HomeMy WebLinkAbout468 c...'>'-._<,_,..""'._......:...-:.._.:...T~.'... _._;M~ri:~.r;][] "" ., .. '" '~",jI* ORDINANCE NO . L/-.~ ~ AN ORDINANCE AiUNDING ORDINANCE liTO. 373, ENTITLED "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO REGULATING TRAVEL AND TRAFFIC UPON THE STREETS AlID OTHER PUBLIC PLACES OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO: DISTRICTING SAID CITY: PROVIDING FOR T~E ISSUANCE OF PERMITS IN CERTAI1iT INSTANCES: REQ,UIRING HORNS, BELLS, GONGS, AND MUFFLERS TO BE ATTACHED TO CERTAIN VEHICLES, AND FIXING A PENALTY FOR A VIOLATION THEREOFft1 ADOPTED AND APPROVED THE 17th DAY OF FEBRUARY, .'08. -------------- The Mayor and Common Council of the City of San Bernardino do ordain as follows: Section I. Section 21 of Ordinance No. 373 of the Oi ty of San Bernardino2' entitled "An ordinance of the City of San Bernardino regUlating travel and traffic upon the streets and other publiC places of the City of San Bernardino; districting said City; providing for the issuance of permits in certain instances;; requiring horns, bells, gongs, and mufflers to be attached to certain vehicles, a.nd fixing a penalty for a 'triolation thereof", adopted and approved on the 17th day of February, 1908,- is hereby ~~ended to read as follows: Section XXI. It shall b~ unlawful for any person to ride, drive, or propel, or cause or permit to be ridden, driven, or propelled, any vehicle at a rate of speed greater than twelve (12) miles per hour, upon or along any of those certain streets or portions of streets in the City of SanriBernardino, described as follows, to-wit: B Street from Third street to Sixth Street. Arrowhead Avenue from Second Street to Sixth Street. D Street from Second street to Sixth Street. E Street from Second Street to Sixth street. F Street from Second street to Sixth Street. G Street from Second Street to Sixth Street. H Street from Second Street to Sixth Street. Second Street from B street to H Street. Third Street from B street to K street. Fourth Street from B street to H street. Fifth street from B street to H street. . Church street from D street to E street. Court Street from D street to H street. Sixth Street from B street to H street. ,- , ~"1"iT "" ~l r"'/ . Provided that the speed limit at etreet interseotions within Buch diBtrict. Bhall not excBed eight (8) milee per hour, aud theee Bpeed limitB Bhall be aB much Blower than twelve (12) and eight (8) mileB per hour reepectivelY aB herein etated, aB the neceeBity of the travel at any particular time BO requiree, having due regard to the travel on such highway and to the Bafety of the travelling public. s~ction II. All ordinances and ~arts of ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. ' in force from and after its paseage and publication ae required by laW_ Seotion III. This ordinance shall take effect and be paeeage of this ordinance and cause the same to be published for three (3) coneecutive days in The Evsning Index, a daily newspaper printed, pUbliBhed, and circulated in the City of San Bernardino. I hereby certify that the foregoing ordinance was passed and adopted by the Mayor and Common council of the City of San f' Bernardino at its meeting held on the :Z(JlA day of November, 1911, by the following vote: Ayes: JCi t/;:. ,V?~/~i; 'if f/ Section IV. The City Clerk shall certify to the ". /' ,,/' Jill ,/!/> d/Yl'cff-l v ./. 'C/;,n {/;I(' ,)fI (rt"YlA...(A I Noes: '/'t-(r" t.-,{ L1/Y) j' /' ~,J Vi ilIl.. --' (;(. . ,r ..k"'<, .lA-:---Y '\ City Clerk.. A~pro~ed this ".1 da.y of November, 1911. l~A -iR- yor of the City of San Bernardino.