HomeMy WebLinkAbout352 " ,,"" 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 t:. .- z iii ... ~ ~ 15 41 "" ~ H :; ell f< (,) ~ - 16 " 0 ~ I>< Il '" :a ;I: : ~ 17 Pot ~ e '"' !< ill -< Il 18 r>o: . f/l 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 Ii" " " "',..........,,,. ;.T',,,.,,.',.,....,;:1'!III!I!l {, ,<'I' ~., '1\ . OlIDINANCE ~5~. . AN ORDINANCE PROVIDIIG FOR AN OU'l'lALL SIBB JOR THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO AND FOR THE DISPOSAL OJ. THE SnAGI or SAID CITY AND ,PR THE EHUBING lITO J. COITRiCT WITH !Rl'HURGBlIJORY .lID J. D. LANGJOBD IN RILA'fIOI THERETO . mBEAS, lO:lfITOFOBl , tlle City of San Berrardino has been using that certain Datura! a1;r.. tlowiag taroug'b the City at San Bernardino known as 'lam Ireek into which to .pty and di.oharge the ...ag. flowing frea the ....r ayst. of aaid City ; am, WJ;1l!;w.s the uaera of water from aaid str.... below . the point where said sewage u emptied therein.to" ... notified the Mayor and COIlmon Council of .aid City that i.,.~ater8 from said stream are used for domestio purposes and that the users thereof obj <<:t to the flowing of said sewage into said stream ; and , WHERlU.S , it is the opinion of the Mayor ani Comnon Counoil of said City of San Bernardino that it is neoessa and for the best interests of said City and of all of t inhabitants thereof that the disoharge of said sewage . into said strewn be discontinued ; and MWS J in th. opinioa of tlle ~ and COIllllon council of the City of San Bernardiao . t11. pubU.. 0 1. " int.ereat. , coment..eand. ~IB."t,J' r.quj.r. ,.e ""~;>';j.i>~ acquisition and constructi.. of 11'1 outfall...... tor aaid City and the acquit-i.fa sufficient quantity of land on whioh to fln and depoai t tlle Inlge of said city; TOREroS t the Mayor and C08noa Council of the Ci ty of San Bernardino , do ordain aa follows : I ., """WI! -," --"- --""':'.~;"-"""~:-:,:_>';o'0:~~"::::2i ~~-. _111- .-';""': 1 2 3 4- 5 61 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 (! .. z 'E ... il: ~ 15 ~ j ~ (/) 8 U r.i : ~ 16 III ;;; il: : :; ~ ~ e 17 ..:: !( ~ -< II r4 ~ 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 -- -' ....... , S.ctiOD I. It il h.rebl determined that the public int....t neceslity and c081'eni.ence r.quir. and demand the ac- quilition of the right to,tlow J deposit and dispole of tbe .enrag. of the City Qf Sa Ber:nardino upon all that certain land situated in the County of Sa llerna:P dino , State of California t delOribed .. follo. : All of LOt. nlBberect Two (2) and Thr.. (!) d. and the South halt of Lot nabered 10ur(4) in Block Sixty-tour (6dt) . All of Lot numbered. Thr.e (3) ~1ock ligbty...,.,en (S7) and Lot8 and Lots Dlabenld One (1) and '1'11'0 (2) t in Blockligbty-eigbt (88). All accordiag to up of the San Bernardino Ranoho . of record in the offioe of the County Reconier of San Ber- aardiDO County, State of California , in Boot S,eren (7) of Mapa J at page Two (2) of the - reco ni.' tb ereof . All of Lots nunbered One (1) , Two (2) , Three (3) ani Jour (4) and the Welterl1 Two (2) acre. of Lot ntmabared live (e) I accoming to a map of the Subdivision Of the Poole Tract ,of record in the offuce of ta. County Becomer of San Bernardino County. State of California I in Book Il....n (11) of lIape ,Pag. Jorty (40 ) of the record. thereof. lacepting theretr_tote n_ered 088(1) and TlIO(2) . ~ in B10e;k eighty.eight (88) , 14.. acr.. of 1_ de.orilled ia 0 o..yane. .ad. by Riy ..e.ide Hip1and Water Company to :Arthur Gregory and J.D. LlDgforci of date the 15th. day of April , 1906, recorded in the otfice of the COW'lty recomer of the County of 8m Bernardino in Book 380 of Deede , at Page 192 . And al80 exoepting theretrom. eight acr.s of 181d 2 . 