HomeMy WebLinkAbout360 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 r.!) oj z 'i'i .. 15 H ~ <2 .. - Ii: ,;.l II <II ioo Q 16 .. - . 0 r:o ~ .6 :z: ~ :I1 .. ol 17 o I'l p.. " .. ;..l ~ ~ ~ I'l 18 ~ ol (J) 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 ~. I :;'~,,":,:,,,...n"_ .,. ." _. '~il4l'" \\ ORDINANCE ~k_~ AN ORDINANCE CLOSING THAT PORI'ION OF MOUNT VERNON AVENUE LYING BETWEEN THIRD AND FO~RrH STREETS JIN THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO)COUNTY OF SAN BEmARDINO ,STATE OF "UALH'ORNIJ The Mayor ani Common Council of the City Of San Ber"; nardino do ordain.as follows Section I. rrhat all that portion of Mount Varnon Avenue, which lies between Third ani Fourth Streets in the Ci ty of San Bernardino J County of San Bernardino J State of Califomie be and the same is hereby closed :J abandoald and vacated J upon the conditions following,: First: That 'Ehe Atchison J Topeka and Santa F. Railway Company I a corporation J at its oW!! cost and expense erect and ronstruct a viaduct over Mount Vernon Avenue from.Third Street to Fourth Street J "and thence easterly on Third' Street for a distance of 450 feet, more or less, in acco~a- ance with plans and specifications therefor drwwn and pre- pared by. said Railway Company and approvad Iiy the Engineer of said City. Second: That said Railway Company I when said viaduct ahall have been completed J shall convey tbe same ~ by deed J other h or~onveyance fin writing J to s'aid city; said deed or conveyance to be upon cpndition~hat the expense of maintain... ing said viaduct will thereafter l1J~,bQ~Be solely by said Ci ty . Third: That the erect,'.ion of ~aid viaduct b,Y., , s~id Rail... ,n..vt~ be corrmenced within tlJ_J_from the J and thereafter diligently prosecuted to com- way Company da te hereof pletion . 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ,', 11 12 13 14 " .. z '6 .. 15 ..... ., ~ ~ j 1 rIl 100 Q -II . 16 . 0 f>l ~ .!! :<: "Z ~ rr: ol 17 o <l p.. ... .. H ~ ~ < <l 18 i>: ol rn 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 ~.' J ,~ ,~, l.r;'0::""">;'''''''''-~'<'" . .. lJII;', ... ,\ ,","l:"Jii-'~ " ""'" Fourth: That the right to use said portion of Mount Vernon for sewer . gas) water pip as and such underground conduits as shall be necessary or propsr for the wellfare of said City I or that shall be necessary for any person r::e::~~tion le~C doing business therein. is hereby ~on ~2~. ~ ordina.1J.ce shall take in forc~~~ii 0, ~nd ;rt$rt~'i-rty days after ,!ts ,'/ /" .: .t;J / .'-- approva14l ',:'/ ,,/ sectiion/~I. The 9;~ty Clerk shall certify: "t9: f' " . passage of t:rgs or6-inance" (flU cause the same to ".,.fj) " ,0, / .<' :"J.' for three c~secutfve dava in The San Bemardino;;1Jft~t:' ,~. '': "/ . . . Sun. (/; : ) ". Y I hereby" certify that the fot..gQ!~0'': \Vas adopted by the Mayor and Common Council of~~~;~, of SanB~rnar,dinoJ at its meeting held on the 1907. ,by the following vote: yes:. ._"~~19~..~ Noes :-(), ~-_______._ ~ Approved