HomeMy WebLinkAbout377 ;1(. !1i\I, 1 ,) - 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 0 <ll z '\:l .... HIl:.2 15 il:-C:::: ... II rIl..U -C . 16 . 0 ;tl ... Il f>l .~ :z=~~ 17 ~ ~ E ~~~ ~ Il 18 ~ <ll 00 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 :.;......11..... { I, f 'if: '. - c I () , ....." ...."". ..:) ORDnrA:NCE'lT~ _- .AW ORDIJrAlfClC CALLING A SPECIAL ELECTI~ TO :BE lmLD II' TD CITY OF SAll :BEBNARDIlTO OB' TEl .t,... DAY OF J1JD , 1908 f YOR THE PURPOSE,OF ~UEMITTIN'G TO ~ ~UALIFIED VODRS OF SAID CIn ; '.l'HBPROPOSITIOB' OF IXCUBRIllG A BOlIDED IlID'D~.IiJJlfESS OF SAID CIfi IB' THI AGGREGATE SUJI OJ' on XUlIDRFJ) A:RD!D TlroUSAlID DOLLABS .AlID TO ISsUE lM)JIDS OF SAID CITY III BAlD SO, OR SlICR PART 'l'uKmOl' AS llAY BB AUmORIDD/FOR TBE ACQUISITIOI AEp COllSfBDCTIOlr D BY SAID CITY OF CERTAIW :mJfICIPAL DlPROVEllEN!S CO:rSIS!IliG O~ STRlIlET WOEK J BRIDG:lS, A JlU.DICIPAL PLAn' FOR THE JWO:lfG \ DD Jf.AnrTENAllCE OF STRUT S , CROSS WALKS t. DIVIDIMJ ~ID "- CITYIftO :JL"ECTIOI PBECI:lCTS , DESIGNAtING' TBlCPOLLI:IG, PLACES .. APPoinnrG ELECTIOI' OFFICllBS FOR SAID ED:CTn,f\""~ A:ND PROVIDING FOR SlIOR ELECTIOB' Alm CABVASSnrG !!IE RJmJRB.:;\ TBERmF . "-l!EREAS , !he Kayor and Com.on Council of the ""S':-:-- '4 City of San Bernardino, a.t its meeting held on the 11th day ot ~ ,1908 t by a Tote ot two-thirds ot its a.mbers duly passed and adopted a resolution determining that the public . interesta and necessl ty (both &D4 severally) et s&id City ot San Bernardino and ot the iababitaats thereot daaand the acquisition and construction by said Oity ot certai' .wUc1paJ. i.:provements con8~st.ing ot Street ~...J\o.' the constructioa of bridee8, the , acquilli tiOD and c oBstruction ot a .unicipal ~lant for the ~~Dg and :flIainten8)e of streets J and the donstructioJl of orJ._~'~s, which said reaolutioa was dul.y app~oTed by the executiTe of said ~ City, to wit: the Kayor thereof upon said 11th day ot llay , 1908; and ~/ .'" -"-. . . >> I.... ....."".:.. \ 1 ) - 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 0 <'il Z '" ... HIl:.B 15 ~j~ rJJ...() "l . 16 . 0 ~ :>4 ;::: I<l ,~ z"O ~ ~ S 17 Q.. t-. ~ ~~~ -< .: il:i <'il 18 rJJ 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 ;:,._.:,,:,;H~ - ' _"" .......H~..""."'" ,__i;:PI',,~$;f'~'~~;1'{n:c:: :,(A"'~':J~JWWl~,;-g'~"~f~iI:~-)it~~'i,~,:,:-:',\" c 0 ~ -., ~' .J1it.tCE.A.8' the estimated cost of said .unicipa1 i.provement. is one hundred and ten thou.and dollars, which .aid oost 1. and w1l1 be too great to be pa1d out of the ordinary annua1 revenue and 1noo.e ot sa14 city . t .OW, THERErORE, the Kayor and CODmCD Council of the C1 ty ot San Be1'D&r4ino 40 ordain a. follow. \ 8101'10. I. f.bat a apec1al election be and the ._. i. hereby called. to be held a in the City ot San Bernardino . OD the/'th day of June J 1908 t for the I object and purpo.. of s~itting tt the qualified voter. ot aai4 City, to be voted on thereat, the following . propo.ition. t to wit : .LJ, , '", ,/ ~AA~15~a-~~?~~ ~1RS~~~~~~~aCqUi.i~iv.D and construction ot the r 1"' ( . following street work , to wi t: I. (a> 1mB>> . S'fBEE! , fro. the Ea.t line ot -G. Street to the ye.t J ena ot the pre.ent -.cac1ul,' paveaent at or near Ye.t end ot Santa ~e pa...neer atat10n, te be re.urfaced wi th a bider cour.e ot a.p)Ia1 t lI&CaUa w1 tJa. ......rl t wearing .urface ; al.o t tro. the Ye.tern end ot abOve area to ....t line ot K' VernOD .venlle to be paved full wid.th between curb lllle. with oiled. ..oadu. . also,l.roa the Ye.t l1ne ot C Street t to the Ye.t line ot A street to be paved full wicltll with oiled aacac1a1l , and w1 th cOIlorete gllt'ter. t and ft'tIl Y..' line ot A Street to Allen Street to be paved thirty (30) teet in width with oiled macadam . (2) "'"",",' ';--- I I I ,/ .L_~~.Ilj!