HomeMy WebLinkAbout447 1 2 3 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 ORD nTA}TCJ1~ NO. I./. lI- ! , -'-l w.. CAIJLIKG A SP}i~CIAL '{"f....vU'l'ION TO BE HELD IN THE h~, ORD Lr\}TCE ,J CITY OF VAN BERNARDINO OF FEBRUARY, 1911, FOR THJi1 l')URPOf~E OF SUBMITTn:G TO THE /' j' LL -U / - ON_~...:::.:'::;':, THE DAY 4 5 Q,UALIFIED :B~L}:CTORS OF SAID CITY , l"OB. THEIR RATIFICATION OR REJECTION CERTAIN PROPOSED MlE1IDllliNTS ~O THE CHARTER OF THE CITY OF SAlT BERNf~INO DIVIDING SAID CITY INTO ELBCTION 6 PRECINCTS, APPOIlTTING "LECT ION O}i'IPIC}!;RS :E'OR SAID EI.JnCTION AND PROVIDIJJG FOR SUCH EL.1WTION AtID C~TVASSnTG THE RETURNS 7 8 THEREOF. 9 WHEREAS, the Legislative branch of the city of San Bernardino, did, in and by Ordinance No. ~ of said City, entitled "An Ordinance proposing certain Amendments to the Charter of the City of San Bernardino, providing for the publication thereof and describing and setting forth such AmendmentsU, adopted and approved on the fifth day of December, 1910, proposed to the qualified electors of said City certain amenrunents to the charter of the city of San Bernardino; and WHEREAS, said proposed amendments have been duly and reg~larly published in the manner and for the time prescribed and required by Section Bight of Article XI of the Constitution of the state of California, an~; WHEREAS, it is now necessary that a special election be called for the purpose of submitting said proposed amendments "- to the qualified el~ctors of said city of San Bernardino for their ratification or rejection; NOW, THEREFORE, the Mayor and Common Council of the city of San Bernardino, do ordain as follows: Section 1. That a special election be and the same is hereby called to be held in the city of San Bernardino, on ~~_the Ii-..~... ..,day of ]i'ebruary, 1911, for the purpose of submitting to the qualified electors of said city, for their ratification or rejection, ~roposed Charter Amendments Ifumbers One, Two, Three, Four, ~, -1- Five-A, i. ve-lFi ve-C, Fi ve-D, Six, Seven. ..tiJight, ne, Ten, Eleven, Twelve, Thirteen as proposed and submitted in and by 1 Ordinance No. 445 of the city of San Bernardino, entitled, 2 "An Ordinance ,roposing Certain Amendments to the Charter 3 of the C~y of San Bernardino, Providing for the Publication 4 thereof and Describing and Setting Forth such Amendments", 5 adopted and approved on the 5tl'; day of December, 1910, and the 6 ballot used at said election shall have printed thereon in 7 addition to other matters required by law or by this ordinance, 8 the following questions, to-wit: ,...-'" ----...----- 9 Shall ~roposed Charter AmenQ~ent Number One, authorizing 10 the Mayor and Common Council to call a special election and 11 submi t to the qualified voters of the city any proposition of 12 incurring an indebtedness for the acquisition, construction or 13 completion of any municipal improvement, the cost of which will 14 be too great to be paid out of the ordinary annual income and 15 revenue of the city; and providing for the issuance and dis- 16 posal of bonds in evidence of such indebtedness when the 17 roposition has been accepted by a two-thirds vote of the 18 qualified electors voting at such election, be ratified? 19 "'-'"'-- Shall ~ropesed Charter Amendment Nunwer ~o, relating to 20 the dividing of ~he city of San Bernardino into seven wards, 21 roviding for a Corronon Council consisting of seven members, election of officers of said city, be ratified? 22 elating to the manner of holding meetings of such COIIDnOn Coun- 23 il and the transaction of business thereat, and providing for 24 25 Shall Proposed Charter Amendment Nmnber Three relating to 26 adoption and approval of ordinances, resolutions and orders 27 the }.layor and Cornman Council, be ratified? 28 Shall Proposed CharternAmenmaent Number Four, defining the 29 owers of the Trayor and Common ~ouncil, be ratified? 