HomeMy WebLinkAbout373 - 1 ~ - , ,) 4 ,.. :"l 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 '.:> .~ Z ;:: l- 151 .....il=.2 ~j~ (/)..u 16 ... <5 ~ ~.5 z'B :I1111 oj 17 o <l ~ 8 '"' ,..1~~ ..: <l 18 ~ oj rJ) 19 20 21 22 23 24 251 26 27 2H 29 30 31 32 j" Iii - -' "- ORDINANCE NO. J~7J ? AlT JODINANCE OF TIrE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO REGULAT- ING TRAVEL MID TRAFFIC UPON THE STREETS AlID OTHER PUBLIC PLACES OJ!' THE CITY OF SAlT BERNARDINO ;DISTRICTING SAID CITY ; PROVIDING FOR THE ISSUANCE OF PERMITS IN CERTAIN INSTANCES ; RRQUIRING HORNS, BELLS , GOWGS AND MtlF FLERS TO BE ATTACHED TO CERTAIN VEHICLES AND FIXING A PENALTY FOR A VIOLATIOWf[EREOF . The Mayor and Common Council of the City of San Bernardino do ordain as follows : Section I. The following terms whenever used herein except as otherwise zpecifically indicated, shall be defined to have and , shall be held to include each of the meanings hereinbelow respectively set forth , and any such terms used in the singular number shall be held to include the plural . Street: Every avenue , boulevard, highway, roadway, lane , alley', strip , path, and place used or laid out for the use of veh~les . Curb: The late~al boundaries of that portion of a .. 1 _ c ~ - 2 attached to any vehicle shall, with such vehicle , con- ~4 , ~ stitute one vehicle . 7 8 9 10 11 12 l' .) 14 '-' '" z ''; ... 15 ""il:,S .oj .~ ~H-a <I)",u 16 .oj 0 :.i ~ .S z1: :r: .. oj 17 o " p., '" ... H~~ ..: " 18 Pi oj <I) 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 2~; 29 30 31 '\ 32 ,f Business District: Those certain streets and 5 portions of B treets in the ei ty of San Bernardino, 6 described as follows : Third Street from Mt Vernon Avenue to B Street ; Fourth Street from "F" Street to "e" Street; "E" Street from Second street to Fifth Street; Court Street from"F" Street to RD" Street; "D" Street from Second street to Fifth street ; "e" StEe~ from Third Street to Fourth Street. Con~sted District Those certain streets and port~ons of Streets in the City of San Bernardino, , described as follows : Third Street from "F" Street to tiC" Street ; "E" Street from Second Stre8t to Fourth Street ; "D" Street from Second Street to Fourth Street; Court Street from "En Street to "DR Street . Section II. Bvery person riding) driving) pro. pelling or in charge" any vehicle upon any of the streets within the City of San Bernardino) shall tide, drive or propel such vehicle upon such streets in a cafeful manner and with due regard for the . safety and conven- i enc e of pedestrians and all other vehicles upon such K%zx streets . Section III. That every person riding, driving or propelling. or in charge of any I." -, vehicle upon meeting any other vehicle at any place upon any street within the City of San Bernardino) shall turn to the right and on all occasBions when it is practicable so to do shall travel on the right side of such street, and as 2 -- - 1 ') ..., OIl: , ,) 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 ]2 13 l:> 14 0 .~ Z 0:: ... 15 Hr::'s Ol .~ :::...<'a <Ilf<() Ih Ol . . 0 ~ ~ ~e zt ... .. 0: 17 ... 0 " il< f< ... ~~~ -< " 18 p:: 0: (J) 19 ( 20 21 22 23 24 -? 25 26 27 2~; 29 Y 30 31 32 - :. ",;,,--: ,-".,. - - "',,",,' near the right hand curb thereof as practicble . SectionIV. That every person riding, driving, propelling or in charge of any vehicle shall , in over.... taking any other vehicle upon any street within the Ci ty of San Bernardino , pass to the left of such vehicle , and the person in charge of such vehicle being so overtaken and passed shall give way to the right . Section v. That every person riding, driving, propelling or in charge of any vehicle moving slowly within the business district of the Cit,y of San Bernar" dino J shall keep such vehicle as close as possible to the curb on the right, allowing m~e swiftly moving vehicles free passage on the left . Section VI. That every person riding, driving, propelling or in charge of any vehicle upon any street in the City of San Bernardino, shall before turning, stopp- ing or chagging the COUl'se cr such vehicle , fir at see that there is sufficient space so that such movement can be made in safety . Section VII. That every person riding , driving or propelling or in charge of any vehicle upon any street within the City of San Bernardino shall in turning to the right into another street J turn the corner as near the right hand curb as possible . Section VIII. That every person riding, driving propelling or in charge of any vehicle upon any street within the City of San Bernardino shall J in turning to the left into anvther street J pass to t~e right of and beyond the center of the street intersectlDD be- fore turning. Section IX. Any person jiding, driving, propelling or in charge of any vehicle crossing from one side of 3 ~',.:.:_"" 1 J ... ~ .) 