HomeMy WebLinkAbout527 (2) , -,.,. .. * , ;;-:?jZ "'-I.... T-"! _t ',T4~ -: ~ Oh.u~. :.\..cj0~ ..0. . .t\lT OP~IIT..:~T8B ru~GUIJ.l\.TI~TG ~:IJ= ?:EEP.. DIG OF HOR:::mS ','!!THET TIm CITY OF SAlT :GERlT.ARD IlW . ,The Hayor '-'nd OOi:l'On Council of tho~'ity of ;'.8on =sr~nr1inQ do 11creby or(-aj_~ ~8 follo~8: Sect ionl. It sL.all :)(; unlD,\7ful for 8.ilY)CrfJOu or cor:J01' tiO::l to }:ee:p a hor~-e, :n,,<ee, Tilt1.1e, col'~ or ,j enny in al1"T,;1 !~~;t.~:blc, ~:)r:-}~r:t_1J ;/U,l""~ or ot:1.'?r ~lp~p l~~~ +~~Yl ~4~~y (0-0) ___ ,-.".-J _._ ',...':""" '-' IJ...-.C'..... ......l....... V feet dist~nt frou any VlcllillC occu:Jied by human 1..1<:'.8 or 1J i~ :'112: (-~, ~~, 2 c~ it~tion, wit.out first having obtained from t}lG c'o'?::(; of :Iealt:l of t}le City of San J3ernal""L'o, So -Jerr:it 80 to i}O. SJ'iCTIOlT II. It '?;'Jo.ll 'be -"'ll~",:f"l.l for ,~.ny ")'':1'80)1 or cor:'oration to na~.)l':_8.il1 an~' st'.iJl,,; or )18.C0 \ll1erc1or>,ss, ~ll12,1'.~ 8 J '11'u128 or ,j '2~'.n:L:;8, Gel. tt 1'2 o t"c~r '""t . J....,. " ~ IT e;:, i.I 0 C.= ~ S or or l:ept, \7jt-1i.-l. 1:'088 t'~,~>:~ 7ift:;. (5-0) feet of ,1::1:" l}')uGe or Otl1S1' ~Jl.;.iJ.,lin[; inhabited ;)~' 0~lns~, ~ithout !irst ~':'.:?JVil1C obtg.i11C(~, fro'.' tllC ~~:\oGJ~-'d. of IIeo.ltl1 of tl~lt,? ctty of S..". {...c...: 3ern~.r1i~10, a )0~~it 80 to (10. mWTIOlJ III. :~T 0 J;l e r;.:i t shaJ. J be .:..;rant b~T tlle ~- , __ 0 c',:c.r;,_ of He~lth to any person, :tir'l or , . co r:p 0 :ca'c J. on to ki0-3") DJ1JT "~.Ol"lC-:0S, TItal'es, ~;ll.lJ.C~C~ o:c j \~rL,.lile8, or C8.ttJ..e or ot:":8r 1i'Tt??:- st'Oclc near~r than J:'ifty (50) feet distant froLl any :101).8-8 or <1....i...Tf~ 1 J. j -'1,;: 0 c c tPJ i i?(l~ 1J~;;l }l U:n12,l1 be i ~f1g ~J .s_ 8 o. Jl[tl:) it 0., t i orl vtJi t:1i11 tJIC City of San 3ernal"'Hno exc€pttng i.non t}:;.? ';:ritten appli- c ~,t i O.~l ~,):;T tl1 (: ~-J (_"; 1"' 80:1, :.:' ir:.~ 01" C; 0 1":1 or t i 0 rl cle ~J i:c f:~:' :1g S11C11 ~J 81"- :'Jit, ~.~.:'~'~ic:.'2. lie t:.o.n ;31:{'.:LJJ_ ~~)~ Sib!1Cd~ 1):1' tll'c-:: al)plic2..nt 8..ncl. s:)'3cif:r t~'~1.r: Joc:-.tiO}1 of tl~.e ~;~)l"CTlis':)~~ ~_.l~..~'orl -\:7}lic~-'.':. it iS4l)r,Q- 1) 0 8 '3e1 to l~G ~s:) O~11~>" .::,J1J~Cll CtYli:,'Iola12 8.;'1'1 Buell O..J?