HomeMy WebLinkAbout449 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 \ ~ \ ~2\ " ;;;::"""~~....-"",-","..".,,.,.., " ~- \ "",..- -- ORDIlTAlTCE };O :.Jt.-=t!I-- AN ORDI:ifANCE ORDRRING ANTI CALLING A GIiNERP.L !mFICIPAL FLECTION TO BE HELD IN THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO MID IN Till] CITY OF SAl\i BERJ'T.ARDHTO SCHOOL :DISTRICT, ON TT.OlIDAY, THE lOth DAY OF APRIL, 1911, DIVIDING THE CITY INTO MUNICIP1\L DLECTION PRECINCTS ~~ID APPOINTING POLLING PL\CES PJID BOARDS OF ELECTION. The Mayor and Common Council of the City of San Bernardino do ordain as follows: Section 1. l' hat a general municipal election shall be held in the City of San Bernardino on Monday, the lOth day of April, 1911, for the purpose of electing the follo'wing officers, to-wit: A ~ onhf~riik~u~~ the third ward of said city, to be elected by the electors of said ward; One member of the eon~on Council from the fourth ward, for an unexpired term of t.wo years, to be elected by the electors of said ward; One member of the Conunon Council from the fifth ward, to be elected by the electors of Daid ward; Two m.embers of the City Board of Educ ation, to be elected at large, by the electors of said City and the electors of that portion of the City of San Bernardino School District, .~ 1 J lying outside of said City. Section 11. That for the holding of said general election, the said city of San BerYl8.relino shall be and remain divided into twelve municipal election precincts, the boundaries of which precincts shall be and remain as fixed for the election of state and County dfficers at the last general election, and thrdportion of the city of:)San Bern8,rc3ino School District lying and being outside the corporate li]~its of saftd city shall con- 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 f 20i 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 1 stitute 2,nd be one election precinct to be known C~~S "llunicipal 2 3 Election Precinct lTumber Thirteen". Section 111. That the following are a description 4 of the precincts and designation of the polling places therein 5 and the persons hereinafter named are appointed officers of 6 election in said .recincts, respectively, to-~it: 7 M:UlifICIPAL J'L."ECTIOlJ PRECIECT lTillGBR 017E. 8 Municipal Election Precinct Humber One shall consist 9 o:f a.nd be 'whn,t is;nown as and caJ,led San Bernardino ITumber One Voting Precinct and the boundaries of said Precinct shall be and remain as they existed at and for the election of state and County officers at th~ last general election. , Polling Place shall be at .~.~ 7.-. .10'..~. ..~.~ ~~''1/)/~' ~_~or~ ~"/. Inspectors ~ ;f'~, lff?:J::I.l. J1~, JudGe. ~, U/. :Jrj~1 ~ t:, ,(j~ Clerke;:J~ W, ~/, ~ U/. ~~ Ballot C1erkfJJrh /1, t1i~, tf~ J' !