4 S () 7 7 8 9 10 11 (0 12 13 14 " " z "E .. 15 ...il:$ '" "~ ~...<<a I/Jf<u 16 '" " ~ e< <= ;II;;; l!\ .. :I: .. ol 17 o " P, Eo< .. H~~ -< <= 18 ~ d rn /7 19 20 21 22 23. ~ 24 \ 25 26 27 2H 29 30 31 ~') ....).....,.. .. C" S .~:~ ~:..;;>i.:,;",.~.,." jf#\J. .- - ~~ any street to the other side thereof ) in the ~ district of, the City of San Bernardino , shall make such crossing by turning to the left 80 as to head in the same direction as the traffic on y.~.~..y that side of the street toward which such crossing is made. Section X. No person riding , driving , propelling or in charge of any vehicle shall stop the same upon any ~treet in the con/ested district of the City of San Bernardino with the left .1de of such vehicle toward or along the curb . Section XI. ~ person riding , drivin~propelllng or in charge of any vehide shall stop the same upon any street within the City of San Bernardino, except as close to the curb as practicable ; provided J however , that this section shall not apply in case of emergency, or when such stop is made for the purpose of allowing ano~ler vehicle or pedestrian to c~ss its path. Se~tion XII. No person riding, driving , pro_ pelling or in charge of any vehicle within the City of San Bernardino shall allow such vehicle to remain backed up to the curb , excepting when such vehicle is being actually loaded or unloaded . Section XIII. Except as herein otherwise provided, every person riding , driving ,propelling or in Charge of any vehicle in the City of san Bernardino, going on any street running in a gemeral northerly and southerly direction , shall have the right of way over vehicles going on streets running in a general easterly and westerly direction; add every person riding, driving or in charge of any vehicle going on such east and west streets shall allow such vehicles so going on such n~th iP10 pnn +,:h At,reets such rirrJJ.t c( way. 4 ~_,._ ,ft.-. 1 -, - '~ ~1 4- ,. :'l 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 0 <C Z .a .. 15 .... ~..s .. .~ ~....1-a (/)~u 16 .. ci ;,i ~ <: i'l;S z .. :q OIl to 17 0 ::l >l< ~ .. ~~~ < <: 18 ~ d (/) 19 20 21 22 23 24- 25 26 27 2H 29 30 31 ~,) ~1_ . .. '-.. -- '-'-"c#ci1 '~,.i'lrll'. /~ Section XIV. The officers and firemen of the Fire nepartment and their apparatus of all kinds J when going to or on duty at t or returning from a fire , and a11 ambulences J whether of public or private character J and all other vehicles when employed in carr~ ing sick or injured persons to hospitals or other places for relief or treatment and the oficers and policemenx andvehivles of the Police. Department shall have the right of way over all other persons and vehicles on any street and through any procession in the City of San Bernardino J except over vehicles carrying the United States mail . I~ Section XV. That every person riding t driving t propelling or in charge ~ of any vehicle upon any street within the City of San Bernardino J Shall keep such vehicle at least four feet from the running board or lowest step of any street car which is disM charging the passengers ; and if , by reason of the pre- sence of vehicles at the place where such car is stopping or by reason of the narrowness of the street it is not possible to preserve such distance of four feet from such running board pr lowest step ) as herein prescribed , then such person shall stop such vehicle until such car shall have taken on or discharged its passengers and again started . ".;- f Section XVI. Any person in charge of any horse, mule or other animal attached to a vehicle backed up to the curb upon any street wi thin the business district of the City of san Bernardino J sha11 turn such animal and keep the same turned at right angles to such vehicle and in the direction in which the traffic upon that side 5 - 1 .2 , ,") 4- :'l 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14- 0 ~ z "<: ... 1S ...",.s .. .- ~...<til !/l"u 16 .. . . 0 :1l ~.5 z"B :Ii 01 oj 17 o <= p., f< ... ...<~~ <I <= 18 Pi oj !/l 19 20 21 22 23 24 2S 26 27 2H 29 30 .n 32 , ,,,,,,*~~ "-' -- .