_m\ln.... n' rt~,;f.""Il_NllljI.l"Iilllllllitiilllllitili.ili1liYt!flM_-" (3) 1'-:_II.1_j'}JI'JJ_-I>;Jilo~"'"""';:lil.Hll"!I H - T I ..f1f IIr~~'i"",;f~,;;,;,",~,~~j~;~."'iii_;"'"";~,"~r_~"~~";.;~",,,~___~"''-ii'", ;~ y ---~ 1 ,) ... 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 t.:l " z "E ... ....~.s 15 ?:j:;i oo"'u .. . 16 . 0 ~ po. ;::: rxl;;:: % ~ :I: '" " 17 (l. ~ E ~~P5 -< ::: 18 ~ " 00 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 ..~~" ",32 !.. ~. ~.h~ r. ._""....__...,',':~,_ ..p~'} ,'~;.?J;~;;'~;1?' >'\-J,::."f!: ;>:7;';:;tf::~:~;(;!\/-- :',\:-~:3':L~i'w*b;j$',;l:'.( :...;t~';,~"i;~i.'tl<i~::d';;'\; C 0 .,........, ~ o thereot . (c) :rIRB! S!RD'1' , tro. center of Art.ala street to Weat 11De ot ., VemOD ATenue , to be paTe4 w1th ... 011." JlaCadaa , 24 teet wide 1. centre and aurtace ol1ed alx teet w1de OD each aide thereot ? (h) . Vernon ATenue t tro. aouth line ot Ylrat Street to yladuct on Thir1street to be pa..d tal1 width with ol1ed aaca4em and concrete cuttera . Alao ,fro. South 11De ot J'ourth street to North line ot Y1tth street , to be paTe4 .1 th 011e4 _cadaa, 24 teet w1de In centre, and .urtaoe ol~d alx teet w1de on each aide thereot. (1) :B S!BD'f . troa the North line ot Ylrat street to centre llae ot Xlll Street to be pa...4 with 011e4 _caclaa 24 teet wide IJl oeat re wi th aur fac. ol1b1g .1% teet wide OD each aide thereot . (.1 ) KILL STRD!' , tro. B..t llDe ot Allen Street paTement to centr e line ot Watel'llaD ATeDue , to be paTe" _ with oiled _oaclul , eight teet wide line ot .a14 .treet on the north the centre ai4e ot . (:Ie) Conorete oulTert.. on the toregoing .treet., at .treet IDteraeo~o.. . (4) ~.. .. '1."".-.._~~~_IIif~1!':IilII_l tiiiii'!r~'j;;Moi;~i4'.~,~~.,d'*"..._"....", ,;;""""",_'..~":.or;",,,-,,";,-,,,;~~!>,~'i"~4"""~~*8i'1-~,*H',~.,,~~~_~,..i';""":''''i';<<'''''~;;l''-''' 0.,',,::".;;:."::~:: -,,,,,'.>: 1 C) ... 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 d <Il z '2 ... Hjl:.2 15 ~j:; (/)"U ... . 16 . 0 :a ~ " lol;::: Z ~ :I: ~ ~ 17 ~ ~ E ..:i~&5 -< := 18 (ti <Il (/) 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 r"'~ t'iil!lt:" ~,n 11 ' UI nn"M1m J i.,:' .' ,;'ow'fff -"-:"':;~sj'j_,f,,,'.:i,<,,-':'" :,'~r"i~>'?:_,~S:;(;E:;;;il!j)i-}/;j\:;&ilz;i:~j-,~':\'J'i~,;.'~B:j;~.~S;'~,';_:';.;.-j#'i;Ym1titi1."":C;;;t:' ,"'"""'''''''. o c. 0 -' 2. That the e.tt.ated coat ot said municipal improyeaent can.isting ot .tree~. hereiftbefore described and 8et forth ti.:1'1~.OO~~LL~~ ~~. :' ~~ a~qui.itioa and cOD.tructio~ ot thK t0110w iug brlqe. , to wit: I. (a) A relDtorcecl concrete bridge having a roa4wa7 ot thirt7 teet wide and a c1ear ape ot 35 teet tor the cro.s" ing of W..ra Creek OD Third StE' eet . (b) Coacrete bri4&e\S'tor cro.siDlsot Toft Creek OD each ot the t0110wing .treet. . to wit : Yit~ ,Sixth .C. , Ninth an4 Tenth street. . 2. !hat the eatiJl&te4 co.t ot said auniclpal illproTement co..isting ot the construction ot bridges .. hereinbetore described and set torth , i. 11',000 .00 . '1'HI~~~~a.-~ttu&~i,,_/~~;u~rr~ I. . 'rhe,A con.tructioa ot a aunicip&l p1&Dt tor t:b8 lI&kiDl and aaintenance ot street.! at.. eetiaate4 coat ot '!l' ~ 1, I ~, '"" $ , 18000.00 . y$ lPOURm ~~~~-4..~f~t?:t9 ~.~~f/H?J I. -tn..