HomeMy WebLinkAbout546 (ft, ,.~ . * Ordinfnca No. ~48. AH ORDIl\T Al\TC' 0'" TP1'.~. Lff,~,yO'R .nmcor"u,:OU CO\JNCIT, OP Ti.I? CITY op;' h...: , ,U cUe,:;; '" :1.'1.__ '" . S:\:T 3""RN^J:DlITO, FIXING TilE RATr~;3.TO BE CHcJ~G\f:Dfu~D COTJLI:C.~'r~D FC}: P'TTi'Crl'l"PIC TI~T~ '_~~m. .Er.D..a TP.~.l. 'C... Pot7JW BY ANYPJi~SOjT..FIIZM OF: COJ:r'o? .\TIorr ''';''Jo.!. l.,,,u '\Ju:.l.. ...U' UI:';I)'. ErCAGED TIT TEE BU;3nms~' OP ~mprYrIYIFG ]~Jj~Cl'?IC CUP?3ITT FOY' T,IGHTI1TC OF pon~ PUTI?OSI~S TO THE GI TY crs.m BI:mr APDIITO OR TO TI!Y nTHABIT A:'T2, TH~BOF F"'F. THE YEAR BEG IlTNlIJG: J.lJm iffiY15, 1914, Mm l~ITDFTG J'imn..RY 14, 1915,. MID ZROVIDINGfCPTIIE PU1IIS m,:Emr OF: pP:R:sons, FIRMS OR CORPOFATlorrs V'IOL1..TIJ7C PTIOVISIom3 OF THIS ORDrr;\~TCE. THE :MAYOR .':rm corrr':OlT comfCIL OF TIL~ CITY OF SAlT BE~RN ^.E:Dnro DO ORDAIN AS FOLLons: Section 1. That the rates to b t1 ChE reed end c 011 ectec~ for electric light or electric current forlig}:ting Imrposes bJT cn~~ person, firm or cor_ oration engaeecl in the busines:::: of Sup[ilyine electric light or electric current for 1iChti~ llur)oseE: to tho Cj,t~T of SE.l1 Bernardino, or to the 1'nhnbi tDntL ther oof t fOT th e yoar C Ol.i);!;e ncine JE1nupr~T Hi, 1914, end ending ,Tcnullry 14, 1'J1n, ar.') horeb~T fix8cl FE: follow~~: For electric cur:r'ent SUPDliec1 for lightine FU.rp08eE' in re f i d,enc e s . ~ . . . . . . : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . '.. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 8 ~ per !~. ~'. E. Provided, hor;eve r, thr:t the PlinimUIT] chFree 2;e1' montl1 to eacL c onSUL'ler 6h,.,11 b(i 7f)~. mentE: used for cormnercif'l Iillrposes ...............~.... 6 ~ lIer T{. 1,'~., H. ]'or electrici ty supp1ieu. fo r lighting lJ1:l.rl)OECE: in ell t3cteb1j sl1... :Pfovid.ed. hor;ever, th-'3.t the minimum Chl'lrcC to cRcll such consumer Shall be 7n~. ........, Section 2. That tho rates to bo char[od and collected for 1 ' . e~ec .rlC ( current fo r ~)b\lGr pur, Oses furni sL.ed i1 t f' tensi on. of 1!)f3 s tl1[ll1 10,000 vOltE l)y [;ny lorfon, fir!.; or corj..1Ol'f,tion encaced in t;;o blH31nor;s ( of sup l~TinG elr;ctric CU2Tent for DO\','f)r lmr.Joses to tho eit:;, of S8Jl Bu1'nardino f1nd to th 0 inh,,:,,bi tc""..nt f~ tli (1roof 1'.o.r t }le '. ~ - J . ~ ~7euY bc:cinnine .nnUf.:'r~T 15" 1914 E1Ylcl endine Jell. 14 1( If) . , g.. Er(~ he'reby fixocl PR ,.fnllowp ~... '..... --_:;..._---,._--,.,....._-~~,,':'_..._.__.._"._.-......,......"-,..,--".~ :b'or the fin:- t 100 K.~". 110 LlYt~ " . e on Gru~;c C:_ Hi ono uon th 6 ~ ~ ery':1'1I For tho next 100 rr :'" L_.~. hOUI'L C ')l1SUl:i8,L in one mon. t;l .. .4~ 'or Tr"lI ]j'or tlle ne:z,t nOO K. Vi hourE con8l111Oc1 in one rclOnth .. .3~ , (~r ,,!,r;~~! .h:,,'oi.i.~ ]'or the next 4700 'K.1"i. hauTE consumnc in one r:lonth.. .2~ or T-"\NlI All OVOl' nOOO K.