HomeMy WebLinkAbout363 ""' 13 14 0 " z -<1 .... 15 .... il= .s .. -- ~..:l01 (/) f< U 16 .. . . 0 (iI ... .E r<I "" Z .... ::q ~ oS 17 o <l il< f< .... ..:l ~ ~ ...: <l 18 ~ oS (/) 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 '32 ) ~., , __ ,,'.X.ili.',,~~-';_ ~. ,';':'~ '<':(':d~':;":';:"\'::':'.i,:\:::..",':;;:)~:::,~Ei~~'-i<.;.~.~;\',i;r~lt~;:~~r_ '.. . , t\ 1 ORDINANCE NO.l~ \ . 2 3 AN ORDINANCE FIXING THE RATE ~ LEVYING A PROPERrY 4 rt'.AX FOR THE CUBBEN'f FISCAL nAB UPON ALL PROPERlY WITHII THE 5 CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO AND THE SAN BERNARDINO CITY SCHOOL . 6 DISTRICT FOR THE PURPOSE OF MAINTAINING THE MUNICIPAL 7 GOVEDENT OF SAIDeITY AN'D MAINTAINING THE HIGH SCHOOL AND . 8 GRAMMAR SCHOOLS AND PAYING THE PRINCIPAL AND rEHEST DUE AND 9 TO BIDOD DUE UPON THE HUBBARD WATER BONDS AN~THE ANTILL 10 WATER.BONDS DURING THE CURRENT FISCAL YEAR · 11 The Vayor and Cornmon COilllcil of the city of San Bernardin 12 do ordain as f~llows t! ' Section I. There is hereby levied J for ~he present fiscal year I on all prop~rty within the corporate li~its of the City of .San Bernardino , a proP'> rty tu of $ ,,,7 - upon each one hundred dollaB8 of the assessed valuation of such property :I as assessed by the County Asses.sor and returned by the County Auditor J and the tax so levied, and to be CO llected J i.s hereby appropriated as follows : General Fund,. ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..$ ',;Sf r Street Fund. ...... ...... 0..0.... ..,..$ .~t,tj Library Fund... . .. . . ..... ... 0 00 . ..$ .. / i u Graxmnar School Fund .............$ . f ~jtJ P kIt bI.......d d> ill, IF ar mproy emen ' J! WJ. .. . · · · · · · · · · ~ .... · · · 0 , Section II. There is also hereby levi~ J for the present fiscal year J on all property within the corporate limits of the Ci ty of San Bernardino, a special property tax of ~ cents upon ea.ch 'one hundred dollars of the asse::et va1uation of such property J as assessed by the COilllty Assessor and returned by the County Auditor J and the tax SO levied and to be collected is hereby appropriated as follow : .. '"I 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 c, .;g Z <l ... 15 H :::: ~ .cI .~ ~...';; (/) f< () 16 .cI . . 0 ~ ~ ~ z ... t:Q 0: os 17 o <l p.. f< ... ... ~ ~ < <l 18 Il:i os (/) 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 ,,'p,~ ,', '&".<:.h~~~::Iit~-~d:;Q~::~~~~~~.","~;~;;:::\~'li;i~~ \ ~........, ''''"- fl'JJ' Hubbard Water Bond Fund..... ..7. · · ...$ ",/j~ Antill Water Bond Fund .............. $ and the tax: so levied and to be collected shall be and i is hereby set apart and appropriated for the special purpose of paying the prijc ipal and interes t on the Hubbard W&ter Bonds and. the Antill Water Bonds J due or to become due J or tO,accrue during the present fiscal year. Section III. There is also hereby levied s for the present fiscal y~r J on all property within the limdts of the San Bernardino City School District a special property :tax of $ ...!-~4:_ L upon each one hun- dred dollars of the assessed valuation of such property J as assessed by the "ounty Assessor and returned. by the County Auditor, and the tax so levied and to be collected shi.ll be and is hereby set apart and approrpiated. for the special' purpose of ~intaining the San Bernardino City High School J during the present fiscal year · Section IV. There is also hereby levied J for the present fiscal year: on all property within the San Bernar- dino City School District, outside of the corporate limits of the city of san Bernardino J a prop'rty tax of $ ~:1 j'{) on each one hundred dollars of the assessed valuation as assessed by the Cou nty Assessor and returned by the County Auditor J and the tax so lev i ed. and to be colle cted is hereby appripriated for the purpose of maintaining the trammar schools within said district ja during th e pres en:t fiscal year · Section V. The taxes hereby levied shall be col- ' lected at the same time and in the same manner as state and county Taxes , and when collected shall be paid to the -...". " , . ,," Treasurer ISf the" Oi ty of San Bernardino · "I' ." 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 .. 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 (!) oj z 'E ... 15 1-1 ~ ~ .oj .~ ~ ...l OJ (/) t- U 16 .oj . Pi >< g I>l - z 1'l tI: 0= oS 17 o ~ p< t- ... ...l ~ Pl < ~ 18 PI oj (/) 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 ,'" ~-X_",-,;;'_'iff,~_:,:,~'4E;r~2~{i~;iS~;~w~'S mv ~ \ .. \ ~~ '-' Section VI. The respective amounts hereinbefore designated as being the amount of taxe. levied , on each one hundred dollars of the usessed valuation of ..11 property hereinbefore ref.tree to . as assess.d. by the county ,l;a8e8~or and returned by the COWlty Auditor . are herebl~,~X~ ~s the tespeotlv. ra~e. of tax for ,/, ' tbe present " ~jJtO~ year- . for the purpose hereinbefore ,.' .V' deaiD'nated. .. '- c--- r' . ' Section 'VII. Th.. City Clerk is hereby direoted to . c ertifi.d immediately trans~it to t!1e County Auditor at-coPY of this ordinanoe ..7' " Seotion VIII. It ia,' hereitv found anddt!lcfared. that ,~/ ,fI. ..., Y' .. thie ordinance i8 urgently required for the irrmediate preSEi"ation of the public peao.. health and a,.fety, and the 01 ty Clerk shall certify to it-a pa.all~ .,.' ;..-..q.- thirds 1'ote of the Common Oounoil and cause the S&ll18 t,o be published for three conseoutive days in The. San Bernardlno 'Daily Sun . and thereupon and ther-.fter it sha.ll take .fect and be in torce · I hereby certify tha.t the whole numb er of the members of the common council of the City of San Berna.rdino is fi 1'8. and tha.t the foregoing Ordi nance was ,...84 and adopted by a two-thirda vote 91 said COlIllIIon oounci~t ita meeting held on the r C~ay Of~ 1907 . by the following vote t to wit: AYes:>>~~~~ ~. Noes:O J APproved this no..