~ conatructioa ot ero.. walk. of &&pha]:t -.0.... with cODCrete open1.JJc. at the sutter. , tot the iDterwectioD8 ot .treet. de.ignate. ... t0110.s : (a) 15 Street a;t i t8 inter.ectioD qth 4rth ,5th, ,6th, 7th ,8th , 9th t and 10th street.. \ i ~ (b l D street at it. iateraeotion with :ritth, Church, 6th , '1th , 8th ,9th , an4 10th street. . (c) E street &t~ its intersection nth a 5th, Church , , 6th , Victoria. 7th t 8th, Union, 9th J and Tenth street.. (4) :r street at it. interaeotion with 2nd, Court, 4th, 6th, Victoria, 7th ,8th , Union, 9th and lOth Street. . (5) ]ij'~..~'t~,~@,.;j"","i;;";"';;," . .. rl I]' r' . ,~... ~"'f>,>.N":!";"f<-'f,_","""~__~",,,,,~~d~~~r:'~'~"&h~-~";;." \~ ~- ~ ~ . 1 .) Gstr.e~. at 1 t. lnter.ectlon wlth 2D4,Cour'\, 4th , rac. ,6th t '1th , 8th , 9th &I1d 10th Str.et. · t) K stre.t at It. later..ctlon wlth 2nd t Court, 4th, spruc. t 'th t 1>>arJt ad '1th 'Str.et.. tal I Stre.t at It. later.ectlo. wlth ~ Street · ~ 'f ,") .... 3 4 5 6 7 (k) Carter str..tat It. later.ectloR wlth ~lr.t and 28d ~ J 8 treet.. 9 (i) Kull.14 ATenu. at It. iat.r.ectlon with 8th, 9th and 10 enth Stre.t. . tf ) Cur,ti. Stre.t . tit. lIIter..ctloD wl t.b '1th , and 8th 11 tr.et. . 12 2. !hat the e.tt.at.4 co.t ot ..14 munlcipal t.proTe.aent 13 c on.l.tlng ot the COD.true tloll of cro.. wali. a. herel.. 14 ~ ~ ' z 'E etor. d._rlbe4 .... ..t forth i. 18000.00. ... jI:.z 15 ~j'; ~ if).. U . S.ctlon II t 'fhat the total. co.t ot ..14 aunle1pa1 ~ : g 16 :t ~ ~ iaprOT"'.'. eOll.leting ot sald .treet work, coutruetlo. of p. .. E 17 ,.l~~ -< <: .ald brl4&e. . the co. tructioa ct .ald :aUJliclpa1 plaDt aD4 ~ :J.' 18 ~e constructlo. ot ..iel cros. 1nLlJt. . a.atore.alel , i. 19 luo,ooo.oo 20 . S.ctloD III. !hat the &&&1"8gate ..tillat." co.t ot ..ld 21 22 propo..d ,aualelpal iaprcTe...t. .. her.ab.tor. ..t torth , 23 tog.ther wlth all Gi.tlag 1Jld.bt.4Il... of .ald C1V , d... aot .2D.e4 1150,000.00 and do.. aot esae" tltt.e. per 24 ce.t ot the ......... T&1U. of &11 the real. an4 per.oJl&1 25 26 property ot .ald Clt7 ot Saa :B.raar41.. · 27 S.ctlon IT. !hat the obJ.ct. &Dd purpo... tor which _14 28 bead." 1a4ebt...... 1. propo." to be 1Jlcurr." i. tor the 1&7- 29 ..nt ot the co.t. ot the aofl1ll.1 tl0D md co..tructlon ot 30 _14 JDDdcipal iJlproT....t. h.rel.before ..t ~orth and a..- 31 cribe" . ABd 1 t 1. h.reby cleterai..a aDd ".clare4 that 1 t 32 . ,-.be purpo.. and lat..tioD ot the 1egl.1atlT. br&1loh ot tL. 6 ilJ>'_i'''';'''''''',",,~~'~'::'''''~:Ij._i11 j.r;C'..-li:j~:" '._J.\l'<~~."""o"';,".:'i11"'~" ~;ll. .;1 IIUl __ !f1P:lI'&n_ 2 sum has been paid t that the int.re.t on 8aid bonds shall be paid .emiannually at the ..... plao., one of suoh semi-' payment. in each year being at the date of the installment of the prinoipal of such indebtedn... a. atoresaid ; an4 provided turther that s.1d indebt.anes. shall be eTidenced by bonds and proper OUPOR8 attaohed thereto , a separate coupon being attached o each bond for eaoh s..i-annual payment of the interest to become due on said bolldit that the total indebtedness authorized to be oreated or incurred at .aid ele6tion represented by bond. payable i. the runner that suoh bondS &hall be issued in such deno~tioD as the ~or and Common Council said City shall. determine in accordance with law, that said bonds shall. be known as ~UDicipal IBfrove- r. _~ ....:, ..""",~".~ ._..,,",...",.;...,,~," _ ...; :~ 1 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 C!l " z '<1 .. Hll:.8 15 ~ ~:::: ..< III UJ..U ~ . 16 . 0 ;a ;.. ::: ;.l ,~ ZOO :Ii ~ ;; 17 ;>. .. E .