HomeMy WebLinkAbout522 2 ,- {} 3 /< 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 .. .. OlmUJAHCE NO. eJ-.2 Z -,-~--_._._--- ORDINANC}i] OF TIDj CITY OF SA}! :BERiJARDINO }<]STA....;:n,IsHHrcr Tim OFFICIAJ.. GRADE OF ORANGE STRI~~T, FROH T':r:E EAST :S01:LNDA}{Y T,I:"'}~ O}' "A" STP..EE~[' TO T~ EAST FOlJN])ARY TJINE OF AHHO'NRF.AD A'ITENUJ-G n,; SAln CITY. ..........t....t........... ... The }\[ayor and Common Council of the City of San Ber- nardino do ordain as follows, to-wit: SECTION I. The official grade of Orange Street. from the Ea,st 1101mdary line of "A" Street to the East bonndary linp. of Arrowhead Avenue in said city 1s herellY estalJJ.ished Ftnd fjxed. at the fOllowinG elevations aceording tv the officia.l bench mark or oH,turn plane of the City of San BernardJ.no, to-wi.t.: At the top of the curb line at the Northeast. JDDIIl c'orner of Orange and "Aft Street.s, the .grade shall oe 1089 .9 . At t,'ne top of the curb line at the S,':utheast corner of Orange and "A" streets, the grade shall be lOB:? .5., ~ At trle top of the curb line at t.~le Northwest corner of Orange and "A" Streets, the grade shall be l~O.l. At t,11e top of the curb line at the Southwest corner of Orange and "A" Streets, the grade shall he lOB? 7'. At the top of trLe curb line at t.r:ie ITortneast corner of Orange and B Streets, the grade shall he 10?2.0. At the top of the Cllrb line at tile Southeast corner of Orange and B Streets, the grade shall he 1031.8. At the t.op of tn.e curb line at the ]lTor1::hwea t corner of Orange and B Streets, the grade 5 hall be 10:)1.8. At ~.be top of', th~ cWo 1.t~S'Ri.:~F,,:1;.he Southwest corner of Qrange and p. Streets, the grade ahal1 be l~ 1.6. At the top of the curb line a.tt.he Northeast corner of Orange Stree't a.nd .Arrowhead Avenue, the grade shall be 1021.7'. At the top of' the curh li"i~ at the Southeast eorner of Orange Rtreet. and Arrowhead Avenu.e, the grade aha11 "he 10,;11.0. ( 1) 1 ------'-'--.,-_._--.._-.....<~._._.,......"..,_.. .".,....-.--- 1----:--- 1 At a.ll points at right a.ngles with the curh line, the 2 grade at t.:he property line shall 'he 3i -inches higher t.han the 3 grade of the curb line. At the curb line, the gra-de of the .cutter line shall "he at all points lO-i"nches, below the top of the curb. ~ -~ At all points, the grade of the center line of \t.:Qe\ street s11all he 3-inches a'bo'We a. straight. line dFawrr at right 4 5 6 7 8 angles t.o t.he st.reet from t.op of the curb to top of the cur'b. 9 10' The grade of the street bet.ween said described points running Eas t 'and Wes t shall be a s trai ght Ii ne drawn 11 etween 11 8~id described points. 12 All eleva.tions rerer to top of curb, excerJt. where 13 ot.herw5sB noted, are in feet, a.nd are above a plane which is 14 l045.28-:rep.t helow t.he r.i ty 'hench mark ::tR estal,lished 'hy Ordin- 1~ ance ]~0.3,g3, of the Ci ty of Sa,n Bernardino. 16 BEC'T! ON I I . The San :Bernardino Daily Sun is }1ere"ny desig- 17 nated as the daily newspaper l)'ul1lil'\hed and eircvlCl.ted in the City 18 of San Bernardino, in Wl1ich this Ordinance shall 'he pu1-,lished. 19 The City Cler~ sha~} certify to the passage of. t.his 20 Ord.inance and. shall cause t.he same to he pUl)lished in the said 21 San Bernp.rdino Daily Run by j,n8ertj.on~ thAreof in three (3) con- 22 eClltj1Te j13sues of t'ne said San Bernardino Daily Sun. I hereby c~rtify that the foregoing Ordinance was 23 dopted ny t]1 e 24 ,ardino at it.s 25 J'1!:a.yor and Common Council of the Ci t.y of San Ber- P'leetine.: held on the I;;'? d.8_Y cf ~t 1913, the following vote, to-wit: Aye5:~/~ ~~ 26 ; V" ~ ~ ~ fI, ~~__._---!. 27 Noes: ~, * 29 . 24~;~-z~ ::: City Cler . 28 30 Approved thj s day of ~t- ~ IJ.. . , 10 13 . C:. 31 32 ( 2) .. l... / '1 "