30 !kill... PF.p.~ i'lnnM."' ........" hlt-"ep n...., 'i-~in@ EJr'e 31 iIa;pi.ee- M 8.ri ~ ~ ~ @4'C~:i::8.", 19oe- :M'iif4.eM :32 Proposed Charter Amendment Number Five-A, "Shall the -2- 1 2 3 4 5 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 -0,0 __,.._._._.C. ,-.~,---". -,. , - T ---.- sEayor ree e i ve an annual salary of t'.1200. O<)? pj. ,;posed. Charter Amend.:ment }TU:lber F:.. ve-B: f.i....cl.ll each Counci~nan receive an annual salary 'of $300.00? Proposed Charter Araendment ~mnber Five-C: Shall the City Clerk receive an annual salary of $1200.00? Proposed Charter Amendment i:\Tmnber ]'ive-D: Shall the City Attorney receive an annual salary of $1200.00? Shall Proposed Charter Amendment 1Twnber Six, providing 6 for a Board of Par~ Con~issioners, fixing their powers, duties 7 8 and term of office and providing for a 'ark Improvement Fund, be ratl:fied? 9 Shall Proposed Charter Amendment Number Seven relating to appointment of a Board of Health, be ratiitlied? Shall Proposed Charter Amendment Number Eight, establiShin; a Bomrd of Police COlmnissioners, fixing their powers, duties and term of office, providing for the a?pointement by such Police COJrrmission of a Chief of Police, policement and a Secretary, and defining their powers and duties, be ratified? Shall Proposed Charter Amendment Number nine providing for the election of a City Board of Education at a special school election and regulating the meetings thereof and pro- viding for the election by such Board of Education of a City Superintendent of, SchoolS, be ratified? Shall Proposed Charter AmendmentNumber Ten, relating to the titles of Ordinances of the City, be ratified? Shall Proposed Charter knendnlent Nunlber Eleven, providing for primary and municipal elections for the nomination and election of municipal officers, defining the manner in which candidates for office shall be nominated and elected, describ- ing the ballot to be used and defining the duties of the Clerk aiid,nom.m.Oll'iCdliilncil with reference to such election, be ratified? Shall Proposed Charter Amendment Number Twelve, providing for the Levying of a tax of five cents on everyone hundred 32 dollars of the assessed value for a"Public Improvement Irund" -3- and d ~n~n ~he obiects and nuruoses c such ~~ ' and the v .~ .... manner in which said )uiishall be expended, be ratified? ]. Shall Proposed Charter Arnend:rnent Humber Thirteen defining 2 the powers of the Board of Water Commissioners with reference 3 to the expenditure of money received from the sale of water 4 and defining the,:purposes(and manner in which such money may 5 he expended, be ratified? 6 And to the right of and opposite each of such questions 7 there shall be printed upon the ballot, in separate lines, the 8 .ords "Yes" anstlNo" and to the right of and following said words 10 Section III. Said Election shall be 40nducted by Boards of 9 be printed appropriate voting aquares. Section LI. The rnanner of holding said special election 11 voting thereat shall be as provided in this ordinance, and in particulars not recited herein, such election shall be 12 13 as provided by law for the holding of such elections. 14 15 ~lection, consisting of one inspector~ one judge, one clerk, and on 16 allot Clerk for each election precinct herein named whose duties 17 nd powers shall be the same as those of Boards of Election and of 18 uch election officers, respectivetY, under the law governing such lections. If any of the members of said Board hereinafter ncuned 19 20 ail to attend at the opening of the pOlls on the morning of such 21 lection, the electors of the preci~at hour, may supply the 22 1ac~:of~ .apy such absent memb er by appo intment..... at provided by 23 aid general election laws. 24 At said special election the polls shall be opened at 25 ix o'clook on the morning of the day of such election, and must 26 e kept open until six o'clook in the afternoon of the same day 27 hen the polls shall be closed. 