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Tc:EEl)ll~G OF G.lJ{Bl1..GE. 1'IIJUTURE, iurD \1~i:.ST'j~ 1<.t~fl'1'~'1 Ii: -.lIOL.,:-:..1'I(~,.~~ l~l:\ 'i'111J
T1le "~ayor and COYnT'1on council of the Oi ty of :3an
Bernardino do ord~in as follows:
Section 1.
The Mayor a~d Common Council of the
City of 8;;ln :Bernardino do hereby find, declare, and determine
that the accumulation of C;arbace and waste :atter in ;:,.ncJ ct.out
p1Rces of business, stores, dwellings, and residences in Bald
Cit~r. and the aCC1..F,lulation of manure, has' ecome and is no'!,v a
public nuisance and has becone and is dan{ferOU8 to the 1n11a.'01-
tanto of sai'J. City, Hn5 ho.s 1::ecome and is an obstruction to the
free use of property in said City, so as to interfere with and
prevent the Qomfor~ab1e enjoyment of life and property of a
considerable number of persons, resident~ of said City.
Section II.
Any person, firll1. or cOl'}ioration allovYine
or permitting any garbag e . manure, or wa.ste matter to accumuL,,,.te
or be 1).pon his or its premises, or upon premises kept or control-
led by him or it, in vi 1c.tion of this ordiucnce, ;.'.l1d after I'ecei y:.
ins; notice from the publi cheal th officer to remove the same, she.ll
be deemed cui1 ty of;~a:i.ntaj,ning a I)ublic nuisance ':.nd each da~'
that such garbage, manure, Ol~ '{;'t"lste ,Q.t.ter :Ls rc11o;,;d lOr liermittec'.
to remain upon said premises after such notice, shall COllstitute
and be a separate offense.
Section Ill.
301.' t"c IHJr:;.Jose of this or'd incnce, t.he
wo:,.'d "gctrbageil shall be he10 to Llclude ;"nd " n j:i tcjle~lnd tr'"r:lc
refuse ~nd offa1l swill and every accumulation of ~nima1, vegetable
and othcl' ua t tor that B t;~ ew.Jfi
I!rep::.l'ation, consumption, (iec.":.r,
or d.e;:l.lins: in (!r stJl'<"Gf' of [{leats, fi;:-.L. fo'l,'l, bir's, ::}'u.i.tl ; lid
"~________~_~,~_~__'''.__''''''m_,~..~...::--...,:''''~,-,,:. ..,....,...,.-t-..";OO..~,_...~
vegetables (excepting t'f.lb.t dea.d. <..'ni'nc;ls i'. t'C o-t. to l.p cOY'f:\trUt'()
HS ".:o1ng included \d tLin said term.)
The term. "waste ma.tter" I shall include ~md. 'be ~;el(~, tG
:mE':an 1Jro1;:en crockery, broke:1 Gottl.'s, broken ".::J:':L I:ks I tin VET ~~ cls I
tl'L:mings fl'om lc:.vm ~:r,cl flower gardens, ashes, pasteboa::.'d 'to:: f.;!:c' I
berry 1:;,oxes, paper, straw, sawdust, packing 'mater:ial, sha.vings,
street sweepings,
tinB, '\vi:re a.rl(~.
Q:"-.uUS ti tl f)
non- combustible wa.s te matter; providing that the terrn "WEtS te
matter" as herein used shall not include or extend to street
sweepings or ;; c;m1ms ti l:,le or n011- ion:b'.ls ti ble v.r' ,s t e 'm,t ter undcl'
public control and removed by ot~er acents of said City.
The term' "manure" she,ll include hll strl1)1E' Glez1'i~!g
c'.,n( the e:-Cl'f,ment of horses, mules, burl'oPJ COViS u.nc1 [,(;,.t't,le.
Section IV.
The Ci t~l of Sar'. Eernc:"rdino She)11 pl"oi."il.7.,;!
a suitable place to be known as the "eity G8rbace Ground", to
rhich place all Carba.ge and waste ilatter herein provided to 1'8-
accuY!lulated, slw.ll 1)e taken and disposed of in the'lanner herein
provided, except 6-\lch garbage or \va,ste matter 28 the :Loard of
nCD,l t1.: of '~' in City of San :Bern8.J'c~ in 0
11 permit, order, or
dh'ect to "oe other,.,;jse dis;posecl '.:;f.
See t i 0 il 'v'.
All garbage
Gcumulated or tjv t
" .,
( ,-~ul:,ulc1. t e ,', tn~r ',0 t 01, }~ es te.ur8.Tt t, 'bu t chcr F.ho]?, Iu'rket, r oC'j,d:n.:.;
house, apart-';cnt }louse, sto":'e, store room, plG,ae of tus1 ,ess,
p:r:4ivc<.te d.\vel15,:(,e; hl..)'!J.se or residence, or ot:i'.er place within the
Ci ty of San Bernardino" snaIl l:;e l"emoved to the plaCet known as
t}1e "City Gc:,rl;c.e0. Groludlla rT'td \'lUStJ by V:1C gSl" on, f2.J:'J:J, or
COl'llOration l"'o;;:oving the sF.,me, fo:r:'t"nv:tth be consumed','.
in,cill(~rc::,terl t::) Etshes, l)ro~rid.e(l t:-j.~-,t t}:.c :,o:.,J:'r" of ;:e:.s.l t1-1 o-! said
City sJinJ.1 ",1. ;-.11 ti~efl
,;;e t.:1(' :powcr to ['ut'~oriz,e, parmi t.
or order garbage to be o~lcrwise disposed of.