~") 1 icrtt i on shaJ., 1 c;'~<Jcify t:~i: Il1Xl.oer of':u1i:;v?"ls t.o l:H; so kept C!"t such :;.,)lace " .. 15 ~ iJ .~ ~j~ rI.l ~ d 16 roit4 ~ I m 17 ~<! : ~ 18 ',;,1 . '" ~y.' .a ,"' -------.-.......---..... 1 ,'-'.11. ,~1. t~:: 0': i-18Y:"--' r:: 0 f ~:.l1jf :..-} (',:1"' ~~ 0 ~'1 0 ,~; (1 ~ ~ -'\ - -r-'" '.'~ . tI .;.. ,~_1 \....) , i ~) ,'- w; 01-' :~..."\:. r-- _ 2 tiO:l .". -""f~ (~O) ~\:'rl:~~.~i.'i <','.' ,..~\r "l" " v..J..~l.. ___...... W.,) '- f<~8t f:CO~:l, ~;t~C~:' '.) ]. ~\ C .~" , ~e:.ll"J t "',. ':", 3,.'" ~; t, ~-,:t, 3 ~:}'~.?,t S11CJ-l ~J,2)~-,:lic:;..,.l1t ')41^1")_ y,~iJJ. .,':'-;,~.t:}f:.lJ.~:,,: C:)'?, 1~\113 ,;.):::~C}}. ... :"LJJ O:C t:--::.C' ol...,:ti~,'1;.-\~-lCt38 of t1'18 '=~,_:LtJI" of (~~,8..Yl :.:~::1..~Ll~..tl..:-:1irlo lic~_1Jle S in ~""ny ;,'.2,nner ths1'E~to ancc y;i:.l ol)ey ':;2~ch an( all or,:',e1's anc: 6 l~ -:::::'u12,t ions of the To8.:"(:, of :"Icalth nlYl :10''''' Ith off ic <~::. of 8' j/ ~ ::ity. U~00;1 t:-:.c: fjJin,: 0:: :::jt,C:l o;'lJIir;C1.tion t:-c: ::o~\r(~ 0: IT'Jo,J.th 8 s}v?J.l "10'~::.fy 8,J.1 '')p.l'!':'ons ::":8irJi:1~; '::tt'lln ?ifty (50) feet ,-l:Ls- 9 t3J"lt frorl e Jlace at ,iliic~ it is ]1'op08e1 to keen a~Y such 10 an in,"', J. co 0.(.' J. , l' + . SUCl1::{9.' ...1 C c, "lon, 1)..111 e ~:3 ~:j (~', :J.C}1 tl'~ tic; e -;J~3 ".',~"-'. i ~r 8 (1, [1.:n.(l 11 ..-,'" " ,.....".;.,. c 011:3..1 J. "G~ r:.;' l' '2tl.; 0 11 . ' . :-~:l'T r:: ~c.:: t ::J ~~', .~:~ i '~J~ ~) :C' 8:.---- i ,~ C G ctrlCL if ,ii j 12 "' .;_. ., ../~ _.'~ 1..1__ ..l.,_ ::n:; 'L i '1 t:;0 l,;1'c'.]t LtC: cf' f.".C:~ a~)~)lic -t, i ~} 'H ~J.1 J.. :.~o ,.~ ~:J tJ 13 ";.otl':>!(;'it;.] to t::e Im"olic heal tll and vlelfare of said Oi ty, 14 -'ell.e saXle s}'lall bpgranted "out 13haJl be su1Jj ect to c8,nc(~11atia 1 '-' ,..." b r:-:.t;'laut ~ilotice 1.1 on such apg1ico.nt. neG I~C'lJ:tJ1C 'co 'J T3l've an:l rule or regulation of the :Board of healtl'l i~1 l'ol8.tion t~;8Y'f:.tO. SECTION IV. The board of health of the City of 3an B,srnarccino is herc'JY cl,ut}lOri zed t') T"sJ::e Si1.e"). rules and l'ecu- 1 ~.!,: i 'J :'1 S 8~ ~ :. t r-',:'lD,J~ J t1e r.:t1 ::1 ,~:~ C e s s a..l":.~ ~~ 0 1" t~,.