28 That for the purpose of said special election the said 29 i ty shall be and remain divided into six election precincts to be 30 nown as Election Precinct Nunilier One, Election Precinct Number Two, 31 .lection Precinct Number Three, Election Precinct NUL~beD Four, 32 ;lection Precinct Number Five and Election Precinct Numbef Six. -4- 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 The exterior boundaries of €C\ch of sr~.id .....-- .----.,._.,.-...'""""--~._~~--- -~ election pre- cincts, ~or the purpose of such special e~ection, brtall be and are hereby established, created and designuted as follows: 1 };LBCTI0l1 PHJWINCT IMffiER OUE. 2 3 (Being a consoli~ation of electmn precincts nmnbers one and tyrO, as the same existed at the last preceding general 4 5 state::eiection. ) Election Precinct Number One shall consist of all that 6 portion of said city described as fOllows, to-wit: Cormnencing at the Southeast corner of the cityvof San Bernardino, and running thence westerly al&ng yhe southern boundary line of said city to the center line of "E" street; 7 8 9 thence North along the center line of "E" Street to the center line of Fourth street; thence East along the center line of Fourth street to the Eastern boundary line of said City; t.e.e. t~ .s~...aLHg "''b.~ ]1EtQt9Pn ~Fld.U:Y liRe of IUllis. e1w; therx:e South along the Eastern boundary line of said City to the plac e of beginning. 17 ELECTION PRECINCt NillmER TWO. 18 (Being a consolidation of ele~tion precincts numbers three 19 and four, as the same existed at the last preceding general 20 state election.) 21 Election Precinct Number Two shall consist of all that 22 portion of said city described as follows, to~wit: 23 Commencing at a point where the center line of Fourth 24 Street intersects the eastern boundary line of said city; 25 thence running Westerly along the center line of Fourth street 26 to a place where the center line of Fourth street intersects 27 the center line of "F" Street; thence North along the center 28 line of "Fa street to a point w~ere the center line of "F" 29 street intersects the center line of Eighth street; thence 30 easterly along the center line of Eighth Street to a point 31 where the extension of said center line of Eighth street inter- 32 sectswith the eastern boundary line of said city; thence -5- Southel.Y to ~he place of beginning. 1 ELECTION PRECINCT EtDffiER THREE. 2 (Being a consolidation of election precincts numbers five 3 six and twelTe as the same existed at the last preceding 4 general state election.) 5 Election Precinct Number Three shall consist of all that 6 portion of said city described as follows: 7 Commencing at a paint-where the centwr line of "E" street 8 intersects with the southerly boundary line of the city of 9 San Bernardino, and running thence due ,est along said southern 10 boundary line to the Western boundary line of said city; thence 11 ^a~ the Western boundary li3e~~ northerly direction 12 to the center line of Third Street, where the said center line 13 of Third street intersects the Westerly boundary line of ssaid 14 city; thence East along the center line of Thir~ Street to a 15 point where the center line of Third Street intersects the 16 center line of "FO Street; thence North along the center lane 17 of "F" Street to a point where the center line of "Fa street 18 inte~sects the center line of Fourth Street; thence Eas~ along 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 . 