Section VI.
J "c'f~C: n~t;:-r e.ccu::lUlc.ted 01' t::.nt
S11c;,11 1~'~E:r C ft t I- C \ :U.1',l;.l E'" t c :~~<, t :::L.rl2T s t i) "i"' (' , ;:';;, t. O~i~ f ~i-~) ().~'i'L t 1) l_c1'c e cf
business, priva.te '::cuae Ol~ re::i.}cn:e, (J}' ';)1:J:.<-;):" :pl~1.,.~f] 1:1 Sbid
C i ';~~''', Ej}i;;., 1..1. 1:, t- :.t r:
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Ci t~/ GF.r1m:;;;e {'}round
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or corporation rernovin~ the sane, fo:
';.-i t~.l l-; e
C' O'.(',~SU:::lea..
ct 11 l1. i 11 cine l~ E~_. t e.:'1 't 0 fJsl".:..€ S I flftd. eJ.l1 1'"10 1"1- c~ OL1;:' ~~ S t i 1:) 1 e :';1C, t. te I~ .(YfU. f-) "';~, [,...' e
imno6.iately del>osited upon said dU;:'lr1ir1L; gro'l.i..c:d. in EUC~l ,:, . ,aLLcr'
sa,;,e S}la~ll not constitute or becou:e
r nUlhancel
., ,
11 ,J.."I (J -\1- :. 1)_2 G.
t:'lat the J30ar6 of 1:ee,1 th 'Of sH.id. Ci ty f!hu.lll f'.t b.ll tiies,Fc
the :power to authorize, permitl or order waste matter to be otherwiE,c
disl')OS o~.
Section VII.
All GarbaGe t]1it G8.J la.v,rfu11J' 8.ccunmls.te
in or about any hotel$ res ~.aurantl bu tchel' sh01> , market, roomi roC
house, <'.l)srtr,.ent :house, sture, store ~I'oom, pl(~ce of lusine:::s$
d\velling house or rcsidenc€1 or other place rvithin said Cit;/ of
San Bernardino. 811211 1::e j{ept upon such premises in :receptai..les
constructed of GCi.lvanized j.ron or meta.l, covered vd th a ClOFi:;
fi.ttinL; g:'l.lvEnized iron 01' Jlietc::l cover.
Section VIII. 1To :pe:~sonl fiI"lla or C:O!.'pO:cEtt:Lon 6'(,-:J.:
e,llow or permit an:/ manure t:) eccur:lula.te, "oe, or remain fo:c E
longer lHcriod t~.1.a.n two (2) days in or c;."cout ri.n.;:/ ~::.'anl 01' 8t.~'()le
p '" c' "11 ~
......... ,./ t:._ I.l
the SF:t:1e 1e ;:1.3IJt in H tiS>.t '1,)0::: \'?ith ::~ cover f3') l'OX:I::
:: t eel
th::!t flies and insects CG.nIlOt. enter or b.avc access thereto, tlCr
to l.)er1J!i"..; or ,,,,llow c,ny ;:'s.llU C to aC1...Llul:;:..te, be, 01' remai.ll in pile s
at :_ony ot}ier pl8.ce wit~lin One Hundred (100) feet of
OI' i:, tl'.U., tUI'e occupied by humCi.n lcines.
Section IX.
Every person, firm, or corpor&tion
conducting. :;lEmaging 01' Chl'1'.}riJ1S on UA; ~)usiness of }ld.ulin~,
1~e}<lO'V'lJ1C;) o:c ca.r)"t-.~/ 111e;
,-,r::~J."1,'F'<~f~ ,'")1" \\'&S~)f~ ~;8~tter ove.J..",
'('~)1..A.s .l
V(' ill1ons:n:l pf t"lC liublic streets or a.lleys of the Ci t,j of 5F
Eer~1e.i:c1i(!o, t~1",11 :;.;0,:-' ~i. license t~lu.t'efo:c of T:E1B Dolla.rs (~lC.OC)
per qUELrter, Im;;lc.i:-:.e quarterly in aclvEmce, for each wi"gon, caI't, or
vel~:L()le used
. .
li.~l ;;,.1 ~:.:'
F ii~~eF:S,.
Such 11.>):186 tax f3
1_1 [!t3
r)~'1i (1. F:I,~I.l., co 11 e c t eo. in. t~'Je SH)i"e -Ell::.:') er:~::"f) :p Ii 0 "l i c1 f'~(). :L Y'l ():ccl i ;.'-I.E~l'J.e e
rrUIi Z~~~;2 ()f t:te Cit:.:- of :)c.:n Ee~c~c~.T'cl:-:.not
f)(~cti01'1 ~~~.
J';;(-3,e;}} Vlr:te;Olll c[:,r.~I, ():.t~ r) t::J' \/e1-1i:, l,t~~
\,'~ ~3
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rru "j,;:-, e c ;}:3 ~) ":..' Oi} 2.(1
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