HomeMy WebLinkAbout529 ~.'.' ~ ~ ORDI1'AlICE :NO. r) 2 C ---/-- --_.._-- I Ii I ORDINANCE OF TR]B CITY Q}- SAN FERNARDDTO ESTAEIJI SHI1JG T}{l~ OFFICIAL GRADE OF W}i~ST THIRD STHF:B:T, FRO!-,r TEE WEST :B01J1IDAHY -2 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 I 26 I I 27 28 29 30 31 LDm OF MT VJ<JPJ,TON AVENlJE TO A POIUT 21QO-FE:I~T WEST OF TIm WEST 3 4 B01JJIDAHY LDm OF JfT V}1~RNOJ\T AVJ~mJf1i IN SAID CITY .... ..... ..... ...... ...... .... 5 6 The Mayor and Common Council of the City of San Ber- 7 narnino do ordain as follows, to-lid t: 8 SECTION I. The officjal grade of West Third Street from 9 the West boundary line of Mt Vernon Avenue to a point 2100-feet West of the West boundary line of Mt iTernon Avenue in said city is here~y established and fixed at the follovdng elevnti ons according to the official bench mark or datum plane of t.he Ci ty of San Bernardino, to-wit: At the top of the curb line at the Northwest corner of lr.t iPernon Avenue and Wes t Thi rd Street, the grade shall be 1085.l.. At the top of the curb line at the Southwest corner of J\lT.t Vernon Avenue and West Third Street, the grade shall be 1084.7'. At the top of the curb line on the North side of West Third Street at a point 319 -feet West of the West boundary line of l~t Vernon Avenue, the grade shall be 1078.4. At the top of t~le curb line on the South side of West Third Street at a point 319 -feet West of the West boundary line of Mt Vernon Avenue, the grade shall be 107'7.9. At the top of tl1e curb line on the NOI'th sj.de of Wes t of Mt Vernon Avenue, Ute grade sJ~-,-all be 1079.4. I I I I I I I I I I I I I __ ______J Third Street at a point 425-feet West of the West boundary line At the top of the curl) line on the South side of West Thj.rd Street at a pojnt 425-feet West of the West boundary line of Mt Vernon Avenue, the grade shall be 107'8.9. At tIle tOI' of the curb line on the North side of West 32 1__.___________________________________ _____________._________ ( 1) --- ----------------- - \ 1-.. Third street at a point 985-:feet West of .._u__ ~_I t}-18 West boundary line 2 of Ivtt Vernon Avenue, the grade shall he 1086,.0. At the tOIJ of the curb line on the South side of West Third Street at a ~ + 985-feet West of the West li oundary line pO.l.nu .3 4 5 of Mt Vernon Avenue, the grade shall be 1085.66. At the top of the curb line on the North side of West 6 Third street at a point 1500-feet West of the West boundary line 7 8 of Mt V'e rnon Ave nue, the grade shall 1) e lOJ 0.0 · ft.t t he top of the c ur1) line on t:ne South s ide of Wes t 9 Third Street at a. point 1500-feet West of the West l)oundar3-" line 10 11 of Mt Vernon Avenue, the grade shall be lOB) .8. At the top of the curD line on the North si.de of West 12 Third Street at aped nt 2100-feet West of the West boundary line 13 14 of Mt Vernon Avenue, the grade shall be 1O:j2.8~ At the top of the curb line on t.he South side of West 15 Third Street at a point 2100-feet West of the West. boundary line 16 17 of 1St Wernon Avenue, the g:r.ade shall be 103 2.4. At all points at rie;ht angles wi th the curb line, the grctde at the property line shall be 3i-inches higher than the 18 19 20 grade of the curb line. At trle curb line, the grade of the gutter line shall 21 he at all points 10-inches oelovl' the top of the curb. 22 At all points, the grade of the center line of the 23 street shall be 3-inches above a straicht line drf.\.wn at rj Cht 24 angles to the street from top of the curl, to top of t:he curb. 25 The grade of the street between said described points 26 running East and West shall be a straight line drawn between 27 said described points. 28 I All elevB.tions refer to top of cu.rb, except where 29 I otherwis e noted, are in reet, and are a1Jove a plane whi ch is 30 i \ l045.28-feet beloy::, tJle City bench rnark as established by Ordin- 31 I \ ancs No.~83 of the City of San Bernardino. 32 I_~_______.__ ._._______~_______ _ .___.__~_~__.~_.~___~__~ ( 2) ____J - "-'~"'. .'" """-,,,..-_._.~,,=o- "~,_>",,,",~:I."i'<""-""~"-"""'''' ".,......"..,.""'---~~-,..-~-"..,..........;.,..........,._. 117 I-~ -- I S}ljC1' IO},'" I I . The San :Bernardino Daily Sun is hereby desig- 2 nated as the daily newspaper published and circulated in the City 3 of San Bernardino, in which this Ordinance shall be published. 4 The City Clerk shall certify to the passage of this 5 Ordinance and shall cause the same to be published in the said 6 San Bernardino Daily Sun by insertions thereof in three (3) con- 7 seCJ tive issues of t.he sa:1 c1 San Bernardino Daily Sun. 8 I hereby certify that the foregoing Ordinance was 9 adoI;t.ed 1JY the Jlrayor and Corru'lcn Council of t.he City of San Ber- /' nardino at ita meetinE beld on the ;z2t day o~_,-_.19l3, by the following vote, to-wit: ( 10 11 14 Ayes:~~~ (!,,(~~ 4~ b:7' Noes: ~;._ _ ____ ' ~~d~---~ ..~ . City Clerk. 12 13 15 16 18 Apl)r oved thi~ day of y .1913. .' rot e c~ty 0 San rnardino. 17 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 I 31 I I 32 I 1__-------- ------------ ----- ------------------.- ( 3)