HomeMy WebLinkAbout365 ii: , ~ r ~ I , ) t !I 1m '<""'. _._-~.'-.., . 2 :5 \ . Ci.r"l THB CITY elf' S~\.t.~ (<:I,) The a.mount Of:r.1onC;)r neet:; ';;:,ar;:r to be ra.ised fOr the !tener-al fU,n~ t S :h,ereby f iXt2(t ~'"t ......_c... 5 The Rll10unt of TIoney TlOC(~;3 ~'fU'7 to he ra,isec.l .' 6 UPGll the t1'Utable .p,rope!"t~r '.71 t.hil1 1..111] fj an)oratc limit S o;f the 16 17 .tJO// ~ !yt, C. 18 if r).. 1 rrrn: ,MAYOR A},lD :\3JM4RDlJilO . j)o ORDADj A.S E'Gu.qW8:- ,~~,'{:1:.,,:\:'t~, ......;,....;... r "'r iP.~.~.:., " '-'" C~1~q ~:l.. ~..~ 7 City ".1' San~erl'1a.rdi'n() afl no revenue tc oarry On thr; vi:4rioua 6 de"rtl[~nta ot' such municipa.l corlloi'H,tiorl for '-he elA{ 'p.:nt ~reaJ" 9 not 1;6 eXCeed the lj.m1t f1Jt~d by law) :.l.11:1 t'b--pE'..Jl' the bon(l~ 10 .Meht.-dn~ss or other inclebtedne1313 OJ"' GU.ch mun1ci})al corporation , f) D f.:, is 12 11 or o1t~.r is ha:r~hy determined a':nd fi):ecl. .:;.3 follows, tQ-idt. 13 rt\,:~.,~,; ~'::~8~/~~1~ ' , 1.5 : "! 1..1 I [, v ,oJ)' ~j- ~ ~ I _", y[;v (/H ".. ~ 25 26 \Ofj'i'!1,.. Ivt.. ~ 27 ~,ir .pt)vy! 31 ;l7.t:t-."h.," 19 20 21 22 23 24 28 29 30 32 " ,. y -::':":"-~~7;iOr__a...'n.~. ;;~;.:.,lJ:i.C~i~ 'IT ntt('~~y to be .. nd ~el;t-- for' the Str~et fund -~-~"J~:~G1';:~:;:~~':~~~~~<~~~'~.~$~: Ie) The <i.mou.nt of money nace sar;:r to ;':;G raiS$d. for the Sewer fund is hereby fi:iced <.l.t . (d) ~ . ~r.he t-l.mount of -nlOne:r n"~ces;::lary tc be 'tor- the Library :(und is her.eby fixod itt . . . (e) The arnount of m.oney nece ssar;,- to he . raised for the 'ark tmpro"r~!D.~nt funct i,;':; h~reh~r fixed at . . '-... . . . . . . (:f') The amount of money neoessary to 1)€l raisEtd for t:n& Grdmmar 8C11001 f1,;,nd iG ht)reby :fixed at . .... . . .. . .. . " .. . . .. (g) The amount of money nece ss<tY'y to be ra.ised for the High School fund L3 hereby 'fixed at c\\... :.' .... ."'" . . , '\. . '" . . . . . . . . . . . . . to. . (h) The amount of m?lJ.~Y n~.ce [) ~;D,r~:,-.tC" be ra.ised for the Hu.bbard Water Bond fund is \ ~ hereby fixed at, . ...,,.. . . . . . . . .. . '..J" !.k · .Y'PII. ._.....,__ n:.i~Cd:Q..O · ..,~,.5 00 . O. . . i.:t:J 1iL=- ill 04f -. .0- .$ . ., . . I: /~ ~7 .... ,-':r :-. ."",.. ) ll. .... ~' ........- .. . . o \)/~ 1 .' ..w'"'t.~~~l!PC ? ' v 2 , :5 , 3 l (V1 ' ".,3~ '<l/l/ 'f"';< 4. ~vL-i.,.i 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1:5 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 2:5 24 25 26 27 28 29 :50 :51 :52 \-.......:.-_----~ 1 r 'i j , II 'l_".'J or' - - - --~ -- - r-~ "1 - ,-- y--. , ~ .. '. Ii) The amoWlt Of mcn~,Y' necessary to bo \ ' ra1s~d :for the Antil130nd f'und is iwreby fixed. (j) Tl16 amount of money necessary to be ra:Lf:led f~ the Old Wa.tf:lj:" Bond fund is hereby fixed " a.t i SECTION 2. . It is llsreby faun(! d.nd:~ecIk;,.rt)d tll,....t thi a '\ i f3 ."'l......' L.......J. O;cdinano~ fQT the i1mn~diate prescrvtl.tion of tb-: p,iDlic p.eace, hel"",th ;J.nd safety ~~L}~~ ~gency mer..sura) it being an ordina.nce 11l"ovicled 1>y Section l:-iO of' the city Cil.i.l.rter A:: and by an Aot of;;}j.e l.1egLJli.l.ture of the state of Calii oi.~nia, ,., appTQve4 Jt~.4rch 27th, 1895. a.nd l"t1fe ,'.rerl to in [F"4.i.d seoi~il)n by 1t.f:3 tit Ie 'by the pr Oir i f3 i 0 11 s of '.vh;i ell chi s', ord i w:a.l1C a Till 113 t t, ;:4ke o . IrD7 effect betor~the Third Mon(lay in SePt1f:~beri\~' in order t.9..,~\Qt-_f:Ul,Yv&lid tax for :m,,!nio il)al plU:'l'.9aes~~ldwi tbout wh.ich ordina.nce u.nd t,l,X thClr.3 \1111 be 1n!Suff' ic ient n),;enues or ftUl~k~ dm hd.nd to defra.y t:,lt1 eXJjiJn.l31 of tile health deprj,rtJ1:leni~ Or ,....ny otiwr departmi".lTlt '01 the city. .1 SECTION 3. r i:"<...'; '(I ~' Th1a or.l1nancc sha.ll be published t.llI'0e t Lac sand shall tu..ko ef:.:'t;ct iJruncdid.tcly::.hereafter Sl.!lll t.he CitJT Clerk tr A'" 'I sha.ll certify to its pa,Ssage by a two-thirds (2/3) votfJ of the , C O1lmI.on Co une 11. .~ W. E. Irving and. R. ]1. U,lorner. No.,s: 0 I hereby certify that the whole number of melU~ra of the C~~n C<>.uncil or the eit,. of San Eern~rd1no 1s 1'lve (~) and tht4t t. he t'oregOins.. o;........'~4., adopted by said C01.1ncil. at its :rnoeting neld on.~ ..... . da.;y of August, 1907, by the following vote: Ayea: D. A.. Grosven.or." n , W. D.. l\ilc Donald. Approved thle . ~ t.t! day of ~ C{,..~~. .