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O rrll.' ")" '-lC"" ~TC' J.2!?
"--' .' .c:~... ~ ,... J. ....-........
1\.n 0 .,~Co l' 1'1'- ._, C -" C ," 1 ] l' - ~ . . .., 1 t' . - . .' ,
_.. ~, ...d...!l ..l:~ ;i-,-.~. rlt'~, s' s;_ ;~ClaJ. e ec Jlo-n. 7",('- !~lt~ "'(~lc; 11'1 t1""'.e
FC'Tt'" '!'ar" of t "e City of Po n 3erYnrdi DO, on l~ '?"j_____..
t"Je ~t!.___ C1<;.y of @JJ...@_______l9l3, fer tJ'1e run,ose of
5 eleet irw 8 ~'neY()ber of the CO'rl'YIcn (;oUYlcil of said t:;ity frO"'1 said
Vrl-1ereas, heretofcre on tne :?p~ day of ,Tune, 1913,
:r.:etitions were filed ,,'lith t'he City Clerk of t"e City of 88n "Rern-
arr1inc, de"'aY1Cirr tne election cf a '^':8"'1ber of t'he Covn'11Cn Ccuncil
fro!n t re Fourth Y/ard of t '0e City of San '3-'lrnHTC" hiO as suc ce s sor
to C. ". 2~ni t n; and
VJ1-;ereas, on t'l1e 30th day of June, 1913, t"he City Clerk
of said City of San Berna.n'liY1o sub!"'litted said petitions to the
CC'"'J'YIcn C'cuncil cf said C'ity, with his certificRte attac""'ed, dated
June 30th IDQc 1913, shoYvinr: tn8t -"'e "bad examined and from the
[Teat re ~i ster rad ascertained t ~"l8t s aid :c~t it ic ns were s iiTned
by t1~e requisite nu!:iber of qualtfied electcrs 0:' said ward.
}Jow T'ne:;efore, t"0.e ~I!'ayor 8ud ('Ovrt'l1cn Co:.mcil of t';e City
of ~an ~ern-rdino de ordain as follows:
8ect ion One.
A BY: ee ial e leet ion is ne reby ord eree and
called t c be neld in t"he Fourtn ''::h?rd c:' t}-le I'"1i ty of PaT1 ~ern-
ardino on ~~__, to. K day of (/u'1uJJ ___' 1913. faT
the purpose of electina the followin~ officers of said City, to-w
One :ne''1ber cf tne CO'11mon ("cuneil fro'1'J the Fourth Ward
cf said City of Pan Bernardino, to ~e elected ny t~e qualified
electcrs of sa ia L;'c1.1rth 'Ward.
Sect j.o n Two.
For t'ne roldin~ of said eJection, the
said Fourth War~ of said City, shall be and re~ain dividef into
two t1unic ipal elect ion pree inct s to n e known as: ~.;unic i}al
Election Precinct }Tu:rnber One; and ~runiciI;al Election tPrecinct
'TuYr')ber Two.
The ext,.~rio!' "toundaries of o::aclr' of sai0. Y!'UnicipaJ
21bre nereby esta111isned,
3 ii
51 ~ s San Ber nard ino )/0. 7 a III Pan <ler "ard ino )/0. 14, as t ne sa'''e
6 lexi sted At t"'e last rreceedinq- r;eEeral state lUection.)
7 ; ~.~unicipal Election Precinct l::-uy,ber On~ s11all ccnsist
~ --- ...f,.--'- --
-"""_'_"'L" "'''-'''~,". '-# v .1-V.11 O!.!.-Cl-..L...L IJ1;J"
created arrl desia:n~'1ted as fellows:
Uunic ipal JUect io n Prec inct l!U"1ber One.
