HomeMy WebLinkAbout443 ~. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 (:I .~ <l Z ... 15 ....~g s::~~ tJl U ~ 0- 16 . <l (tl ~.- 1ol'"O Z ... :Ii "' oS 17 o <l P< .. ... ~~ill < <l 18 ~ oS rJJ 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 \t~... '~~~ ORDIlT.Al:TCE :HO. tJ- <J- ~ .- -~ AlT ORDIlTANCE FIXIlTG TIm RATE AtTD I.EVYnm A PROI'3HTY TAX rOR TIm CUP-RElTT FISCAL YEAR UPOlT .ALL PROPERTY VIITlInT ~'EE CITY OJ;' SAlI B};jPJTARDDTO FOR THE PURPOSE OF l'ATITTADHlm T}-ffi MUUICIPAL GOVEFJIEMEUT O:P SAID CITY .AJID FAYUm TB:E PRINCIPAL }Jill llTT}1jREST DUE, AND TO BECOlm DUE, WOlf TEE HUBB.t....RD WATER BOlms'., Tl<::E - ~ A1JTIL WATER BOlIDS MID Tlill STREI~T :rnJ?ROVEMENT B01.TD DUIUHG TEE CURRENT FISCAL YFJill. The - ~ayor and Common Council of the City of San Bernardino i do ordain as follows: Sec~icn 1. T110:~8 is he oby levied for U;.e p:~esent fiscs>l r taXable year, on all!t-Prope.:..'t;:,r VIi thin the corpora te lir~li ts 01 the City of San Bernardino, a property tax of" J. S..:s- upon e2.ch one h1.mdred dollars of the assessed valuation of such property, as assessed by the County Assessor, and returned by the County Auditor, and the tax s~ levied and to be collected, - if hereby appropriated as fo:lows: General fund............,.........$. ~ If. "1-- C'+-~oe.t .p'lnd JJ.&;.. 1110 u '...i..!.. v ..;.., .......... ..................... wli( "'T Library fund.....................$. '110 ParJt ir:lprovclilcnt fund............$. 100 SectioL-~. The::'e is also hereby levied for the present ti:>.xable fiscal year, on alt~p:co:perty wi thin the c orr: orate limits of - the City off San BeI'nctrdino, as the said city existed on the 113 t day of July 1:909, a spec io.l property tax Ofj-.y 4-5 cents, UIJon eac~~ one Inmdrecl doJ.12.rsof tIle assessed" valuation - 0," <'1""...11 y)ro.""'""'+'" r,r' _ J..J -'~"""'';''.L l-'V'..I.. 'J':J, LA':"':> assess,-;d "b:' tl2.c Co'.mty Assessor 8,nd. re- turned. l)y tLe C O'-.~ll t::,'" Auditor, ancl the -Ca.:: so levied anc1 to be collectecl is l1ereby approIlriated as follows: RUIJIJard Via tel' Bond fV.nd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .~~., 70 ';;"i.:''''lI!~~. !i<' Antil Water Bond IlJ.nd........................$.07!!!;' . .. .......... ""0P". 1 and the tax so levied anc1 to be collected s:gll be and ~s 2 he::'eby set apart alid appl'opri8/c,ec. ~:'OJ:' t~.e spec ~~2.l rnH~pose of 3 pa::,ri:rlg::,:',e princilXl.l and inte.:..~est on tJ~e Hu""l)c',rd W8JteI' l)onds 4 and tlle Antil Water bonds, due or to Decone due, or to accrue . 5 6 7 during the present fiscal YEar. it- Section 3. There is also Lereby levied for the present taxable fiscal year on a11(\lJl ,.::::.ty within the corporate limits of sai r, 8 city of San Bernardino, as the said city existed on tlle 1st 9 day of July, I g.,. a. GpC c i.al pr ope =t:' tax of $. I ~S" 10 upon eacl, one hundrecl doll exs of tllC ai3scssect v8Jh,,-'\.t ion of 11 such prorc:::'t;:" :J,S assessed by t:,lO Ccunty Assessor zmcl r8'~urned 12 tl:..e tax so levieo. ancl to l)e collect 13 eO. shal be and is hereDY set apart and. appropriated for b~ir J. P. C ("'" + '. t. 1) 0. l' .!. 0.... '" y' a. V~~._-' ""'-.~._';"'"Jv .0--.. lJ....., I"...._.l. 14 the spec ial purpose of paying tlle pr inc j.: al and. interest cn " .~ z e ..: ~ g 15 a::..:lOi (/) u. , ~ g 16 f;L)~:o z k :r: ~ ~ 17 il< .. .. ..:l~a1 ~ ~ 18 the Street Improve:::uent Bonds due and to become due or to acc!'u during the present fiscal year. Section 4. The taxes hereby levied sr...all be collected at the same t:Lrrle cmd in 'clle same manner as State and CO'L~rlty 19 taxes, and w~len c 011ected shall be paid. to tLc treasurer of 20 the C i t:.r of San Bernardino. 21 Section 5. The respective a:'.~ounts he!'e:"'.ntofore clcsi:2)12.te 22 as De ing the am.ount of taxes levied on each one hundred dolla!' 23 of the assessed va~uat ion of a~l property here intofore 24 referred to, as asseosed by the County Assessor and returned 25 by tIJ.e C01'nt:r Auditor, 8,r- he:'.~eby fixed as tl'le rcspective 26 rates of tax for the presont fiscal year for the purposess 27 lire intofore des ::'gnated. 28 29 Section G. lTotllinc in t:~~Ls Ord:Lnance conte.incd shall De construed:;as levying or atterilptill. to ~evy any ta:z.: upon any property annexed to or that becone a pa:'t of said City of 30 San Bernardino, since tLe first d.ay of July, 1909, excepting 31 only so far and for such purposes as it is vd.thin t>.e power 32 . "'" ... 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 (:l os ';: z Il: l5 15 ~oIl3;:= :s:~\il rJ) U f< . 16 .oj 0 , ;: rz) ;.. .~ fol'O Z ... :I: .. d 17 o Il 0.. f< :; ~~P1 < Il 18 Qi d rJ) 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 " r II D' rn i '- , of sa::..d lla~-o~ al1d CO::_'12-,~.011 CO"L~ncil to ta:: S1.1_c:I'prol:Je:."t:r. Sect ion 7. The City Clerk is he :'c;by dircc t,ed to :U.::l:.edia t :tr transmit to the CO'J.nt~ Auditor a cel'ti:f:'ied copy of t~::.is Ordinance. Section 8. It is hel'eby fOlUld and declared that this Ordinance is urgently required for the immediate prc;sel~vation of the public peace, health add safety, and the City Clerk shall ce:~t ify to its passage by a two-thirds <2/3) vote of the COl;lDOYl C cuncil ancl cause the sa.:;.',le tc: fJe rublislled for tlll'ee consecutive days in tIle Evening Index, C',::.d thereupon and t}le~'C8,fter it SllC.ll tc'1J~c effect and lJe in c~orce. I hereby cert ify that the whole nu.:::.loer of tlle Cornr.1on C O'LUlC il of the City of San Berlla:::.'c'.ino is five, anCt that the - f oreg 0 ing Ordinance yms pas sed and adopted 'b:r a tv/o -th~_rds <2/3). 'v'ete cf sa" c":' C onUOD C ounc ila t its lleet ing lleld 0" t: b J..:ao- *~ :c?J.O, by the fonowing t C -VJ it: vote, A.,~res,; <<...~,',-\..~, 10~ ~~07 1Toes~J (j ~\e Approved this \04 day of , 1910.