10 11 12 13 14 (.) <I ~ ~ ~ 15 a: j ~ (J) l< () . ~ o' 16 ~ ~ ~ ~ = :; '" ~ E 17 ~ !;; III -<: Il 18 t:t: ~ 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 , 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 de.cribed ia eaia deed last aboye mentioned · Jad a180 . dc.pt,ing tberefro. tbe following delcribed tract : A portioa of Lot. nlBbered Two (2) , Three (3) J 'our (4) and liye (5) , acoording to map of the auti'lia. ion of the Poole Tract ,being a partJ of Block JUgbtY-.I"en ( 87) of the Ramho San Bernardiao ,as auneyed by T. lI. Topp , a IIIJP of which lurrey ia of record in the office of the County Recorder of the Oounty of San BerD&mino J State of Oalifornia. The above men- tioned re.,n_ parcel of. land ia more partioularly de- scribed as folloa, to wit: OOllllleDOing at a point on the Hortlt line of Lot ntlitbere' 1i'le (5) of the .. Poole Tract, 297f.,t West of th, Borth Jut corner of said Lot; thence running West along the Hort.h bOl~1Iia. of aaid Poole Tract . .. diatance of 269 feet ; thenc~ running South 00 d.eg. 07 udn. W.at , .. diatanc e of %27 feet . thence running South 43 de. 43 min. Weat . a diatance of 28) feet ; thence running South 33 deg.47 mill. West .a diataace of 740 feet , to the fod; of Bulli. bluff j thence running South to the South bounduyline of said Poole Tract ; theric, running lut along the South boUDdal1 line of -.id Poole Tract to the South-eut corner of Lot' nunbered Jour(4) of th, laid Poole Tract ; thence nmning Eut a diatuce of 66 feet -along the South boundar 1 line .1 - . add ~ool. Tract '; thence rmming Borth & di.tance of 138> feet J aore or le.. to th. point of beginning · 'l'heaboye de.crib.. tract. of land oontain all together 388.' acr..s of 1_ sore or. I... atter deduct- ing the excepti one . ,,*ioh laid la.ni ,1. the. opt. iOI1 of t~Mayor ml COJIIIlOn Council i. .uitable in character and location tor the / ! 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 e . '.zI e 15 .... jl: 0 ::; .. = ..:l 'ii t/) .. () .. - 16 . 0 fJl lH 1'1 III ;; 0:: = ~ 17 Po. ~ e .... ~ ~ -< .. 18 r>: ,. tI.l 19 20 21 22 23 24 2S 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 '<j"".~'.:ii.'1:,J'> ........,...,' ',;_ ,-;.:'",:;"'-:,';""~l-~ , the disposal of the _.age of _aid City and is,,, only land which can be bad or acquired whioh 1s suitable in character and 10catioD for the dispolal of aaid ...age . Section II. That Arthur Gregory and J. D. Langford. are the ownerl of all that certain real property aet forth and d..oribed in Section One hereot and baTe offered and proposed to oon"ey to the said City ot San Be. nerdino , wltbout expense or costs to said City, the right ,privilege and easement of depositing . flowing ani disposing of all of the sewage of th e Ci t1 of San Bernardino upon the aforesaid land , aubj ect to the conditions oontained in that, certain contract set forth in SectioD live hereof . Section III. It ia hereby det.ra1ned t,bat the public intere.t_ ,convenience and. necesaity require and demand the acquiti tion, construction ,completion aId maintenance of a sixteen inch vitritied. pipe. i* outfall ....r for the City ot San,Bernardino :.