HomeMy WebLinkAbout524 '/0./1 2 - I ! 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 I i 1 ~ 'I ! 1 ! . (- 0, .. ~~ ~ O:.nnI~"A"'''C''~' 'liTO C~)!,~ ;'U ..L! d\i '~'J ..I.:... .--S::...~.___".-._._....... OR,"T)InAXCE OF '],FE YAYOl\ AND COl,P,'ON COmWIIJ OJ TIm CI'I'Y OJ' SAN :BERNARDINO ES'CA:BJJISHING TRE GRADE OJ" RROADWAY STRT~]~T FROJ,r TIlE WEST BOUNDARY IJnJ}~ OF G STREET 'l'Q TIm EAST BOTJNDAHY LUTE OF KElmAI.J", AVENUE Dr SAID CITY. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . The Jtl:ayor and Common Council of the City of San Ber- nardino do ordain as follows, to-wit: SECT I 01T I. The official grade of Broadway Street from the West l)Oundary line of G Street to the East boundary line of Kendall Avenue in sc,;,id city is hereby established and fixed to the rollowing elevations according to the official bench mark or datum plane of the City of San Bernardino, to-wit: At the top of the curb line at the Northwest corner of BrOadway Street and G street, the grade shall 'he 1050.3. At the to}) of the curb line at the Southwest corner of Broadway Street andG Street, the grade shall be 1050.05. At the top of the curb line at the Northeast corner of Broadway Street 'and H Street, the grade shall be 1057.0. At the top of the curb line at t}~ Southeast corner of Broadway Street a!ld H Street" the grade shaJ.lc1e 1.056.55. ~t the top of the curb line at ,the Southwest earner of Broadway Street and H Street, the grade shall be 1057'.35. At the top of the cu~b line at the Northwest corner of Street and H,Street, the grade shall be 1057'.57. At, the top of t~e curb ~ine at the Northeast corne+ of Str~,t;,a.nd I S1;r~et, the grad~ shall pe 1061..~5. At th~ top of the curb line at the Southeast corner of Street and I Street, the grade. shall be 1061.25. At the top of the curb line at the South\y.pt corner of Street and I Street, the grade shall be 1061.55. At th,e top of the curb line at the Northwest corner of Broadwa.y Street and I Street, the grade shall be 1061.75. 32 23 24 Broadway 25 26 Broadway 21 28 Broadwa:j' 29 30 Broadway 31 ( 1) 11 12 13 14 u 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 " ~"""" .... '. ~'r 2 At the top of the curb line at the Northeast corner of Broadway Street and Carter Avenue, the' grade shall be 1066.9. At the top of the curb line at the Southeast corner of Broadway Street and Carter Avenue, the grade shall be 1066.45. At the top of the c~b line a.t the Southwest corner of' . .. 3 4 5 6 7 BroadwajrnStreet and Carter Avenue, the grade. shall be 1066.75. At the top of the curb. line at the 110rthwest corner of Broadway Street and Carter Avenue, the grade shall be 1067.2. At the top of the curb line at the Northeast corner of Broadway Street and Kendall Avenue, the grade shall be 1068.7'4. At the top of the curb line at the Southeast corner of 8 9 10 Broadway Street and Kendall Avenue, the grade shall be 1068.54. The grade of the street between said described points running Ea.st a.nd 'Nest shall be a straight line drawn between said described points. All elevations ref'er to top of' curb, exeept whe re ot.herwise noted, are in feet, and are above a plane which is 1045.28 feet below t.he City bench mark as established by Ordinance No.383 of the City of San Bernardino. SECTION II. The San Bernardino Daily Sun is hereby designa- 'ted as the daily newspaper published and circulated in the City of San Bernardino, in which this Ordinance shall be published. The Ci ty Clerk shall ~ertif'y to the passage of this Ordinance and shall cause the same to be published in the said San Bernardino Daily Sun by insertions' thereof in three (3) con- secutive issues of the said San Bernardino Daily Sun. I hereby cert.ify that the foregoing Ordinance was adopted by the },Tayor and Common Council of the City of San Ber- nardino at its meeting held on the :;2- day of(/~;;~', 1913" by the following vote, to-wit: AyeS~1~-~~ ~~~, A~-~,/L' Noes :' >....< ( 2) ~ ~~-&-r- 2 3 4 5 ApproTed this 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 ~8 29 30 31 32 City Clerk. o day of.. .~ ,1913. ~ .1 (2,..~ ~~t 70r 0 t e City 0 San Be~ardino. ( 3)