HomeMy WebLinkAbout378 ~ 1 ,) ... 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 (.') " z "a ... ....~.s 15 ~j~ oo"'u .. - 16 . 0 ~ >< " l>l .~ z'" :t ~ ~ 17 p.. '"' E ..<~~ -< " 18 p:; " if- 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 ",,,,",",,,^"'..u3!i..r"1 r T ,~.~.."."y< .~.",.,.."..'..,,,,,_:.~,,.,,.,.,,.,..,~~..,. R "I 11111I i C (:) ( () --- ~ C) ORDINANCE NO. _ ~ ;7 t . AN ORDINANOE ImOLARING THE INTENTION Bli' THE KAYOR A1TD OOWON OOUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAlT BJ.RNARDI.O TO OHANGE .AltD ESTAl3LISlI THE GRADE OF'IB STRD'l FROll THE SOUTH LINE OF :rOURTH S'l'RJm! TO A POINt 300 l'Jm! .ORTH OF 'iRE NORTH LINE OF lJIOURl'H STREET . The Dyor and Oommon Oouncil of the City of San Bernardino . do ordain as follows : Section I. That it is the intention of the ~or and Common council ot the Oity ot San Bernardino to change and establish the grade of :B Street from the South line ot Fourth Street to a point 300 teet Borth ot the I north li1e of Fourth Street in accordance with ~e I fOllOWi~ elevations . At the South-wost corn-ero! FoUl" th and WB" Streets, the grade shall be 1030.6 as now established , and at the South-east corner of said Fourth and B Streets the grade shall be 1030.4 as now esta'b1ished . At a point in 1he c~nter ot B Street, where the center 1ine ot said B Street interseots the Sou~ 1ine of said Fourth Street the grade sha11 be 1030.5 · At a point in the center .r B Street where the .... center 11ne ot said B Street intersects the center 1ine ot said Fourth street the f!f ad. shall be 1031.4 · At the 1I0rth...st corner of B and Four th Streets , the grade ahall be 1032.2 . At the North-east corner ot Fourth and B Street the grade shall be 1032.2 . . At a point in the canter of B Street t where the ~,~","",1. . li<i-l .Il@Ii!tnIDJfiJT'_,_~-~~,*"",~~,,;;"",""'~;"i..'m"~ _ T"-"'""c.~~~'i^."''''',,,,,,,,-,,,.,,,,,,,:_,-,,-,,,,,", ,,,,_";,,;,",","I.,,,_.,.a/.;>,,,,,,,_,,,,,;"""':"_'''';!!i.'_~;!~.'I'H'''''''";"'<i,,,;_;_,~,,,_,,,,,,~,,''''''''''''i",''''_ 1 :2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 (.:J oj z '" ,.. ..... Ii:.;: 15 ~j'iJ ifJe..fJ .. . 16 . 0 ;:a > := r>l .~ z'E :l1 " oj 17 0.. ~ E ...1~~ < " 18 ;>: oj [f; 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 J" 26 ",; 27 28 29 30 31 32 ~_~"",. c "",~ _ ,'~ "'~~i-~",~~*:;I~~~,\:;:'~:Et>lr~illl~~~~~,'::i/iS:']2{',:~ cO c) , o " center line ot B Street inter.eots ~. Norta 1i.. ot Fourth Street the grade shall be 1032.2. At a point OD the ~st side ot B street ",'U 200 teet North ot the North line of Fourth Street the grade sha11 be 1039.8. Ata point on the West side ot said B street directly opposite the aforesaid point t the grade shall be 1039.8 . At a point in the center line ot B Street 200 teet North ot the I'orth line of Fourth Stree t the grade sha11 be 1039.8. At a point on the Bast side ot B Street 300 teet I'orth of the North line ot Fourth Street the grade shall be as now established ,10.