28 29 30 31 32 the center line of Fourth street to a point where the center line of Fourth Street intersects the center line of "En Street; thence South along the center line of "E" Street to the point of beginning. ELECTION PRECINCT Ntij,ffiER FOUR. (Being a consolidation of election precincts numbers seven and eight, as the same existed at the last preceding general State election.) Election Precinct Number Four shall consist of all that portion of said city described as follows, to-wit: Commencing at a point on the Easterly boundary line of said City where the extension of the center line of Eighth Street intersects said easterly boundary line of said city; thence running west along said center line of Eighth Street -6- to ,\ 'O04.y;t 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 1 to a p\....Clt where the center line of Eight.l1 street ~ntersects with the center line of "I" Street; thence North along the center line of AL" street to a point where hhe center line of "I" street intersects with the northern boundary 2 3 4 line of said city; thence East along the north boundary line of said city to a point where the north boundary line of said 5 city intersects the center line of MG" street; thence North 6 7 along the center line of "G"street to the north boundary line of said city; thence east along the north boundary line 8 of said city to the center line of "Aft street produced; thence 9 south along the center line of "A" street produced and the ~0n~ center line of "An Street to the _orth boundary line of said city; thence east along the northern boundary line of said ctty to the center line of Waterman Avenue; thence south along the center line of Waterman Avenue to the point of be- ginning. ELECTION PRECINCT InJMBER FIVE. (Being election precincts numbers _and eleven as the same existed at the last preceding general state election.) Election Precinc~ Number Five shall consist of all that portion of said City described as follows, to-wit: C01:llnencing at a point where the center line of "F" Street interse~ts with the center line of Third street; thence run- ning Westerly along the center line of Third Street .. a p. point where the centerline of Third Stre~intersects the center line of "I" Street; thence north along the center line 27 of "I" street to a point where the cente;- lin~ Qf E~~~~ !7 J ~~,.4t.",~~~ Street; thence East long the cknter line;-...of Eighth street to a point where the center line of Eighth Street intersects with 28 the center line of "F" street; thence south along. the center 29 30 line of "F" street to the point of beginning. }~;iECTION PRECINCT NmI!BER SIX. (Being election precinct number M- as the se.m.e existed t the last preceding general state election.) 31 32 -7- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 E~ ~tiOl_ _)recinct Number Six shall ,nsist 0 all that portion of said city described as follows, to-wit: Commencing at a point where the center ~ine of Third Street intersects with the center line of "I" street; thence wast along the center line of "I" street to the western bound- ary line of said city; thence north to the northwest corner of said city; thence east along north boundary line of said city to the center line of "I' Street; thence south along the center line of "I" street to the point of beginning. Section IV. That the Board of Election for each of said Election Precincts in said city for said speical election, the inspectors, judges, clerks and ballot clerks, and polling places therefor, shall be as follows, to-wit: EL~CTION PRECINCT E1nffiER ONE. Inspector~ ~~4 L~ ~~ ~~o-tk Clerk: Ballot Clerk' ~"'.~ ~ ~ """"" .!tu. IN.....r ~~~ Q.~ ~~~ . Judge~ Polling Place: ~..\a. i ELECTION PRECI1-TCT NUMBER TWO. INspector: ~ I C~ ~ ~,~ L I ~, \-\ : (6.,. q- . '- 'J;v..;~ . . ,...'. ~~~~t~ ,crv-:. . P01~. p....I.i.l;i'f- ~.~.................... ~.' ..\J-.., ~i~ j~~ S~tI.~, ~,~...\\~ ~GO -~ . ."'\ Judge: Clerk: Ballot Clerk: '-.. ELECTION PRECINCT Nm.ffiJ~R THREE. ~""'~ '1t- ~ Inspector: Judge, ~~~r Clerk: Ballot Clerk: ~,~. I ., ~~ tM.1w..~ \N"uX~...\ ~ ~ ~' (J~~ ~l~~ ~ ~.... \\-., ~ - 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 1 ELECTION F~NCT l1UMBER .t,OUR. Inspector: ~\S'V\. ~ ~ ~~~~ Judge: r\~ ~ Clerk: f\ Ballot Clerk: '\-\. ~. ~ ~'-'4 ~ .Ki:.... -~ LVv.."