~~ >- I' .., ':.:~ Section XVII. It shall be unlawful for any person to hitch any horse , mule or other animal J or to leave standirg any bicycle , motorcycle, automobile J buggy, carriage , wagon vr other vehicle , without annimals attached thereto , upon any street in the City of San Ber- nardino , along which street cars or interwurban railway cars are run or operated, within twenty-riTe feet of either side line of any street crossing, intersecting or terminating in such street, or within twenty.rive feet of either such side line extended across such street at right angle.. I Section XVIII. That every person in charge of any T vehicle standing along the curb .upon any street in the business district shall move such vehicle aw~ from such curb at the request of any police officer or the owner or occupant of the premises abutting upon the same side of the street at the )lace where such vehicle is so standing . \':, Section Xfrrx. It shall be unlawful for the owner or person in charge of any vehicle used in carrying p~ssengers , freight, baggage or merchandise for hire, to allow any such vehicle while awaiting employment, to stand upon any street in the conaested district of the City of San Bernardino , unless such person shall have procur4d a permit in wrdting 1%Ka for such priTilege from the Chief of Police of the City of san Bernardino as hereinafter provided. Ii Section D"X. The Chief 1. of Police is hereby empowered J in his discretion, to grant permits to the owners or persons in charge of vehicles used in carrying passengers, freight ,ect for hire, allowing any such vehicle while awaiting empoyment t to stand at 6 1 ') ... ~ ,1 4- :; 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 0 of z '2 ... >-<~.s 1:; ~j:a (fJE-<u "'i - 1h . 0 tl.1~~ Z ... ::q III <<l 17 o ;: p., E-< ... >-<~ll1 < ;: 18 p: <<l rn 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 2~; 29 30 31 32 " , . - - ---. certain places designated by such Chief of pOlice with- in the streets within the c~gested district of the City of san Bernardino which permit shall in all cases , , continue in force for one year from the date thereof, unless sooner revoked , as herein set forth ; provided.. that no such permit shall be granted except upon the writtm consent of the .~er ,occupant or lessee of the lands abutting upon such designated place, and not more than six such vehicles shall be permitted to stand upon a .tree within the limits of anyone block in said district and not more than three such vehiwles shall be permitted upon one side of such street, within any such blodE,. No such vehicle shall be permitted to stand within seventy" five feet of another such vehicle, upon the same side of any street, and no such vehicle shall be permitted to stand within seventy"five feet of any street inter" section within said district. No such per.mit shall be granted except upon the written application of the per" son desiring the same, filed with the Chief of pOlice stating the number a~ kind of vehicle for which such permit is sought and the proposed location of the stand for such vehicle, together with the written con - sent of the owner} occupant or lessee of the land abutt" ing upon such proposed location. A separate permit shall be is sued for each vehicle , and all permits :is:Sued by said Chief of police, under the provisions hereof, shall contain the name of the person to whom the same is granted , the number and kind of vehicle, and the place designated as a stand for such vehicle . .Every driver or person in charge of any vehicle t for which a permit shall have been obtained un~D the 7 - 1 -, "-< , .) 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1" .1 14 '.) :C Z "a ... ..,~.s 15 .. "~ ~..1~ en~() 16 .. - . 0 ~~~ I>: ... :Ii IIll ol 17 o " 0., << ... ..1~~ < " 18 P:i ol en 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 2H 29 30 31 32 - . ~,# \ - the provisions of this ordinance , shall carry such permit with him at all times while driving or in charge of such vehicle , and shall produce and ex. hibit such permit whenever requested to do do by any aflrleRrXX police officer . The Chief of police may in his discretion re" voke the permit of any person who shall have violated any of the provisions of this ordinance. From the .. time of the revocation of any such permit , it shall be unlawful for the person whose permit is so re~ revoked to allow the vehicle for which such permit was granted, to stand, while awaiting employ" ment , upon any street in the congested district until a new permit shall have been procured for such vehicle . The provisions of sections ~IX and XX of this ordnance shall not be construed BO as to except any person , obtaining a permit thereunder , from the pay~ ment of any lic~nse fee charged under any ordi nance of the City of San Bernardino. ~Q Section XXI. It shall be unlawful for any person to ride , drive or propel any vehiole at a rate of speed greater than ten miles per hour upon or along any of those certain streets or portions of streets in the City of San Bernardino , described as follows, to wit: Third Street from "F" Street to "E" Street Ii Fourth street from "F" Street to "Cd street; Fifth Street from "G" Street tonDD Street; "Fit Street from Third street to Sixth Street . J "E" street from second str eet to Eighth street. J / "D" Street from Third street to Eighth street; - 1 ') " ,) 4 ."'l 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 0 ~ z 01': .. ....il=<8 15 .. o~ ~...1d cfJ"U Ih .. . o 0 "'~~ z .. ::q .. t1l 17 o I:l il< " .. ...1~~ <( " 18 ~ oj UJ 19 20 21 22 23 24 ry ......21 26 27 2~' <l 29 30 31 'r) ,).. . ~F "-"i~ - ~~~f.y street from "D" street to "F" street Church street from "E" Street to "P" Street . ~~ Section XXII. It shall be unlawful for any person to ride ,drive ~ any vehic1e speed greater than miles an hour at a rate of on or street or portion of any street in the city of provided ) however) that on or along those certain streem or portions of streets described in Section XXI of this ordinance such rate of speed shall not be greater than te~eilrr)miles per hour) as specified in said.- <& . ~, XXIII. It shall be unlawful for any person to ride or drive any horse or other animal at a greater rate of speed than a walk) or to ride ) drive or propel any bic~cle , tricycle , velocipede, automobile J motor- cycle or other riding machine or horseless vehicle at a rate of speed greater' than six miles per hour over or across any bridge or viaduct in the city of San Bernardino . 1--4 XXIV. It shall be unlawful for any person to drive or propel any motor -cycle, or automobile on any of the ptreets of the city of san Bernardino specified in section XXI hereof without a muffler affixed thereto adjusted to prevent all ~.K...~ unnecessary noise amd kept constantly closed . xxv. It shall be unlawful for any person to drive or propel any bicycle, tricycle or velocipede , automobile "LJ'" or other riding machine or horseless vehicle within the limits of the City of San Bernardino, without having attached to such bicycle , tricycle , velocipede , automobile or other riding machine or horseless vehicle , a bell ,gong or horn in good working order J and suffi- cient to give warning at the _~p~!o~bng of sucb 9 .. -. -_~_ ~__c , t-" T -~tJ,:::;;__:7'--::~c(.".-'y',~ ~ ~..#, -, - "i;~;tc~' - 1 ~ , ,) 4 S () 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 " .~ z c >-1il=,2 IS .oj .- ~HCl <IJe-() .oj . 16 . 0 (1l ~.s z"8 :I: OIl os 17 o = p.. e- ... H~~ ~ = 18 P: os <IJ 19 20 21 22 %..1 23 24 25 ).. 26 27 2H 29 30 31 ') ...:'-t vehicle , and to persons entering or leaving the street cars . Said bell ,gong or horn shall be of such size only as may be necessary to give such warning , and shall not be sounded except when necessary to give such warning . t-< Section XXVI. The City Clerk of the City of San Eernardino shall cause copies of this ordinance to be conspicuously posted in all livery stables , automobile. garages or other places where horses or vehicles are j:ept for hire, within the City of San Eernardino and shall distribate the same upon application. ~7 Section XXVII. Any person who shall violate any of the provisions of this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor , and upon conviction thereof , shall be punishable by a fine not exceeding one hundred ($100) dollars or by imprisonment in the City jail for a period of not exceeding fifty ( 50) days , or by both u such fine and imprisonment . Section XXIX. All ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict here*ith are hereby repealed. Section XXX. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after thirty days after its passage and approv~l . Section XXXI. The City Clerk shall certify to the passage of this ordinance and cause the same to be published for three (3) consecutive days in !he San Ber- nardino Daily Sun . , I hereby certify that the foregoing adnance was passed and approved by the mayor and common aounci! of the q,ijY of San Eernardino at its meeting held on the \:1~y of February , 1908 , by the following vote: ~ .... 1 .2 ') ,) 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 P ..., 13 14 Cl " z 'ii .. >-<il=.8 15 <I ,~ ~Hd <IJ..U < . 16 ' 0 (Il ~ ,E z'B :I1 . 01 17 o Il p.. .. .. .. u H<~ < Il 18 ~ 01 <IJ 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 ~6 27 2H 29 30 31 ')') ,)..., .. N:::.;~~ ~6' "",., J. Approved this q:d ~ ~:' "'""a;II " ,...... ')layo!" . " ,. ~ -' ,/ t.r' -hr J'''} , , ,/ //