~r of the C1 t~of San Bernardino. _I 2 3 4 5 , 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 necessary for the preservat.ion o:f the a:foresaid public pea-c., health and safety o:f said cit~r and its inhabitants that:.. .aid . amendment to said charter be presented for the appro....l of ...11 Legislature now in sessio~ prior to said 26th day o:f April, and to that end,and as a r.Uf!A. ~;;.. '.. n.~,jOIl~il' t,hereol it is essential that this Ordinane.ahall take ef'f..t immediately upon its publ'ication as herein provided; that the cost of said parks and of said City Hall would more than consume the limit of the power of said city to incur a bond debt and would leave nothing whatever with which to provide for such dangers and emergencies which might arise, and for each and all of the reasons hereinbefore stated it is hereby declared by the Mayor and Common C'ouneil that this Ordinance is for the immediate preseryat,ion of the public peace, health and safety, and its passage and taking effeet is of ueat urgency. the The C'i ty C'lerk shall certify to ~'pa5aage SECTION VIII. of this Ordinance ^ by a two-thirds Tote 01' published fi Te<( 5) times the Common Council and cause it to be in the San Bernar~ino Daily Sun, and thereupon and thereafter it shall take efrect and be in force. I hereby certify that the whole number of Common C'ouneil of the City of San Bernardino 1s five, and tbat the foregoing Ordinance was adopted by said Common Council at its meeting held on the 17th day of March, 1913, by the :following Tote, to-wit: AYeS:~'~(~'k7~' Noes: ~, ~~crerk. The :foregOing Ordinance is hereby approved this j'J day of March, 19 13. a t " , " /./ <--, " ,. /' d -l~v~4 -. - ~ ," br of the Cit1' of San Bernardino.