HomeMy WebLinkAbout531 ~ 10 . eH,.. <<:f ------ -- I' '--------1 CFf'L trCb.J }JCi.. ~ . . . . . 2 6n Orl)tnance Iixin::.r t'-e necessary o'JCU!1t cf ~'1C ney to ';-,e 3 raiser'), 'by Taxation on t''le Taxable PI'o1--ert~r of tne r:ity of San 4 13crn8.rdino, as a Hevenue to carryon t}')e Variells Derart(,ents of 5 tbe ~Tunici:f:A,l Govern1Ylent of said ~~ity for t"e Current Year, an.d 6 te r~ay t''18 PI' i ncipal an;1 Int,';rest Tiue an:1 SO>1in,'r Due upon t'ne 7 Bonded Indehte0nesn of said rity. 8 Tne ~Taycr and ~O"1'I1Cn Council of tr,e City of San 3erniini.ino 9 do ordain a:3 fellows: Section 1. The a~ount of ~cney necessary to he raised 11 by taxation upon t'ne taxar,le proljerty 'Nit'lin ti'1e corporate liw1its 12 of the Sity of' Pan 3ern;:'i~(Hnc as a. rev::nue to carryon t'ne var- 13 J4 ious deI'i'\.rt Tie nt s of suc;'1 'TIunic iral c :T~9C rat ion fo r tne cur'cent fisCH,1 year, net to exceed t"1e li"lit fixed by law, and to pay 15 I' I the 1)cnded indentedness, c.c ot"0er ind ~nterlness of sue1') ''1unicipal 16 ]7 to-wit: CGcpcratiO:1 cr city, is 1-;ere'by det'3r'ninen and fixed as follows, 18 (a.) The n~punt of ~cney necessary to be raise0 for t0e 19 General ?und is here~y fixerl at $- 20 21 22 (b) T"re anount of 'TIcney 118eeSs;lry to 1,e raise,l fer t1-ll:~ ~.t.r~..~t 17'l'l1.~ 1'-. 1-;.>"."~.'" fl'X."'" a"" 4k (' .... _ _ _ _ A. \.) t' 1,.......1 '...; '.} _ 1.-:;; 1 ~ - l.o I.Jt' (c) 'l'he a''1cunt of "noney 'leee ;;sary to be raise(l for tne 23 f:ewer I'und i s 1,en~"ny fixed a t :~; 24 25 26 (d) Tne 8'tlCunt of Y'lCt1:3::r c~dcessary to 013 raiserl for t'-1e I,P)rary "'une is f ixe,q at '.'~ .~- ".- (0 ~1er'30Y (e) T1-;e 8."(]ount of money neceSS8.ry to ...,e r8iserl for the i 27 I Park Im:f'rove"'18 nt Tuna is }1t~re'by fixed a t /~ !J , I I 28 I (f) Tne a'<1cunt of "lcne:vT ;lece~)::;ary to '0e raised fer t".-1e 29 I "un "ar" Water "c n" Fu D<' is 0" rehv f ixe<1 at (I 9 '. 30 31 32 (c) The runcunt of 'TIoney necessary to '0e r8iserl fer the Aritil :Bond Pund is hel~,~'hy fix.e(l at ;j .~ ,j. '---.. n.__.__n___'__n.___~___' ,.. 2 I------.--n-..-.~____~__~ ------------- I (",j Tree ;~"lC'U1l.t \ ('1('1 vrat:~r ""8cnd (7'uno is to ~e raised fer t~e c f "'0 nt~:r '1tC; c e S Glry "L~" -... ".::" "',. r .{'. '. 0 1 t ,.J;, reliJiJ) _,l'-"J(' 8, ',:" 3 ( i) ..co" ....."! 1. () r l> f1e The F;lf]Cunt cf me ney ne ce S sary to l-H:l rai sed 4 ~:unic iral Improve >'le ilt 3e no :Func~ i 13 '.18 re1-)y fixed at ~~ 5 Sect ion 2. It is 11ere"oy found and d ee lared that t:hi s 6 is nIl orrlin;:,nce for t~le i"'rne:1L{te rresel~vc~ticn of t'-,\~ l-Ur~lic 7 I-e:1.ce, :"en,lt"h ~lr1d c,afaty, anc' t1'1;,t t~1is is 8n errlel~f'::lncy '''1easure, 8 it 'Jein an ordinance l-rcvid,~d 'Gy ano adopter1 lursu,::mt to ~ectio!1 9 13(: 0 f' t>e City C;.,;rter, 8nd ''ly an ,Act cf the T;episl!C,tur'e of t"he 10 2t[-:\te of C'8lifocnia, aI,~.roverl "['.LrC'l 2'itn, l8'~,5, ann ref;orrerl to 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 in said section b;'T its ti-'.:.le, 16' t':-'e rccvitdons of wric"" act t'v,is Crdina.nce must take effect nafore the first Eon/lay in C'ej,;+:""'l'~er 1913 ; 1'1 orr;er tc levy a,n',",' valid t"u,_ fer ;nunicipal "- .....-~"".."..i , _., ~.".' _ Jurposes anc1 wit''1(,ut wr-Lch o;-dinance anc~ tax tnel-ewi11 be in sU ff ici ent revenues or fund s on '.'anc3 to d~;fray tne eXI,8nse s of tne HeRlt~ Depart"T'ent or any ot'ntll~ deyarL:'T1ent t >ie City. f' 0.1 Sect io n 3. T'nis ordin8nce s'....;111 be }Ju'blis'herl for three COllf\ecutive lBays in t'ne San :Ber !T'ino Dclily Sun, and she"ll I take effect i:rr1"nediately tn8n~Hft,~r 8n(1 the ('tHy Clerk 8"n;'111 21 Coune i1. certify to its Ia8sa,cre ~IY a two-t~;ir(1s vote cf t"'e CO"'1''1on 22 23 24 I }1er~~1-)y cert ify t 'oat t "1<3 -i\"''''oL~ numlJer of 'TI8'!Jbers of t'18 Co'yrron r;cuncil of tne (iit~'T (.if San Berncln'ino is five, and th8.t t'-1e fore!.l'o i!v1' crrHnance W2<S ai]c 'ft ed by sa.id COny'1C n (;cunc il 25 at its "~1ectin!:! :held on tne I/I~ da:v of ^UeUflt, 1913, 'by t'he 26 fcllr,winr" vote: ~ye~3AnJ..J:t~ A,_./d...L:!:..,,-.I f{I'_/~k~:!::~/~l._..: 27 28 29 30 31 32 A) !:CL::~_ ITc en: _ '-~"- i~"_' ...- - ....- 7:- )' -cIty ClerK. - -- .AI)r)rcve(~ t "11 s -1-1- da:'1 of AUr-ust, 1913. (' "./ l:J ~ -. -..1 ~' ..' i,. "1/ - " ,..eN".". r. ",--.p- '. .,-~-- -----'-....- 't'.1e ('Ijty of 2an Ben12!.rd ino.