HomeMy WebLinkAbout544 .O.L90t .~ tt8q. 8PV~ .~ '8.~~g .tdm.~ pU~ enU8AY uemX.~V& JO UOl~D..~.~Ul .~, JO xauxoo ,a8a~nog .~, ,. aUlt ~xnD 8~ JO d01- aq, \V ~t.Lgot aq, ttvqa .pv~a 8~' ',.ex,g .tdw.~ puw 8nUaAV uVW~.~VA JO uOl,08. -~.,ul 8q\ JO X.U~OO ~aa&~~o. 8q\ ,W GUll ~xno eq\ J~ do. :.&ottOJ 8'8 pe l -qeltq,"\8e\A~..Ieq 81 ,...I~g UOX1CI .10 aUlt \8.8 at{' ~ 8nueAV tnIUl~a,'8,^ JO aUlt ,.aa aq:, moxJ 1-.a~':4-g .tcJm.~ JO .p'B~~ 8ttJt '."O-[\OJ ... U1"P~o op oUlPXVU.x8g- U'Bg JO ^, 10 eq\ JO llounoo UOUl1ifJOO pu'& .lolwft t!H{:t . * . . * Z~ t~ O~ 6~ 9Z L.~ 93 g~ t~ ~~ ZZ !~ a~ 6t 8t I L.! I I I 9t 'I II (;n ,I r ,I tt II II ~t il (:1 !I II It I at I I. II 6 I I h II 9 I' I.. 9 g i--" . " ," " ..... . , ., -. . .H."'Irr.,,: '.>C"" 'C',,,,,,..,- . ,. "'"",~""e.,.,..", ~. ~ "..,<. ~ -.. ". ."..,.,. .,.,,... <'JA;. '1ji' ~---C------:-II 1 " 2 !...e above 8"p1.ane which is 1045.28 f'eetbelow theOlty Bertch K'ark 3 I 4 I' 5 I daily new.paper publisheeland olr<Hllated :in. the oi tyot San Ber- i ,.,~------_....-...............-. All .1'-'atlone refer to the top ot:'the our'b, ue i_,t..' 'aa4' &8 .$U..blishe4 by Ordinanoe No. 328 of the 01 tly or San Bernardino. The San :Bernardino Daily Sun is hereby delignated &$ the 8 nar41no in "bJ.ohthlI0~d1nanoe8hal1 b. published. The eliY Cle~~8,b.~l:,c.rU.ty: to tp..'......e.f /~t.of<liJl- an.. andshalloau.. ~e lBame to, ~..publl,h.d in 8&ldSan B.~.. naJ'dlnQ,);)ail;:l Sun by ine,ertiotle thereof in three (IJcon..outl ve iaant.' of a&~d$a.n ~'rnardlno Daily _tm. I h$;rebyoertif'l'thatthe toreloing Ord:l.Jlafloe .S;8adCfpte., P 7 9 10 11 16 . . . . "by tht'U8.yot$rldconunoncoun1)'t. theei ty . o.t~an .Btrnartl1noa.t. 1ta tt4eetingheld on the :;~~d.a'1 of. ...~.,.. ..... '" ..' 1915, by the tOl:OWing v?te. to-wit: . ~ ~. Ay..I~,Af~,~ ' I/o..: ~ · ~~ 12 13 14 1a 20 J;l' APproyed thl, ~-t;--d'~~f~ 1913. 25 , .. ~Q~ Ma70r .'1'_. Cltyof San ~rnUcl.lnQ. 21 22 ..'23 24 r NOV 17 1913 ~' .~ .. ....'. .,./'.' ~-Z2-.'..'..'.""."..F.'~~.".' : ,'. '-:"i.-:::.:;-._;J.'!I>';-L~:!:x:J<:>t~., 2,6 27 28 29 .r- 30 31 32 -aa.