(..> Over desorlbed and along the following ~ route : g~t~~~':' Elitr or SIin Jl~Oint in the ollJ1ter of C Street 100 teet north ot the north line of lirlt street in laid Oi;y; UaIR" SOllth &l()>>g t,., e .ate.!" lias 8t add. a !tre.\~ leet to t.he eeat.l' et lira' Street. .'1'8 i..~~ "'.. .' i./' wiUl \.,10 ia. .te.l pi,. ,~,..W.OA 1&".. at..1 ,,,. ...DegiR. 2'11 fa" ...'i ,f tA. ~,,,t li.. .1 .D StF..t a8i extemle the.. .leng ~e eIB'8F 11.. of lirat .t.r...t . the- I" . teet. 1;.0 a jgoU _ wi tA C sir.... In.... .t aai. p; p, li.. B8f... 8.ati.aM ; thence south along the oenter line of C Street ~: feet to the south line of Kill street ; thence South 4.6 deg. West 28 teet i thenc. South 4 10 11 12 13 14 r.: .. Z, e 15 .... ~ 0 a::, j ~ (/) l-oO fIi : g 16 III ;a :I: = li '" 0 III 17 ~ ~ Jl < III l>: ~ 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 -'-~-- ,~ ..... \ - ........ ) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9' along a line parallel to e.nt 20 f.et .....t of'the oent.r. line'.:t C 8\net l8I'reet;' tbenee S'utn"J9deg. .' ....t" 8tJfJ';, t..,.,. tile nOTbllli.eof ba..... Street ; tn,.'tcOlltl8l_ '" .~litl' 29 deg. 26'''.\ &IS'h~tto the , .ou. 11.,."".114 laTia stre.t; thelili. a~ntlnUlng IU IOutl! !9dee 26' ",,';"S85 t.et ; thene. louth 58 dIg 9' <Ye.t 1. twet; thence louth '19 d~ "10' West 360 :teet to the .ut line'i'of I. .treet ;theno. oontinuing loutll '79 d.g. 10' ....at 51 teet to a p~int 15 feet "..t ofth. <i.nt.r line of I Street ; thence south along a lin.e para11e! to and Ie t.et .....t oftbe oentfJr llat of 1'8tr..t laoS teet" ithenoe by' curle ....t.t11 to the cent.r 11.e'"01 s.. Street "IsO teit ; 'thence South alo'ag'tht. center line of ."Street 200 feet to) t.IIelfo^ru. ~_e Iteelb_eofeuihiWUlbw riYI1'.; ~.~~ ~~~ '~Hl~' I.p.... "Wilhr said 'bridgeS. ' teet to th. Sout.l1 end' of ,aid bridge ; tbenc. by &o\1"e w..~er11 toap'Oia~t!)' t...~..~..t, , ' of th. QI.et Ii.. ofl Str.et '~t..t jth.o. Sout'b alODg sua li.. 'p~1:.1 to am '20t..,'.le., of thecer$.er Un. ''Of ,I stre.t. _teet'. .t'. tlt.,. Bo,rt:b 11.. of the 1.-4. >, "':, . . ' 't~~:"' ..act bJ., .. 'lii~jrilanc ; ',t~enC. ,b7. a cunew.ete,- I, to a poiQt 321..o'l.st ofth.cent1.r line of I, .. "<' t. StreeteX\eJ1ded 200 te.t ; thenc.':8OllthalO~ a lil1. . ..,' 32 'fe.t ....\ of the 'center liB' "ofl~tr.et.' 'u. ~ 1000 teet ,to a poirrt.inth. ,South .li~. of land oflir..'.li.'lilanc , _i'd. point being in the louth line of Lot 5 ot Blook 65 of RanchO San ..fi' Bernardino ~~ t.et eaat of the cODlllon corner ot loti e and 9 of Block. and Lots Z aId 5 of Block 8) of the Rancho San Bernardino ,acoording to II8P of aun.y ot the saiel Rancho of San Bernardino , recorded in Boo 5 .., :3 4' Ef 6 7. S'i (~ .' 9, 10 11 12 , 13 14 18 i'~ . 17 18 1:9 '201 21: 22' 23 24 25 26' \ '2'n; " _ It 'j"': Ir 2'8 29 30 31 '. 32 o 0 ":J J .:.1,.. "" .... "'..'. .......i. .,... :'. .' .', ..' ,... ...... '.. ,:3{'S~tloa ~~~ ;~thatlrth.. Gj:)~~ry~:"'; }j~ I;_o~t r _" :~;_:- {~(.' --:t ;:~,~~,:~ ~}l}tp ,,;)fl,~ t4~-; ,.-t€' -), _ -- )", r:~ 'f tJ~\,~,;;}- _ '":'~"~~',':<:"~'~- 'l .,.~"U\"~,.'r!, o~.!!,.iXt.enin~h"i~r{tf8l "'Dd:pip. line " ',";.. :." ,",?:~;;;:l'''', i'~.i3!./r:~H';; :,/It:lf',>l If th,:; f(\:. I. i,~; / .' l!'i~gi.M ,&lOll@; the I'm. Q801'i\ied. ...