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AlT OHDI:T.A:rCE gr:nm 'l'~ill lli\.TS AIm LE~ryllTG .,'~ nWES~.'.::Y Ti":"r.. ...,;o.:~ '.rIill
CU::JtEHT :D'ISCAL YEAR UPOlI ALT.. PROP.El~'l'Y -,.:I'l'llIL 'l'iL: CITY L}i' S..\l!
}3:;~Ill~1\.ImI~L:O J701~i. :-:c Ptr'lJ)()Sl:~ ,)r ~1'"l1I:TT.:\.I='TI~"G TIm !.CU':1IC~IP.l~ GO~ri.:;~:.Ct.r-
LJill.IT m? Sj~ID CITY AITD FAYI::TG 'l'lill }':3.INCIF.i\L iJrD r:TTEE:::ST DUE, .A::D
TO :DECellE DUE, upon THE HU:Db~J,.HD \iAl':Jn :BOl~DS, l'EC A}T'rIL ';,..i.,T:sR
. . . . . ~ . . . . .
The Hayor a,nel Connon Council of t:he Gity of San
Bernardino do ordain as follows:
Section I.
There is hf.H'e1):l levie:3 for t:1C rref3:: t
f18co,1 ~rear, on all taxa1)le property within the corporate liLits
of \ the City of San Bernardino, a :property tax of $1.35 upc\'n CCtG}l
one h1.1.ndx'ed. dollars of the n.ssessed valuation of ~Juch :pl'opeI't~/ J
8,S assesGeo. b::l t~le Count.:' AS2.eesar, e.n-:.. re~vurned by the C:ounty
AucU tor, ~wlcl tile tax so levied ;"L,ld to lJC collected,' is hereby
appropriated as follows:
General Fund
..11 .......... 10... .... ........... .......-
A .505
S t l~ e e t J[U11d ".......................,...........................
,I!, ,,580
,... .100
' \
Pc.t.rk Ij~ilpr o"'re1nen t FU11d ...................................
Li b:car~T Fund ....................................... (!;~--_..._-
Section II. TilCl'C is also hereby levied loI" ~-:~:.l.~
~ tJ-?,
present fi8val year 011 ::,.11 ta,xL1,b1e property VIi thin -the (.iYlpO'r"te
I .), I,
l~.,., t .I!' t' '" t '" c!,... I' L' , ,., t ''I''1:.1'1!".la,
it,d,s OJ. .C.L8 Iwi Y QJ: .:la.r; n01'na:r:( lno, ;=U3 l,'~e s:;Lic, '..Ii'y e"'r\f!l \,,:;(,
on t;l 1 -.c. t day of July, 1909,[. c:'-~)ec ial jt'o~erty tax oJ ~j. ,2-15
cents, t~,pOl1 ea.ch one one hundred dollars of the assessed vrl'.:2,ticn
of such IJrOperty, as aSf;e.s.sed 1)~r t}le County Assessor, and l'et,ur~-lc~~.
1)~( t}H;' County Audi tor, ;t,lcl t,":lC tax so levied and. to 1"e collected
16 horeby a~2ropriated as follows:
rrv,,1)1.J~~1"'ct 'iin,tl:~I' 13orH.:1 FUl1a ........... It ,
~ .lor:.
.i~Ltil 'drte:r 3(Y(lcl Fu.ud
........It... ....... t ".............
,~~ 00;..,J
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'>-' ,). .
i~3 Jlel"el'~7"
:~~', rl. .J t '. <;. e t D..:~: [";', .~) 1 e v 1 ':, ct
",:'ld to 1.:0 coli_octad s'.wll t,e
r ,_....-_..,_~;~....,".j..".i~.'~~."'~-.....;;".'"...,
,..~~.f"i''"''''''''",.i,..'_''''i~".~"'~;,-"''''':.._..._. "
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C' "u
set apart ~Lnc1 appropriated. for the spec:~;ll lyur.r:'ose
o f :;)r~~;" i [l~
t:le .principal :.:md inte:cest Ol~ the Htf'u'Lrt.rd We.tel' Bonds en] t,he
Antil Vl:.?,ter Bonds. due or :'0 oeeOine du.e, or to acc:r'ue. dur:i.ilJ tl.;.c
present fiscal year.
Section III.
The:~'e is c11Bo hereby levied. for the
present fiscal ~Tear on all taxable prOI)erty '{J~i,t~!.in t._"c CCJ oc~;_tc
li!J1its of s8/id~ Cit~,r ~)f S8.(l B(;I'n(-\,J~clj.l10, as tllf~ sR,icl City e);:iB"~eo~
on t}1e 1st day of Jul~'{J 1909, a special I,)::::,operty tax of $.165
1.1I> 0;'1 e,:-:l.C}1 one }11.111(lI'ed. d oll:3.rs of t}1e as ~3e6se(1 va~l ua t i on o~f :31,'. (,~.D.
:pI'Ol)erty J
as assessed by t~1C County Assessor,
G..nel returrle<J
. . .
l)~' "C1'::' {:J
Count:l Auclitor, ~3,nd .I-~he tax 80 le'Tiec1'
to 1)8 col1ectecl s}:.l.<..'.ll l:c
and is hereliy set e,,lJart a,nd. alJprlbrriated for the: s::;H:ciFi.l :;)"L,l')Of.\C
of pa:/in:.:;; til.t; ::'Jrilc ir)al ;cnd. interest on t"-:'..e S.tre et I,pr oveLc::lt
Bonds due and to become due or to accrue during the present fiscal
Section IV.
