HomeMy WebLinkAbout368 !!'.-,. ..,-..- ~ 1 ~. 2 ,., " 4 ,. ;) 6 7 8 9 10' 11 12 13 14 0 .~ :a: c H is: S 15 .oj .- ::: >-1 '"@ g) f< U .oj - 16 . 0 fIl ~ .S z 1: ttl .. III 17 o = p., f< .. >-1~~ < a 18 ~ rJ)' 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 ( _~v . -~, ~ -- .l ORDINANCE ;.~ ~~ . , "~iORDINANCE REGULATING THE CONSTRUCTION OF CEMENT ,0 . ~" SIDEWALKS AND CURBS WITHIN THE CITY OF SAN B~li,g, , PROVIDING FOR THE ISSUANCE OF PERMITS FOR THE -CONSTRUCTION " THE~OF , ,AND REQUIRING OF BONOO .F.M PERSONS CONSTRUCTING Y- SUCH SIDEWALKS AND CURBS . ... The Mayor and Common CmIDcil of the City of San Bernardino , do prdain as f91lows : I \ Section I. 'No person! shall construct or~:~ence to construct SJly cement sidewa.lk or curb upori':k:y public street in the City of San Ber~ardino:l without first pro- I cnring from the Superintendent of Streets of said- C1 ty a permit J in writipg so to do J as gereinafter provided · Section II. Any person desiring to procur e a permit to construct a cement sidewalk or curb, in the city of San Bernardino , shall make written application to the Superintendent of St reets th erefor ; Said application shall be accompanied by a ~ood and sufficient bond J with two o~ more sureties , executed to the Ci ty of san Bernardino, in the sum of Fifty Dollars for each fifty lineal feet J or fraction thereof, of sidewalk or curb to be constr~cted , conditioned that the said applicant will well J truly and faithfully ob... serve all of the terms and conditions of this ordinance and will construct said ...idewa,lk or curb in the manner hereinafter specified I I, ... Said bond shall be approved by the Mayor before such permit shall be issued j provided J however J that I '_'_"'""""'_,O"""~' ,..,:~.,:-,,::_( . 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 <' l\l z: "8 ... H ~ ~ 15 :?;j;; l/) f< () .. . 16 . 0 (l:I >< <l l<l - z 'E ::= os 17 Il'l ~ e ,.< ~ ~ ..: <l 18 P:I os rn 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 -,q,- """ ---....,.. " .....-li'" - no such ~shall be hDBli: required in case such sidewalk or curb is to be constructed by a duly licens~d contractpr J as hereinafter defined · Section III. The application heretofore referred to shall be in writing and shall set forth the nrone of the owner of the land along or in front of which the side.. walk or curb is to be constructed ; the length of said sidewalk and curb ; the time when work is to be commenced thereon ; the length of time desired in which to construct the same , and the name of the contractor. if any ; and that the applicant will well, truly and faithfully in all respect!. observe all of the terms and con- ditions of this ordinance J and such other re~Ja tions as maybe prescribed by the Superintendent of StreAta of said ~ City. Section Iv. Any person desiring to ep~age in the business of constructing cement sidewalks and curbs within the. City of San Bernardino J shall execute to the City of San Bernardino a good and sufficient bond , with two or more sureties J in the penal sum of $1000.00 J con- ditioned that said person will well truly and faithfully, in all respects,observe and perform all of the terms and 8~ conditions of this ordinance J and such other regualtions that may be legally prescribed 'I ;"~iIi sid~::~~"':<;':; :C~~ walks and curbs constructed by such persons, in the City of San Bernardino ,shall be constructed according to the specifications hereinafter provided . Upon said boni being approved by the Mayor J the same shall be filed in the office of the Superin- tendent of Streets J and thereupon such persons shall be 't.... n. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 0 '" :n: .8 .. H I:: <2 15 .oeI..... ==...." If) .. () 16 <l . . 0 (fIl ~ .9 ill 1: tIi '" '" 17 o l:l Po< .. .. .... ~ &l ~ l:l 18 ~ 0; UJ 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 .. ,-,,~. ~' .~ .j,,,,,,:t;;( deemed a licensed contractor for the purposes herein provided and shall be entitled to a permit to construct cement sidewallls and curbs 1 upon the filing of the applic ation hereinbefore provided and in such case nO bond is required. in section II hereof need be given · Section V. All cement sidewalks and curbs con~ structed in the city of San Bernardino shall be construct ed in accordance with the following specifications t= to wit : I. The fOillldation for the full width of the cement sidewalk~d urd~r curb shall be brougpt to proper grade, and all soft 1 spongy or vegetable matter removed to a de)th of twelve (12) inches eelow grade ) and re- placed with sand or gravel well tamped into place. The whole foundation shall then be moistened and rolled or tamped :until thoroughly compacted. i-lf. Wbere1ger a fill is necessary the material to be sup plied shall be good earth built up in layers not to exceed one (1) foot in thickness J each layer to be well packed by rolling or tamping . 