HomeMy WebLinkAbout535 ~2 53 :8 '9 ")10 11 r~ '~" ~. " ~~~'l :~ a2 ~\~ ~~ ~/J ,~~ r~; sj ',15 ;9 .:,<', .16 1'7 Ii .,; :1 ~ :q :1"8 ,20 :'21 .2.2 2:3 24 2$ 26 27 28 29 30 31 ZZ 'ORDINANCE NO:~Y~-'~" AN cm~t'ftA.NCk;-E~TlsJL!~hhNG 1'Hi G~ADE OF sT8:BrlXRt5'A';;~ FROM TIm'SOl:11'H LIU':6F':BASE LINE TO TID~ SOUTH LINE OF THI$TlmNTH 4 " 5 ;;6 STREE'. \; ;,:: </ 7 '1'he "Ma.yor and Common Council of the Oi ty of San Bernardino .. . " "' . . 'j' :;~ c; :J,,'~' . ~ or'd~iif:as):r'dl'1'owB' f" ' ~,'. .,"';m!lf~'tt1te':gradG dfi S-tc1d'dkt'd 1.f'rl6'j'fforh {~li: s~6'1itli i$rie:~'i Base "Lfne to 'the South Ifn!e dt Thir'-e..ntli,'-"street. i'~'hereby es- 'taelJihed as follcnvs: ' "it the top of the' cutt'b 'lin~f (if' the 'S'd;ut:h~;~t) corher of';:the 'iritereec't':fohiof -J3~8eLihea.nd st.C1a~:d: A~enue, tlie:'~;~de shall be 1099'. It;, . f't ::1 ...l.....::. !; ; !'3 .~ "..~' . "~-'.;'; /'" . .' ~,;;-)- , .' ,j. A~ tb'e'top. 'd1:' the;curb line' at' the Southwest corner of the '.14 ~ i:r1t'ersectionof E~6'~ Line ~nd Sto'ddardAvenue J the grade shall i': be' 1099.4;',: 'At the top 6~fth'e curb line': at th'e Northwest corner of the inter'se'ction- or' Baa)e:Lil'l::~ and.' Stodd.a.t'(f'Avenue: ", the gr~de~h~ll be 11'OO"OI13.s\,i~~t~blisheiJ~';)'" 1-9 , ' At thetoi> of the curb lirle'~i"t1n!NOxim~a'st'~corne~ ~f' I the intersection of J3a:s~ Line and Stoddard Avenue J tp.e,gra,d,e ' I,,' At'C"the top of the curb line at. the SQuthwest c9rner of the inter s e c ti on 0 f Tb.ir tee nth S tre'~~'~:nd,.S'tcrdcrarC1'A:V:eriue"';~lhe"gra(fe shall be 1109.3 ~. l.,::~ , ) '<., " , '" , <t..',> ~.~. At)'the'top o':r:'~~'~eurb 'line at"iKe'SOi.fthea,e't corner of the inter s ec t i on 0 f Thir teen th and~:;:~~~~:'~"~!~.~~4.~~f.~~,:,!_,~h"~+~,,,_, be 1109.1 ') At all points at rigll1t angles with the curb line, the grade 'lw.o at the property line shall be - 'and one-half (at) inches , higher than the grade at the curb line; At the curb line the grade of the gutter line shall be at all points ten (10) inches below the top of the curb. 10 11 12 13 2 -.- ,--~ :'''-'-H V"-' U!",- t,.t '~",e 0';' -cne ce:n.t0r'Iine o__~ tIle ctreet one c;~'ctll be 1-1...... ,,-tentll' (lj'10) of a foo t above 8, mean between the 3 top of the cur'D8 taken at rje;}lt JlgJ..C'S; 4 ':.']} e er ade 0 :f 1- . I ~Cj !,~ ;:'1""Cl'f.;t.:::':~ t'.}f~ei1 desc.ri'Jed lJoiiltf; _ be 5 ',', s tr ;"'.igh t J. i ne, 6 All elevations refer to the top of the curb except ere 7 otherwise noted, are in feet and tenths, and are above a p~ane 8 of the eit.)T bench r:J.1.n~:.: w~'1ich is 1045.28, ;,'-8 eBtn,t)lished iJY 9 Ordinance "0. 3E33 of tile Cit:/ of ;3!1n J3err~igrdiilo. T:rle S'~. Ek:rn"l,rdino Daily Sun is cl'eby :;esign,:).ted as the daily newspa?sr pu~lished and circulated in the city of San );er ,'}.J'c'lino in 'irrnC;i. this Ordinance s11,:,,11 be published. 14 2,nce ',',nri Sll".11 cau~;e tlH:- [l;)ne to 1Je pu;)lished in c.::::id San 13er- The City CIerI:: 811D,11 certify to tlle p;::1.sse,e,'e of' t.11is Ordin- 15 n9,rdi ,10 Daily Sun by insertions thereat' in three (3) C::JrlSGCuti.ve ] 7 16 issues of snid San Bernardino Daily Sun. 18 19 20 21 ')') ...... 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 I hereby csruify that the foreeoing Ordinance was adopted by the '::ayor and Co 2non Council of t::,le City of ,:3a~n ~ of ..c; -f,;Q~~A--r: . . / 191:'5, oy J-,(~:c -;l;)..l~ d. 1. ..-10 a. t its meeting held on the r r - 'C.::1 ~~ following vote, to-wit: dt/) ,if //' ",~" ~~, //"'~/z~{~~" Y~,r> ,:, ' A ,re S :~i.- ~,_C.f ~//atN::} t/!/'"E--'C~j /' ,~/~'v v V" .It ~ y ~ , , ~ .;, :, ., -;Z :;Jo es: /Z~'7:" ( I ., ",-----1 /~ , .:;,,~-_.,..; 8i t~! Clt::rk ;\pproved thi s ~J. Of4p ~ ~~A_~~ __.__ o ",- " 'p"1 J' ~or 0: ~~8 l~y Oi o~nernar' IDO ::1. -:'~,~l 191::;,