HomeMy WebLinkAbout385 (2) ~~,~",;;,.".."",,,,,";:.t.t;;~~~'''_''~=''''':;<^'''''''''"'''''__''_l1.~' ~"""'-"$~,",M>,!~,.,';.;,.~~~;-,~~;K~. .. /~ 10 11 12 13 14 . oj Z '" ,. H ".;2 15 :::1;::: H OJ (j) " u ... c 16 :a :>< tzl;.:: z ~ ::r: ~ a 17 o ~ il. " >: ~~~ ~ 18 :>:: ," if. 19 28 . cZ9 20 21 22 23 24 2,- :J 26 27 30 31 32 , ~"l 4 5 6 7 H 9 .,..1 . ... "'\. " ...' r -----.---~--..----..~----.~.~--~-.---.---.-l i I I I 1 ') .. .A>l ORDnT.A:Ir03I PROVIDxa lOR fD ~ 0J1 ... A~srs"A1PI TO lilt 001Df AS !DC"'" M1M..-nnUNBmJ I . lIlB. ~8 AJIJ). ~aXJ(J'JDS O~dft.. r"' !hAt KqeJ1 and O...a Cotl'l1fU .t the 01 ty 0,'1 San .emu ." dint ,do or4tJ.n ..a tee11..: , .~~,r.--.' '.1t 8.0"'1o,nI,: that i" 18 n....8U7 and P>>QU' lor tlul 1nte:re'r' ,.4 benefit C)f t,. C"" .1 .. Je~;td1no and. tU. l1' lOiteDb ~ot ibiLt an....i..t...t". ~._ who shall b. Jato_ .. 01ty A.1UU.to~ 1rbt;riJ. 4ut1.. shall by tho.. h.r.~.2' p~8OrJb...<. ..~ Soot1011 II, the duties ot h. 01 t7 All41 tOJ" "'11 , be .. follows : YO veft;f'y the acourao1 of all cl... ft1.a aca1ns~ the 01 ty ; t.. detect .rn~. and tJ:..,~,?;",_- t.1'Idne the bltent and 1ns\u:. a P1<<tP. e.mpl1Uic. wlth tba t..... f1Daao1a.l t.,. .fall &gJ""l'lt8 eI1t.,....d. brt.(t by the 011;7 ; to 6btabl a.m\ ~c, vouched :fo:r aU p.,..nc-a. . tt call. "t'teflt1Ob ct. . I;' . . all 100ae . 1rrogular and moo."t._" _t.... ".0,.. by any CitY' officiAl. aDd to ani.-, r._ a.nd _thou which w1J.J. pre....'" or ......1" :i.naco~l.. aea. t..,111. t. thee PrtJlPt~*ti.QdfSt ..u.'!l'f.. -ntn ..~h -7 ne....~ ~.. _u. pectlon Ill. 1tt add! t1o:n t t) the "'M8 h.r.1a~t._ ~:tl'b.. the City AMitor aha.11 .~- ... 'Do".,"" . ~,'; . ; which '~'J b. ent.UOK all p.rBl1". 1_.4 by,*-' .. sv.per1J1'..~nt ~ Str..ta for tbl cuttpg crop.nine 0: UV' ......t w1th1n the 01 t7 Of Ban B4t~d1no, the JJaIIIn fit the p.raoa proourlng aueh pe. t ; the -..1lIlt of I I I I I I I I I I I I <'f :,~ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 H 9 10 11 12 13 14 . z 'f ~ ~.c 1'- "" oool ;:; :l .......< .. tJ;f-tU :Li: g 16 <<l .- ,>-J "d '" ~ :r: ~.. 1- il. .. E I ~~~ -< - ~ (), 18 19 20 21 22 23 2+ ?'"' _:l 26 27 28 29 30 31 34 'ii. ~ ~",,"-. ,~,-,~'---~"" ,~_ J","", ~ r- "_'z,~""",,,_,~~,,",,'_'__"_'''''''''''<-.n~_''''~'__'4<""'~""""'," ~" _. . '. ---.;....~I I I I I I i m..n.,. c1epoe1ted w-ri 1 i1~I" ..... W...14 p.,.... _d pch otha7 lntO,rmat1.n all .ha11 ~ 1'1.'.'.17 t... n oeJipfete rec'ort of all ...~.'