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ORDINANCE " ,) 4 .AN ORDnrANCE BEGULATINq THE CONSTRUCTION AIID MAINTENANCE ;) OF TREATERS WTTHnr THE CITY OF SAN BEIDtlRDINO , DI7t PROVID- 6 ING FOR EXITS MID REQUIRING CERTAIN PRECAUTIONS TO BE 7 TAKEN TO GUARD AGAINST FIRE AND FOR THE PROEECT~OX OF , ... s PERSONS ATTENDING SUCH THEATERS . 9 The Mayor and Comm.on Council of the City of San Bernar , 10 dino, do adain as follows : 11 Section I: - Every tbt ater hereafte r const rue ted or main 12 tained within the City of san Bernardino mall cnform in IX 13 evry respec ts to the provision of this o~dinance . - " I' II: The word theater as used in this 14 Section 15 Ordinance shall mean every mbuildiI1€; , hall or room ~ iaintained for the purpose of giving or holding therein 19 given - for public amusement , entertainments , moving picture shows, or plays ublic 18 of any kiPUd which are hether an entrance fea be charged or not . I I t I 'I I 20 Section III. Every theater shall have at least 21 one front on fu e street and .I in. such front there shall 23 i I or ground floor I I of not less than six feet in width / for its entire width, r and a separate entrance Iv! r III _"I........ i.J.llJll~ of I than six feet i n width for its~;i~~~~t;,~ rovided , however , that if the seating capacity of the ')) ...... be not less than one entrance to the parquet 24 25 26 27 exceeds five hundred persons the width of the thereto from the street shall be increased / for each additional 1" persons~. or less . If the seating capacity of the gallery or balcony exceeds 28 pr~et ntrance 29 30 I three hundred persons :: ~~~ed one foot for the width of said entrance shall be jfJD each addi tionaI persons or less . . ^ I _.._-_.~,,-.......__......- I . " z '" ':~.E 1'" f;:: j ~ :-, Wr,.U . .. 0 ;i: ~.:= z"2 ::: ;l::i cd ;l.. g (; 17 ...1~P5 -< " ~ ~ . -'""'~' ,'; -'t--.-----,,____~,.. :,j:~jir!Jl:21Gr;.:::~~;;;;;c~f~1~}\)~;Ai:J;,.:'!:A~_t,~ ':"i\'4~ , ~..,..,- --I 1 Th@ entrance to the pa~e and balcony shall be ~ept 3 free and clear from all obstructions during the perfonB" 4 5 nee . Section IV. In addition to the ordLnary entrances 6 rovided for in section three hereof , there shal~ be provided 7 in every th.ater emergency exits, as follows : (.! ( 4 ) For tll"" h t1..- t. it n u parque w ere ~5 sea 1ng capac y J 9 does not... exceed three hundred persons a side exit of / 10 at least six feet 11m width shall be provided and shall 11 be placed at one side of the theater and so located 12 to the seats of the the most ready access 13 as to give arque . .~ ./ 'there shall also be Jl(;I{illlt.1i maintained at least 14 one rear exit of at least six feet in width o.r two 16 rear .%Xxx exits of a combined width of eight feet . 14.-) In tle aters where the parque :bl. has a seating 18 capacity exceeding three hundred parsons the ro shall / 19 e maintained two side exits of at least six feet in 20 eight 21 idth , one on each side of the fue a tar in such position as 0 the most ready access to the seats of tbs J and in addition thereto there shall. be maintained 22 23 two rear exits lmving a combined width of not .. .1ath eight feet 24 . 25 (( ) All gal~ries shall have at least two eme rg ency 26 tits o).a,combined width of not less less than eetJ~Shal1 be so located as to give the most ready access to the seats of the gallery . 27 28 29 Section Y: Over each entrance and exit shall 30 be maintained an il~uminated sign forming the word 31 .~ "...t.~i~ ',f f:.t. r.."!"l.t.t'r , ttud.D1(~T:lQ~"."dIXXX " 32 ._._,_1 ?- u .." "~;<;l,1;,",,,,;,,,;,.,j;;~~--=;:;';;;;~"Tii-~~~~~~,<"'';'i,;:;::c;,'i,~,,,'''!;,,, . " z .~ ~ -=.E 15 ~j:;.j WE-V .. ~- 1" :ri '" ;::f) ~;a :I:. ~ ~ ;-. ;J.. ~ E 1, ....~~ -< " ;.: ~ 18 >,<~~./<' ~ ,..", , """""h-"" ~..." _.._-------~.-..-.....-.;.._---------.,~-_..............._._-"........._,.----~..;. 1 ^) - -Exit" in large letters and shall. be kept and maintained 3 in illuminated condi tion in JIb;KK plain view of the 4 audience .uring th$ whole of every performance or public 5 therein . / meeting :J:ulmI:x hel.d or given 6 All halls... and ways leading to or from any exi t shall be kept well lighted during the whole of 7 8 any performance or meeting jr...-r..Yxx held in snch tbil ater . 