3.. All cement sidewalks shall be made of a concrete base three and oneMhalf ( 3 1/2) inches thick after being well tamped / and a finishing coat on top I . which shall be one....half (1/2) inch thick J constructed both of the materials and proportions and in the manner hereinafter specified. All cement curbs shall be made of concrete base 0 3 "--#.kf;-~-' - '"'" ... " "-----,,-;,,~ - COre I eight and onewhalf, ( 8 1/2) inches thick at the bottom J and five and one-half (5 1/2) inch es thick at the top J and fifteen (15) inches high and plastered on the outer or gutter face ten (10) inches down from tbetop and over the whole top with a one...half (1/2) inch coat of cement mori.ar . All work to be constructed both of the materials and propoBtions and in the manner herein specified . 3. All concrete for foundationsot w~lk and corewall of curb shall be made of one (1) part of c~ent , three (p~ parts sand and five (5) parts broken rock or gravel. The cement .I sand and rock or gravel shall be mixed by being turned twice dry and twic e while being wet on a water...tight platfonn . The concrete shall thElft\, be imnediately spread -- in place and tamped until mortar flushes to the surface . No concrete shall be used that has begun to set , or that has become unfit for good work by standing too long · 4. The finishing coat and the mortar for plastering shall be made of one (1) part cement and one (1) part sand J with enough lampblack added to give it a dark color J the whole to be turned twice dry and well stirred and mixed in a water-tight box. It shall then be spread over the concrete foundation and thorougply floated to a smooth J hard surface I polished with a steel trowel and marked off into blocks. Any cement that has been ~et more than onewhalf (1/2) hour J shall not be used . free 5. All sand shall be clean, silicious sand Itfrom loam 'J dirt or vegetable matter. Broken rock or stone 4 1 2 ,., '" .1 4 \1 I'" ::l 6 7 8 91 10 11 12 I 1311 I 14 -' ,~ z f: ...: ~ 2 15 .., .~ ~ ~ -; ~ !;o u 16 .., - . 0 l>1 ;: .~ 1711 z 'l! " oj o l:l ~ ij < !Xl l:l 18 I :; 'f) 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 ~'l'tr~"1MI" . """" ' ............-------_._...-...._--_._.~._-_._~. ~i' shall be hard and.durable and shall not contain any shale rock, and shall not exceed two(2) inches in size in any dimensions . Bement used shall fullfil tests of Standard S~ cifi~ 'ca~ions of American Society of Civil Engineer, and brands as may be approved by the Street Superintendent and City Engineer. All materials to be measured in specified propor~ tions , in cubic foot boxes , stricken measure , on a \ water-tight platfor:m. 6. The name of the contractor shall be stamped on work in front of each separate lot or piece of property fronting the work . The letters shall not be less than three-fourth ( 3/4> inch in height,of proportional width and shall be sunk into the surface not less than one-fourth(I/4) all i inch . Wherever sidewalk is laid at street corners it shall be laid continuously to its inter~-section with the cur"e~ turn of the cross street. The names of the streets shall be stamped at street intersections , four (4) inches inside of and facing the curbj the letters or figures indicating the name of such streets . aha 1 1 not be less than four inches high and of c~responding width and shall be sunk into the surface B1 not less than one"fourth ( 1/4) inch. 7. The surface of all finished work shall be oovered with sand or earth and kept oovered for ten (10) days said covering oJkan~br earth shall be thoroughly wet once eaoh day . . , , rr'i~v=~-"~ II T1T " 'c l' " "'~ -- ------.----, 8. Barricades and proper lights and notices to guard thepublic against danger shall be erected and maintained by the contractor during the progress of the work. 9. All surplus material or rubbish shall be removed from the work after its completion and be~ore applicat~ ion is aade for the acceptance of the work. 10. All cement &K sidewalks shall be of such widths as are now or may hereafter be prescribed by the Mayor and Common Council . 11. All sidewalks and curbs shall be coastructed ! under theappe'!vision of an inspctor duly appointed for such work and to the satisfaction of the Superintend- ent of Streets . to Section ... V . .... Any person desiring a permit for the construction of a cement sidewalk or curbs within the City of San Bernardino' under the provisions of this ordinance shall, before such permit is issued , depos,i t with the Superintendnet of Steets of the said City the sum of $5.00 for each fifty lineal feet of sidewalk, or fraction thereofl and $2.50 for each fifty lineal feet of curb) or fraction thereof ifor the construction of which a permit is desired. Such sums so deposited with the Superintendent of Streets shall be applied by him to the payment of the services of an inspector for said work who shall receive the sum of Cl .