HomeMy WebLinkAbout538 ;;:?) 3 4 5 !he II.JOlt 40 01'4"_ &8 6 7 8 ..,.......' '."" . . .' "':'" ,",." ....-.,'" "i(-~:.. ",.,',.' >.. ":,',' /." :",_, _,._,', .9 to~l_: '..p ..: the oV1flUte .......~. "7~. ,,~'1lt;~il~ .eo~lOQ of K Stre., aa4 Jeine 8'tI".et, the ar"""iI.l,..'~;i,~N.I;('. A~ the top of the oub 11D., at the .outil...t..~...'!.f:~. '. inter.eotion of KStreet and Kina Street. \h'.,".~;'t~~~~"_ ~Xi -:',:;:-~:'lt.: .-'>,,'~;:?\':j': .. ,. , " 1051.0 ; At the top of the .vb line at the Q....Vl." ' ". . " ;..~:"i.o1;C)~, interseot10. ot Kina $t~t aa4 1_.', 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 4'....-. .t .. ...."..'..; 1."8r.so"10. otllqStidt. ulX.~, 1040.8; At the top of the ourb lins at th.l.utfl...t.,~~ot the interseotio," of King Street and 1. Str..'.1ib..........u-.l be 1060.6; At the top of the en.'" 1 in. at the 1nt.....tion of Xi.q 8tJ'.'" ... J"St,.st. 'be 1060.1; .At. ...4-.."., ..'/~.~_t~ the inter...ti'. <<~inga'.....t,.. .t'tie.....,' 'l:'" . - - - '.' - .' - -.' - - .', "j---~:_'<'" shall \M l048~) 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 At the tQP ot the ourb line at the the inter....'lon ~. Xing a...t ,'__ O'.b. shall be l(telht; 31 32 --""".'';;''-~'''''''-~''''''~'''''- :( ~........._.._~...",_,,.,.._~"-.n ._.vrl~""li:H1'ii~r~'R-t. ttte SO't1'tflwes'tcornerof' 2 3 4 5 6 7 the intersect!':1 of King: Street and Os;orne Street, the grade shall be 1068.3; At tJ"le top of the curb line at the southeast corner of the intereecti:"n of Kine: Street and Osborne street, the grade shall be l06??; At. the top of the curb line at the northea.st corner of 8 the intersection of King Street and ]Lt. Vernon J\ver;ue, the 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 gr8,de S.h:111 "be 10'76.6,.'3.8 estaJ)liBt.ed.; At the top of the ourb line at the southeast eorner of the interB€otion of King Street and hit. Vernon Avenue, the grade shall be 10'76.4, as establis:ned; At all points at right angles with curb li.ne, the grade 'lwo at the propert;y line shall be L 1 and one-ha.lf (at) inches higher than the grade at the ourb line; At the curb line, the grade cf the gutter line shall be €l.t all po lute ten (10) inches beloW the top of the curb. At all points the grade of the center line of the street one shall be J.l n-tenths (//10) of a foot abo~J'e a. mea.n between the top of the curbs taken at right angles; The gra.de of thf.~ Htreet bet,,:een dEH:cri bed points ehall be a straight line; All elevati.ons referi;o the top of the ourb, are in feet and are above a plane which is 1045.28 feet beloW City Bench "Mark as establiiahed by Ordinance No. 328 of the City of San 25 Bernardino. ,) " ....0 Tbe r::;a,n .Bernardino ])aily Sun is hereby deBigna.ted a6 the 27 daily newspaper -pu1'lished and circulated in the oi ty of San 28 :Bern9xdino :l.n whj. eh thi 6 Ordi:ne,nc<i'; f;ru:J,ll 1)f>, PUt) liahed; 29 The City Clerk ahall,certify to the passage of this Or- 50 clinH.nce anft shall cause the SUJI1(~ to be published in gaid San 31 32 Bernard.i no Daily Sun lJY insertions thereof in t.hree (:3) -2- 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 ,', , ______~._YV~gQa~o U~ ea-I-n-O-m1~:a'~friaralno naiiy Sun. ~_.....~."tI,.~ I hereby certify tha.t the foregoing Ordinance was adopted by the Mayor and Common Council of the City of San Bernardino at its meeting held on the J..Jday of ~ . 1913, b~ the following vote, to-wit: i/ , " If " _." ~ _ _. ~/ _ /J ,::, /- /7.:': ' Ayea:~, /J~I ~,/".1~'c:--." .-,~. Noea: ~. /;:;'? t? <, &~7/ City Clerk Approved this.~"..day of ~~~../t'-<~!l19l3. Ci ty' of San j-- ....1. ~.. t ' ~,.,_,...:~, Ii. ~ I Y..D tL. ill ~ <....,.:.,... , .....~ '{ [} 0 CT Z '/' . I r<--"_U"-, '\ .(~~\\J I r,'"r of, '.~. l' ~~"~"-~'~ f-~"'-, \ 'if" .~) \" \ " ~ t: Ij}j 1913 City Engi,ne;;;:- -3-