-1~&5 -< ::: 18 ;.: '" if, 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 -~::t.~. < -," ~_ .;':. >~,.~'ik->;J':-'1,r:;!';:"i;.W\'~?:~;- '.'->j.:~;:,:j\~{i':~~_'tJt~iifw{~,,~<-'::. o 0 o o Section VII . In case bonds of the City of San Ber- nardino ahall. be iswed and sOld under &D7' one or m.ore ot the propositions for incurring indebtedness herewith Ilk submitted to the qualUied Toters of said CitY~.8is1at1.e branch of said City Aball annua1ly, at the time of tixiDg the general tax leT7 and in the manner for such general tax leT7 provided , leT7 and collect &JIDIt&lly each year uuti1 .aid bo.da are paid t or unti1 there shall be a Bua in the treaaur,y ot said Cit7 t or .unic1palit7 aet apart tor that purpo.. to meet all s.... com.na clue for pr1.c1pal and intereat on such boD4. t a tax sufficient to pay the annua1 iaterest on suoh bonda t and alao such part of the principal thereot as 8hall become due betore the time tor fixing the next general. tax levy. he taxes Jlerein requ1recl. to be levied and collected sha11 8 "~~:'-< ;..::.::,,: ~,1iI1 , 1 '2 3 4 5 6 .... / 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 0 0:: Z ." ~ ..... Il= ..8 15 ~j:; (J)~() <4 . 16 . . 0 ~ ~ ;:::: i>l .~ z'" ::r:: ,; ~ o al 17 "" ~ E ~~Pi -< <l 18 ~ al If) 19 . 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 If .- > ,Of ____..~:'c<m.~~t>.,?:::l,t,,">W'l:i4~,j'~:$'i:::')i~t;:~':Qf;jrW~;J;~l~~~t:;~r- f..m~;f~ c 0 '0 o be 1n add1tion to all"oth~r taxas leT1ed tor munlcipal purposes, and Shall be collected at the time and ia the .... DI&JU1er as ether municipal taxe. are collected , and be used for no other purpose than the payaent ot said bonds and accruing iaterest . Seetlo. VIII. !he aanner ot holdlq sa1.d epec1al .lection and the votlug thereat tor and agalJl.t uCl1rrl_ sald la4ebtetae.. t .hall be a. proTide4 1.~hi. ordiaance t and that 1. all PMtic1l1ars aot ~ reoited herela. suoh electlo. 8hallbe held as proTided by law tor holdine auniclpal elections 1n suohmuni~ipallt7 . and t~t in particular. aot reoited herein and not proT1ded by law tor holding suoh auni clpal e1ec tio.s . the aen.ra1 election laws ot the State ot Calitornia , so tar as~ tl:Je same J1JA7 be app1ioab1e shAll app1,. . Said eleotion shall be conducted b7 boards ot election . co..istinl ot one inspector, one judge. " one clerk , and CUIe ba1.1ot c1. ark for .oh e1eot10n precinct ~ereiD..... who.. duties and powers shall be the t IfllJ11lf~ ~ IUII.UIIUl1Jllf' ~__If#lMolM.1 . ~~MQtll!l~r.~i:f~"~~~II~.lti., .l"~~ lti. 111 n:~l.' J.:I .'**,"OIl't#iii.'Ii!11"1I.~"I!IUMI!'I~'tlIMt'~."",,; <<fl. T 1 .') ..... 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 " '" z OE ... '""11=,8 15 ~j:;j OOr,.U -c . 16 . 0 :a .. " Iol o~ z'E ~ Ol '" 17 o ~ Po. r,. ;: ...1~Jl -< " :>: '" 18 if, 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 ,,', . .,~;~j;C,?"",'~;;~~;rK';:~;'Yi<~:)i::i.':;,.J\':i//::,~,;-).:~,,:,,;'" ;!A;.'.e,,-i,;:'.4:,;;,x;,<-;'_'; -':;))t':'!~:;\~'fii!:jjjj1ii$th1rf~~i~~~;~:21 C 0 ,..,.'" ......; o . ~ .... a. tho.e .t ~~ ot ~lectio. and ot ..ch .lection ottlcer. re.,ectlTelT. under th8 1&w IOTeraiag "'iclpal .lectlo.. t~lWTY.nd In partlcUlar. not cOT.r.4 by such law t then uncler _ the .aiel I..eral e1.ectioD laws ot .ai4 state. It &n7 of the _.ber. ot .ai4 >>oard herein- after naaed . tail to attend at the opening ot the pou. on the morning ot .uch election, the elector, of the preM aiact present at that hour t "'1' 8UpP17 the plac 8 gf any such ab..nt ...b.r by appointaent t a. provide4 by said general election law. . At said