9 10 ~ All~oors of any theater and all exit ~ shall be so hinged as to open outwardly and shall 11 doors 12 have attached thereto an automatic catch fI) that when 13 the door is pushed outward A:<" it will. catch and remain 14 open . Section VI. No door of any theater leading to any entrance or exit shall bIl fastened, locked or in any manner obstructGld aft er the beginning of iLIll1ya.ny performance 19 or meeting nor until the audience has left the building . Section ""_~ In all. th eaters where a moving picture 20 achine is used the same shall be ~ncased in a fire 21 prOOf;J1:.. ...:..:ns t=cted of st 88~ with abastus Hning 0'" 22 Sl ch ,,-infl.a.mable material. as shall be approved by 23 the Chief of the Fire Department,l and the operat ors 24 roo.. shall. al.so be c OrB tructed of a non..-inf'l.ama.bl.. material 25 and to the satisfaction of the chief of the Fire 26 nepartment · 27 Section VIII. It shall. be the duty of every owner 28 lessee, manager , or propri.tor of any theater for which 29 rogrammes are issued to cause a diagram showing 30 the exits d' said building to be printed on such programme Section IX. 31 32 Every The~te~where a stage. is used in connection trerewith must be equipped with a ~.:.,.-. ..-__..__1 3 . " :.<: 'E ~ ~,2 1:-'l :s: j ~ :: (/)..() ." 0 16 ~ ~ ::= ~;c ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ E 17 '"'~~ -< s ;t, if; 18 1 ~~ .M.,_<"",_,"",_",~,,~~,",,":\,!~;$,.-'i'N -.." ir'(~~~ik,.;+_, 'j,'. --E~'/i.:;~,:,/:;;'~~;~jif~~ ... ""-' , ~-"-'-~I --_..__....;;.............-."'-_..~.----_._..._.~._-- ") curtain of steel or some other non-inflamable material 21 22 , .~ which cu.rtain shall be so arrang ed and hung so tba t it may be easily and quickly lowered without obstruction 4 and when so lowered it wi11 entirely shut off the stage from the auditorium . Section X. In every tl. ater there shall. be aintained upon the stage, a stand pipe of at least two diameter constantly filled with water at a ressure direct from.. the mains with twentV-"five feet of . / Jl ire hose of the same dimensions as that used by the .I ire department attached to said stand ~ pipe and at / times ready for immediate use . Section XI: It is hereby declared unlawful for 5 6 ... , 8 14 person to stand or sit in or in any manner obstruct 23 24 25 aisl.e or passage way in any theater during any 26 27 28 29 30 and wi umt 9 10 11 12 13 no owner , manager , proprietor , erformance ~d or lessee of any thitater shall all.ow or permit any person 19 to sit or stand ,or in any other manner obstruct any 20 such aisle or passage way during any such p~formanc e · i . I' I I , - nager of ariy theater to conduct ot' carry on the same complying wi th the provislions of this ordi. nance first procuring from the Chief of ~ ire .partment a certificate that he has examined ,said and found the same to be in compliance here... 31 32 '\ , ~_I 4 It " z "f ; ~ @ 15 ...l " fJ).~U . .. 0 16 :u~~ :r: ~ ~ 0.. ~ E 17 ...l~~ -<. " ;:G :J.. 18 , . ,,<,"'rY,l,(j:~,,:!:.r~'~,;)<~![i'l!l ,!'.... '........... ~ ~ \ ~_...~..._o;_~'A._;U,_....""........-___._..-;O'_.___.~....._._........._______~.__-_.....,___ 1 Section XIII. Any theater not in compliance with the provisions of thi s ordinance shall ';) be ordered ~b... c10 Bad by the Chier of the Fir e Department and shall not 1:e again opened until the same has been made to c amply ) ., ~"') 4 :; herewi th . 6 Section I#.=H XIV. It is hereby declared unJa wful 7 .r-...", ~. y periJ~n t'o give, or offer , or attGmpt to give 8 . 9 ,~~'~n~' of any kind whatever" in any theater_ un 1e~ tJdf ~e~eo~p~ in every respect with this ordinance. 10 it '-"./ ',,'" .." 'Section, XV? Any person violating lilY of the 11 .... provisfpnj of 'this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a 12 mi sde:aeFUlor and upon conviction thereof shall be punished ,I), "/,,: ot" by a -tine not ex:ceeding three hundred dollars or by 13 14 impri~_ent in th~' Ci ty jail not exceeding ninety days, or by both such fine and imprisonment , in the discretion of t."11. e court. Section XVI. All ordinance. and parts ~ of ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed . 19 Section XVII. This ordinance sl~ll take effect and 20 be in force from'~d~ and after thirty days after its 21 passage and approval. 22 23 Section XVII. The City Clerk s~ll certify to the passage of the foregoing ordinance and cause the same to be 24 pUblis4ed for three consecutive days in the Evenizg Index . 25 26 I hereby certify that the foregoing orm nance ')- .../ was passed and adopted by the Mayor and Common counc i1 of at its meeting held on. the 28 ~ of San Bornardino , 29 day of 30 Ayes ~~) , 1908 , by the fo1lowing.vote: 0-~~. 31 Uoes . '~~ AJlJlr....li ~. _ -.." ~.. . Mayor' of the C~ ty _~",".,,";;;;;.~~9'"=..,;.;.-.,~ilIii'''..'.>I.I~,,'''' ;_ ...~".. ", .. d"",,, := 32