\ ro14-.lt" ia .-..1,,-. ",a. .. , SubdiTh~~,;(~1iI\\t-iOD III ,~enof " f~,ar~, in the q~1' ~t qr~tl'!.\ ,!OOr,.t ,Bori.bon.he 'jilrtb Irfte"ot' · 'AH\;,~Si~;;, :~~,.. '~o.~,t.O~ tl1~"flc~~ fine" of ~or 8 elf ' . " . . ,....Y:,J' .. ; '..- .1\1' ;'" .-,;" t- :~, ~._,,/.:j ,; 'I il~.;~:,..:of,~.J!,~:bo San Bernar4ino ~ 350"t..t; 'South of : ,;4,-- ,.,.""" "',/'vc". , -"" -,;." .;. h, '/',.';';/\" "-,,:,-- '1-"":,-,i'};; """.X'~' . ' ,the Sou~,U!'!::;~ the ,1'~,.of ~ ot,~h~soutji~m, I'lIIi,tiO lla4;1,t~.~t. ~dtP!P' H~q~ or' '~:,iici~~~h1 and.. ~411Jit;iR~~.~tprth~ 9o-p:v~1aDf~ "~i! the anage of the .. Qi1.r..f~~~tlt, ~e:,+~ dHcrl?ed, ,~' set forth ~~~~t,1~ :~~i~Of ..,WP,n a&ii;pip' lin.Sh~l have ".' t. ,jf';-'!'~. ~.;;" ':/.i/o' JO",:_; -'~'~" ".;:r},'L~.;;':,'-}','> / l. y,: >: -\.:; ,~~~ '~~~~iW1r~6 c,~,l~~~~~ fr~ tb~~,..~:-a~~\'t.',xmln\18 !~.,~t:"/t.(p ~. f!P. !~ft,~' ~o~ ~~~;:,i~~ ia ~~d t~~~~' ~~; ti~.:.~~~:~o~~e ~.~ lor~ "aDd '~~.ori b ed' in ~~n ,I~lJlqJ1~,~' , ~l! ,~~1P~~~~l~~~t!'~ ~..ent'fJf ~1.J. .;c;on\r9).~, ~ ." pO,',.es,1Di th! .1,~dpiJ' line said . ~ '-".' .' -,';, .-:' l~'!-;'.,'~/'; <, r"";.;;~.t: ;:" :i r:,~ t t.' :',,~ '/""tf Ul.\P',.._rf ~f.i~' D.._,L~t~fff"f~~t~r ~d ~.~Of.~8~~~;~0J1.' -;y,ey"t,,-,,",t4.i:,itl,;.j 1J~t,hQ~~ ~~~ 9:r.9o~t to .~~ City II I.!:" ~~" '''~?'-'' '..' ...;~>',<,1 \~<:/~, ", )~,- ---:'i~ ,~,.~.,~..P\U'Pg"~itc'.4~~~;.~",,~ei~~J"her'b1 the... e 'C; of.81 d Oi ty to the land hereinbefore de.cribed. lubj.,t to the~~"'~..m~; ~,;.!>>a~. :.~'Uf!!!':!~~~tl'lllt- ~et fprtll ,~;. "'~"J.'Jl".l~J:~ hereof · . leP;i;i~,J . ..1'b.~ .~A' ,ptt"rJ, ~t. Arth'" G;~~rY ... l." , .~ "I,. _'_'_.'''~'\.. .. ;,:"':~_'\" .,- ~lr~' ',l \i_:.f,} .,':;:.- .~ .'~...-~~:'rj' .~ '/:',"{-" J.:'rPit:,~<r ~,~:9~,9on.!Jl :t~, th,<R!~1.0J.i.~ffl'~:~~ar~,i:110 ~.!';rr,~gl1t ,~,r~,,~l.,!I' and,;~p,,~~(,f'j.t, d~",~!r:!~;;ft.~Pr'~ ~ ;fli~Il!l,a+~,,Il~, t~!!I!rlI6,..,t tl1, C~t1 oU~ ~e,~iDo '. ., .".... " ,.' .... , ......,'.,,'...,_. '"_(",":."."~ . '. '. ',.'1.. .'<~. "..t.... ''':'' .;. .. \;: ~pJl.(that c,e~~~~.,~. d...~cri Q;E!Cl. i,Il':S~~~~ :~p~~eof ,.~:th~r!gb,~.,Jl!ll'Jl~~."r~~\.~.~e~t .,,~t ,.,.iD6 ~ con- .~.' ..' '.' '," ,.. '., ";;, ,,"'>r,- ~4, >' ..0 J':"~' 'ii . ;. ", A:'- .' ~J'q~ing~. po .e,e~l~~"$.~.e~~~; ~W~,! :~ilJ~j1a:,t .f,:ofth .". ,-,'1' 7 1 2 center line of E Street extended 200 feet j thence 3 South along a line 32 feet w.st of tb e center line ot 4 E Street extende. 1000 feet to a point in the South line 5 ot land of Mre Ilia. lilano t aaid point beimg in tbe 6 louth line of Lot 5 ot Block 65 of rancbo San Bemardmno 7 350 leet east of the COIIIDon corner of lots 8 and 9 of 8 Block 64r and lots t\ and 5 of Block 66 of the rancbo of 9 San Bernardino, &Ceo niing to map of sun ey of tbe said 10 rancho of San Bernardino recorded in Book 7 of )(ape J page 11 2 , in the office of the 0 ountyrecorder of San Bernardino 12 Oounty , Oalifornia ; thenoe c cntinuing south thorugb the 13 lands owned by A. Hunt 400 feet j thence soutb 14 42 deg 42 · west 360 feet to a point on the east line 15 of lot 8 J Block 6i ; to tbe utent and for the pur- 16 pose of the said City of San Bernardino having J enj oying 17 and. exercising the right to carry and flow in and through 18 laid' pipe line the ....age of the City of San Bernardino 19 .. the same may accQllUlate in ,come from and flow out of 20 the sewere of the said Oity of San Bernardino into and 21 through said pipe line above described for and during tbe 22 following stated period of time : For all time to 23 cOlae in perpetuity; Provided J bowever,_ that in the even: 24 the Oi ty of San Bernardino sball , J after the expiration of 25 ten years J loose its ri~t to flow and deposit the sewage 26 of said Oi ty upon that certain land hereinafter described , . 