~. e -~)11~ r:, er,tr;~t i 0 :--: of 19 t~'l,P ',u;:,Jic lJ.epJ.t::l ~'.;yl ';lelfo,re 0,]1(1, u~.")o:n Sl",.ntj";; any :;?rm:1.t 20 ~.q ;j,'?1~pi11before })rovide0., sl'"w.J.l have authol'i t~T to :i.r:J.:;?osc u~')on 21 t:-.,c }Ycl',:,on l~cceiving "3uch :Jcr:']it, such conrJ,itions at::, yTiJ.l in- 22 sure a Semi tary cotdi tion in and 2..bout 'c}lG l:llace s}?ccified 23 j 11 , . '- SUCll J)crr~lJ..~I.J. 24 SECTIon V. j\r!.Y )er(50n vioJ.2,tinc t>is or6_ir~8,:lcC or Ci.n~y 25 rule or regulation of the J30ard of Health ,;},dolJted lmrsuant 26 li::;reto, shall 'o'? dee2iled guilty of i), :'liadc:i'2anor (),nd upon con- 27 victio:n 't}v)T::;of sl1all be l'unish'3r1 ~JY a fLle Hot to exceed One 28 1.'l"Yl,"'~c>d (''''100 00) T.oJ J ",rco ...~. v.... "'.,1,. _, t;)( . .___' ~ .~.::... ~,.J, or by iE1lJrisonment in the r::i ty Jail 29 :10t 'co exceed Thirty (30) Days, or :):/ :)oth such fine and 30 :J.n~}l'i r: onrlent. 31 Section VI. This Ord1nance 11 t<'J,te effect [,11(). be in 32 ~o~n~ ~-n~ ~~~ 0~~~- ml.~~r~~' (~O. \ ...... _..; '." ~_ J.. "......d. :Aj~- .;,~.. L'''.... "'......L ..I,';"J.. \J,i \ v J t116 due l,)ll1~~~ic8..- 't:i rl~,,:r8 cl,ft er ~/ 2 I t:l tI Z 's 15 "'~.a ~<li_ ~ i d 16 .10 r.l~.e z 'i!' := ~ f 17 ll< I::.\> ..::i<1%l -fl ; 18 !:l: rJl 1 tion of this Ordino,nce. 2 sr~CTIO:: VII. The cityen~'r'<c:",~~l,~,::. C';l'tj.f::/ to ".:.hc :9!:'.8- 3 S 2:.2 e of t:li s () l'~J. i '<~.:1~:"l c e ::tYl'c~~ c ~-,ll r~ e tJ:: r; r:<-r'1 e t c ~);'~ -.JtllJ]. i S}l Pr). 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 2b 27 28 \ 29 \ ~ 3 tt~ iYl tl1.e ;~[tn Bernarclil10 ~"'a:..ly for T~'lr e e f'Z) "r""''''''C'1+1'-rn \ ..) \.... '._}f _.\0 '~i ":... .,~... OJ \i '_, CL:l~i s Sun. I :lGrelJY c QI't if~l t,}12.t t' ~':~'. e fOl"'et~o~L~}1C !-'1"('_:'~~'1~),~'1Ce V!::tS YJ n B S e(~_ ;_'\::1"_:_~.rl 1").,) t ~r.:i by t}18 ITayar ,"'" r'1 :..............1. :-;OY".0"10n Council of tl1e ~:i ty of 5a:'l J3ernal~clino, ::::.t it~3 l".18etinG ~leld on the 7/ d day Of~_---, 1913, by the followin": vote. AyG~~~-'-.d.~_~. Hoes ) - .f/?-'7Z-~ . . ---.------':t-te:;:~~- --dTty C"fe-r~-----~ AJnro" eo. this -l- day o/~.. ~. , ~~ ----~-- ~r~3f the City ~ 8an Ber::12,rdino. ;~;,< ~ !I !I I i'~