HomeMy WebLinkAbout463 - ~ -.. o ~! \ 6 :> O::1DIHAUCE HO. _~~.d. Ai! ORDINANCE A"'"ElmIlIG O~DnTf,nCE ITO. 289 01;' THE CITY OF SAlT .ii.........., BElUTA..1"UlINO, ElIj'TITI.lED "AIl ORDINANCE HEGULATIl1G THE HANNER OF CONSTRUCTION, ALTERING, lU!~PAIRING. IUD L"OVnm OF BUILDINGS IN THE CITY OF SAl! :S:8RHARDINO, PROVIDING FOB. THE ISSUnrG OF PEllliITS FOR THE SAlm, FOR T:F-ill DISCOlITINUATION OF BUILDDms AIID CTH:;~R STTIUCTUHES WHEN DAUGEROUS TO PP.OFERTY,' LI:I;'E OR LIllB, "ADOPTED THE 4th DAY o}t' AUGUST, 1903. .~ . . . . . . . . . . , The Mayor and Common Council o~ the Ci t~r of ::;an Bernardino do ordain as follows: Section I. Sedtion 1 of Ordinance No. 289 of the City of San Bernardino, 'entitled "An ordil1tU1Ce 7'egulating the manner of construction, ,altering, repairine. and removing of build.inge in the C1 ty of San Bernardino; providing for tlle issuing of permits for the same, for the discontinuation of buildings am'l other strv.ctures when dangerou8 to lJroperty. life. or limbu, adopted the fourth day of August, 1903, is hereby . B..mended to read as followf3: Section I. No building of any kind except a concrete, brick, or stone building shall be erected, constructed, or placed on any lot or parcel of e;round in that 11ortion cr .~" "" '"' ,,,j J ~, C i t~/' of S::H1 Bernardino lyine ano. being wi thin the following boundaries, to-wit: Commencine; B.t the Southea.st cornel' of Lot Seven (7 L Block Fourteen (14), of the City of San Eernardino) runnins thence along the East line of sa.id Block Fourteen (14), to the Northeast corner of s8.id Lot Seven (7); thence Ea.st to a point on the Eas t line of Block Fift.een (15) of st'dd C1 ty, One Hundred and Fifty (150) feet South at the Northeast corner of said Block Fifteen (15); thence :Horth alone; the East lines of said Block Fifteen (15) and Eighteen (18) to the Northeast corner of Lot One (1) in sail] Block Eir;-.:}:ttf;Bn (18). +' ., _ , ....neuce \"cst selone; t.he ~ ,-,,,,,,,. t:. J I f..'"'I1Jin;l!(,,;.~~,~l"~'"'';'''''''"''''' ,,~ ,.,_..."".,"-<",_"~~;)_._.."","_.,.~";,,,.,,;,"..;,._,,,..,,"_,l;-""".~.",,,.;_,.",.'N .. o C ~ ( ... /,' -" '......... :) North lines of Lots One (1) and Two (2) in said Block Eighteen (18), to the West line of said Block Eighteen (18); thence North along the \'Test line of SE\.id Block Eighteen (IS) to the HortJw'est r corner thereof; thence West, a~ the North line of Block lUneteen (19), e.nd a.1ong the H6rth line of Blocks Twenty (20) and Twenty-One (21) of sa.id City to a point Fifty (50) f,'eet eal:.\t of the Nortl1west corner of Lot Seven (2) of said Block Twenty-One (21); thence South to a point in the North line of Lot ~wo (2) ,of said Block Twenty-One (21), Fifty (50) feet east of the North- west corn~r of said Lot Two (2); thence West along the liortn line of Lots Two (2), Three (3), and Four (4), of saio Block Twenty- One (21) to the Northwest corner of said Lot Four (4). Black Twenty-~ne (21); thence South alon~ the fest line of said Lot Four (4) of said Block Twenty-One (21). to a point One Hundred and Fifty (150) feet North of the Southwest corner of said Lot Foul' (4); thence West alana; a line parallel t.o and One Hundred and Fifty (150) feet North of the North line of Third Street to a point in the East line of tlR" Street, One Hundred and Fifty (150) feet North of the Southwest corner of Block TVlenty-'fhree (23) of Baid City; thence South along the East line of "H" street to a point One Hundred and Fifty (150) feet South of the Northwest corner of Block Ten (10) of said City. thence East alone a line parallel to and One Hundred and Fifty (150) feet South of the south line of Third Street to a point in the West 1iile of Block Twelve (12). One Hundree B.nd Fifty (150) feet South of the H'orthwest corner of said Block; thence South to the Southwest corner of Lot l.'our (4) of said. Block Twelve (12); thence East throu~h the center of BlocksTwelve (12), Thirteen (13), and Fourteen (14) of said City, to the place of 1)eginnin~; all Recording to the official mal) of said. CitJT of record in the office of the County Recorder of San Bernardino County in Book 7 of Maps, a.t Pa.ge One ther.eot'. -2- MI IUI I 11 .1ITW' q'^,-,-,,,,,.,,,-,- "",,_,,_"n__ "- '-~'~,",.1.1 . .U .l.llIw'n ~~'"""''''~'~'''''"''''--~~ "~""""""~"'" ,10,.,< .,.",.,',..........,~..._-"'..,'''''''...,.~..~..."''_..,,"....__..,....;.;>_.....--"""""",--,,,,,,-,,,",,,,,", ., o 0 < .;J. l 1 I.....J . :) Section II. The boundaries and limits described and set forth in Section One hereof shall be knaan as and called the fire limits of said city. Section III. This ordinance shall take effect and be in torce from and after thirty (3'0)' d.ays after its pa.ssage and approval. Section IV. the City Clerk shall certify to the .pasnase of this Ordinance and cause the same to be printed and published for three (3) consecutive days in The Evening Index. I hereby certify that the foregoing ordinance was adopted by the Mayor and Common Counc il of the Ci ty of Se.n Ii Bernardino. at its meetine held on the ......<--~ dQ-:l ".' "- f f /'r- f} o ,~~:'_e //\-'~'~-~:;;_~ (. ~-~--"---l- 1911. by the following vote: Ayes: . ..// d- ,J I /-:~z -t t/ ,l.1 ___.....""_,._._._,_".~ /"} 'r:/' Noes: c~ ./ '(71<,-<,' , r . ... .. __._..'__ih'__..c__,_.__.,........ ~ ,;,./ .;/' J' .,- ,') 4 {)--,,' '. /0 - - 0_"/ .c__ -~^~,---e.~cr----tJ .....---..~ ... -...-'-,..'.----r'.-~'- City Clerk. Approved this - "E day of / /' ~, ___.c..';, ;. ~f;:~_~, 1911. " San J3elmardino. I ll[UlI .. ~i"""""";""'''.'''''''''-'''';.' "'1:"_" 1 ..rM- ~1~""""""'"'&'."". ~ .1.1'__&"__-.....,..~~._t_"'_______""~~"I,i!<l~.<""'...'"