HomeMy WebLinkAbout441 _ _r -... 1 2 3 4 5 () 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 o .:l! E z il= 0 15 HoIIlj~ a';>-lOJ tJJ U ~ 0 16 ~~~ z ... 01 '" oj 17 o I'l p.. f< ~ >-l~1l1 <: I'l 18 0; oj tJJ 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 I 1 " . "'-> r "'- -- ORDIlJAJJCE lifO. \'~\.~'. \ . .AU ORDIN.A1TCE FIXnrG THE NECESSARY AYomr.r OF MOlmY TO BE RAISED BY TAXATION ON' TFJ].: TAXABLE PROPERTY OF TEE CITY OF SAlT BERNARDIN'O AS A REVIDWE TO CARRY ON' TEE VARIOUS DEP OF 'l'ltE :M:tmICIPAL GOVERN'.MENT OF THE BAlD CITY FOR TEE C~ YEAR AUD TO PAY TEE PRINCIPAL AND INTEREST DUE AlID COMING . I DUE upmT TEE BOEDED nr.DXBTEDNESS OF SAID CI'l'7 . The Mayor and Common Counc i1 of the City of San Ber- I nardino do ordain as f01lows : " Section I. The amount of money necessary to be ransed by taxation upon the taxab1e property within the cor- .- porate 1imits of the City of san Bernardino as a revenue to carryon the various departments of such mlinicipa1 corporat- ion for the current fisca1 year not to exceed the 1tmit fixed by law, and for pat the Donded indebtedness or other indebtedness of such municipa1 corporation is hereby and fixed I determine'). as f0110ws t to wit: ( a) The amount of m~ney necessary to be raised for the general fund is hereby fixed at f'!io~QO'O .~ -____.- (b) The amount of money necessary to be raised for the t ,~ street fund is hereby fixed at $ "1$.p.~:'~O.O,.O~_ (c) The ronount of money necessary to be raised for the sewerfund is hereby fixed at $ I (d) !he jmount of money necessarf. ' b bee ~ ra. ise.d for the lib'rary fum is hereby fixed at $ ~.l.Qo..~_~. r .__ (e) The amotmt of money necessary to re raised for the park improvement fund is hereby fixed 2H~ "f1::-~'?o,()~ IJ.~$."VJT 'f'f!' ~ ~/i.''ii''''''';"i:(i;}_<;iY~_,__ .... f!<II"- 1 2 3 4 5 G 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 (.? .~ z E ~~$ 15 Is:H01 (/) () ~ 0 16 :a~~ ::r: ~ 2 1'1 o <l p.. ~ Ii H..:ll< ..: <l 18 I>: oj (/) 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 -It _. Ii' ~":.5,',,,,,_,.::,,,,,'_:'_: :- " '~~,,,,,;,;,,,,..i!;.'~",,,,_ ,-~,'"'' ,~~ ~ .~ (f) !he amount of money necessary t> be raised for the gra.mmar school fund is he reby fixed at $ . (g) The amount of money necessaI'"lJ to be raised for - '- -. "'- '-'v'- the high school. fund is hereby fixed as $ ....., b.",\__~ (:n ) The amount of money necessary to be raised for the Hubbard water bond fund is hereby fixed as The amount of money necessar,y to be raised for the Antil bond fund is hereby fixed at ~ ,!Go, 0 q (j) The am.ou.nt of money necessary to be raised for the gunicipa1 Improvement l'S-o-'oO .- $ ~ I __. . bon(Is fum is hereby fixed at Section II. It is hereby found and declared that JGhis is an ordil~nce for the immediate preoorvation of the publ ic peace ) health and safe iy and tba t thi s is an ... emergency measure, it beirg an ordinance prOVided by and - adopted pursuant to Section 130 of the City Charter and by an act of the Legislature of the State of California , approved :March 27th, 1895, and referred to in said Section - by its title, by the provisions of which Act this Orm nance - must take effect before the third Monday in September, 1908, ... in order 1:0 levy an~ vaJ.id tax for municipal purposes and without which ordinance and tax there will be in- sufficient revenues or fmlds on hand to defray the expenses of the health department or any other department of the City . Section ~II. This ordinance shall be published for three co 113 ecutive days in The Eveni1'l?; Index and shall take effect immediately thereafter and the City Clerk shall certify to its passage bya two -thirds vote of the -,',,'-'" -~ '., ....... 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 " <II -a z ... 15 .-< ~ @ :s:~" rJl U f< . 16 .. 0 - ;: tJl .. -- ~'O 171 ~ ~ a ... 0 ;: Il. f< t ~~~ ~ ;: 18 <II I>< rJl 19 20 21 ~\ 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 . ... UL.~~-,~~~'- ,,,,J';~", ~ :) ''\'01 ........ 1 Co:nnnon Council . 2 3 I hereby certify that the whole number '"' of the Common Council of the City of ~an :Betrnardino is five (5) and tl1at the foregoing ordinance was adopted by .said C oune i1 at its meeting held on th<; ~ ~ . day li' C\l~: 1910" by the following vote -Go wit: 7 4 5 ,c:,:I:: ':}(I: ~'~1;r- ' ~f, " 6 Ayes;~,l\.~'CD~ ~~ . i Woes ~ ,.-',..,.......1 .,-. ...-:-., J.\', , )' ':.~;." . .-,~-,. Approved this \. ;J.:t - , day of a_..._.p~ m~19l0. ~-~~~ Mayor of the City ~ san Bernardino. .' ''''.;<;~i~.-''Il ,:'.>,,,:. - . ~;:~~:;~rr. .. . ;~:'t~1 - 1'1 "fII.;-;-'111I r,nti1ljn11 * ~l~J1_flI'1t-It1IJit;"Frtrr;"I*~~fliirll...>\,.