/~' MUlUCIPAL J?LECTIOlT PF.EEDTCT ITlHmER TWO. Hunici2::.al Election Precinct lTuml:>er Two shall consist .,." of and be what is ]ei1.ownl\ and called San Bernardino Thunber Two Voting Precinct 8.md trie boundaries of said Precinct shall be andremain as they existed at and for the election of State and County officers at the last general election. -+P 6? --LPolling Pla.ce shall be at ~{I., .~ !1~.I~ pu (AMU~o11J, 4IALiJ&~-€/VJ ~ l' :7~' ~ Inspe6'tol'S r. f/ 1\~1 /tfH ,ff~~ .. :~:::; ~ ~ :=~ ,J t;;::::1~r+ !3allot Clerks:f~ lJ~r~ ~, 'tt: JJP;:j)~, EU:~ICIPAL ELJ':CTIDON PRECINCT lTUJ.tE'1':R THRF.E. 3\. :Eunicipal Election Precinct lTunoer Three shall consist t/I.9 32 of and be vrh~""t is kno'.'!l1" 8,m1. cC1,11ed San Bern~'~:,dino ~TuT;1ber Three r, -?....'-- ,,~~,,",.",-. 1 VotlngPnecinct a.nd the boundcdries of said Precinct she,ll be 2 3 and remain as they existed at and for the election of state 6 and County officers at the l~ t general election. ~ &!ll}~ing Place "hall~t~.R~/'~'~ ~ .(). ~~~~.9/1~ ~ ~ . 7 ~ 7;;--P~ .- Inspec:rors c:.o1?~ Q: ~ SZ~ A~. ff "A. , tf~J )l.1J~. Judge S' 4. I? aJ~.-e--., Uf?!1 /P ~'1\ CIelers- f:&, AI~ ~,:J. /./~ ' Ballot Clerk:; rf/. ~-J''ll. ~ 4 5 7 8 9 10 ]!tU1TICIPAL FLECTIOlT PRECIlTCT lTUMJ3TE ::<'000. 11 }'[un:Lcipal l~lection Precinct ITumber ~our shall consist C)fl> of and be what is kllown"and. called San Bernardino Number .~,... 12 13 Vot ng Precinlbt, cmd the boundaries OJf se.id Precinct ~hall be remain as they eXiste~~"V\..tt:;;~r~;::t~~ ,.. _ I I -p Poll' .nl ' '1" tJ/~.h'-'~"_'_~~~~.t n' J.ng.L ace ana..!.. De a ~. .~~~ry4 . . . . · . · . vJ~ ay- .!J r.s~ t ~;;g .~, Inspectors J~ 13/lA'1AfV1-;r. "7Yl ~ A'~ . JUcle:es 711. Vr/ t/a~.... &{>tv, 'J. !/A-:eL<:v-vvu Clerk5 lP.al&~~) lI/aik:1 ~ ,/ Ballot. Clerks iII~~ &~AJ I /1-tt1/U-j 11~ 14 and 15 %~, 16 17 18 19 20 HUNmCIPAL ELECTIOlT PRECPWT IWl'13ER T'IVE. 21 Huniciy.al Election ~recinct Number Five shall consist of and be what is knov'n~.nd called San Bernardino lTumber Five 22 23 Voting Precinct nel the boundaries of said Precinct shall be 24 and remain as they existed at and for the election of State and 25 County officers at t~8 last general election. 7k. Polling Place shall be at ~.@~/.~ ~ ~~~ OJ e. AJt;u.tf ~ ~ 1- (J~~. In8:Pector$J~ J). y~" ~. 8. /P~I Judge~ :f'.?(1, 4-,;:t.f.-J1 {D~ 9' /~" ClerkS ll~/l. al'd (' 1f ,Q.t-<V-jJ (]/l~ ( '" , h.---t /D - + ~ L... :Ballot Clerks- 1/.e'71 I i~Jcr,tI, ,',:()V-Irrl LA/U,,-c.rL/ 26 27 . 28 29 30 31 32 'i"UYICIPAL EL}~CTIOl~ :PPJ'~CnlC";T HUlEB:EB ~HX. iiunici-oal Election Precinct Number Six shall consist '3- "-.., 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 """"'l!' ".. .-...., 1 1 of a,nd be vrhat is known as and called San :Bern,nrdir:o Hurnber 2 Six Voting Precinct and the boundaries of sadd Precinct shall 3 be and re:main as they existed at e.ncl fOl' the election of state 4 5 8..md County officers o,t the lE',st general clectiol. / tJ 3 7-::r~ tl!; ~ --+tJ Poll.ing Place shall"Q,e at.A..~!:........ ..........1. ~ t4LE- At'U/C-t: ~ r>1. ~ ~'~ ,d. 7~ ~, Inspectors Y~\',e, 9:~~\ ~ Af~, .Judges- ~ /(, <'(~?N-i ~I J(1?~ Clerk$" ({/,;/. 1f:.e,~,.