~~ ~ ~ FO,lling Place: ' ~ ~ L '"'^^'\. ~4. ' ' \.f\...~ \JJ ~ ~. 1: .~ _<, -Q.... 2 3 4 5 6 7 ELECTION PRECnWT NUMBER FIVE. 8 ~. ~, W~ ;:::::tor: ~~ ~ Clerk- ~Q., ) , -, 'tv f) ; ""," . Ballot Clerk: ':' CU~. erN ~ ~ ('; "'"" ~o . (" \ 'of - I _ . ,t\ ee. ~-"'I...) Polling Plac~: '-"'-\ - "~ ~.' ~ a ~ ~'dt. '1 ~ ~ 9 ELECTION PRECINT NUlffiER SIX. Inspector: (j...). ~" ~ ~ ~o' 01""-1; Judge: ~. \J'-1 , , L~ Clerk: \~~ Ballotp-..I\ C'l~ ',' ~~~~1 oA 'J-..I:J. .1' \"- ~ ~ l Polling Place: ~~ ~ L . The said polling places have been found and are hereby determined and declared to be suitable and proper places for holding such special election, and said several persons have been found and are hereby determined and declared to be qual- ified for such respective positions, as required by law; and they are hereby appointed such election officers to conduct 27 such election and to constitute said Board of Election; and 28 29 said Board of Election and such officers shall conduct and are hereby directed to conduct said elec~ion as by law and this 30 ordinance provided, and to canvass the votes given and cast at 31 said special election and to make and deliver returns thereof 32 -9- .. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 . 28 29 30 31 32 to the City Clerk of sait ci~y an& it iz ,- ~. "'- " -~--.~=.._...,''"'~ .. - ~~~,.,.... further o~Qered t~at .. sa. J\la:y and Common Council snaL_ .Jleet at ..e 01 ty Hall on the second day after said election, exclusive of holidays, at 7:30.o'clock P. M. of said day and proceed to canvass the election returns and declare the result. Section V. Any qualified voter may vote at said election in favor of any proposed amendment by stamping a cross (X) on his ballot in the square at the right of the word "Yes" following the proposition ~o be voted upmn; B.nd an , qualified voter may vote at said elect'ttn against any or all of said proposed amendments by sta~ping a cross (X) in the square at the right of the word "No" following the propositio to be voted upon. The City ~~rktr~~bY authorized and directed to prepare and cause to be printed, upon the proper kind 0 f pape~ ...eIl ... BeA..nrl ...lir~" nt ~ .......... ~ k'~, a sufficient number of abllots for the use of the voters at said special election. The nummer of said ballots to be so prepared shall not "be less than se'V'enty-five for each fi fty qualified voters for each election precinct, and a like proportion for each fraction of fifty voters in each of said prec incts. SectmDn VI. This ordinance and the publication thereof, as herein provided, shall consitute the notice of sa d election. This ordinance shall be published once a day for ten days in The Evening Index, a newspaper printed and pub- , lihhed at least six days a week in said city of San Bernar- dino, and the City Clerk shall cause this ordinance to be so published and no other notice of said election need be given. Section VII. This ordinance is urgently required for the irmnediate preservation of the public peace, hel'th and safety and the City Clerk shall certify to its passage by a two-thirds vota of the Coramon Council and cause it to be publised ten days in The Evening Index and thereupon an~ t thereafter it shall take effect and be in force. -10- . I hereby certify that the whole ntur-oer 0: tile ClilllTnOn ..Junc il of the city of San _ rna.rdiJ:l\ Ls five, 4 and that the foregoing ordinance was adoped by said COfMaon Council at its meetin@ held on the 9~" day of ~ .191_' by ~he f0110Wing~o:e. to%wit. Ayes: ~, 'fI~1 ~~, ~ 1 2 3 5 !Ioes: ~. 6 ~!i~ City Clerk 7 8 9 The foregothg ordinance is hereby approved this r li. day Of~ 1914. 4h~~ };1ayor. 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 / 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 -11- 32