27 then the right of said City to use said pipe line for . 28 the purp.aes aboye atated ahall cease. 29 2. Alao the right J privilege and easement to be 30 ..eroised by aaid City of depositing) flowing and dieposi 31 of all of the sewage of the City of San Bernardino whicb 32 may b. carri ed and flo....d tbrou@J1 the said pipe line 10 1 '2 3 4 6 6 7 8 9 10 . 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 - hereinbefore delOribe4 . and whichrpa"".o.. curietland flowed. :::~.~=*~e~~f}~. ". , ".',:.,"', ;lIll"..er tii.1 ~&.Illi"if\tftat {~.i-t~11 ,.ira,.q~,;~f,Jaq(L.: . l ,,_:_':':_' ..<~,'_~:i,;' "~_'_":-',;.', ."r:~J--~'_:,,;_-:, -;':" , i"":~:;"'_'''';':''''''.} -,,"~,.,.:, '~_.,..f'j.. aftilat'. . ir1'th~ ; County:, o{ 8~ ~~~J'C!iBO >> atat_ :01 '-Cal1fot'Dii':~ deeorl1ud,aa fql~ ~:'f.S'ti tp,wi i: 11'f 'ot Lot. l1UIIi6ere4 t,.o(2) 'apd t.bre.~(3); .,.. the :_"'- . 'J: " .,;' ~: - - - ~,:Ii"~': ; -.! '. , -;. ,~, '" ;!Wt~ lti1to~r'L~t IfJiabt~'ed lour (4) ,inB~,QQ.j..~r;.f:" :~'~~~~~~~~~~~~~. (ij !'if~~~'; ~l~'lt,.: All aoe~~i~ ~o'>~fc ot.~~ ~eniatdih RAncho , of recOrd in the office of ~he qo~ty B~'m~".of ";, , ." '>F ':', f' ...... " SI.rl'B'*rd:l.no .... CountY t. S~te of Califo~a ,f . ~JlB~p. 8ev : ','_ ,\,:'~\i","i:, '!'~~' ,,' " - , ., (7)btMa.PI' :I a1;"'ege two '(i) of tp:, :r'c~)J'da til.:reot . A.Il ~tLot. a_bered One( 11,'" ~p,( 2) :~]~r.e (~) androur(" 'd the' 'fe~t.rly '1'YO '(t~ .a.o:r~. ~;:~, L~~,~umb~.. .dlPl". (e) ,acoording to a _p' of the Subd.i",~~~on of the >" ",',",,), ..,(.,' :" " :,' Poc'le' Tract'.:..., ,~f reooxd'" in t,. off~~,)~ of ~9~,:,9~~~11lecom.r ~<' of 8anBemardino County, 8tLte}~f Qe.tifornia;: J in Bc>ok 'Ilevttn,'(ll)' 'Ofllap8 J P".' 'ort,~'(4Q,l,. ~$' t,Ae ,:reQOrQa tHereof. lic.ptli~ ther~from lot.~UIlb~~Olu.(I) am .Tyo(a) in )31obkei~t1.,~igbt(88) ,t~.30 ~,e. ~.,' lqi. d..crib iaobrweYU1Cemacle b7 Ri1'.ri~d. HighlAAd"W;..te~ e~l to Arth~ Gt"tgofY ~ J.D. L~1:f~ "o~ d~t~ the 15th. day of A.pril J 1906., ~ec<r decltin t~ offjc. of t.;,Coua~J ., Recorder of San 'Iemardlrdo Oou.n~y ,~.~ B9Qt 1~ ~f:~-'J a . "-:' " "'-'c,,;_ ", ,__ ,.:-,,'.f"-"-,' '," page'192 ':. ' ~. And ale. excepti.. therefrGl ~~.t: &cr" of IIPd de.or! bed in .aid deed. laatabov. mentio.4'.i' ': "':", ,. -, ",:.,:' '",,' ,',,""'; And also e.c':pt~~. ther~f':rom the fo.l~wi. ~., 8cribed tract : //'~~/]' -,I'-'~''. ;'!,Jt."';' .. '-l-.-,' ;"1- :''-'" ,',. n 1 2 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17. 18 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 , '- '- -< in perpetuity. ProYided hoyever,tha,t in the wep.t,.tpe t"-,..._~-., -"",::,;, '~";1,1,~/'i: _,\' - .1_:J~;""_.r;~}, W~, ,.~ _:,;..~,~:,;:~.: ,. ,: ", .~i~r -:.J.,-,:,' :. i!,'~"-~ );. _ '::~':, "':" ';"':("<ff:-* ,\ ttf~y.ot' .sah.~e~l"di1lo.'ball, for ~per~odof aia DlO~tas :'a!:e t~f flolt a~ 'il~p~~:l~~ ~Ui~~ .~~. ofi~~<~d C~ t:,:ol1:, . ,,~, .-,,>t.