(Bei~lg a consolida.tion of
Elect io 1"'- Prec j :lct s de signated
8 of all t 1- at I-ort ion of sa,id. Fot~rt'~ VTal"o of sa,id City de scrib ed as
9 follo',vs, tc-v:it:
CC'1l'Ylenc::'(][r at a point w'1.e~e t"he center line of Eip;Jb.th
11 street intersects wit"J tne center line of D street, t};ence
12 north alonrr t-le cent'3r line of D. f!tret~t to a point w1lere the
13 center line of D street intersects wi t'n the center line of Eigh-
14 land }venue, t:"ence west alonp: t}'e center line of Eil(','land Avenue
15 to c," po intwhere tne center line of TTirhln..r.d Avenue intersects
16 with the center line cf G street, t"r,ence north alan:- t~e center
17 line of 11 street tc t1-1e extre'ne ncrt'rerly boundary line of the
18 City of San TIernerldino, t'-lence east along said boundary line to
19 easterly boundary line of said City, thence south, then east,
20 and t "hen scuth along said east erly bCi..'.ndary 1 ine, to a IO int .vn.ere
21 the center line of Eighth street interxsects V'lit'1 the easterly
22 boundary line of said City, thence west to tne point c'! 'he["inninf!?
23 Municipal Election Precinct Number Two.
24 ("P,eing a consolidatio'1 of Inection Precincts desirrn.a.ted
C" TJ ~ . ')I~ 8 d C""R ' . ')IT 22 t""
as ..an 1.)e rnarc J.110 1.,0. , an ...an ~:)ernaro.J.no .l.O. ,as .:J.e
26 existed at t'r..e last preceecUnEr general 8t ate Elect ion. )
27 'Munieipal Election Precinct lTu:rnber Two shall consist
28 of all t~,?t I'crtioD of said :F'ourth Ward of said City described as
29 follows, to-wit:
30 CovnC'lencing at a point w'v]ere t~~e center line of D street
31 intersects \Jlit!'1 t'1e c8n.ter line of T;irhth Street, t!1,e:.1ce north
- ..- . r- --,-~... ..~.....&-'O~.._'v~!:'~~-errtrer""
2 line of n street intersects witht:he c ent~r line of Firhland
3 "Avenue, t'hence west alo nrr the center line of Ris'l,land Avenue
4 to a point w'.:ere t:he center line of '\'..Ti,C;'-1land^venue intersects
5 with t~e center line of G street, thence south along t~e
6 center line of G street anc t'-le westerly noundary line of the
7 City of San Bernacdino, to a I)oint on t~e center line of G.
8 street, where t:ne boundary line of said City ceases to run
9 sout"1, and cant inues t l-)ence we st; tl-)enc e we st along the
10 nort'herly boundary line of s::tid CHy to a Ioi:1t where said
11 boundary line inter sect s wi tn t "'le ce nte r 1 ine of I ~-:treet,
12 tnence sC'ut"1 alonF-" tne center line of I street to a point where
13 t~e center line of I street intersects with the center lir~ of
14 E ir:1"t1"1 street, t'hence east 810 np; t'1,3 cent er I ine of EiGhth
15 street ~c ~~e point of beginning.
~ect ion Tr"ree.
That t"'e Be arcl of Jaect ion fo reach
17 of said vunicipal JUectiol1 Prectncts in said. Ward of said City
18 for said electio''1, t~1e inf:;pectors, judges, clerl,(s 8.nd "hallot
19 clerks, and polling places t}lerefor, 51,8..11 be as follows, to-V'it:
J\funicipal }1.ilectio'1 Precint lTumber One.
Inspectore_ 7t{r6_tJJW J.,~ _ _ _ _ __ _
Judge. _ ~ t(}g ~~/_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Clerk._ _ _ ') ~rriM#p;. _ _ _ _ _ _ -: _ _
Ballot_clerkJP~~_ ~ ~ 71(. 9~
Polling Place. (J." AV)/ 111 -Ii. AA'~'1 c.n?U/2
11 f. . _ - - 'zf<JJ:" JV J.I. J(ffL - ~ - - - _. - -
-1- _W-L Mw_~-_~t1._ ~ ~- - - - - - - - - --
Eun:Lc ipal Elect io'1. Precinct ~TumbeY' Two.
In:JJ,ector._ _~ j)J:.u ~~ _ _ _ _ _ _
Judge._ _ _ ~_71kv1~LiJ ~..JlaJP_ _ _ _ _ _
Clerk. h. tJJ~~
"J3allot-clerlC~_~-~c'Y o.~!..d~-_7r~.!ItA