The t,',:,cr:?'".',; "1erel::.y levied 8]'1:11 'be collected
at t'le
S:::,TJ1C time ;'dld in
.I-"L, ,....
s "me DIRllner as State
COU::lt;:;' tet::;:cs.
2. n 11. 'N}:.cn collected s}1.;,'.11 ~)(' IJF,id to t'J tre<,',surer of t:~I: City ,)f
38.::1. Berna,rd.ino.
Section "
The respect.i VE~ cc,ounts ;v)reinl)efol~e
des ic;na ted 8.S lJeine t1:e ar;JQunt of ta.xes levied on cr',ch one hundred
dollars of the assessed valuation of E)11 pl'opert:l hereinbefore
referred to, D.S asseesed. b;y tile COU(lty AsseEsor gm;. returni'r3 ;)~r
"r, <::.
W..,_ '...'
County Audi tor, are here-i.y fix:ed aB the respective rc,tes of i.:8.:X~
for the :Jrc,sent fi 803,1 year for the pUrl)oses }~J.el'e inbefore des iC; ;:2,t fJ Il
Section VI.
lTothing in tide ordinanceoontainec'. C"J'c,11
'be construed as levyins or ett'cfrdl'ting to levy 2_n;)' 'sax \l:;)On enr:;
property annexed
to or t1.1[;~,t hri..S 1)eco,.::e a
f) f fj ,~.~,~ icl
C i t~:l
',:", r:"'; ~,...
.._,'~ '.''>-.r.
TIernc:"c1Ll0 ~; ircc>J t'~"'.c: 1st dr:,:' ~)= Jv.ly, 1909, eXCel)"t,ini'; 0'11:.' Olf..!'
rU1d for r-.Hl,c}lnurnOSE:f1 ,~;.s
..~ .~. --
it. is \';'i thin
tl'lC 'DO\Ver of C":r:,'1 ,\,1 }."'r~"i(j'1'"
- - " -". -. ." -- ~"
(>Y;;:1011 ~OUI1C il to tax su
Sl:.~ctic;:~-~ ~'''II.
'1"r-'E' C.; 't"'T Cl:"~':{" '",
,_, _ .,1;')",'_ _. ,J..L~ .... t:)
~ereby directed to
l.~_-! e::,'l'g,te"'_,y 1~"rc""l~"1-l~:?'-,-":~,j t. ",0 1'18 ""r,"",J ~..j.
~ _ _ - - .-,_._ ........ ,~~:,.. l,j...i ...l.ft C~l' i".tt(\ i G ')r
(:f~rti~fie'cl C01\~r of t1.l.ic
Oed L',L>nce.
....."...","",..""'i .. ........I.ilililt> N lII~li, ~i, ':I.
~ ,I ""--*"",~,",,,,,,,,
r'~j"-"':"'~'~iI;;;it,,;-:~/'>;i~. '~,i", :J
,I" "ll~
,,~ ~tliil'1'
Sect j..on. ~rlII.
It, i fi J18J:'eby f oll.'ntl PJ.,11(1 (i(~ Glc"r.e(.~. t}-L;:::',~oo'
I..' .
, 'c', i
ol'dinance is urccntl:,r required for t}le ii::cdis:te :pr""Eierve.tiod '::If
the IH1'olic pCD,ee, heC'.lt'lj c:.nd sr:fcty, C:'. 11 cl t':c Cit.J r.lr:rl( }?,'""ll
nertify to its :::>assage l;.y c" two-t::lirds (~Z-3) ,,'"ote of t'~e COYfJ7ilOn
Councilj ancl cause the Si1me to be pu"olished for tb.ree consecutive
days in The Evenine Inclexj an!"}. thereUl?On and t::1ereafter it sl,t[-,ll
take effect and be in force.
I heJ:~(;1:;y certify t~lHt the v.hole num.ber of the CO~'.i .on
Council of the City of San Eernardino is fivel and ~~nt the fo'e-
gains ol'cliir:1.CC 1", .s l)C,sscd ;'nc1 p:.dor>tec1 b~r a two-thirds (2-3) v~te
of said Common Council at its meeting held on the
"Il..) .- d..-)",r
.....--... C"".i
Septem'berj 1911, by t~le followine; voteJ to-wi t:
" /"
,/- t. ,~~'2
-:;;.., l,. '
, -'~f"-'1.-'?..-r.~'
'.'" .i
//~,.. .,_' ,/'1 ,
v/;> a..::::'". !:<< '::.S:...L...-:..S:.>:''.;;:.~{~-~---
)';' ,
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_..~---,-~--~.,- -,,--.---.
f l ,;'/ '~/. /. ." /
~.~.c-.;.~ /~' ~'",<':.....---
City Cler}\:.
A:;;p:c'oved this .'
cia;:.' of Septeml)cr, 1911.
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,,''''''.,..p,,~,;..,'',..''''j-_._..._....,-'''_..~"..-. .., "+-.." ",