-t'l \ joh J' ~ I Ballot Clerk,. A 1,JrJ. u/:VU, l-I~~' 6 7 8 9 ilU1TICIPI\.L EI1WTI01T l)RFCr~CT FUJ'lIJ3FR SEVEN. Munictpal Flection Precinct ~TurJlber Seven shall consist of=:,nd be vrhcct is k:iown as and called San }jerno,relino number Seven Voting Precinct snd the boundaries of said Precinc~ shall 8 be and remain as they existed C'.t and for the election of ,,-,tate and County office.rs at the ls,st l=':elleral 0:1ection. ~. ~- < ~.c Po 11 Lng Plac e oha p 1) e "" t 7.-e;;1" _.~.4d. 1'?Y. P.4-. CAA. t e.<H,.vU./ft, r1 73 ~ E~~ CkU--J )J. ..~, InspeC'tor~ 73;r,~ t1n;~ lJ..Ia~0 VB. A~ .Judge$"" ~A: 1ZcL~.J I O~, u.! JZ.€Al./ Clerk,. ), G. #~~. I tf:l.12. c;{~ ' BaJ.lot Clerk:; a, t. )(~/t:i{w[n/L/, IIJ 'r~ Eu::nCIPAL ",;L:r;;CTIOlT PE~(~n~CT lTU.LffiJ~R EIGHT. }ilunicipc.l Flection Precinct Humber Eisht 8''1p.,11 consist of and be wl'1F,t is J~Ylov:m 8,8 a.nd called San 3erno.rcUno HUjj1:ber 25 ~ight Voting Precinct e,nd tl:e 1)Ou!1dclr5.8s of 80,i(1 Precinct shal~ 2e "be a 1':,/', rp'.-lfd,n 8.f' tl,ey existed a.t 8,nd 10:(' t:r1e election of ste,te. 27 qnd Count::" officeors o.t t:--:,c le.:.t ge'1ere,1 election. y}J, ~~~.~ ~t~~;.~fff!~ Inspector~ J.:f ;J~1\ {t,ivv!9~, Junee$ abx, IP~, (j(.h,d ~~ Clerk~ JI~ t, }11~tiv, t, oOm.rJ. V~ , I~' 4.-rP ~)~~ !fM-U 0, (/~ · :Ballot Clerk:> f..JJ:'/[~ V,{... 1 I 28 29 30 31 32 -4- 10 II 12 13 14 15 16 Im:uCIPAL EEECTION PRECINCT lTUlffiER NIEE. 1 2 3 Municipal Election Precinct J'Jumber Nine shall consist of and 'be 'l"l-:,at is kr:ovm as and ce.lled San Berna,relino Number ~ine Voting Precinct and the boundaries of said Precinct 4 sha.ll 'be and reT'l.ain as they existed at and for the election of 5 state and County officers at the last ceneral election. Po).lirg P1!-."ce shall be at ......... I. W~J .~~ tk 71~~ ~ ~ :/~ ~ ~ ~ .. -11. .~. Inspectors J'}/. U/M.4, .A1. e. 77!--:~~' I Judges' 7J!~.~'H a~~.A1 cf.J1,!I!M/l ;()~, Clerk'" !J=' ' @, .::T:k,-,~a I ~l ,,~l.~~ ~&...fjl.a. e. Ballot Clerk", k~"4,Jfl-dC4A-W' t!%:f1~, 6 7 8 9 ImrrICIPAI~ EIJXTION PP.ECr~CT NUlffiJi:H TEN. 1!iUllicipal I'~lection Precinct :Tu.mber Ten shnll consist of and l)e what is known 8.8 and called San Bernardino :Hum.ber Ten Voting Precinct and the bound9ries of said Precinct shall be and remain as they existed at and for the election of state 17 a~d County officerst at the last General elec~ion. :J:;f ~tuA;J ~ A d , POlling1..Pla,ce shall 'be at ....e~ .'.~. ..~ ..:r;~.... . . ~ .~ 1 .J-<-ttJ:. -<,rv.f_~<Lh1AX. / s-o ~ w-ev rg 0<. /~j. Irrs:pector~ ~o .fl. ~/ a-t!Ul.Arl/C a. &-x. .Judg e $ . t?/,1( -() ;::1, :'.;/ aA'~ \ HIf.'t/1Aj II /y~r-iG Clerk5 '7J1a~ C1~t.PfR~J\ (r~A1 /[, K~ ~ ;) Ballot. Clerk:; J. c: ,/;t-l/U/L"I 4./d Jla/yyvYVv~ 18 19 20 21 22 23 MUlTma:IP.AL };]2~CTIOIT PRECINCT ITU!JffiER FLEVElT. 24 25 26 Ttunj_cipal Election Pree net 1:Tumber Eleven shall con.... ist of and be what is known ;::;>8 and called San Bernardino }\Turnber Eleven Voting Precinct and the boundarj.es of said Precinct shall 27 be and. remain as they existed at and for the election of St8,te 28 and County officers at the last general election. l:.o11ing l'lace shattl1e, at :l.