-"~;, _,. ,<, ",:-~, ~,j_<~, /;', .",:-~ "~,_, '", -",r _ __ .+l .",'-:'" .;' i' ,',,;"_ t~~;J:';\o /~;,,;;:...\..;.. \ < ( i~_l,,'''' ".: 'W1a. IDer, thia'glUl,'lhal1 'eftdnate .;pro!~dad.. turtbe , ", ',::",>;>" _'~'\ _ ~',;:,,,~ ~: _'~,' -"-':.:":,';,f "::~<'t.y'~,~-_ ;","i ":~;,:l~+; :~,;;"~,-;-:.)-~ <',:;~,> )"i~f. ~>-:;th;'" .:x.t ~:;:.r~' ",: 1:.'that"Uncier<'no clrc'f-tUc.' ~Ihall this 'grant terminate :~.\ P -r' '~,"~~; ,1', t' ;:: '\ 't,':,YH,)'l} 1~ C",* or tn. "City of San Bernardino < be, d~:prl.ed, of i~~ r~~to f:,"'_ '",_>, ':~.: ,:.._~,:: _.y'. ~!" :"1"'" , ,~,:.:<: ~:,:;,".; ,::"'f,~'~' :,';," ;,): ~'i:." ,-;, > ,,' ), to depoisit &iuJ.' fl'. t11.' ....ag. of said Oit;r..,ofSan '~_" ,," .__/ ,:::-- ;,",,, '_<_ .,," ,": :;(f,_ c., t,- _'''~' ,,;,-.~ "'i,,, '::"'fiA:,~r" ~jefh..dinO upOn..' .aid land"prior ,to t~. fi~tdtl..of Janutn . :"1f1" ..: ,<. .~: ...... " .' ',r '..~'! :.:.:. !. : .r :~) " 'tJ:l.' <p~~~...o~ n~e ~~,~s\ '~~~ :.re i ~.t.!_.'..'~ :lClgbtl~/' 1 \.,"1J,~~..lt;. !.~ r,'4~~1',}:14 .""tIC .... ,dia- .tl~;llt,e ............ .a~....'.... .ani all .....t.h...f tiowiDg Jr....... .~~~.Mf.ra i:~I:.!~t_.d .Qi".~f.a.nBeaardiD.' , ,._ .. d, '. 4ur:~ag'.aid;tr_ ", ],~.. ~.i:r!;laa. .her....,.... :.-..oFt,- .,....1,,1' )'11Ob. JUQPa.. ...'~1ile",'-l,d... prop... ~. .....~~... '~~.!l... ....-rmw __:.l~ iC__JlO.';aQ..an<)e::;;"~ ram ..tIt cu., :the ad ". .. -. -, ' " - , "", "r ' ~.. ;,'~P: p,~i..", O:Cl,ilt;fl :ftn~.,p.urt;. " d.vjng'tdl. t'i.. .c'.h_~; . . ~'..M".ei~\:y 2ahUl. "';<~.Tight.,.\o .flow." ' MIlO..' said ,;.ewf88 Upon' ;sai<<.;i'lJ1d,+':.al1a13.; fA11.' to proper ~icDe;'f01"''aM diapeu .:01 "aaAI ~. ..~tb. ..e 1'al"..1t. thereon'J th. said. att.yuttJ'-l'tin sball DaTe. the. ript w.oontlrot,c:..,t,d6 'charge 'of. ard. .th.. dillt~ibllid'_' drad'.', ..-.g.e" llpOn..II&Dd ia neb lIUtIDl.ruttUal1;4_il" i..lean4 ift"". .ma_r .. ,.ttocrat'e: a,~".orto .otherwl...iiilPoae ;tdlel'eOf: at ',i-t., ofti"ft . l,.d_,it .JlIIll ...'.b..auj;tort.',elty .fSu. Be.mard.i..~.~. chUg.IUlI con'tril'.,.f.th.... l1.trt..tl.~ or' tJ.18f-.1~ ot;;....td. 'leWfagff onth.' atorilaid 1.... , 0"''\0 otherwi.. provide tor its dispoaal J In orde to pre..t',otr. abate.. 1IIfdiallC., all'colt.' or e~_ea / 13 1 2 3 4 5 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 , , , . . ~ 6 iaJ day of January of each and. every year during sucb tim. as said snage ahall be used upon the 1 and her ain.. before described J or upon any pa.rt thereof J and all ooats charges 1Ild' expenses . (including all damages ocod.ioned J or that might arise or be ocouioned by the ~lowing . depositing or use of said sewage upon the aforesaid land or any part thereof) J inculTed, paid J .utfered or sustained or arising by or fro. the use of said sewage upon the &fer esaid land or any part thereOf J shall be a charge and a lien upon all and every part of hhe real property hereinbefore described until the same Ihall have been paid and this condition shall be a covenant running wi tb the land and shall be a, prior lien to any mort.. gage or conveyance that m., b. hereafter given or made effecting the aforesaid real property and such lien may be enforoed in the manner pro'fided by law for >>1e enforce- ment of liens upon real property; Provifl.bl~ that if said Oi ty shall J a~ any time for any cause lose or forfeit its right to flow or deposit the sewage of said City upon sa d