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I l. lU~. ea.oh <SO ~ 401~ Of tl~ ........Ytt<1_t. of ~ p~"". M ....aa04" \110 Count:r ......o.....n'UJIlM4by t:el4t em..'" ~'tQ!,. ana. tht tua. .~... ~ t, 'bo colleO'.... . tt heftby __t'1D.to<< M fo:L10WfJ1 ~~ tund....................". ..~i=~~iF..2. ,Ot8et tunA............. it .. . .. . .. ""lId". . J./. V 3 .. I41'b~1' tuna................... .... ,.1:. '."~ IC,~~, ,.. 1.mpJ:"'QV'Q'D1.en\ tuIlA...........".... ..t , Ii _eo" 1~."'. .. 2hG:I..... ,. al.O Mote""'" .1....tt4;.'.. tlle >>.l1'e"" f'" taxable .... . . 1'100&1 "Cd._an~l'a.-..~ with. ~ Of 0.'_.- lbd..ta of 1\bll Oity O'r s.n 1kl1'l\l!.lt_. ll.ll the. .-:14 .lty ~ OIl tU \ 1st d.&iv oft :Fuly 1909,. ...ftAA.. . 1al p~_y tM d. .a.l~ "..~. '.f "- .,...., '" ..,'. 'l,-~,a.l)ldLll, J,jll ~u. upe each _.~ 41ll1!ilod Of tl,. ~ --,UOI1 of liuch p:tOl;.l'Srty. t\O a8eeruJ('::d b~r t110 Oount:r A.I.QOBor e.nd t'o. tutntld b'lJ th~ OO"tnt:t tI;'l.\4i'O~t end tlle. tax B() :Leviod Met to be . 001100'.4 10 luu."'.fby a.PPWP$'1ate4e.atoU-1 . . Hu'bbn.t4 Wa.ter ]Sot).,4 t'UnA.... '" .. . .. -- .. .. .. . .. It .. ... .tJ .II !J An"U. 'ate.. :S01l4 fund... ... ................... t. 0 ,':,.~ .-.....-......-"""'....'"' 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ~:~. 10 ff<, 11 12 13 14 '" ~ z e 15 ~~~ ~...:l'ii </) u ~ <5 16 . s:: rII '" .~ 1Il'C Ii!; ... II: .. oj 17 o s:: il< (00 ~ ...:l~lll < s:: 18 p:; oj rJJ 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 '\ ji ,~'~ c-\-' / - an4 \be tax 80 1...114 t\1.'l4.. to bo ooU.ot.4 !f,:~~11 'be ~4~B htu." an ~ and. ap'1"'op.r1ated rQ'I! tho $ptJ<t iaJ. put"{)c$O of ~1nI thf.1 p~1nol~ C1Il4 Inte.:te13t 01'1 th:c UU.;)'bt'~ Vh), ter bonds &n4 the Jatu. Wa.tG~ bondi, due dr to beQ~4ue. O~ to ac-c.rue . 4_lnS \1* ,....t 1"1~"..r. / .eot1onl.. ..~O U fJ."o h~1rJ' lft"'i." 11)"" the. ,,,..,_ent taxable #180&1 ~ en rd.1AJl"OJllUrll:v ,,!\hUt \be oO,fpo_tellm1\8 of ... o it,. ot 1M n.~hto. Mt..':le _14 . it)'" ....,... on tile 14lt cla.7t 0'1 1U1." 2. "f. *' $"0 i~ prope~t.:t '- of . . -- upon 8&01\ one hUnUo4 40UaM fj)f ~A a.a......A ~~tlt11ot ouch llropct'ty-. a.o o.8S8_.4 by tit. OoUtlty A.....,C!l'el.ltd rottun104 bye]':. Oounty Au4itol'. and tho tWt $0 lev1e4 l!.