epeci81 election the poll. ahall be opened at 6 o'clock on the .0rD~ng ot the 4a7 ot .uoh e1.ectloD, and .at b. kept opeD until 6 0' clock in the afternooD ot the s,.e clay when the polls ahall be 010..4 · !ha t for the purpose ot said speoial electioR ... ad the said City shall be an d r....ia di Tided lnto tiT e municipal e1.eotion preoinct., to be tno.. as :1 Kunioipa1 nect10R Pr.cinct lfuaber 0.. . Kunicipal ~lect ion Precinct . lfuaber !we, KUD1cipal nec1S;lo. Preciact 1!fuaber !hree . KUD1cipal ....d; 10D pr.oiaot I'uaber JIo\U" ; KWlic1p&1. 1I1ection Precinct :Buaber JIiT.. being the seae subcliTisloD8 ot the Oi t;r a8 are DOW bown as the oi ty .a~cl. · !he ext.rior bouacl&rl.s ot .aoh ot Ald auniclp&1. .1ectioD precinct. for the purpose ot suCk ap.cial electM 10. ahal.l be and are hereby established t created and designated a. tollo.s: . O~_ 'llf.. ~ It) JJ..1I_. _.""'AII.:! _f'!{ l~tlJ.:<l<#4e ...!>,1,"i'~r.f~~H;j:iH!i"i'''''_~I,.."~t''4H.i'"'"l/'',~h""-I',-'''''' ,_ .-_I,"_;,_,~,_;'~"''''_'I'<k''cI+'H';o..!i<I<i,"''''1I<i!..",,~..joO~..~m,_A,,";''ij,_,_~","""''''",~;''''--Hl;#'';"jt4....-,+.",.j'~<'_'_''h''~'*,,'''''~\'_'',,;..",';,H....._,.,~;:;_'+Il.,:.1 1 ) ... 3 4 5 6 7 H 9 10 11 12 13 14 0 al Z '" ... ""~.s 15 ~j:; rJJ..U .. ~. 16 :Ii ~ ;; r>1~ :r: ~ \: o III 17 il. .. c ~~P3 -< <= 18 ;r:: <II if; 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 ~ -........ - ''._.l . ~'..;>;'~l';-:'!"'.i~".-\"~~: :-~ ,'; '--':~'.,,,~:;/,;:;,,,-.:"i-;,'.:;'~~~~~-Q~:~:::>;",i~ C 0 o '0 KOlfICIPAL ELBCTIOI' PRBCIBCT lI'UJ(BER OD. xunlclpal. election precinc" nuaber One shall cOD81.t ot all thattportion of sald City described a. tollo.s t to .1t: Oo...nclng at the south-east comer ot the Cl ty ot san ~ernard1no t and runniag . thence W.s".r17 along the soutbern boUDdary l1ne ot .aid City to the center llne ~ ot w~w street ; thence Borth along the center llne ot wEw Street to the center llDe ot Yourth street ; thence Ea.~ along the center li1'18 of :fourth street to the Ea.tem boUDc1ary 11ne ot .... d City ; thence Sou th .loBg the .stem boUlldary li_ of said Ci t~ to the ~ place ot begirm1nc . llUlIICIPAL m:.BC!IOB PRlCIB'CT IUJ[BER ftO. Kuniclpa1 ~ection preciaot Buaber!wo 8ha1l c...,.! CODaist ot &11 that portloD ot said City t. described . as tollows . to .1tt COJlllenciag at & point ..here the center l1n8 cf\ fourth street iatersects the eastera boua4ary l1ae of aa1d City; thenoe runnina .esterly along the center l1ne ot Fourth street to . place Where the center line of :fourth street 1nteraects the center liDe of wy_ Street. thence Borth w)lw along the center line ot 7.~.'~ street ~o a point where. the center l1ae ot wyw street intersecta the center l1ne ot ~1ghth Stree"; thence e.aterl:r along the center liDe ot Eighth Street to . point where the extension of said center line of eighth Street intersecta wlth the eastern bouitdary line ot said Ci t7 . i thenoe Southerly to the place of beginning . ":--~-"'" -%ftJL "--.^"",~ . J . 1 Inn 1 .11;' T _,.[lIun.. 'HI! -jl'. IIln . '-t:. .... .>Wi""'i,;',',~>i";4oij;~>i#i,-;"",..;,;-,.;-,,,,,,,,~_~"...i,,,;,O'i';-"'~''''e.,;;.;;;,^,"':;i0 . _"~.",~,+;","".,.,""",,.".~~~,",,;;,"_.~--'--'" "-<;,~,=",-,,,",-,"-,-,'~-~~:;'"~;'",''''''' ,,_C'''"'''''':-:ir:_:!Ji:'f]li!:, -~" 1 ,) 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 -11 12 13 14 0 oj z '" :.. HitS 15 ~j;; OOf.<U "'i - 16 . 0 :a >< ::: f'l;:::: z - :r: ~ a 17 Il. f.< E ~~~ -< Oi 18 ;:.: rI; 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 J:J ~ .,,,,,,_~,,~~,,,-,";._'''''',~'-i';~- ,~<i~f-].;7*il j;'~j;\~";'~};.