HomeMy WebLinkAbout454 . ~ \.) (~ .:1A:;:/.({ ':-/.' .----... _.~- ,----- iI 1..- ORDIlTANCE 1JO. If S 1: ..- .,. 1/1 ~.. .,-,:.-- . . AN ORDINANCE REGULATING THE KEEPING OF DOMESTIC FOWLS IN T:1E CITY ~ OF 3Al~ BERliARDINO. . . . . . . . . . The Mayor and ComY11on Council €)f the City of SflD Bernardino do ordain as follows; ....... Section I. The l~,yor and Common Council of tne City Of San Bernardino, do hereby dete~mine and declare that the main- tenance of coops, structures, or enclosures wherein ch5 ckens, duckc, geese, turkeys, or other fowls are kept or confined within ~ ---tic . feet of any house, building, or sjrructure occupied by human bein["s ,~ haG become and ia dangarous to the inhabitants of aaid City and , has become and is an obstruction of the free use and enjoyment of property and the same does interfere with the comfortable enjo;:":.:t of life and property of a considerable number of the inhF1~i tt;,t::ts of GP,id City. and the J'"1fdntenance of such C00pS, structurefl, or enclosures, and the keeping therein of chickens, ducks, geese, turkeys, or other fowls, within ~Jr feet of any "building or U4iItAA<J',b<<4/C4. . structure occupied b~.r hW;:':''-ll lJeings4"dthin Bedel City" is J.,er;1"uy found, G.eclared, and determined to "be a pub1.ic nuisance. Section II. It is hereby declared unlawful for an,. '.oC11- ~n, firm, or corporation to keep or confine any chickens, ducks, geese, turkeys, or other fowls in any coop, strncture, or enelo ;.;- ure situate yIi thin ~ fee..t of ATI-:I house, 'building or structure ~a-lfAf~ J, · 4AtC./I1 occupied 'by human beings~within thACity of San Bernardino. . Section III. Any person, firm, or corporation, ~Yiolating any of the provisions of this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof shall be punished by 8 fine not c:<:ceeding One HuncireC', Dollf'rs ($100.00), or by impr.isom:ent not e::ceed.ing thirty (:30) days, or b~r l'loth such fine and imprisonnent in the d.iscretion of thic. c'-'urt. Section IV. T~is ordinRnce shall take effect FDd be in > >.J"Tt_ '1--- 'n - "'" I \ .~: U '- r"'-"" if, , ~ ... >. -,;, ')- "- .... ~ . .,~ force from ,;Dd Gfter its ~do,tion and approval 0nd its ~uDlic2tion az provided by law. Section V. Xhe City Clerk chall certify to the ndoption of this ordinance, and cause the s(\me to be published for three consecutive days iu. the Evening Index. I hereby certify that the foregoing ordinance was adopted by the J.1ayol~ and Common Counci 1 Gt the City of San J3ernar- dino at a meeting held on the ~?~day of July, 1911, by the following vote, to-wit: Uoes: ..;l/V1/""M.f---q I &~h~(J ~ rJ ~&'I ~~. ~~~ !-L.. Ayes: ~;;/3~-x~~^ City Clerk. I hereby f'!opprove the foregoing ordinance this ,,?klday of July, 191J. . :M:fl>YO of [)(\,n Berne,rdi no. " .. 1 _IT.IU. 'J U'~,ll.."I'(~~_"'.;_"'-"-""''''''''''~'''''''''-H'<'''!'''''''''''-'"'''~~~ ~'.X...)_'._'i,.~'--.""J~.....,-...,.,""""","