~J .~.~!!t-; ~ crt :f. A1t:0.J.4"; ~'lA .d -- y ~ t! ~~, ~ -de F~4~ VI I nsp e c tor s atvx /t::U. t. " -~. a. rJ/(.A.A_.{A.../ . .Tudge~ //J.) ~/d~'lAJ' /3e>tj: ~, Clefk~ g.~;1. ,/Li,...4\ :J/?-6--.A./k fl. ~ Ballot 8'lerkS" {l/,f!. f!-.e.-tJ,-/:; \ ~" @. (3~. -5- 0 29 30 31 32 ;;ii"~:<ciiJt;;..:l:-,;;.~ '~;';;,,';';~.2..;'~ JJ ~-,,' ~ 1 ]lUlTICIPAL :F'LFCTIOliT PFFCUrCT NmmER T'i'0:LVE. 2 }Iunic j_pal Election Precinct lTumber Twelve shall con- 3 sist of and be what is knovll1 8,0 [',nd called Se,n Bernardino 4 Voting Precinct number Twelve and. the boundaries of said 5 Precj_nct shall be and remain 2,S they existed at and for the 6 plection of state and CO~TIt~ off ccr s at the last seneral 7 clectinYl. 8 ~~1 lJ)l'l'ng' 1J'.L"'~-'e s'~all be ,,1. :J~ ~~U ~ 7iit-t~ H~ 1T~X:'~, ~1~V 1tJ~.;i;e. ~ ./(4. :sh.~ Inspectors F.1I,1- ,j)~-t c.,j-'~, Judge:; :f~t-' ~ i!P~ uJ~, ClerIc:; fI~Uf ct. 2J~~ 1 r r if? Ballot Clerk:; _~. ~ r?.J3Y~r'J' f3. 9 10 11 12 13 =mUICI:PAL ED~CTIOH PRECINCT l\fIDiffiER 'I'.HIRTJ:~]:;:N. 14 (City of San Bernardino School District outside 15 of the City) 16 IEunic ipal Election pree inct ~Tu.rnb er Thirt een shall 17 consist; of all that )ortion of S9,n Bernardino School District 18 as the same is now established and exists, outside the bound- 19 aries of the City of San Bernardino, as the boundaries of 20 said city are now defined. Polling Place shall be at .~~~t..... Inspector~ (!A~ tl A~ ~.fI. f!o.-x , Judges 7~ ;/a,~) a.t//, ;J&-Af~' j J J j' ~ .....4-- - A I Y;1fiVvr-4t::, /~ ~ ClerkS /7/Tv~ Ballot Clerk:t )ltl. ;(~I J'g., ~J 21. 22 23 24 25 26 27 Section IV. The City Clerk shall certify to the 28 passage of this ordinance and cau.se the same to be -oublished 29 for at least ten days in The Evening Index, and such publica- 30 tioh shall con$titute and be the notice and proclamation of 31 said Election. 32 Section V. This Ordinance is urgently re~uired for -6- c , " !...<_:.~.,' ~ 1. the ilwuediate preservation of the public peace, health and 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 1.4 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 sa~ety and is hereby found and declared to be s~ch urgency ordinance required for such purpose and the City'Clerk shall certify to its passage by a two-thirds vote and shall cause the Saine to be published as hereinbefore provided and thereupon and thereafter it shall take effect and be in force. I hereby certify that the foregoing Ordinance was adopted by the :\ilayor and Uomrnon Council of the City of San --u.. Bernardino at a iegular Meeting thereof held on the .~.?7. day of ~~ .1911, !)y the fol1ovrhlG vote, to-wit: O~~O J4 J Ayes: (!JJ--& I ;I trf~ I ~. Hoes: ~!d.03~ .........,.............. city Clerk. ~ Approved this .~.2.-;.day of .. ..1911. G.:1-. . . . . : .??z: ~dl !:ayor. 31 32