~np'r~~!:'};;:,\;LTL~1{1_Mr_Ri~tIf~~rl1'i'!,y C 0 ~ .~ lItmDIPAL ELlIC'rIOJl PJUI'IWO! BU.II..t1tta TlUaIiI. Kun101pal. neot108 precinlt lIUDlber !hree 8ha1.1 con818t ot all that portion ot .aid Oity deacribed aa followa t to wi i: 00.-8n01.. at& p01nt where the center 11ne ot -11- street inter..ot. wi th the .outhe~ bo t and rann1ng thence l1ae of the City ot San Bernardino f1 due "est along said 80uther1l.. bouada-ry l1.e to the Yesten boundary 11ne ot s&1d Ci t1' t thence &1.ong the / ".stera boundary 11ne in a aorther1;r d1rect10. to the center liae. ot '.rh1rd street t where the said center llne ot!hird street iatersects tha Yeste~boUDdary 1188 ot .aid Clty. thence _., alOIlg the ce.nter 11ne ot ftird street to a point where the center line ot '.rhlrd Street intersects the center 11ne ot -Y- Street j thence Borth ~~ along the center 11ne ot -Y- Street to a polnt ."re the center I1ne ot -:r- Street .intersect. the center 11ne ot Yourth street i thence 1I&st along the center 111M ot :rourth Street to a polnt where the center 11.. ot :rourth street Inter..cts the~enter lint ot -E- Street t thence South alo.. the center llne ot -E- Street'to a the poi.t ot beclRDlng . lI.ll!lIO IP AL EL1ICTIOll PRBCIBCt JrUl[8ER :rOUR . .uDic1pa1111ect10n 'reei.ct n~er :rour Shall qon- sl.t ot all that portlon ot said Oit7 de.cr1bed as tollo.., to .1t: Co_encing at a p01nt on the lIaster17 bOuadary llne ot sald Olty , where the extension at the center line of lI1ghth street inter..ets _ld ea.terly boUDClar;y 11.. ot sald Cit7;" thenee running Ye8t &10" 4iAe cen~.r 11De ot E1ghth street to & point where the center 11.. ot lIlghth Street intersects with the cen'tEtr J.1aeof Iiil!< "-f .WYIi~"''itjlWlf'_.T"f1!il~:~ ~',i-:.:.-f~#->',,",'!.; .',.'''~~H 'I""l"~."'-.;' __;;::.:':::,I;i~.,,' ...:"...._~...i.!.m._,.. . ;'" ,;,.,'-."",;",,~, ... '~''''';ffloi''~4M~.i.-'''''it-lilii..'''''''0l'~~'''i''':~~...~t''iL.,;:.".'''';h-, d.. "', 1 ,) ... 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 '-' 01 Z '" ... H ~ t9 15 ?:j'; rJ)..() ~ . 16 . 0 ::t1 ~ ~ f<1 ,~ Z'P :l1 ~ ~ 17 ~ ~ C ..1~~ -< e: 18 p:: 01 rJJ 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 ",.----'o,'ry( , ..,","'," '-,,-'-_,,,,",'Yfff]~5f,.~~~~:.L'~~~~~~~~~ 1 c C' '.:) () -I- street. thence Borth along the center 1iDe.of -I- o ' street)to a polnt where the center 11ne of -I- str.et lnter- .ect. 11'1 th the Do:::rlt boundary 11De of .ald 01 t1 . thenoe _.t along ..... ~ aorther1lll.:. boundary liBe of .&14 01 t7 to the J1'orth-e..t oorner of sald 01 ty i thence .outh along tbe ea.terlt.. boundary 11ne of said Clty to the point of beginning . KUlIICIPAL lILBC'!IOB PRlICIBC'l J'U)[Il1!R JlIVB . .UD1clpal ~ectioD preciaot Jl'uaber JllTe aba11 oon.i.' ot all that portioD ot .ald Oit7 de.cribe" a. tollo.. t to .1t: oo...ncll1g at a point where the center line ot .... Street lnter.ect. wlth the center 11neot .!hlrd street. thence runnlng We.terly aloag the center 11fte ot !bird street to a point where the cent.r 11ne ot !bir4 street later..ct. the West.r17 boundar7 11ne ot .a14 City. thence runnlng !forth along the ..ster17 bOundary 11ne ot sa1d Oit7 to the !forth.....t corner ot .ald , 01 t7 . thence lIa.t along the :R'orthera boUDdary 11n. ot. .a14 c1ty to a polat where .&14 bOun4ar,y 11n. inter..ct. ~ . the center~o~ -I- street; th.nce South along the center 11ne ot -I- str.et to a polnt where the c.nter 11ne ot WI- stre.t intersects 11'1 th the ce.ter 11ae ot lIlghth str.et . thence "st along the center 1i.. ot Elghth street to a poi~t where the center line of Eighth street lnters.ct. with the center 11ne of -Fw Street i ~enoe south along the center 11ne of -Y- Street to the polnt ot beglnniDg . Seotlon!