HomeMy WebLinkAbout545 ~ .~ 15 ...!r;~ ~jOl :IJ ~ 0 16 r.iti1 := ! 117 ~<<~ << ~ 18 :ll r.n -~< .~. * ,- I -}- ~ .. 1 Ordinance NO.~~- 2 3 4 5 ~ 6 ,- Whereas the Riterside'Water Company. a corp~ra~n, has offered to convey to the City of San Bernardino, as a gift, all that certain real property situated in said City, described as followp, to-wit: All that certain real property situated in the city of "Ban Bernardino, County of San Bernar- 7 8 9 10 dino, state of California, described as fOllow$: Lots 18 to 11 23 inclusive in Block A of the Wozencraft Tra.ct, Lots 7 tq 12 32 inclusive in Block B, and Lots 10 to 36 inclusive in Block 13 C of the .V!ozeneraft tract; to be used by said City and the iWlabitants thereof for and as a public park; 'and 14 19 Whereas said corporation h8.S executed a deed bearing date the /$~ day of ~, 1913, conveying to said City all of said real property, for said purpose with certain conditions therein contained, which deed has been delivered by said corporation to the City Clerk of said City and is now held by said City Clerk, subject to its acceptance by said City; 20 21 NOW, THER~FOR, the Mayor and Conunon Council of the 22 City of San Bernardino, do ordain as follows: 23 Section 1. That the said offer and gift of the said River- 24 siae Water Compw1Y be and the same is hereby accepted subject 25 to the conditions contained in the deed hereinbefore referred to 26 by which deed said real property is conveyed to said City, and 27 the City Clerk is hereby instructed to cause said deed to be 28 recorded. 29 Section 2. That from and after the acceptance of said gift the real property described in said de~d shall be at all times used by said City for and aB a pUblic park, subject to 32 . the aforesaid conditions. 30 31 1 n _. .- . , . . ~ ., .~ ,. r 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 ~ .~ 15 ... il' 0 ~<:o;:: :n t ~ 16 . ~ 0 r.1 ~ .S z'E 17 = 0: os p., ~ 5 ....<~ <: c 18 os ~ rn 19 20 21 22 23 . 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 Section 3. The City Clerk Shall of this Ordine,nce a.nd cause the same to be consecutive days in the San Bernardino Daily upon it shall take effect and be in force. 1 here'by'c~rt1ry that "the ro;;~oing Ordinanc"e.*:;ta.si' adopted approved by the Uayor and COmTllOn Council of the 'd Bernardino, at its meeting held on the :2S ____~.- day and City of [-) Ell"! of November, 1913, by the following vote, to-wit: ~eeL~, f}~~r~.L~e Noea~ . . .__ APproved ~ City Clerk. . --J this ll-:- day of november, 1913. . ~.~M-~~ :Ma' . of and for the Oity of San Bernardino.