&2.6. On the West side of said B Street directly opposite said 1ast point the Irade shall be as now established #tilt 1042.6. At a point in the oenter line of said B Street 300 feet North of the North line of Fourth Street s~~ the grade shall be as now estab:lished 1042.6 . At all points between said designated points the grade sha11 be establi shed so &s to contora to a straight 1i.e drawn between said designated points · All e1evatio.s are in teet/and all e1eyatiod t except those r.t.r~~~o the oenter 1iDe of B Street , "'7" ~~ reter to the top of the curb, and are above a p1M. ./ ~ which is 1044.50 teet below ~ity d)l. tUll plan. ~ ~-:!l ~~ rltl,~" SectioD II. That the exterior boundaries of the / distriot. whiah is hereby designated to be benefited by the ohange of said grade and to be be assessed to ,-pay the benett ts , expenses and oosts thereof are hereby '. -- ..,',_ iii" ,_';f ~ 1f ,-', IUIil~"""""""""",;--"'''''''''''"<~'"''.''-'-'''.;'"'' -";.."",,; .. 1 ') 3 4 5 6 /7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 (!). '" z 'Ii ... H~<S: 15 ~j~ (J)!-<() .. . 16 . 0 ;.l .. ;:; (>l .~ 'I'd :r: '" ... o ~ 17 c... ~ ;... '"'~~ -< ;:; 18 i>: '" (J) 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 "'.i4..t...", 11'IUi lW[!fUi! _, jL.1lA'R'if'l " --,. _. - ~-,-- .....",,,, "'_'!dO~~:':"'. '.- . ,. . ,.' . .< . . . cO :.) . :>. described a. tollows . . Commencing at the South-west corner ot Block 32 ot the City ot San Bernardino j thence :last along the South line ot said Block , 150 teet i thence Borth par&l1el to and 150 feet East of the WU.t;h line ot said Block 300 feet j thence West to a point 150 teet .West of the last line ot Block 31 ot said City t thence South parallel to and 150 teet West ot the :last line of ... said Block 31, 300 teet to the sott h line ot said Block j thence East to the point of geginnlng All according to the otticia1 . map ot said City ot record in the ofticeot the County Recorder ot San Bernardi~q county in Book ?~ot Xaps t at page one ,excepting ~refro. any portion of any public street ot allay which may be c1es1gnated within the above described district . Section III. The city clerk sha1lc;'rtity to the passage ot this ordi.Jlance and cause the same to be published fOl" ten day. in the Evening Index , a ldaily newspaper publiahed and circplated in 8aid City and hereby desig- nated for said purpose t in the manner reQ.uired by law, in every regUlar issue ot said paper during said period ot III/: ten days . Said :lvening Ind.. is the newspaper in which the official notices ot this COmmDn Council are usually printed and published . SectioD IV. The Superintendent ot Streets i8 hereby ordered and directed withlntive days atter the first publica6ion of this no tic. , to cause to be #liiitJI'MIIIJ.'I.D /I conspicuously posted , in the manner and form required by law I, within the said district, Dotices of the pasaage ^J!"lt~~'.~""""_"'.ih"",,...,....4;""",~-" .., .. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 0 " z .a .. .....li=S 15 :s:j~ if.Je-.U "'" . 16 . 0 ~ ,. " ~ .~ z'O :D 8 ~ 17 p.. " t: ~~P5 -< " 18 ~ " if; 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 .". j 111_ L IUIIUI -",-",: '. ,',~ --~~;Ai!:;\$'ri::r.:;!i",~Mtit':~~i.~t:l::;~:{~" ~"" .. () cO """,,! ot this ordinance. .SectioD"f. !his ordinance shal.l take ette ot and be in torce trom and attar its pa8.age and publication, as hereinbetore directed. I hereby c erti!y that the foregoing oild11'1a1'1oe was adopted by the )(ayor ab4 COJlllllon CouDci1 of the:f! of San Bernardino a.t its meeting held on the IS day of Kay, 1908 Ayes J by the following Tote · ~W~~~~ ~O .~ .oes Approved ~.. ~e~~~~. thi81I-daY of ]fay, 1908. d~tU llayor . ifill 1I1Ur f_-,~~""'f.l_M~,"'~jj>"I-liI!j~~''''''"~'"''"''~'''''''i'''_---MlOil;~~~;.,.-~~.l_:~t~..",_"~_....~,-,_.,;;,,,,,.. IIHl1;"'~"I;;4'.~'Jl"'''''''''.l<#~)O'.>i"-,,,,;;,,:,~