land, then at the expiration of sixty days after the 7 8 9 22 termination of such right, said lien shall terminate and 23 24 25 cease . That in oonsideration of the grantlug to the Oi t1 of San Bernardino of the privileges ) rights and IU8IDents herein.. bofore set forth by the aid parties of the first part. the aaid. City of San Bernardino grants to the aaid parties of the first part the uoluail'e right. to uae the laid aewage for the period of ten years in a the manner hereinb,efore 8tated; provided , that in so doing no Dui8ance is eaull8d or created, and in consideration of the granting to said parti.. ofth e first part of the right to 80 use said sewage J for the said 25 27 28 29 30 31 32 16 1 2, :5 4 6'; 6 7 8 9 10 1,1 12 13 14 15 li6 JJ.7' J.if:f: ]}g;< ' 2tf 21 22 23 24 25 '2e 27 2S ' 29 30 31 32 period of ten years under the conditions aforesaid, said part?~.:':1 drtb~tir8tpart p~inis'~1 'and agree8 to' t'alcilP .Jid~u.l~li Wa.refor sald de~ate; ln' auCh~er as riO\!'i~tOt; i~~.r.., Illitl\n.tie .. Witbout":; ~in8~' 'to 'tdfid=,'Cl"ty . f'dtl~d; ~ tfi od"cr~ft'iyear8 1:Pc1 irl'tiii,diYt itil,rtb;erititf"~.~ad paPti1:~:'3'bf 'rthe rfF$t p'artshalf pi.ya.l1.<!' ci8~'tst' "i'r,batg'es arid' exPin.'ei;JPa~d.J*~ oroCoasio~ed by s~~~d:'> cit'/~:t~Jh ?f~~ttit ~vier tVoaI.'IIUllh pol'hi;' ~:i tH$ s'~id City ria.:y de:term1he J wnfeb pb'iht,'l~ ., .' ;>:, ,',. . ,; _".:' ','" '. " :~",_:. _"', ,_; ~t};,'~,":.~"'" .' v ,,' howeVer, shall be east eft lit. Vernon J.~enue '"and South .... .f._ ". "_":. ,'_ _,,', _ ....'_,; . ,', " ."" '. ,:<.." _" ,;-.'1",_ ,'," ,,'f' o'f First Street in a n ea8ter1y directlonto ahd eon~' nectlng ..i.th}~'e l!~e lineherembet'ore desoribed · Said sewer to be of a 8uffioient ?apaoi ty and on 8uob I " . ""","'" '; '..'1" 3me "8 shall be neoes,a.ry to oonvey the sewage fran . ~~'J .~ that porti,~n qf ~h e City of ~~ Bernardino J, ordinari,l1, ',~' , "'., . .'. ... ,'!' ,,' .;' , ... - . ",.' i ',;,,' ~:; .,' .' '. ;,.- , referred "to as the lit. lernon Distriot to and into ,.;' ..",' ' e'" ~3 i~';'~'" ":" t,< : .,' -" ,~ the outfall sewer hereinbefore referred. to . ^ ;'1,(/ ,. In oon,,~~deration of the parties oJ thefir~t, p;art ~,,~;~, aM :p~torming eaoh and all of the terms d and oonditions of this contract during the entire term here- of at the times and in the manner herein Ipeclf.ied J then said parties of the first part may J at their, option J bave ,this contract extended for a period of ten years ) upon . the same terms and oonditionahereiabefor.expre.8ed , and said party of t~e aeoond~,at; hereby promi ses and agree., that upon reoeiving notioe Qf~t l,east sixty (60) days prior to the first day of January J 1917, it" will iyp~oper proceedings ~d in aooordanoe with law J gra.nt to said partie. of the fi rat PL rt the right ~o take I remOVe and use aaid sewage of said City for suoh additional period of ten years, upon the same terms and . . .. .ctJ oonch tlona as In thll 0<5tit~ expressed. 17 1 2 3 4 5 6 ., 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 .. . ..