HomeMy WebLinkAbout367 1 2 3 4 ,... ;) 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 0 " a z l- 15 ~ ~ ~ ~ .. :::: ..< os III ioo (J 16 .. . . 0 f.Il ~ ~ Z l- ..... :::: ~ 17 ...... 0 ;:l ;l, Eo< ... ..< ~ ~ -'d ::l 18 ;.:: :;l if) 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 \ "'J '- "- " ORDINANCE NO. . AN ORDINANCE CALLING A SPECIAL E CTION TO BE HELD IN THE FIRST WARD OF TIm CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO,ON TUESDAY THE THIRTY"'FIRST DAY OF DECEMBER ,1907 ,FOR THE PURPOSE OF ELECTING A:MElmER OF THE COMMON COUNCIL FROM SAID WARD AND APPOINTIN~ A BOARD OF ELECTION . WHEREAS ,J.D. McDonald has resigned as a member of the Common Council from the first ward :II of the City of San Bernardino j and, "WHEREAS by reason of said resignation the office of member of the Common Council from said first ward is now vacant ; NOW ,THEREFORE , pursuant to the authority contained in Section fifty"One of the Charter of the City of Ian Bernardino , the Mayor and Comrnon Council of the City ~ San Bernardino do ordain as follows : Section I.- A s~ecial election is hereby ~dered and called to be held in the first ward of the City of San Bernardino on Tuesday the thirty"first day of December , 1907 J for the purpose of electing a member of the Common Council from the first ward of said City. Said member ,. . . .; , of the Common Council from the first ward to be elected by the qualified electors of said ward . Section II. - F.~:.' the holding of' said elec tioD the said first ward of said City shall constitute and be a separate aunicipal election precinct and shall have but one pOling place therein . That the fOllowing are the polling place. and boundaries of said WYW.-tT8'1I municipal election precinct and the following persons are hereby appointed officers of - 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 (2) " z -;::: ... 15 H .,.;! ~ .;;::; ...l " oR .. U <<C . 16 . 0 I>l .. ::l 101 - \Ii 'i! m I:r: t1S 17 o ::l ;1, '" ... ...l ~ ~ < ::l 18 ~ d qJ 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 ...... '- ...."" , ,~~ '" election in said "election precinct and shall con- stitute the board of election. MUNICIPAL ELECTION PRECINCT NUMBER ONE. FIRST WARD . Municipal election precinct number one shall consist of all that portion of the City of San Bernar" dino ,known as the first ward' , and described as follows : Comm.encing at the south-east corner of the City of San Bernadino ,and running thence Westerly along the southern boundary line of said city to the center line of "E"Street j thence north along the center line of "Eft Street- to the center line of Fourth street ; thence Eastalong the center line of Fourth Street to the eastern boundary line of said City j thence South along the eastern boundary line of said city to the place of beginning . Polling place.- John Van Duerson's blacksmiths shop situated on the West side of D Street, between Second and Third Street . /k!~ ~.t...l- InlPector .- Dan Weeks / Judge ... John YcCall Clerk.- James Dumbrick . Ballot Clerk.- John Robinson . Section III.- Said Election shall be held J conducted J returned and the result thereof made known and declared in all r~pects as requ~red~ the "'- laws of the State of calir~r~.~overniqg suchelection~. \ " and the City Clerk is hereby instructed to make all ., c~'! ~.. ~)".. r' J . J ./ r~'-"~ "f ,.; ,/ /(' / t7 /) ~~j ~ j ~ OIl .. () " .; 0 16 f:Il ~ .E z ~ tI1 5 ~, 17 ~ ~ ti ..-1 < ~ < <l ~ Jl 18 i ,-~~ . " 9, 10 .,,/~ A 13~ ;, 14:' } 15 '- ... '- '....,. \ -- 1 2 necessary arrangements and prepare all necessary 3 ballots for the holding of said election . 4 Section IV.- The City Clerk shall certify to 5 the passage of this ordinance and cause the same to 6 be published daily in the San Bernardino Daily Sun for at least ten days prior to said 31st day of December , 1907 , and shall cause copies thereof to be .. and remain :~st~~ for ten days in three of the most public place. n '~'1~' J'.~ . ',1.. said First ward , prior to the day of said election. .' Section V.- This ordinance and the publication and ( , ". , posting thereof as hereinbefore provided shall constitute "'the notice , call and proclamation of said special 7 ~lection . This ordinance is urgently required for the immediate preservation of the public peace, health safety , and the City Clerk shall certify to its and passage by a two-thirds vote of the Common Council 19 and cause the same to be published and posted for ten 20 days a8 in Section IV provided and thereupon and 21 22 thereafter it Shall take effect and be in force . I hereby certify that the whole number of 23 members of the Common Council of the r,ity o~ San Bernar- 24 dino is five and that the foregoing ordinance was adopt- 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 . ed ~aid Common Council at its meeting held on the. ~~8.~LV~~:,~;:Jtl:tW~1~ Noes . ~ Approved