['4ll '!hat the Board ot .ald Kuaioipal lI1eotion precln(ta eola1 electlo. the 1.. ot lIlect10n tor .aCh 1n sai4 01 ty tor .aid judge. o l.rk. , 11 >..,-",~-._.",,.~,,~;C;';(*M~~,,i_',-#,,,,_,;,,",,~,,,"~~,_,,,,.i;;,..';:;iV..""i~,"~""'~;'.A~~;"'",,.li~~F.,,+-:i,ii~j;~I-,iilliiTii'~Ijiiij~,",;r:o\i:.\,+',,;-;';"-' ;;""i~i'"";,_~~",,,,~_......~l\~~'-'",,,"WN.;".._~oji.;i'?di~~"";'_"';i,""i.,;.,lIj"'_'~'''''''<'''''''ij;,;.;;~.,.".,.;i"", 1 ,') - 3 4 :) 6 7 8 9 10 ~' 11 12 13 14 0 '" Z 0;:: .. ~itS 15 ;;,,~;:; ""... III OO"U .. - 16 . 0 ;a .. ::I I<l o~ z"O , .. = Pll ~ 17 o ~ c.. ~ C ~~~ -< ::I 18 ;:.: <IS if; 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 .' ~'.':".,. ',.:';{L '.,:...."'a"""'~,;{_.<~:i;'"-:t!i;F;x:r(f~:~:~::~d~:;:"r.-~~~~;~~~~ c 0 ~ ~ o lftJllBER OD. I..pector Zuqe .. J.C. DtDtbrt.ck John Robl..oJa . . . . Clerk J .H. LeUea Ballot Clerk W.* Berkelrath . Polling Place~- John Vu Duer..nt.Black_ith lIhop, .ituated on the We.t .1de ot eDe street , bet.ee. aeconA and !hi rd atr eet. . JlUJlICIP.A.L :KtEC'lIOll' PDCI.,'l I'UKBlIR twO. H.J. I(tf~ ~ IaQector : Juqe : Jerry .on TaiJle- Clllerl< : lf~. ota.. C .o'ori , ~ Ballot Clerk tCha. . Polling place : 01' tlre eagi.. hou.e t s"uate' OD the .... lforth slde ot J'ourth Street between C Street and II Street . JlUBICIPAL lCLlIC'lIOJl' PRlCIE! BUJIB.'ER 'mmm . IlfSPlIC'lOR : J. C. Chappel hank Jlicke ~ ~ B:l:own 0 H.D. stoddarcl Judge : Clerk : Ballo t Clerk Polli,. Plac. : We.t :lnd Cigar Store ,situated on south 81de ot Third Street oppo8ite Santa pe Depot . '~.. 1"- '1,f "-,'''';"4''''.~'JG.,,~-';.:r)'l'''':;.:~~C.~-'~i(~Ij{~;';;~:';,;:~~~ij$td,f4~p;~"~~",j~_f;o@,~""10J:'tW"''"":'"iTo'~'',P;';;l'i:i'"'''''' C"""~"";';;''''~;''>;;~_,;~~jI~t~i'4+;~)tilm;~>if",;,iot'~~'f;j.'ii'i''*~i""l~IlJiioIft~"~~_~~~jlIM"'"-''~'''-"''"''i,,;''' 1 2 3 4 5 .6 7 8 9 10 11 12 . 13 14 r.!J " z OE '" ....1l=-2 15 ~j:; (FJ,.,U ~ . 16 o 0 :a ~ ::: I>l o~ z'O :I: ~ E 17 p.. " E ...:i~~ -< ::: 18 I'li al rn 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 ~:t: , .~ -~,~, ,=.-,,,~~,. ':": -:)I;_':'!"~.J-x>(,,}':->T:-:~::;'(ff:t:::l;\.;.~:.::-m:.~l;~~ WiUI"- . --' Inspector : xmnOIPAL E.'IC'lIOlT PlUICIBC'l lTUlIBlIB. ~UR . Robert Poppet K1t'ardPLa~anc.e l Judge e . Clerk : ~,. -!~ Dale,. Ballot Clerk: Warren Wea..r Polliq PIaoe: B1ackDltJ1 shop .ituted OD the 'Qll"ih-west corDer ot D Street and Ba.e Li.e Street JItlIICIP AI. ~!I()JI' PRlCI:IC! lIUJI:B.ER )lIB e IaQector: Uex Wr Judge : Peter ThOIlP80D . Clerk: W.:r. Phillips Billot ClerlURoar!Robe:rcl8 e.. -/. ".' . L~ . _ ~.. 1 ~ _'. J:.-c. ~ tz....fi. t ^--'- ~ ~ ut.I. ~ . POlling PlaSt : ,"'-- .lllL.t~it1l&te" ....th. lforth-d corn., ot Yitth and I Streets . , , !h. 8a1d polliDg place. have bee. found and are hereby daterata... and declare" to be .ultable and proper Pla::f tor Jall41ng .uch .,eclal elec tlc. . and 8a14 .everal per.o.. have bee t011ll4 ed are herebY' cleteralaeel &Del declareel to be qualitie4 tor ~ reapeotive po.itio.. ~ a. required. by 1_ i and the,. are hereb7 appolnted neb electio. ctricer. to conduct .uGh electio. and to co.sti- tute s&14 :loard ot _lectioJl ; and said Board of nee tio. and said officer. aha11 caaduct and are hereby directed to conduct .ald electio. a. by law and thls orcl. nance pro- vided J and to can.... the votes C1veJl and cast at sald Q.. .o~ n. .o~lo. l1li'" ~o ,." an'" cI.lilhor'rotur... thllreot t,t)-W ~A~(.et-~o;;tu and It i.further ,^ ' Ifff."tM._'~.'