~ . . :...." . ~ whioh said oontract J together with all of th e terme and oonditions thereof is hereby aooepted _ adopted and made a part of this Ordinance, and. the .yor and City Clerk of laid Oity are hereby authorized. and directed to enter into said oontract with said Arthur Gregory and J.D. Langford in the name and on behalf of said Ci ty of San Bernardino. Section VI. That the plan of t.,e toutfall sewer for the Oi ty of San Bernardino and th e...,lan of disposing of the sewage of iI1Ix said City of San BernArdino &8 set forth in the foregoing Sections of this Ordinance be and the same are hereby adopted as the plan of the outfall sewer for the Oity of San Bernardino and the plan for the disposal of the sewage of said C1 ty. Section VII. It is hereby terminated that the public interest ,oonvenience and neeessi t1 require and demand the acquiai tioD of a right of way for the pUlpose of con- struoting a sixteen inoh vitrified pipe sewer l1u'''.I tbereJ;i,over and across and along the following route : Cormnencing on the east line of lot 8 in Blook 64 of the Rancho San Bernardino at a point about 340 feat South of the South line of the right of way of the Southern Pacific railroad; thence continuing South 42 deg 42' we.t through the lands of George Cooley and Ellen Cooley, 23B8 feet , to the east line of lot 2 Block 64 , of the ~bo San Bernardino J being the east line of land he.reinb.ef'ore described as the land of Gregory and Lang/old . And:' a rig'bt of way for a J&. inch sewer over and along the following route. . 13eginning at the interuction of the center lines of Van Ness Avenle and I Street in the Oi ty of San Bernardino . California; thence louth 61 deg 57' last .J through 19 1 2 3 4 5 6 "I 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16' 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 .. .. Lot 16 Block 12 of the five acre survey of the Rancho San Berl1JU'dino :J. tQ, the so,utb-ea.st corntr of said Lot 16 ; , . ~. thence East along tbeline d, between Lots three (3) and Pour (4) of said Block Twelve (12) to the oenter line ot w, W Street; thence south along the center line of G Street to a point 50 feet south of the North....st corner of Lot 13 Block Eleven (11) of said Bancbo San Bernardino ; thence Southeast to th e center of iiarde Street in said Lot 13 ; thence east along the oenter line of said Vtlarde Street to the .ast lline of said Lot 13 j thence South along the oenter line of Block Eleven (11) to the interseot- ion of the oenter line of White Street in Lot 8 of said Block IIeven (11) thence east along the center line of White Street to the center line of E Street ; thence south along the center line of E Street to the center line of Mill Street; thence east along the center line of llill Street to,the center line ofC Street to the present outfall sew.r, and tbe City attorney is hereby authorized and directed to institute such prooeedings as shall be necessary to procure the aforesaid rights of way . Section VIII. This Ordinance shall take effect and be in force frQJl and after thirty days after its passage and approval. Section r~.~ The C1 ty Clerk sball oertify to the passage of this Ordinance and cause the same to. be publish ed for three oonsecutive days in .~~ ~.. I hereby certify that the foregoing ordinance was dul1 adopted by the Mayor and COBllon Council of the City of San Bemardin~egular lUeting thereof, held on the ~ J ~day of . ,.,', 1907 J by the following vote: J ( .to '> , ~ jJ ~ '~ 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 Ayoa; ~,,,,t.JJl.OA...,~~ ~I ~th~, Noe8: ;?J.-\.~ ~ L.~'~ ~~,. 'g-;d~ Oi ty Clerk. Approved th0 \ day Of~ 1907. t% /Jt~1/~ . Mayor of the Oi ty of San Bernardino .