... $II'.. .-$* fJtr..t . !fJot1()J1:tV. Said Oit7 .A:wU.tg ah.ll, In ~lt$_ to the a;f():N-.14 duties '.al",. '.-.1U .1'" .;0..,..... r.eerd ot oaoh p~..4ing 1uul"7 ___, a4t~ tbAt ac, COMmOnly 1m"" &,11 and call'" th.t_..~ at' anA ahA11 report to the _,<<' and aw-- e.......Jl,..' ...ch meetin1l the a G1'141 t10acrt Goh .,....."'~ .. 8.e\10. IV: J.n a.441tt= to t;heaf....u.tltdl.. , sai4 01 ty AwU. to:r sl.ta1' each JAQnth ....~_,_ ".2r_ the bo.. and :rr.,.l8 G't au flt$.-o$alt._ ~.. ~~1~ ... tb..:t1~_e of ., 01t7 . 8eo':l.Q21 VI. In ac141t1on to t~h. ato~.~ 411ri-... , . sa! d 01 ty Au41 torahall. do and pen-_. e". ... things as she.l1 from t1n1G to t* bo rt~_ f( hSIt b7 the }layer abd Common Co'WtC 11 of 8ald a1. . Seot1on VII. fila 02.ty A.u'6~ elutJ.l ".0.1.... .. com>>enaat1oll fOI. his .llan-io.... tbf $_.f ...00 ,er month t pqa.bla ..tW.7 9n 121. :r~rat_ t:4 each and evfl1:1' awmth wb.U.,tt .,~A. /" Sect.iOll VIII. 1'lut AU1 "eX' h..U1bC'or. prOTidea t.~ shall 'be appointed by theKa7or- t flub4." t. c.- f11".lrl&tloU by a -.Jtrit7' f1f the e~ O.~U . sat ~11. ~m in the eIWlo,.an't ot tlw, 01 V Auring t.1w p~qn of 'the :Ka.7or and Ot.......,. CeW101.1. Section IX. 1'h1a or41nam.8lJall take .ttac1 a.nd. b. in .toNa f'~ and aft_ 1b.1:rty'd.q.' aft.1" iU J)l.lIsag. and. appftval.. I I \. I I I I I I i I I ----~ -------~----- ,,,,,_,,,,,,",,,.,,,".'if','-'_'o,",,,,_'J,,.,,,,_,-,,__,,,,, ,-- } -" -- >lK'!::,J-nrl r! _ --'<::'r.r;. LILli' '" ,", -"'<;1;;'('" - ~"J -~._-- -~,---_._-'~. -- ----'----' - [ !J!i!l' . ...." " ~ .. .' .-..,......"".___,i..".............__"'-'-'._,_'..._....._',-.....-___..-,..._"'~~..___~_..............._________ -.-.......'.....1 I 1 6 'eottOft X.the Oity Clerk .ha110'~~ty tl th. pas.... of the fongoiDg Cl" d!DlQ1O. ..mt...... 1I1e ... to b. pu141ehed for thr.. con.toUt!ve da78 b'!'bt _.ning Xndd . l' herebyoertlty that the ft)rfle$.1tg ord~~_. pa...d anda ,"opted by the Dyor .and e...,_ I01Q1cl1 << I I I 'I ') 3 4 :') 7 - ...t1Jla thel."ftf 11,14 oa , 196e. H the Of. ot flan ~1't1a.rdU. ., the ---n--~ 4ay or 9 14 _:~~ 10 11 12 Boe. : 13 . ~ Z 'E ~., 2 15 ;:: j ~ ' (j) Eo- (J ;Ii : ~ 16 l>l::: z t: :r: r..-. ro ;l.. ~ E 17 ~~P5 -< " iZ (), 18 i .l.pprt"'.dth18 . 4a7 .t rRlJ4<VYn-L~ .~~~. '. .' KaYO~ e'r th (J 01 ty of San B,u'na:rdi.. , 1_. ....", 19 22 I i I 23 I i 24 I l:'J,,-...... I 25 l:>~.i 26 I i i 27 I " 28 29 I 30 I 31 I 32 I ~i-i'" .~~~/;-;;..Wllilii-,.~~ ",:.", , .'.