~ :a:E H ~ ~ 15 t:l: ...l '3 III f< U . < 0 16 r.l ~ .;l ~'B "'~,e 17 ;-~"'1o!"f.I H .it!.,:Q < . I'l !~ ~ 18 1 2 3 4 "' J 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 "-1 ;-,.>,",,'>.., "-'''cj"'''' " . ,~' , - ~~,. .,." $3.00 for each day of eigpt hours , for his services ~ and - '...-- to the costs of removing all waste and surplus material left after the ~ork has been done~and the cost of rep'airing all damage caused tIt~_UI1ay to the streets or sidewalk~) if the person doing such work shall fail to remove such waste or surplus material or repair such damage . ;the Superintendent of streets shall refund to the person to whom such pennit was issued any. balance of the aforesaid deposit remaining in his hands J after deducting the fees of th~nspector and the costs as here~ inbefore provid ed . . Section VII. It shall be unlaW'lIul for any person, firm or corporation to construct or c0Mm6nc e to construct any cement sidewan{';t)r"'~ur:b'esh~reinbefore provided, unless s,ch person J finn or corporation has \ made application to the Superintendent of Streets in writing J at meast 18 hours before commencing work , for an inspector thereof I whicb such application shall specif~ the day and ho;ur when said work shall be conmenced · Section. VIII. Whenever the inspector for my " work mmntioned in this ordinance shalltertify to the Superintendent of Streets J that the same has been con~ structed to the official lines and grades and in accord- ance with the specifications therefor I said super~ntendent of streets I if said work has been done to his satis- faction, shall accept such work and issue to the per~ son named in the permit I a certificate of such accept.... ance; and no work done under the })3rmit issued in accordance withthe provisions of this ordinance shall be deemed to be compbted until such certificate of 1-.. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 L 10 11 12 13 14 0 o! ~ '8 ... 15 ~ is: J:! .. .~ t':...1d II) 8 u 16 .. . . 0 III ~ .9 Ii: 'E ttilll <ll 17 Po. ~ e ...1 ~ ~ < ~ 18 ~ " UJ 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 ....0..".....'.;."'""'....,."""'.. -.-.;. .=<, " . . l -- '-. .. .. acceptance has been issued as hereinbefore provided · Section IX. Any bond given pursuant to this ordinance shall be deemed forfeited J .if the principal . therein shall fail to observe each and all of the tenus and conditions therein contained J or fail to cone struct any sidewalk or curb according to the aforesaid specifications ; and any such forfeiture shall be immediately reported to the city attorney, who shall thereupon cOmmence such proceedings as he shall deem necessary in order to cbllect the penal sum mentioned in such bond J which sum when collected shall be de- posited in a fQnd to be usee in the repair of cement sidea walks and curbs. Section X. This ordinance shall not be construed as applying to any work done or proceedings had J under the provisions of that certain act J entitled J ()Qn act to provide for work upon streets J lanes J alleys J courts J nlaces and sidewalks and for the construction of sewers xii. 4. within municipalities ., approved March 18 J 1889. Section II. Any person violating any of the prOM visions of this orm nance I or constructing or commencing to construct any cement sidewalk or curb ) in the City of San Bernardino J without first having procured a per- mit so to do J oriiiho J after obtaining such penni t I ,... violates any of the conditions hereof J mr fails to con- struct any cement sidewalk or curb as he rein provided J shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon convict... ion thereof shall be puhished by a fine not exceeding One hundred Dollars or by imprisonment not exceeding 100 days J or by both such fine and imprisonment. l-'''' I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 <::> .. )\ e .... ~.8 15 ~j~ II) .. () . < 0 16 r:a ~ .S z '8 ~ ~..~. 17 p.. ..ii, ....l < "i" : .' f 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 ~ " .. '........ " \ 1 SectionXII. This ordinance shall take effect and be in for ce f.rom and after thirty days after its passage and approval. Section IIII. The City clerk shall certify to the passage of this ordinance and ,cause the same to be published three consecutive days in the San Bernardino Daily Sun. I hereby certify that the foregoing ordinance w passed and adopted by the Mayor. and Common Counc-l itSieeting held on th e Iii .#.;' day of 190 . J by the follo~'pg vote J to it: Ayes :~ ,I r Noes ~~ J"-~. ,lj\."",',' J~ ~"" i't \lY ~~ /" ""."" J , -(/ r~erebiJp'9lTe 1;l1e foregoing Ordinance this ~~y oi~ -> 1<.-2 ~ ~' .' ~ Y?fl / I ~ / /. "';') l Mayo r . f' ./ .~ Jo'/