\u4 to be 001100t e4 a:!U\1"' be tUt4 1$ he:tet'br' 8et .~ and approp,r1L\'tod. t01' the .,..181 ~S. of ~:Ul6 tlUl pS'1DQ1.','Al ~ 1nt.U~'G.t en. 'tba St,..'" Im;p1'~' >>ou_ .. and 'to ~.~ .$ o~ to &0. , &a.ziaS t'h,e preaout fiaoal you. . S.ot1o.tt 4. !be t~'"te8 tlOrebY' 1"1.." abaJ.,1 1:>0 c.oUeO'." l')l,t tll4l aa;me. t. md,. 1n the ... .... u State and County tuell. and. wlwnoo-11eo,.aba11 be ,.14 to th.:Q t.nam1:ror of . t.11..e a 1 ty crt _ _m~o. 'OC\lQIl 5. Tll.o HQOOttW. '--iounttlha8intoton 4ce1c,nt1.te U bct!:ne t-bt_oun.t of ~. 1cY104 .. Gi'lClt one hun~ 40UA <tt t.h.e .......4 ;,"a":.t!".,. ct. all. ,~ a.rem"otore Mt.ne4 to, aD ....~..4 b3l' t:bo CO\mt~ Aa...o.t and. "\tU'l104 1::ty t~A Oonnty Auditor. a~"! 11urebZ" f1>>4 as the "QOctt~ ~tG. of 'f:.a.x fot 1~he p,t'()3\'lnt :r l'Joal YGU felt' the l)l!JIlH)S_::; h" re into: ore .sgna. tea.. , S$ot1on e. 210thinr in thl, Of4i.'Utonc-e con_ined. sh&11 be oonatRlle4o l~ine or e.tt."ptin'" to 1$'97 ~.. W~ 111:)On any p:rope~ ....4 to orb' 'boo~ a. Ja.t"t ff Bt\1d Oity o:! sau :Be~~. o1UOe tho tlJ".' ~ ot 1t4)r,l909. oxcept1n& 0l11.1' BO flU' u4 tOf!' 811ch ~O... ae 1 t 1a wi thin tho pO\'fOJ' .. tl 0':?i' '" c .,'" .~, .. ',:',:'* ole.14 ~:t' M4 Oor1!i'!ot1 OOUMU to t_luoh J>""~. . . " Soot!. ,. TllG 01"7 ales :ta h'r'Cbj? cU,,,.,''''. tll\n_lt to tbeOowtzt At.t41tor a. oettttl04 o0J7 <>t thill O.f4:J.nauoe. ", 1eo"t1.8. It 10 bore.'0un4 aa4.o2AM4'" Wa\; OM~ 1. __-U,. fttUl"8" toX' the u..4ktt >>l'tUI.~'~ of \bt pu'\Jlio .,.... heal\h _4 -.:r._. and tlle Clty en... ,,': _ball oertlr, to ita "'8.asO 1:0" a Wo~l. (8/$) yet. fit tl1e C~ OOUQ4iU ,M4 oaU" '1110 ~. tc ''1)0 vu1t11.' t.~ t~o o.,,"'1ftc1a)"ll in t1:UJ Ih'c111l~ In.... anA 'thel'eUpoa . and the~t.':r 1ta'b.a11 'tako e:treot _4 be in tb"O. % hereby ceri ur 'that tl. whole ltUm'be>> rJt t.l;t.e OOtacn C..ctS.! ot tht City of Ban Jornard.1ao ia fl_. _4 that t~o1n8 o_~. .. pu..' and Mopt'" 'by a tw..~ C..rs, ". .. oi' ...$4 ~." ',. .'. .. Ooupoll.... 1._ ...t. _. ,.beU.' '. ora tll.O \O~;~ b.. _ .jy.., . 1110. by ttiAt tt1.1.~ *' -, , b.~t , AS'Ofl; ~.~ 0-\.,~' C0 ~ ~~~ lloe..~ 4W~ .t. .. ~~.'..'..'J..l..'..n.~.l.~.'....,.. 1,~,..,.,..t1t ...~. ".J.Ji'