~~i!l~II.ll.~ UI'Hl~ ~-'. - . ',,' - ~ ;- ",,~ r ' r~.J~~~~~~~".;",,",'~~~,~~,,~,,~~~l~~'~~';<~~+~~";"k'~~~.o~~ l\t~'rr~~""'''''' 1 :2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 '" 14 (!) 01 Z .~ ... H~.jl 15 ~j:; 11J...() ~ . 16 . 0 ~ ~ ;:: ~ .~ z'E :I: '" <l! 17 o ~ p.. E-t C ...l~~ -< " 18 p:: <l! if) 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 "-'-'~"'11~_ JIll. 1 ~___",i:c.",-"";j"_~,,,,:,;t(;-t"_':':":~~';;:,A~~~~~X'" III 11 . C) :) c 0 ,-to:, 8eotiO~Aa7 ,ua1ifie4 Toter m&7 TOte at Bai4 eleotio~jlaTor of aB7 or all of Baid propo8itioD8 b,. st&1lpins a cro.s (:z:) OD his ba110t 111 the .q.uare at the rlght of the word · fe.- following the propositioD to 4 Toted upOD; ud an,. qualified Toter -7 Tote at at .ai4 e1eotioJl &la1..t an,. or al.l of saiel proposit- i ou bY' st&1lPing a cro s. (X) 1D the _ . quare at the right of the word .~o. following the proposition to be voted upon . !he City Clerl is hereb,.a*thorized and directed to prepare and cause to be printed ,upon the proper k1n4 of paper uaed at gener~ elections in the state of Caljf' ornia, a sufficient number of ballot. for the use of the voters at said special electioa. fhe nuaber of8a1d ~~~.z ballot. to be so prepared Shall be not 1... tban seTent~iv. for each fift7 qualified Toter. for each electioD precinct , and a like proportioD for each fraction of fifty Toters in each of said pre- cincts · X Ii . SectioD -tIC This orcl1u.nce and the publication ^' Bhall coDstitute t~ Botic. of said electio. . thereof This or4iDanc e ehall be published ODee a day for ten days 111 !he :avening IDdex ~ a newlIPaper >>riated and pub- lished at least six days a week in the said City of San Bernardino , and the City Clerk shall cause this ord nance to be so published and no other notice of said election 28 ~Ten. 1s Ordinance 1s urgently required for the 29 30 t.mediate preservation of the public ,eaee, health and safety, and the City Clerk shall certify. to. its passage.b7 a two..thirds Tote of the Common Council and 31 32 ~ 11 i/f11Jm j !~U _ -~_ ~JflIQt~lf- ',' n~fItJltUjll;~I>o'-.~;~..ij<~"0It.i"Hi,~";F"4";;;"'" I"";"; -~-+.;"' ,- .-.,-,1ift'~"",,~-;f ;.- "I;_,,-",,,,~,",,;,_~.._,_,",,,~C.li,.;.,;',":;'._~,, ~,,;,";'.h...~.,..1~~'''''''r -,.... :-w"j' 1I1'.""MiI, -'Ii1;"_~'fI'iJi": i!ti',".'iIiIilii:;{"'~~"'.~~.I/lii<"""""""-" . 1 .'") - 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 ~ c; z 'a .. ....~.$ 15 ~j~ (f)..(J .. . 16 . 0 ;IJ ~ <= f>l .~ z't:l :I: ~ ~ 17 ~ .. ;:: ..<~~ -< <= ;>: " 18 rJ; 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 . - ,- ii' .>,.,..,,.'.....~.. ,-.l J r ,1J:lIU1IllHULIllIIl'IIlf.TUl'l ~"__~ .-,<. _....""".~"'.'!<ol'_ , , :) 1 ." ""...... ~i~ l",- ., cause Ska it. to be pub1ished ten days in !he :Evening Index and thereupon and thereafter it &ha1l take egfect and be in force . I hereby certify that the who1e number of ...bers of tn. Co~n Counci1 of the City of san ~erB&rM 4iDO i. .. tiTe, ad that the foregoing or41nance ..... ado~1' ~ said Common COUDCil at it. "..et1ug held, OD the ~ ~ of )fay . 1908. by the fOl~Ow1ug vote: h Ayes :';nu.J~-:Y~ C9~'v.\.t'~~~T\\.'1 W08S ~~. ",-~j~ City Clerk. _~ The foregoing ordinance i8 hereby approved l1i. ~ \.Al/l.f ~th dq of )lay. 190~ 1 .laYor. -/9- IIIHill ~~ _nil_UP. JNI ~.:UIl.~~~!!II;~"*~"",,.~...~t~I":"Ill!l$-.-~"'!IlflJJtIUJ.')(!J U_tl:"flV_~II!IIIe.-"", rl_ ......rrnll fr _ llM """,",ijlJi"'~"'~~"'"