~'. consurne.cl in one month ............1 1/~ " For furnishing olec'trio '~ur rent fa r powor pur:r>oses" under. the foreg-oine sC1l8Qu1e, Po minimur!l cherto of ~~l.OO 'pOT H.P.. DOl' month on the installed Ioed shFll 'b8 rnnde; Dyovidec.., th t the mininmm ehl':'I'e8 in rmr caEe shell not 1)0 le8s tllED $1.00 per m,onth. S.ectlon 3. . :rTothinf i::, this ordinfJnce co ntrdne d sl1[;ll al'\l:- to the furnishine of electric current for lifl'ltin[: ,Liurposes to t1:..e Cit~7 of San Bernvrd1no for the lie~;ting of its strootL, r11e:78 or J.?FI'kE, or / of eny bld 10..in[; 01' at her propr:rt~7' bol onCil:[' to or uEeci 1):1 the Ci t~- of Se.n Bernardino, or 'b;y' the; Count~- of Scn Bernarclino, und shell not D.p];ll~T tot he furnishinf:: of e1 eC'~ric current for 1 igl1 tine: or pov;er Llur}l oseE to the' seia. Oi t:r of San BernErdino or to th e Ecid Cou:nt~T of ~3c:11l. Ber:mrclino, " pursuentto ,any. oontract ,ordin811ce 01' frDncJ-::.iso. Section 4. It 811811 be unlcwful f.or f:'ny person, fin, or .coT'tiol'.nticll1,oit}:;.c:r os Iirincipfil, r;['Glit, 8mp1o;:o, OJ otLnr\ri1 el, to cL':.cYCe, demand, collect or recei.ve from tLe Cit~T of San .BiJrne,rdino, or from an~ person, firm or corporation therein, any rat 8 01' cOIDpensf::tian for electric current for lightine or pov,or purI)oses SUPl)liedd1+ring, the ~Tear bee:inning .".... <;! Jenuar~l In, IJ14. Dnd online JenU[~r~7 14, 191fl. groateror less trwn tIle rete or compensetion chp.rgecl, demEJ1ded,collected' or recei veCl from an~T' person, finl or corporation for the EDIne serv;te,o. i y.",..-t,/" 'f ".~ Section 5. It sllfJll bo unlawful fOT'F.iny 'l:x?rson. firm or corporation or for ony officor, FJ[Opt, collector or emglo~Te of such person, firm or corporation, directl;/ or indiroctly, b~' use of false or inaccurat r; lueters or l)y fDIse or innccurate reading of metors, or' by any othor i!lo Dns, or b;;.- FillY specicl rebate,. drawbeck, or other device, or in any tonnnor or form. to c1wree, clom~::'11d, collect 01' receivc: r:n~7 rete .... -~... " ,\; -~ .. Ci"} , --.----. or rates or pa~tment or compensation or consideration for electric current for lightine pOVIer purr-ose E. groDter or less t }wn or di fferent from the rat 06 fixed in this ordincnce. any of the l,ro'1i6iOn6 of this ordinance shvll be deemed gui 1 t~T of n Sect ion 6. The t en::,: po l' son , :firm or corporati on vi oletinG \ '\ misder.1cenor. ond upon conviction thereof she,ll be punished by [) fine of not more tluln $500.00. or by iHlprisonmen t in the Cit~ Jelil for [ peri od of no t t:l or 0 t Mn six months. or b::; bot h such fino ontl im,'ri s onmen t · section 7. This ordinance- shall go into effect cn(l bo in force from end after thirt:,' d~;s vfter its passace 8n(1 Dpprov81. ordinance vncl cause t 11e seIDe to be publi shed ior two consecuti v8df:l~Js Section 8. 'rho City Clerk sholl certify to the pasS8e;8 of this in the San Bernerdino Dail~t Sun. [l deil:l nevlSl'Vper published r,nC circulpted in sEdel City of SpJ'lBernarelino hereby clesie:m.;ted for that ~~~. U Meyor of ty of San <'Eernardino. purr> os e · ~ __._ -,-..!-",-_",,~~~__~L">."""-~M=~ 1':lrrl; Y1 !"neB \,'8,8 DPEsed and adopted. by the Ma:,ror End COEnncn C.ouncil of the Ci t;;,T of SEU1 Bernf'rdino E1t L regular meetine thereof held on the 15th dl?~' of DeCel!1boy 1913 b~T the following vote towi t: Ayes....Irvine. D8vi~son, Boswell, Ganser. noes....none. ~~~ I hereby epprove the foreaoin~ ordi tl . ~ ~ nonce 118 l5tll day of Dec. lUlZ.