HomeMy WebLinkAbout383 !<1l)~," ;<, -'~,c,," ,<' . ,~ z -c :-< ~g 15 ~>-1';;j OOf:<V ," Ii 16 ;:u ~ l:: "';::: z ~ :I: ~ ~ 17' ;l., (0-<;:: .J- ~ .~ ~~p: ~ 18 ;ti if. 1 ) ~ ,) 4 5 6 ... , 8 q 10 11 12 1 " ,) 14 ',..,. .. - ,. -\ ___;............-;;.~.,,__........."""'_~.....;;~.._......_..-..N___---._.,._...,....~_..-_""~__,........;..;.....-,.-~....---_____..............._--o.-;_~_ ORnnfAJrC1l NO .~~ a AJI ORDDAl'OlI lISfDLIBltmG A])A!UJl CITY OJ' BAJr:BJIDAlmDfO . . ,'I I .." :rem _ 'lJ.'M 1l"7or and OdlDOJI Oouncl1. Of , SanB....rdl~.. a.. ordd11 &8 fOll._ : . a.O\10n I,c '.rhat the bra88 >>lat. altua 814..n at the south...8" oo~.r of the, the lTorth .1de of Fourth st2l'..t between '. f...; \' Street and ., -DR Stnl'. aark_. Offloial]l.K. .Ot t7 of Sa>> ~ ... ,- B.rnutt. , .1eYatteD leMI.88 ., 1s he:r.b extabl1th." .. , a. the offl-cial beoh mark OJ- <tatUll plane tor the 01 ty ot San Bernard1no and tor the purp08e of grade, h.~eatte r ..tabllahM anA'~p.'~)." all. ott101al 81U"ft7'8 h.r.-:tter to be mad. 1n ..14 '0.1 t;y ...1d ...-... plane 93:' btIDoh mark 1. and ahal1 ~ 1045 a8 f..., above a p1ane which 1s oQns14e:r.d ."ea lQ.'" .- 1.,..1 , anti In the e.tabli8hing 91' alllrad. -.nd the 19 II&klDg of all ofticlal BUrt.,.. -rox- 8a1d 0 , ...14 20 :aenoh _rlt o. Q,t\ap1ane 8h&U be ,..44 aUsuoh 21 22 23 24 r..,'-' "':') 26 27 28 29 30 31 321 v.. and 8u~7.abal1 b4t ~Jl .1'r..A144&t_ I ~. ana benoh ark aM ehall '* "bOY~ 11.~.:',;SCh ~ ~~ 1a 104lI.28 t..~ 1>1110. ,al4 ott1oilO1 llIPlohauk O~ r\ city clatull pJane" · I .., S.otitD II. '1'h1. otdll1....o. .~1 take .tt.o t and I :~~;~: .::::-a:afhr thirtY day, anu it, I Seotion III. fJ.'lw.. 0ltycl.rk .ha3Z cert1t1' to the I paaaage of~. for.goiDl ordinanoe and. caus. the .... tea b. publ1'" for thre. ooha.cut1w da1's in !h. E.,....lng ~Q. I I I ha reb;y"n"7 that the for'g01ng ordt nano , I \ _......._.-..-....._..:-"""'"~--..--..-..----- 1 ", .:., ~ ,) 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 . "Ii z ... .... .,.E 15 ~~~ .. ...1 " oo:-.u .. 16 ;:i ... ~ " :r: ~~ '" " 17 P- o " " ... ..1~Pl -< " :>: ~ 18 'L 19 20 21 22 23 24 CY'" ..,;) 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 ,~,...... -- ... , -, ~------"-~-""----I \ was passed and ado~ted by the Mayor and Common Council of tho City of san Bernardino at its meeting held on the ~,,_ day Of~ ' 1908 , by the fo11owing , vote, to wit: Aye. uj~J~~~~~~ 1Ioes: Mayor of the City of ~an # ?I ~ ~ ) I ____I -~ 1 ) .. 3 ~ 4 S () 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 . d Z '" ... H .,s 15 '" ~ ;::; .11 ......1 d if) ,.U .. <5 16 -., ~ .\=: ~ .- z"8 :Ii '" '" o - p.. ,. c ...1~P5 ..( ;:: ~ if- 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 .~-.. ir$'2iiI,l1 ;",.~.""'.".,~c-C",c,-,,-,....,,,.:... ... '''''€ ... - " ~ "' .....--------- _.,-----..,;--_...--------~~_._._---_.........._"--"---_._--_.._-.-;~-- waa pae..A anA adotted by the KaTor and -oOJlDll9n oounoil ot the City otB&l1 :Bernardino at it., .-tins held tI1 the ~. . .. daY.r ~1l()8 . 'by tk. r.llp1D& . TOte . to ri": 0 1.7.. ~~,~) ()~, '\,~ .0..: 6' ~~.l 01 ty Clerk. .&pp~,..ltY~ d.!l.v II:r ~ 11108. ")'Or.~ ~int. ,.., / ~ I I ! 1/ l I I I \ I I ,.,__H....___.....-...-....---